Wednesday, January 14, 2009

diri ini unpredictable

while typing this. i'm so damn truly,madly, deeply sad.

1st situation...
arrived home at 9pm. from college.
TERUS mandi. on lappy. dan buat kerja.
while i'm working on my assignment,
someone asked me "do u have a glue?"
i said no. dah habis since last sem.
time buat final project media society.
and a while later. she asked me again.
"do u have an A4 paper?"
i said no, again. finished it since last sem.
then. after a few hours, i finished it!
save it! and wanna go out 4 a while.
to my friends house, which r my ex-housemates.
cuz i wanna print it there. since. i've no black ink.
i met her. just wanna tell her. i'm going out 4 a while.
just wanna print my stuff. then..
she started it... "u've got everything here!
u're own printer. why can't u just do it here?"
i answered her, "i've no black ink. finished it since last sem"
she said, "can't u buy it? u've no glue! u've no a4 paper!
what kind of student r u? everyday u wanna go out.
go then! it's up 2 u if u wanna come back or not!
i dont care!" and she closed the door...
i called him. i asked him what's wrong with her.
i came home at 9pm since i've to go astro in the evening.
watch AC Disini [live], and b 1 of the audience.
see everything bout broadcasting with my whole classmate.
it's not like i really3 want to come home that late.
and if i'm not around, i'm going out,
it's not like i'm having a date!
i'm doing my work with my friends. goshhh...
this is me! this is how diz ppl of media working.
unlimited time. unpredictable time. it just,
i'm going out 2 do my duty.
as a broadcasting student. yuppp...
then. about the glue & the a4 paper.
it just a small silly things!
i just cant stop crying while i was talking to him.
and he tried to call her...
and just wanna make sure she's fine.
then i just close my door 2. shut down everything.
and try 2 sleep. yeshhh...dats what i did.
i didn't go out 2 print out my work.
i'm just too hurt. too sad.
and...keep on crying. and try to sleep at 1am...
2nd situation
this is about a group assignment.
since our class finished quite early 2day,
1 of us, asked, "so, do u wanna continue it 2day?"
and i just, u know. i'm da TAK KESAH type of ppl.
i'll follow what most of them decided. that's me.
then. i asked 1 of the group member...
"hey. do u wanna do it 2day?"
she said, "no. i've no mood"
"okay. what bout 2morrow?"
she said, "its up 2 u larh. if its 2day its okay then"
and she don't even look at my face while talking to me.
and she looks like she's really3 not in the mood.
and i was like..."okay3. i asked u cuz, she's the one
who asked me, if i wanna do it 2day.
so i just asked da rest of u.
its okay then. later"
hello? i'm just asking. i'm just what they called it...
ORG TGH okay. if x nak buat pon x pela.
no need 2 show me dat face. i know i'll follow others.
i know i'll just smile n laugh if ppl r making joke bout me.
i know i'll just be calm n nice even if u almost make me cry.
i know i'm dat quiet type of person.
i talk when i've too. with someone i want to.
but then. dont b such a stupid 'F' selfish woman.
hey...aku bagi muke, nampak diam pon, aku manusie ah.
bnde2 kecik aku x kesah ar. x ambik hati. lame2...
aku pon de limit gak. bencik ah. ingt aku x leh lawan ke.
aku just mengalah bkn sbb aku lemah. aku mls nak layan.
tu aku x kesah pon ko buat ape. tlg ah..
jgn pndng rendah kat aku. blh je aku nak berlagak dgn ko.
bnyk je kelebihan aku dr ko. just. x de nak lebeyh2.
plz la. everyone has d limit. stop being so selfish.
okay. there's a lot more of BAD n SAD story.
tp sumpah ckp. malas dah nak pk.
malas nak story lg. penat.
penat dgn bnde2 nih.

just nak cakap...
utk semua yg pndg rendah. pijak pale. n x hargai...

