Is this something you would put in your mouth? To me it looks like something expelled from some an creature. If not immediately obvious, these are razor clams with seaweed from the exalted el Bulli, possibly the world's finest restaurant up the coast from Barcelona. Certainly, Ferran Adria is one of the world's greatest chefs, but this dish is something that would challenge me, even if I had waited 2 years on the waiting list and traveled across the ocean to this mecca on coastal Spain. Maybe it's the soft, slimy texture I can anticipate, maybe it's the color, I just know that while this 'avante-garde' dish may be art, it won't be my dinner.
Wow! We couldn’t have asked for better weather up here this time of year! It was 28 degrees yesterday morning with frost covering fallen aspen leaves and the hardy little flowers that are still around.
Anna and I went on a hike up to the R’s hunting camp with Patty R. Bruce and Frank weren’t far behind with the two pack horses. We took the canyon way instead of the usual horse trail. The canyon trail goes up a ways and then disappears into the woods, meaning we had to find our way to the camp on our own. “Aspens on the right, evergreens on the left all the way to the logging trail.” Bruce said. We made it no problem, thanks to Patty, and had some time to just hang out and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation before the guys and horses arrived.
God sure knew what He was doing when He painted the world…There’s something about the orange, gold,yellow, and redcontrasting against the blue of the Colorado sky with the early morning sunshine filtering in through the trees…it’s simply breath taking. *Happy Sigh* We could have stayed up there for days. :D Bruce tried to talk us into it, but realistically we decided it wouldn’t work. I mean, we didn’t even bring sleeping bags with us! What were we thinking?!?
Camp Kitchen
Anyways, we ate lunch at camp, chatted a bit, then packed the horses for the trip down again.
This is Shony. She’s part Belgian and I absolutely fell in love with her.
Andy is the other horse that you can’t see that well in the pictures.
We followed the horses down to the “aspen field” where Bruce sent us off to find the canyon trail again. It was the perfect way to go and we had great conversation all the way down. Hmmm…Maybe that’s why we didn’t see any elk. :D
Back in Georgetown, and feeling totally exhilarated, Anna and I changed into flip-flops, unpacked our back packs and biked back down to the Rutherfords to say farewell to Bruce and Patty since they left this morning. So sad…why is it so hard to say goodbye to people you love? I’m so thankful for all the time God has allowed us to spend with them though. They are truly awesome people.
Meanwhile, Sage, Tera and Alicia went over the mountain again to…well, I’ll let one of them fill you in on that. :D
Jangaaaan! JANGAAAAN! Gue cuma mau bilang jangan. Jangan pernah lo mikir lo bisa beterbangan di atas angin...
Lo enggak akan pernah tahu... Kapan lo bisa ngerti arti hadir seseorang, di luar apa yang lo lihat. Belum, hanya belum... Belum saatnya kau paham! Dan belum juga tiba, rasa sakit yang menderu. Sakit itu untukmu! Bukan untuk banyak serapah dan cercaan yang kau candakan. Tidak lucu tau!
Boleeeh... Boleh saja kau ucap dan panggil aku si jahat. Yang kerap kali menyumpahi dirimu, yang kian kali merendahkanmu.. Boleh! AKu bilang boleh. Tapi bisakah kau renungkan sesaat saja. Mengapa aku begitu? Mungkinkah tanpa sebab??? Tidak mungkin sayaaaaang... Mustahaaaal!
Yasudahlaaah... Buat apa aku buang-buang waktu untuk ingatkan kau. Tak perluuu... Kau jua tak peduli bukan? Ingatkan aku akan kecewaku padamu yaaah Ketika sikapmu tak seelok pamormu, karena rupanya batas fikirmu hanya sebatas seragam putih-merah. Nasionalis atau enggak realistis??
La la la la... baiklaaah... Baiklaaaaaaaah, aku tidak ingin semakin memperkeruh suasana. Hanyaaaaa, sekedar ingin engkau paham dengan kekejaman diriku ini. Semoga dirimu mengerti ya nak! Cepatlah sadar!
