With all this wonderful warm weather, I've been taking advantage of it and getting my flower beds cleaned out. The old owners had white rock/pebbles for a multch type thing and I prefer dark wood multch much better. So I have been gradually digging out the white pebbles and putting top soil and multch down. The ground is so hard it needs something extra in it. I have one bed left. I also made a little bed around the lamp post by the driveway. We also have a rock at the gate that I have a little wooden dog holding a welcome sign sitting on. The rock was starting to sink into the group so I put dirt under it and multch. Looks much better. I will have to take pictures on my phone and put them on here.
Ah, yes I got a new phone! A Blackberry pearl. So now I can get online anywhere and keep up with facebook, e-mail, texting, etc... it's wonderful! I also have a decent camera on it and I can upload the pictures from my phone to flickr and facebook! I also have free nights and weekends again so for those of you who have my phone number you can call and I won't got over minutes anymore! lol
Last weekend I got to see my best friend Sarah and her family, plus another mutal friend of ours, Kristina! We drove down to Kentucky to celebrate Kristina's marriage to Daniel at a wedding reception. Sarah and her family drove up from TN also! It was great to see them before our vacation to NC together next month! It's getting close, I am really excited!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Fusia at Luxor closed
April 30
Two e-mails about restaurants closing in one day. What a drag. And unusual. Restaurants love to tell you when they’re opening, but they usually close quietly.
April 30, 2009
Listing Information
Name: Luxor
Address: 3900 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Phone: (702) 262-4000
Toll Free: (800) 557-7428
Website Address: www.luxor.com <http://www.luxor.com/>
Effective Immediately
Fusia at Luxor is permanently closed. Future plans for the space will be released at a later date. Please remove Fusia from all listings.
Two e-mails about restaurants closing in one day. What a drag. And unusual. Restaurants love to tell you when they’re opening, but they usually close quietly.
April 30, 2009
Listing Information
Name: Luxor
Address: 3900 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Phone: (702) 262-4000
Toll Free: (800) 557-7428
Website Address: www.luxor.com <http://www.luxor.com/>
Effective Immediately
Fusia at Luxor is permanently closed. Future plans for the space will be released at a later date. Please remove Fusia from all listings.
received call - 1st love
29th april 2009
i've got a phone call. 2:48am. x silap, time tuh baru je few hours terlena. huu.
its KT [kenangan terindah]. my 1st love. wawawawa~~~ then. lucky him,
sy x silent hp mlm itu. huhu. at 1st, die call hp lg 1, but since hp tuh mmg da rosak.
and just vibrate, 4 sure la sy x dgr pape. then die call hp lg 1, baru sy angkt.
angkt. and terus dr baring, sy ddk atas katil. x mamai2 da. haha. LOL.
well. mcm biase, tanye khabar and etc. eheh. die baru abis exam. and da start cuti.
that's y skrng baru berkesempatan nak tanye kabar sy. agak lame kami mendiamkan diri.
sy sempat perli. "nape x tnggu 1 may?" and die blur2. die tanye nape dgn 1 may?
sy ckp "genap la 2 bulan x contact." wahaha. die ckp...mane ade. kan baru je contact.
time akid msk hosp hari tu? sy ckp... that was almost 2 months ago - 1 mac 2009
haha. and die mcm... "owh eh?" and we laughed. haha. he explained everything.
his bz schedule, exam, assignment etc. eheh. awk. kte taw awk bz. taw da. haha
owh. he's da only guy, yg sy gune kte-awk. yup. thats 4 sure. dr dlu sampai skrng.
and sy pernah nak panggil die dgn nickname yg kwn2 die panggil. tp die x kasi.
die ckp, pelik! haha. all rite. then. we talked, talked and talked. and suddenly...
he asked. "nape dgn blog? x leh nak bace nih?" huhu. and i was like. owh. private.
"adela. bnyk sbb private. mcm2 jd." and die tanye. "ape jd? tataw pape pon?" owh.
"its ok. kte taw awk bz. huhu." but then. i told him everything. since. u know.
i just can hide nothing from him. LOL. and die marah...haha. die geram. whee~~~
sy happy n gelak dgr kegeraman die. haha. die jgk perli sy sbb x bgtaw die sume nih.
wawawa. bkn la awk!!! kte taw awk bz. seriously. lgpon. tah. mls nak kaco awk.
but skrng kan awk da taw sume kan? eheh. x de la sume. kte pon cite basic2 je.
and ade 1 part tuh... sy ckp...