aku ni mmg x bagus mane pon.
tp serius. aku taw aku lg bagus dr ko.
aku diam3 aku. diam berisi. bnyk dlm pale otak aku.
kalau aku diam. aku memerhati. analisis. simpan.
kalau perlu je. aku akan cite n kongsi.
kalau aku bnyk cakap. ske hati aku la.
aku nak ckp. ko pehal ah? aku ckp x blh.
aku diam ko pijak pale. semua x kena mcm tuh.
p mampos ah ko. aku pon leh marah.
aku manusie. binatang pon de perasaan.
aku bukan patong. aku bukan taik.
okay? jgn sampai aku da x leh sabar.
ko nak kate aku manje. lemah. lembik.
sbb cpt nangis? ko ape taw?
aku nangis x semestinye aku sdeyh.
aku marah, skt hati, geram pon aku nangis.
aku leteyh pon aku nangis. nape?
sbb at least aku marah pon. aku biar je.
aku mls nak mrh org lain. so...
aku biar sume rase x best tuh aku sorang je tanggung.
ko blh ke tahan marah utk baikkan keadaan?
ko blh ke tahan geram n skt hati ko sorang2?
hurm. sedar diri skit. aku pon leh marah2.
maki2. mencarut ke ape. mmg aku x ske.
tp ingt ar. aku dulu panas baran. anything aku leh buat.
kalo aku x bunuh diri. aku bunuh ko.
bunuh ko slow2? okay. aku taw aku camne.
lebeyh dr ko taw. aku ni. betol3 unpredictable.
jgn diuji. tu jerh. org2 mcm ko nih.
blh blah....p korek kubur awal2.

Hot Dish

Another new cookbook I have that I forgot to mention is The Great Minnesota Hot Dish, which I received as a going away present when I left Minnesota. For the uninformed reader, "hot dish" in Minnesota is like casserole in the rest of the country - a pan of meat, cheese, veggies, and/or rice and perhaps a tater tot or two, which is combined with a canned creamy soup and crunchy topping, baked, and brought to pot lucks, wakes, or served for supper. I have a dish towel which displays hot dishes by region across the state of Minnesota. In the twin cities, it's Tater Tot Hot Dish and Bologna Supper, in Duluth it's Shepherd's Pie, near the Boundary Waters it's Foil Packet Dinner, in the northwest corner it's Jiffy Tuna Hot Dish and Hawaiian Meatballs, and right before you cross into Fargo it's American Chop Suey and Impossible Hamburger Pie.
The names are often better than the flavor, I'm guessing.

The cookbook recipes ranged from the safe: Chicken and Rice Hot Dish, Swedish Meatballs, Cheesy Spaghetti Hot Dish, and Cheesy Fish, Rice and Asparagus the gourmet: Tuna Broccoli Brie Hot Dish, Salmon with Saffron Rice, Dilled-Scalloped Potatoes the downright disgusting: Spam Hot Dish, Dried Beef Hot Dish, Tofu Potato Hot Dish

I'm not too keen on making things like hot dish because I end up with far too many servings for one person (I don't want to eat hot dish for a week) and pouring canned soup over everything doesn't strike me as the best way to add flavor. But I'll give any cookbook a try.

I tried a very safe recipe to kick things off: Chicken Artichoke and Rice. With chicken pieces (I used thighs), frozen artichokes, and long grain rice, it was a hot dish with no surprises and simple flavors. Rice cooked in chicken broth with garlic, onions, lemon juice, and herbs had wonderful flavor and the only problem was there was not enough of it. The proportions seemed to be way off with only a half cup of rice for four servings. You should estimate about 1/3 cup of rice per person you want to serve. The chicken would be tastier if it were marinated in lemon and garlic overnight. But then hot dish is not known for flavorful meat. Still, I would make something like this again with tweaks to the recipe.

Next hot dish on the horizon: Maybe Parmesan Shrimp Hot Dish. No canned soup, and if I can get over the combo of clam juice and catsup in the recipe, I might like it.

Kwan Loong Lion Dance Troupe

Year 2009 opens with the start of a new Lion Dance Group.
and its called Kwan Loong Lion Dance troupe, and guess what is an Awesome group.

we have a good mix of different age and race. I personally feel that this is more then just a place where we practice Lion Dance as a important part of the Chinese culture, but also to give a chance for all of us to work as a team in making each performance a success. in the last few weeks, i really enjoyed myself during each section.

What we do during the practices?
- Jog, 3 rounds the football Field
- practice the drum + symbols + Gong = Very loud & interesting music (really good to pump-up the energy and release stress)
- practice lion dance (head + tail) now we are practicing stunts too.
- last we will have some supper and lots of laugh (some times with some games of cards)

Enough said, now lets have some samples of one of the performance we had.
Check it out and give your comments.
By the way, i was in one of the lion tail.. hehehe.

Come take a tour of our house!

I don't have any pictures of the outside yet because we got 2-3 inches of snow today and it was almost dark when I got home. But here is the inside!


This is walking in the side door, the door we use the most. This is the mudroom with the bathroom/laundry room straight ahead.


View of the side door and other side of the room


This is the kitchen, right off the mudroom


The cupboard is on the right, and the stairs to the basement on the left. The living room is on the other side of where I am standing.


View of the dining room, which is to the left of the kitchen in the picture above.


