Thursday, March 26, 2009

PR 6 Egg Tart

26 maret 2009 kamis

Dari kemarin jadwalnya jalan jalan trus, ga sempet dah bkin PR..hehe, so hari ini disempetin, seblom pergi diajak teman main ke jidokan, tempat ngumpulnya anak2, seperti taman bermain, tapi di dalam gedung...mmmm...niatnya hari ini di rumah, tapiii ga enak da ditelpon berkali2 buat ketemuaan...akhirnya diputusin perginya abis makan siang aje..

Bikinnya ga terlalu rumit kok, ini dicatetin da bahannya
Bahan Kulit :
150 gr terigu
2 sdm maizena
1 1/2 sdm gula halus
1/4 sdt garam
1 kuning telur
100 gr mentega

Bahan Custard :
2 btr telur
1 sdm susu kental manis
sedikit garam
100 ml susu evaporasi
200 ml air
2 sdm gula
1/2 sdt vanilla essence

1. Campur semua bahan kulit sampai membentuk adonan.
2. Bentuk kulit ke dalam cetakan pai.
3. Aduk telur, susu kental manis dan gula sampai rata.
4. Panaskan susu evaporasi, air, gula. Dinginkan.
5. Tuangkan campuran telur ke dalam susu.
6. Tambahkan vanilla essence.
7. Masukan ke dalam campuran telur ke dalam cetakan yang telah dialasi kulit.
8. Panggang 45 menit pada suhu 180ÂșC

Easy Beef Chilli with Coriander (Cilantro) Rice

I absolutely love beef chilli but it is one of those few dishes in which I know that I can be guilty of including too many ingredients. This variation is one which I came up with for dinner last night when I was short of time and proved to be delicious.

This recipe is for two people.


1/2lb minced or ground beef
1 large can of chopped tomatoes in tomato juice
1 small can of red kidney beans in water
2 cloves of garlic (very finely chopped)
1 small red chilli pepper (de-seeded and very finely chopped)
1 small green chilli pepper (de-seeded and very finely chopped)
1/2 tsp of ground cumin
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

4oz basmati rice
1 tbsp chopped coriander/cilantro


In a large dry saucepan, brown the minced beef, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. This will take a couple of minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes, garlic, chilli peppers, cumin and seasoning. Bring to a simmer.

While the chilli is coming up to a simmer, empty the red kidney beans in to a colander or sieve and wash them thoroughly under running cold water. Add them to the pan.

The basmati rice will have instructions on the packet. Put it on to cook per those instructions at this stage and simply allow the chilli to simmer while the rice is cooking.

Drain the rice and put it in to a large bowl or basin. Add the chopped coriander leaf/cilantro and stir well.

Spoon the rice on to the plates and add the hot chilli on top.