"awk. mama ngan kambink [TTM] kan. pun pelik n tanye kte. awk x contact kte ke?
sbb slalunye awk akan at least tanye kabar kte ble awk taw kte x ok.
slalunye awk taw sume tu pon ble awk bace blog kte. tp. awk diam je...
[fyi, 1st love nih ske bace blog sy senyap2. hee. dr sini la sy taw die jage sy]
die org pun pelik. kte pon entah. ckp tahlaaa. awk bz kot. then mama.
leh ckp dkt kte. qila, da lah tuhh...die da btol2 lupekan awk la tuh.
waaaaaaaaaaa... terdiam kte taw x?"
and die ckp... sambil gelak
"mane de lupe. just bz je..."
and i was like. okay. haha. and as usual, he asked me bout TTM. hurmmm...
die agak terkejut dgn few of perubahan TTM nih dr segi mase and layanan dkt sy.
die kate baguslah, since TTM da makin berubah, in a better way.
and die nak g umrah by d n of may. owhhh. bestnyer. wawawa...
awk awk awk!!! tlg doakan utk kte blh? tlg doakan kte berjaye n bahgie dunia akhirat.
n jmpe jodoh yg baikkk n blh bimbing n bahgiekan kte dunia akhirat jgk.
tlg eh awk? jgn lupe taw!!!
huuu. and owhhh. sy ade jgk ckp dkt die. "kambink ade ckp nak jmpe awk..
.tp kte pon cam tataw la ble. and kte pon ckp x yahla. nak buat ape? wawawaa"
and dgn lajunye die ckp "kte nak jmpe die" hukkkk. terkejut jap.
sy ckp, "nak buat ape? xyahla." and die ckp. "saje. x blh?" huhu.
n TTM plak ckp... "sy nak jmpe jgk org yg pernah jage awk"
owh la la. sy yg cuak kalau mereka ni benar2 jd jmpe nnt. huu. serius cuak.
haha. x pelah. biarlah mereka borak2. sy gi main sorang2 jauh2. okay? =P
hurm. bnyk jgk yg d borakkan. dr 2:48am tuh til 3:53am. hee. itu pun stop.
sbb hp die bttry low n charger die pendek n die mls nak charge sbb nak baring. LOL.
okay. sy pon time tuh duk pk, ade yg x ckup tdow kang. haha. letak.
but then. pas kul 4am tuh, x leh tdow plak. grrr~~~ owh owh owh.
tp sy happy. sbb die call. thanks awk sbb call kte!!! 2nd day awk cuti~ eheh.
and mmg sy bgtaw TTM, die call. biar TTM taw ade org still care ttg sy. haha.
sgt x matang sy d sini. hua3... ape pon. erm. sy happy. yer sy happy die call.
n awk, thanks sbb slalu ambil berat ttg kte. eh. x dela slalu. tp kte taw.
awk mmg jage kte lg. diam2. kan? hee. thanks thanks thanks.
u know u're the sweetest guy ever rite? eheh. and owh. mama n abah.
ble kte sampaikan salam awk. sebok laaa duk tanye ble awk call pe sume.
haha. i know they miss u. awk pon taw mama plg syg awk kan? eheh.
erm. ape pon. again. from the bottom of my heart, thank u. =]
i've got a phone call. 2:48am. x silap, time tuh baru je few hours terlena. huu.
its KT [kenangan terindah]. my 1st love. wawawawa~~~ then. lucky him,
sy x silent hp mlm itu. huhu. at 1st, die call hp lg 1, but since hp tuh mmg da rosak.
and just vibrate, 4 sure la sy x dgr pape. then die call hp lg 1, baru sy angkt.
angkt. and terus dr baring, sy ddk atas katil. x mamai2 da. haha. LOL.
well. mcm biase, tanye khabar and etc. eheh. die baru abis exam. and da start cuti.
that's y skrng baru berkesempatan nak tanye kabar sy. agak lame kami mendiamkan diri.
sy sempat perli. "nape x tnggu 1 may?" and die blur2. die tanye nape dgn 1 may?