Kitchen view from the dining room


Dining room from the living room


Living room


Other side of the living room, from the pantry/basement door area




Steps from the top


Bathroom at the top of the steps


View from the end of the hallway towards the steps


1st bedroom upstairs, our office/guest room


2nd bedroom, ours.


3rd bedroom, which connects to our room through a walk in closet right now.

So that is our house! Pictures of the outside will come soon!!

Tagged by sankai for cute's 3Logger Award

1. Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.

2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.

3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnye (anda di-tag).

4. Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnye dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.

5. Jangan lupe melawat blog kawan anda dan meninggalkan komen yang menyatakan mereka telah ditag.


1. Done

2. Award yang tidak seberapa ini telah diberikan oleh Sangkai (name can be very deceiving, actual person very handsome!) someone baru kenal through someone. He is a nice person and sensitive (yes he almost cried while blowing candles on his cake) who loves to write elaborated and very heavy issues, very opinionated blog concerning life, love and lack of love, and about his cats (11 of them) but at the same time like to drive car very fast in broad daylight because he cannot see well at night(very-very contradictory kan). eh aku kena ceritakan pasal orang tu ke sebenarnya ni.

3. 10 fakta mengenai saya.

i. Saya sangat pemalas. Bila saya makan saya tidak akan terus membasuh pinggan, saya tunggu dah penuh sinki baru basuh. Alasannya dengan cara ini akan lebih menjimatkan air dan sabun dan tenaga. Jika saya membasuh baju, saya akan mencampurkan semua sekali, dan tak tengok pun apa dalam poket baju dan seluar tersebut dan menyebabkan mesin basuh selalu rosak kerana membasuh duit syiling.
Pernah sekali saya terpaksa membuang beberapa helai baju dan menghantar baju dan seluar ke dobi semula sebab saya telah membasuhnya dengan tissue-tissue sekali. Bagi saya , utk semua perkara ada cara yang mudah untuk dilakukan, dan kita kena mempermudahkan segala-galanya. Walaupun selalunya gagal

ii. Saya sangat suka makan dan masak. Saya mampu menonton AFC selamat 10 jam berturut-turut dan boleh menghafal setiap bahan yang digunakan, walaupun begitu saya tidak pernah memasak atau mengaplikasikan apa yang dipelajari di AFC kerana saya suka memasak mengunakan teknik hentam kromo dan campak-campak sahaja. Namun begitu Saya tidak mengemari makanan sendiri.
Saya suka makanan yang mengunakan cili yang banyak tetapi tidak pedas. Bagi saya tukang masak yang hebat adalah mereka yang mampu mengunakan banyak cili, tetapi masakan mereka tidak pedas.
Maklumlah oghang nogoghi lah kato eh.

iii. Saya suka membaca. Apa sahaja saya baca. Saya membaca di mana sahaja, dan saya tidak boleh membuang air besar dengan tenteram jika saya tidak membaca. Tetapi buat masa ini saya terlalu suka membaca, menulis dan mengomen blog. Saya akan mengrefresh blog yang saya suka berkali-kali walaupun saya tahu, penulis itu baru sahaja mengepos blognya 10 minit sebelumnya, dengan harapan dia mengepos entri terbaru.
Kadang-kadang saya akan tersenyum sendiri dan berangan bila membaca blog-blog itu. Saya terlalu suka membaca rasa dan citarasa seseorang. Kadang-kadang saya rasa ada penulis blog yang tidak patut menulis blog sebab dia bodoh dan tulisannya membuat saya rasa bodoh membacanya, tetapi saya tetap membacanya juga, kerana saya terlalu suka membaca blog.

iv. saya adalah seorang yang sangat-sangat pemalu bila berjumpa orang baru. Selalunya saya akan mendiamkan diri dan melihat tingkah laku orang itu dahulu. Kalau saya suka dengan orang itu saya akan berminat utk mengenalinya lebih lanjut, jika saya tidak suka saya tidak akan membuang masa dengan nya lagi. Pada ketika itu saya akan membuat andaian apakah jenis masa depan yang sesuai dan jenis pembawaan atau bagaimana orang yang saya tidak suka itu dibela oleh keluarganya (selalunya saya beranggapan negetif).
Ironiknya pula, tugas saya memerlukan untuk saya bercakap kadang-kadang di hadapan 200 orang, (pernah mencapai 500 penonton). Saya bayangkan semua pendengar itu adalah tidak pandai dan saya perlu bercakap supaya mereka jadi pandai, walaupun selalunya saya melihat muka mereka seperti tidak faham dan tidak puas hati. Oleh itu saya hanya melihat telinga dan hidung mereka sahaja, seolah-olah saya sedang memerhatikan mereka. Tetapi sebenarnya tidak.