It's no secret: I'm obsessed with my crock pot. I catch a lot of grief from my husband over my crock pot usage...who continues to inhale my slow-cooked suppers. So, thanks to Easy Reader News, here's a public tribute for crock pot users and lovers out there....'cause really, what's not to love about a crock pot? Reason #1 to go crock: Vitamin and mineral preservation. Similar to braising, crock pot cooking produces low, steady, moist heat for hours -- approximately 300 degrees for 4 hours on high and 200 degrees for 10 hours on low. When you place wholesome, nutrient-dense foods INTO the crock pot, that's what you get out of the crock pot. No nutrient loss!
Sarah Krieger, RD and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association explains the unfortunate vitamin and mineral loss through standard cooking methods. Nutrients are lost through heat, oxygen, and water. A crock pot, however, contains all of these elements throughout the cooking process and thus, retains nutrients in your food. Reason #2 to love your crock pot: Lean and cheap -- make it great! Cuts of beef such as chuck, shoulder, and bottom-round are exceptionally lean and cheap...but they're also rather tough. The low-temperature, moist-heat cooking of a crock pot, however, breaks down tough muscle fiber and connective tissue in these leaner, cheaper cuts. You're left with a healthy, iron-packed, tender beef cut...and gaining convenience in preparation!
Reason #3 to use your crock: There's better things to do during the evening hours! The crock pot is a time-saver. Rather than meal preparation and cook time in the 60-90 minutes after getting home from work, I can enjoy the time playing with Lily, visiting with my husband, or going for a workout! After loading up your crock, your job is done! And crock pot liners save on dishes...big time. I highly recommend using them! If you've ever "finished" dinner before work, you know how great a feeling it is to know it's one less thing on your plate come 5 o'clock when you punch out for the day.
My friend Kristin recently purchased a crock pot in order to try many of the recipes I post. Kristin, this post is in honor of your recent purchase....I hope it brings you many years of crock pot happiness and delectable meals!
On a completely unrelated note, ABC News put out a fun article entitled, "Top 5 Weird Weight Loss Products". I thought I'd share a recap as it was rather entertaining to read... Weird Weight Loss Product #1: The Hula Chair Gain an exotic dance workout inspired by dance-exercises such as Zumba and sitting in a hula chair! Dr. Steven Blair, professor of exercise science at the University of South Carolina stated, "Standing, you'd be burning even more calories, and standing on one leg, you'd be burning even more calories than before." Rather than buying this expensive, large hula chair, Blair suggests going on a walk...and saving your money. If you're looking for a laugh, however, Ellen DeGeneres trying to pour a glass of water while sitting in the hula chair WAS rather amusing.
Weird Weight Loss Product #2: Power Plate A vibrating platform which supposedly causes the body to burn more calories due to the higher difficulty in balancing. Again, Dr. Blair recommends going for a walk for increased calorie burn. The Power Plate is beneficial for bone density, however.
Weird Weight Loss Product #3: Thermal Suits Water weight through sweat is not a feasible means of losing weight. Using such suits can be dangerous, decrease endurance, and cause the body difficulty in regulating body temperature. Not smart, not useful.
Weird Weight Loss Product #4: Sound Waves for Muffin Tops and Belly Fat This Vaser technology uses sonic waves to dissolve a layer of fat which is then sucked out through a vacuum. These procedures are marketed as "sculpture" liposuction and are meant to assist those who are relatively fit rather than the general obese population looking to shed lots of weight quickly.
Weird Weight Loss Product #5: The Tongue Patch Dr. Nikolas Chugay, a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, developed the tongue patch as a temporary way to lose 20 to 40 pounds. The procedures involves stitching a prolene patch to the tongue, causing discomfort and pain to chew and swallow food. Patients of Chugay's receive 700 calories of daily nutrition through a liquid drink mix containing carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, and minerals. The patch is removed after a month. Wow, just wow.
Question: Has anyone tried one of the whack weight loss products discussed above? I've heard of a lot of Power Plate users in the Chicagoland area; that products appears the most feasible of the 5.
Looking forward to Biggest Loser tonight! Have a wonder Tuesday!