sy ckp "genap la 2 bulan x contact." wahaha. die ckp...mane ade. kan baru je contact.
time akid msk hosp hari tu? sy ckp... that was almost 2 months ago - 1 mac 2009
haha. and die mcm... "owh eh?" and we laughed. haha. he explained everything.
his bz schedule, exam, assignment etc. eheh. awk. kte taw awk bz. taw da. haha
owh. he's da only guy, yg sy gune kte-awk. yup. thats 4 sure. dr dlu sampai skrng.
and sy pernah nak panggil die dgn nickname yg kwn2 die panggil. tp die x kasi.
die ckp, pelik! haha. all rite. then. we talked, talked and talked. and suddenly...
he asked. "nape dgn blog? x leh nak bace nih?" huhu. and i was like. owh. private.
"adela. bnyk sbb private. mcm2 jd." and die tanye. "ape jd? tataw pape pon?" owh.
"its ok. kte taw awk bz. huhu." but then. i told him everything. since. u know.
i just can hide nothing from him. LOL. and die marah...haha. die geram. whee~~~
sy happy n gelak dgr kegeraman die. haha. die jgk perli sy sbb x bgtaw die sume nih.
wawawa. bkn la awk!!! kte taw awk bz. seriously. lgpon. tah. mls nak kaco awk.
but skrng kan awk da taw sume kan? eheh. x de la sume. kte pon cite basic2 je.
and ade 1 part tuh... sy ckp...
"awk. mama ngan kambink [TTM] kan. pun pelik n tanye kte. awk x contact kte ke?
sbb slalunye awk akan at least tanye kabar kte ble awk taw kte x ok.
slalunye awk taw sume tu pon ble awk bace blog kte. tp. awk diam je...
[fyi, 1st love nih ske bace blog sy senyap2. hee. dr sini la sy taw die jage sy]
die org pun pelik. kte pon entah. ckp tahlaaa. awk bz kot. then mama.
leh ckp dkt kte. qila, da lah tuhh...die da btol2 lupekan awk la tuh.
waaaaaaaaaaa... terdiam kte taw x?"
and die ckp... sambil gelak
"mane de lupe. just bz je..."
and i was like. okay. haha. and as usual, he asked me bout TTM. hurmmm...
die agak terkejut dgn few of perubahan TTM nih dr segi mase and layanan dkt sy.
die kate baguslah, since TTM da makin berubah, in a better way.
and die nak g umrah by d n of may. owhhh. bestnyer. wawawa...
awk awk awk!!! tlg doakan utk kte blh? tlg doakan kte berjaye n bahgie dunia akhirat.
n jmpe jodoh yg baikkk n blh bimbing n bahgiekan kte dunia akhirat jgk.
tlg eh awk? jgn lupe taw!!!
huuu. and owhhh. sy ade jgk ckp dkt die. "kambink ade ckp nak jmpe awk..
.tp kte pon cam tataw la ble. and kte pon ckp x yahla. nak buat ape? wawawaa"
and dgn lajunye die ckp "kte nak jmpe die" hukkkk. terkejut jap.
sy ckp, "nak buat ape? xyahla." and die ckp. "saje. x blh?" huhu.
n TTM plak ckp... "sy nak jmpe jgk org yg pernah jage awk"
owh la la. sy yg cuak kalau mereka ni benar2 jd jmpe nnt. huu. serius cuak.
haha. x pelah. biarlah mereka borak2. sy gi main sorang2 jauh2. okay? =P
hurm. bnyk jgk yg d borakkan. dr 2:48am tuh til 3:53am. hee. itu pun stop.
sbb hp die bttry low n charger die pendek n die mls nak charge sbb nak baring. LOL.
okay. sy pon time tuh duk pk, ade yg x ckup tdow kang. haha. letak.
but then. pas kul 4am tuh, x leh tdow plak. grrr~~~ owh owh owh.
tp sy happy. sbb die call. thanks awk sbb call kte!!! 2nd day awk cuti~ eheh.
and mmg sy bgtaw TTM, die call. biar TTM taw ade org still care ttg sy. haha.
sgt x matang sy d sini. hua3... ape pon. erm. sy happy. yer sy happy die call.
n awk, thanks sbb slalu ambil berat ttg kte. eh. x dela slalu. tp kte taw.