v. Saya suka bercakap. Walapun saya seorang yang pemalu, tetapi saya suka bercakap non stop secara tidak sengaja. Kadang-kala saya terus bercakap ketika saya sedang tidur dan kadang kala saya bercakap dengan diri sendiri ketika membuang air besar. Jadi untuk mengelakkan saya digelar gila, saya menyanyi ketika berada di dalam bilik air.

vi. Saya bercakap tidak henti-henti dengan diri saya dan dengan orang yang saya rasa selesa kerana saya terlalu suka berfikir. Saya berfikir sentiasa, ada je menda saya dok fikirkan. Dan selalunnya saya menjadi frust kerana apa yang saya fikirkan selalunya tidak dapat saya jadikan kenyataan, dan hasilnya saya memikirkan alternatifnya pula dan masih menjadi frust, dan seterusnya.

vii. Saya benci dengan orang bodoh sombong. Ada 5 jenis manusia di dalam dunia

a. Yang pandai dan tau dia pandai
b. Yang pandai dan tak tau dia pandai
c. Yang bodoh dan tak tau dia bodoh
d. Yang bodoh dan tau dia bodoh
e. Yang bodoh yang rasa dia tak bodoh

Kategori yang ke lima yang juga dikenal sebagai bodoh sombong itu menyebabkan saya terlalu membenci mereka. Saya rasa mereka tidak patut bercampur dengan komuniti manusia dan sepatutnya diciptakan zoo khas untuk mengurung orang-orang sebegini. Tetapi disebabkan jumlah orang sebegini adalah terlalu ramai dan tidak cukup zoo untuk menyimpan mereka, jadi saya terpaksa terima kenyataan bahawa saya perlu tinggal dengan mereka selagi saya ada ruang dan peluang untuk terus membenci dan memperbodoh-bodohkan mereka.


Saya juga tidak boleh menerima orang yang rasa dia tau segala-galanya, and expect in everything dan merasakan diri mereka sehebat enstein dan jika, enstein tidak mencipta relativity theory, dia sebenarnya yang akan menjumpai theory tersebut. Cerita politik dia tau, cerita kimia dia tau, cerita kartun dia tau, cerita hantu dia tau, cerita biologi, cerita ekonomi, cerita pengurusan semua dia tau lah, walaupun sebenarnya mereka tidak tau (read : bodoh sombong). Kerana tuhan tidak pernah mencipta makhluk yang tahu segala-galanya. Malangnya sepanjang saya hidup, saya jumpa dengan orang seperti ini.

Saya selalu cakap, " its oke to be normal"

viii. Tetapi saya selalu tertarik dan terpikat dengan orang yang bijak. Saya rasa orang yang bijak pandai itu adalah seksi, romantic dan mengiurkan. Doctor, lawyer, statesmen, akauntan, pakar matematik, ceo multi national dan sebagainya adalah manusia yang seksi dan comel dan menarik. Walaupun orang itu nampak selekeh, bercermin mata tebal, rambut tidak sikat, memakai seluar di atas pusat dan sebagainya dia tetap nampak seksi. Lebih seksi adalah orang yang kaya. Ini kerana orang kaya tidak boleh bodoh, kalau dia bodoh dia tak kaya.

As oppose kepada orang yang tidak pandai dan berlagak pandai, secantik mana orang itu pun, saya nampak dia macam badut sarkas yang sebenarnya bodoh.

Tapi paling saya suka sekali adalah orang yang dilahirkan dengan talent secara semulajadi, atau orang-orang berseni. Ahli musik, pelukis, penulis, penyanyi, arkitek, pembuat bomb atom, dan sebagainya adalah paling seksi. Tapi mereka perlu dalam kategori orang seni yang hebat, dan bukan tangkap muat.

ix. Saya sangat suka dengan seni. Saya teringin menjadi seorang manusia yang cultured gitu. Saya suka kan music, dan cuba untuk mendengar dan appreciate apa saja bentuk musik, dan meyakini diri saya sendiri bahawa seni itu datang dalam banyak bentuk (walaupun saya rasa pening kepala bila mendengar music heavy-heavy metal yang ada sebut satan! Di dalamnya, muntah ketika mendengar music hiphop, dan muntah darah bila mendengar house music).
Saya suka menonton wayang dan menonton apa sahaja cerita, termasuk filem asing yang saya tidak faham, kerana semua orang seni melakukannya. Saya juga suka menonton teater, kerana saya tidak ada pilihan disebabkan teater yang bagus selalunya mahal jadi saya menonton teater2 bengap yang tak best dan cuba memberi good review dan mencarik sesuatu yang baik utk diperkatanya supaya saya nampak seperti a cultured man, walaupun sebenarnya saya menyumpah seranah dan menyesal melihat teater-teater tersebut.

Saya pernah bercita-cita untuk menjadi ahli musik, sebelum saya bertukar cita-cita untuk menjadi pelukis, sebelum saya bercita-cita untuk menjadi pereka fashion dan seorang chef. Sekarang saya bercita-cita untuk menjadi penulis, dan masih kekal cita-cita itu sehingga satu tempoh cita-cita itu berubah.

x. Saya sangat suka berangan.

sekian sahaja 10 perkara mengenai saya.

4. Saya tag manusia-manusia berikut untuk meneruskan tag ini.

1. Tun Dr. Mahathir
2. Lim Kit Siang
3. Lim Guan Eng
4. Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim
5. Karpal Singh


Something funny happened while I was giving lecture yesterday. I had a 4 hours straight class. Two hours of knowledge management tutorial*, which I chatted in the ym while they were busy doing their knowledge acquisition exercise, and followed by a two hours quality management lecture*.

*tutorial is when i sit and smile, lecture is when i talk non stop.

(yes i got paid to sit and talk, so sue me!!)

So my mood was not very good at that time (my mood was never good anyway) and I had not had taken my lunch, because I was busy doing something else. So being very hungry and mood swing, I kept on giving my lecture and talks for hours. Luckily the new students were being very attentive, because they somehow knew I am not in a good mood. Students are very good at this thing.

As I was talking, almost reaching the first hour, two female student walk in the lecture hall, and just looked at me and nodded a bit and quickly find their ways to the empty seats. I was disrupted so I stop talking for a few second. The whole class went silence. I was a bit upset and flabbergasted, but then I continue talking.

After a few minutes, they got up and walked out of the lecture hall and said sorry. They went into the wrong lecture hall. Everyone was laughing, and I myself cannot contain the smile on my face.

Then my mood was oke a bit.

So moral of the story is, sometimes in a most unlikely situation can actually changed to something positive, only if your keep your composure and being optimistic and open about it. Never jump to a conclusion and do not react too quickly without giving it a thought.

Those two girls were confident and they were actually very early to their class, if their class starts at five that is.


Kashmir is known for its unique style of cooking and the perfect blend of spices in the Kashmiri cuisine. Unlike rest of the India Kashmir cuisines are more or less based on meat and Shab Deg Kashmiri Roghan Josh is one of the gourmet's delight from Kashmir. The famous Red Kashmiri dish is one the most celebrated dish of Kashmir. Try this lazzez dish and rule everyone's heart today.
1 kg: Mutton
500 gm: Mince meat
250 gm: Turnips
500 gm: Curd
250 gm: Balai
5 gm: Turmeric
600 gm: Onions
50 gm: Garlic
50 gm: Ginger
3 gm: Green cardamom
5 gm: Cumin powder
3 gm: Shahi jeera powder
15 gm: Red chilli powder
1 pc : Kashmiri ver
20 gm: Raw papaya
1 tsp: Garam masala
50 gm: Almond paste
2 tbsp Lime juice
5 gm: Saffron
5 gm: Cloves
5 gm: Cinnamon
5 gm: Pepper
30 ml: Kewra jal
500 gm: Ghee
Salt to taste
How to cook Kashmiri Rogan Josh
Roast the turnips in a tandoor till the skin can be easily removed. Peel and prick all over with a fork.
Grind the garlic to a paste.
Apply one part of this paste, turmeric, salt and half of the saffron dissolved in kewra jal on the turnips and keep aside for 15 minutes.
Then in the ghee fry the turnips to a golden brown colour. Remove and keep.
In the same fat fry finely sliced onions till golden brown and crisp. Keep aside.
Grind the ginger to a paste and divide in three parts.
Grind clove, cinnamon to a paste.
To prepare the yakhni in a pan put half of the fried onions, second part of garlic paste, one part of ginger paste, half of clove, cinnamon and cardamom paste, half of the mutton pieces and enough water to cook the meatto a very soft texture so that it can be strained to obtain the yakhni.
When the meat is done, mash the pulp and extract the bones, then strain through a sieve or a muslin cloth. Keep the yakhni aside.
Then mix the minced meat, papaya paste, second part of ginger, third part of garlic paste and remaining clove-cinnamon-green cardamom paste and ½ tsp Garam masala powder. Keep aside for 30 minutes.
Shape into balls or koftas approximately the size of the turnips.
Deep fry in the ghee and keep aside.
Then in the hot ghee add the remainder of the mutton pieces, fried onions, ginger-garlic paste, cumin, shahi jeera powder, chilli powder and the garam masala and fry till the meat is brown. Add beaten curd, yakhni, beaten balai, almond paste, fried turnips, mutton koftas and lime juice. Stir gently.
Add sufficient water for a thick gravy and to cook the meat.
Crumble and stir the Kashmiri ver seal the lid on the deg with a flour dough and put on dum by placing some live coal on the lid and some below the deg. Let it cook through the night.
In the morning, when you open the deg the ghee would be floating on the top.
Now, add the remainder of the saffron dissolved in kewra jal and serve hot with sheermal or bakarkhani for breakfast.