awk mmg jage kte lg. diam2. kan? hee. thanks thanks thanks.
u know u're the sweetest guy ever rite? eheh. and owh. mama n abah.
ble kte sampaikan salam awk. sebok laaa duk tanye ble awk call pe sume.
haha. i know they miss u. awk pon taw mama plg syg awk kan? eheh.
erm. ape pon. again. from the bottom of my heart, thank u. =]
Atria closed
April 30
Damn it! I really liked this place:
To All Our Friends,
Thank you for all your support. We are all very proud of Atria. Unfortunately, Atria is no longer open. Please direct all questions to the following people:
Accounts Payable: Main Street Restaurant Group 212.223.6432
All Other: Adam Landsman adamslandsman@gmail.com
Kind Regards,
All of us from Atria
It was in the space that once was Aquavit, and then became Grayz, and for a short while was Atria, serving delicious sausages and assorted Asian-inflected central European fare by chef Martin Brock. Good cocktails, too.
Damn it! I really liked this place:
To All Our Friends,
Thank you for all your support. We are all very proud of Atria. Unfortunately, Atria is no longer open. Please direct all questions to the following people:
Accounts Payable: Main Street Restaurant Group 212.223.6432
All Other: Adam Landsman adamslandsman@gmail.com
Kind Regards,
All of us from Atria
It was in the space that once was Aquavit, and then became Grayz, and for a short while was Atria, serving delicious sausages and assorted Asian-inflected central European fare by chef Martin Brock. Good cocktails, too.
fast furious 4 & bohsia
last monday, 27th april 2009. i went to klcc with TTM. we watched fast n furious 4 & bohsia.
sy taw cite fast n furious 4 tuh mmg sgt la lame da. basi da. tp. at least sy puas dpt tgk.
mmg da agak lame since da last time sy kuar tgk movie. yup. agak lame.
sy ske action movie. so obviously sy ske cite ni jgk. 4 sure.
ni kan salah 1 cite yg sy tnggu sgt this year.
selain trans4mers n transporters n ice age. hoho...
jalan cite die cam biase. but. kereta2 die mmg gempak...
oh. sy sgt focus menonton cite tuh. sy nak sgt3 drive laju2 mcm tuh. even sy nih...bkn pon.
driver yg baek. hua3... sound effects, not bad. camera angle pon berbeza2. so. good.
visual effects time die imagine mcm mane letty, gf die meninggal pon sy ske.
so far, sy puas hati. huuu~~~
filem ke2 super senior sy dr MIIM.
sy sgt serious sepanjang sy tgk cite nih...hurm. ia,agak membimbangkan sy.
i mean. sy taw skrng nih mmg bnyk remaja mcm nih.
i know it based on the real phenomenon now days.
bertapa bhsa yg digunakan. adalah bhsa yg sgt jrg sy guna. n try utk x guna.
sy mungkin akan TERguna time2 sy da terlalu marah.
sdngkan ayat2 itu die org gune mcm ayat2 biase. and...
tunjukkan bertapa teruknye teenagers nowdays. haih~ ni salah 1 lg cite
yg buat sy bersyukur dgn life sy skrng, dgn fmly n kwn2 d sekeliling sy.
and semuanya...bermula dr fmly. betol x? basicnya fmly.
if fmly itu ok. insya allah seluruh keturunan akan kebal dr anasir lain yg x sehat.
hurm...so far ok. mmg lakonan real. n lawak2 bangang die pon, mmg lawak2 bohsia & rempit.
mmg menunjukkan dgn jelas perlakuan n kehidupan mereka...
1 of good malay movie. huuu~~~
jgn pilih jalan hitam. thats 4 sure...
haih~ may ALLAH blessed us.
Chicken Katsu
Husband minta dibikinin chicken katsu hari ini..gampang praktis n enak. Caranya gampang banget, boleh nyoba deh, psti ketagihan.
2 lembar paha ayam
garam lada secukupnya
bahan pelapis
Tepung trigu->telur->tepung panir
1. Pukul pukul daging ayam hingga lemas, lalu taburkan garam lada secukupnya, biarkan bumbu meresap, diamkan kira2 3 jam.
2. Celupkan di bahan pelapis, diamkan di kulkas kira2 1 jam
3. Goreng hingga kecoklatan
4. Potong potong sesuai selera
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