Ingredients : (Serves: 2)
2 cups: Boiled Peas
1big: Chopped and Boiled Carrot
½ cup: Tomato Sauce
1 tsp: Sweet Lime
1 small: Apple
1 medium size: Banana
¼ quantity: Pineapple
10-15: Cashew nuts
18-20: Raisins
¼ cup: Curd
¼ cup: Cream
1 tbs: Ghee
3 tbs: Butter
Salt to taste
For Dry Masala
1 tsp: Cumin seeds
2 tsp: Poppy seeds (Khus Khus)
For Wet Masala
1 big: Onion
1 tsp: Cardamoms
¼ cup: Shredded Coconut
3-4: Green Chillies
For Decoration
Chopped Cherries
Grated Cheese
Chopped Coriander leaves
Grind the dry and wet masalas separately and keep aside.
Chop all the fruits finely.
Heat ghee and fry cashew nuts. Remove nuts from ghee and keep aside.
Pour butter to ghee and heat. Put wet masala and fry well. Add the dry masala and salt and sauté well for some time. Add carrots and peas and mix well. Mix curd and cream together and add it to the gravy. Sauté well by adding tomato sauce. Add chopped fruits, fried cashew nuts and raisins and boil till gravy thickens and the oil separates.
Remove from fire and garnish with grated cheese, coriander leaves and chopped cherries.
Serve hot with naan, roti or paratha.


Ingredients (Serves: 4)
1 kg: Mutton or lamb
2 cups: Basmati rice
1 tsp: Whole garam masala
2 cups: Yogurt
5 tsp: Ghee or oil
2 cups: Sliced onions
2-3: Green chillies
2 tsp: Ginger paste
2 tsp: Garlic paste
2 cups: Chopped tomatoes
Salt to taste
2 tsp: Coriander powder
2 tsp: Garam masala powder
1 tsp: Turmeric powder
1 tsp: Cumin powder
1 tsp: Red chilli powder
A generous pinch: Saffron
1 pcs: Ginger (two inch piece)
½ cup: Fresh coriander leaves
½ cup: Fresh mint leaves
½ cup: Warm milk
50 gm: Butter
For Garnishing Fried sliced onions
Clean mutton or lamb and cut into one and half inch sized pieces. Pick, clean and wash rice. Soak rice in water. Chop green chillies. Peel ginger and cut into julienne (thin strips). Wash coriander and mint leaves and roughly chop them separately. Soak saffron in warm milk and keep aside. Marinade meat pieces with yogurt, salt, turmeric powder and one tablespoon each of ginger and garlic pastes. Marinade for about four hours in a cool place. Cook rice in salted boiling water along with whole garam masala till rice is almost cooked. Strain and keep the rice warm. Heat ghee or oil in a thick-bottomed pan or pressure cooker. Add sliced onion and chopped green chillies. Cook till onion is light golden brown. Make sure to stir continuously. Add remaining ginger and garlic pastes and mix well. Add marinated meat and cook on high flame for seven to eight minutes. Now, add coriander powder, cumin powder and red chilli powder. Mix thoroughly. Stir in three cups of water, bring it to a boil, reduce heat and cook covered till meat pieces are almost cooked. Add chopped tomatoes, salt, one teaspoon garam masala powder and chopped fresh coriander leaves. Cook for fifteen minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally. *In case you are cooking meat in the pressure cooker, add chopped tomatoes, salt, garam masala powder, two cups of water and chopped fresh coriander leaves after adding dry spices. Pressure cook till meat pieces are almost cooked. It normally takes two or three whistles to cook the meat. Ensure that the cooked meat does not have too runny a gravy. If that is the case, cook on high flame to reduce water content. Arrange half the quantity of cooked meat in an oven proof dish and spread half the quantity of cooked rice on top of the meat. Sprinkle a little garam masala powder, half amount each of ginger julienne, saffron dissolved in warm milk and mint leaves. Dot the rice with half the quantity of butter. Place a layer of remaining meat on top of the rice, followed by cooked rice and repeat the earlier process with the remaining quantities of ginger julienne, saffron milk, garam masala powder, mint leaves and butter. Cover it with aluminum foil and cook in a pre-heated oven for fifteen to twenty minutes. Serve garnished with fried sliced onions and mixed vegetable raita.



1 full: Chicken (large)

2 cups: Curd

1 cup: Onions(Grinded)

4-5 cloves: Garlic

1/2"piece: Ginger

2"piece: Raw papaya

1 tsp: Chilli powder

1tsp: Garam masala

2 tbs: Lemon juice

2-3 drops: Red colour

Ghee as required

Salt to taste

Clean the chicken. Remove the bones and slice it into small pieces. Grind onions, garlic, ginger, and papaya into smooth paste. Mix it with curd, chilli powder and garam masala. Blend well to make the marinade. Add a few drops of red colour to the marinade with salt and lemon juice. Smear the chicken pieces with the mixture and let them marinate for 8-10 hours. Heat ghee in a pan and add the marinated chicken pieces, fry for 5-6 minutes, then pour the remaining marinade on it. Cover the pan and cook on a low fire until chicken pieces are tender and dry. Serve hot.


Ingredients (Serves: 6)
1 pcs: Cauliflower (medium, clean and broken into big florettes)
1/4 cup: Plain flour
3 tsp: Cornflour
1 small bunch: Spring onion (finely chopped)
2 tsp: Ginger (finely chopped)
1 tsp: Garlic (finely chopped)
1/4 tsp: Red chilli powder
2 no: Red chillies (dry)
1 tsp: Milk
3 tsp: Oil
1-1/2 cup: Water
Boil the florettes for 3-4 minutes in plenty of water, to which a tsp. of milk has been added. Drain and pat dry on a clean cloth.
Make thin batter out of flour and 2 tsp cornflour, adding 1/4 tsp. each of ginger and garlic and red chilli powder and salt to taste.
Dip the florettes in the batter one by one and deep fry in hot oil. Keep aside.
In the remaining oil, add remaining ginger, garlic and crushed red chilli and fry for a minute. Add the salt and spring onions. Stir fry for a minute. Add 1-1/2 cups water and bring to a boil. Add 1 tsp. cornflour to 1/4 cup water and dissolve well. Gradually add to the gravy and stir continuously till it resumes boiling. Boil till the gravy becomes transparent.
Add florettes and soya sauce. Boil for two more minutes and remove.
Serve hot with noodles or rice.
Dry Manchurian can be made by omitting the gravy.
Make florettes as above and instead of adding water as above, add fried florettes, spring onions and soya sauce at this stage.
Sprinkle 1 tsp. cornflour on the florettes and stir fry for 2 minutes.
Serve piping hot with toothpicks or mini forks and chilli-garlic sauce or tomato sauce.
Same procedure for veg. Manchurian (with gravy or dry), but instead of using only cauliflower, use finely chopped minced vegetables and bind with some cornflour or bread crumbs and make small lumps the size of a ping-pong ball. Fry as above and proceed as above.


Tamarind - 1 oz
Rice - 11/2 cups
Dry red chillies - 4
Gingely oil - 1 dsp
Ghee - 2 dsp
Black gram dal - 11/2 tsp
Bengalgram dal- 11/2 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Fenugreek - 1/4 tsp
Cashew nuts - 16
Asafoetida powder - a pinch
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Salt to taste
Soak the tamarind in one cup of water for 15 minutes and draw the pulp and strain. Cook the rice in boiled water and drain it. Fry and powder, black gram dal and fenugreek and mix them with turmeric powder and asafoetida.
Season mustard, pieces of dry chillies, bengal gram and cashew nuts in gingely oil, add tamarind water, the powdered turmeric and asafoetida and boil till thick. Add enough salt and mix in the rice and the ghee.


Moong dal (green gram lentil) -1 cup
Powdered jaggery-1/2 cup
Gram dal-1 tsp
Method of Preparation:
Cook moong dal and gram dal in plain water in a pressure cooker. Mix jaggery in a little water and bring to boil. Add the cooked dal mixture and let it cook for a while so that the entire ingredients mix well. Then remove from flame and add boiled milk and cardamom powder. Garnish the cooked dal payasam with cashew nuts roasted in ghee and serve hot or cold.


Basmati Rice - 2 cups
Grated coconut - 1
Channa dal -1 tsp full
Urad dal (Black gram)- 1 tsp full
Green or red chilly
Salt to taste
Method of Preparation:
Wash and clean the rice, and cook in 1\4 litre of water till done. Heat the Ghee in a separate pan. Put in mustard seeds, channadal, Urad dal, and chillies. Fry lightly. Mix well with cooked rice. Add the grated coconut with salt to the rice and mix well.

AVVIAL / AVIAL RECIPE - Pongal Recipes

An assortment of vegetables (carrot, potato, drum stick, raw banana, yam, onion, long runner beans), cut and diced.
Coconut-1, grated finely
Channadal-1 tsp full. (roasted)
Urad dal-1 tsp full (roasted)
Asafoetida (heeng)-1/4 1 tsp full
Green Chillies-2
Haldi powder-1/4 1 tsp full
Method of Preparation:
Blanch the diced vegetables and keep aside. Grind into a paste, the channa dal, urad dal, asafoetida, and green chillies. In a shallow pan, heat the ghee and put in the ground paste. Fry lightly. Add the grated coconut and stir well over a low fire. Add the blanched vegetables and cook till done. Add salt to taste.


Milk-1 litre Aval or Poha (Pressed rice flakes)-1/4cup
Sugar-1 cup
Cardamom powder-1/4 tsp
Handful of roasted cashew nuts
Handful of raisins
Method of Preparation:
Boil milk in a pan. Add the aval into the boiling milk. Stir constantly until the quantity reduces to half. Add sugar and the powdered cardamom into the consistency and stir well. Add the cashew nuts and the raisins. Serve hot.


Raw rice- 4 cups

White gram- 1/2 cup

White sesame seeds- 25 gm

Cumin seeds- 25 gm

Asafoetida powder- 2 tbsp

Butter- 100 gm

Salt to taste

Oil for frying
Method of Preparation:
Wash and clean the rice. Allow it to dry. When it dries completely, grind to a powder. Fry the gram and powder it. Mix the powdered rice, powdered gram, white sesame seeds, cumin seeds, asafoetida powder, butter and salt together. Take a little of this mixture and add water to make a dough-like consistency. Heat oil in a pan. Drop a pinch of dough into it. If the drop springs to the top with bubbles all around it, then the oil is just ready to fry the Murukku.
Squeeze the dough through a murukku mould (utensil with a hole) into the oil. Deep-fry the Murukku, till crisp and golden brown. Drain the oil and spread the murukku on a newspaper to remove the excess oil in it. When it cools, this light and crispy snack can be stored in an airtight container.
Variation : Murukku has many variations. One is made with maida (250 gms refined flour), sesame seeds (1tbs). Steam the flour mixed with salt in a pressure cooker without water and the weight, for 20minutes. After it cools, add the required quantity of water to make a smooth dough. Squeeze the dough through the murukku mould and deep fry in oil till crisp.

SEMIYA PAYASAM - Pongal Recipes

Ingredients :
Vermicelli - 1 cup
Cashew nuts - handful
Raisins - handful
Water - 3/4cup
Sugar - a cup
Saffron - a pinch
Milk - 4 cups
Cardamom - two or three pods
Heat ghee and fry the vermicelli ( broken into one inch pieces) till light brown. In the meanwhile, boil the water. Add the vermicelli to the boiling water and cover it. Keep stirring occasionally. Once the vermicelli becomes soft , add the sugar and continue to stir. Put the saffron in the milk and dissolve it, add this milk to the vermicelli. Powder the cardamom and add it to the mixture. Then fry the cashewnuts and almonds in ghee and add these. Mix well and boil for about two minutes. Your payasam is ready and can be served hot or cold.
Note: Vermicelli can be cooked in milk instead of water. In that case, more milk should be taken.

VELLAYAPPAM - Recipe for Pongal


Raw rice (Ponny Rice) - 2 cups

Cooked white rice - 1 cup

Coconut Milk - 1cup

Pinch of Yeast

Salt - to taste

Cooked Cream of Wheat or "Semolena (Rava)" - 1 Tsp

'Vellayappam', a delicacy from the Kerala cuisine is a laced pancake made of rice and coconut milk.


Soak Rice for 1-4 hours. Grind a portion of the raw rice and some of the coconut milk and blend till batter has the consistency of fine grains of sand. Set this first batch aside in large mixing bowl -the larger the better to allow the batter to ferment to double it’s volume. With the second portion of uncooked rice and coconut milk, add the cooked white rice, yeast mixture, cream of wheat and a pinch of salt. Blend this very well and add to the large mixing bowl already containing the blended batter. Set aside this large bowl containing the batter in a warm dry spot. Let batter ferment for 2- hours or until the batter has doubled in volume.
Heat the non stick Appa Chatty, which is fully round on the bottom, on medium flame. Pour one large serving spoon full of batter in the pan. Twirl around the pan and cover for 1-2 min.Once the center is cooked remove. Repeat.
Appam can be served with sugar on top, with coconut milk, Meat / vegetable Stew, Fish Mollee or Mutton Kuruma.