Sunday, February 21, 2010

Oh Johnny, oh Johnny oh!


So, this is it!! Yesterday night was THE NIGHT!! 50's party with my friends! Lots of fun and cool looks! Be prepared for a good bunch of pictures!

This story started like a month ago, when Esther, Laia, Kim and I discovered a 50's burguer in the center of Barcelona... we decided that we should go there dressed like the Grease's characters, so that's what we did yesterday!

Delicious burguer!
Dani & Kim with "the milkshake of love"
Deborah with the hairstyle I made for her
A lovely picture of Esther!
Cris, so cute too... isn't she lovely? And I love David's face, like boring!
Of course, we were all dressed for the party... check the looks!


I was wearing a real 50's vintage dress I found the other day at Gracia; my Stradivarious old cardigan, Mustang shoes and my beloved navy brooche by La Virgen de los Broches". Aren't our hairstyles cool?

After having dinner, we went into The Foxy Ladies, a very nice pub where we drunk good cocktails and listened to excellent music!

Cristina's dress was lovely too!
Beautiful girls!

And the party ended at Demonix's Club, dancing and having a great time!

I love these picture!
Kim's jacket, so cool!

 You can see some more pictures at Laia's blog!

So, did you enjoyed your picture? And did you go to the Sonia Rykiel's event at H&M? 

Happy Birthday

21 Februari 2010, minggu,

Puji Tuhan gw masih dikasih umur panjang buat ngelewatin tahun ini. Ultah tahun ini ga bisa dirayain bareng suami coz dia kerja, n gw juga lagi teler kena flu, anak2 juga uda mulai batpil. pas hari H nya, gw ga niat bkin masakan yang special, ato bkin kue, bner2 suntuk, bawaannya ngantukkk banget, n malas ngapa2in?? Wadoh, jangan2???? hhaa, ini mah penyakit males nya keluar..hahah...tapi, bneran suntuk dah hari itu.

Mei pulang skolah, dia heboh, bawain gw hadiah ultah, "Ma, ippai origami tsukutta yo, mama no presento" yang artinya, ma bkin origami banyak, hadiah ulang tahun. Wah, gw mpe terharu banget, dia di skulnya bkin segala macam kertas origami, ada bentuk hati, ada sarung tangan yg dia warnai, ada gambar usagi-klinci yang dipasangin pita, ada bintang...semua dia bikin sendiri di skulnya. Trims anak mama.

Trus sorenya dia tanya, "Ma, kok ulangtahun ga ada kue nya?" Na lho, gw ditodong pikir2 juga, sepi banget ya ultah tanpa kue?? Ya uda dah, gw siap2 bawa 2 anak bonceng sepeda, beli kue di toko kue deket supermaket situ. Bener2 dah, uda mana dinginnn, uda mana gw lg ga enak badan, uda mana mulai hujan rintik2...kacau banget dah. Untung dah bisa balik rumah dengan selamat membawa kotak da takut aja kue nya terbalik ato apa? soalnya dipegang ma Mei di boncengan gw. Deg2an juga gw buka tuh kue, ternyataaaa.....masih utuh..hoho
Malemnya, laki gw pulang, dia ga bawa kado, cuman bawa seikat bunga ..haha, gw terharu lagi..hihi maunya si bunga bank ya?? tapi ya percuma juga, bunga bank dsini kcil bgt, mpir bisa dibilang ga ada bunga...haha, kok nyangkut ke bunga bank?? Thx papa...muach muach

Smoked Salmon Fishcakes with Hot Chilli and Tomato Sauce

Smoked Salmon Fishcakes with Hot Chilli and Tomato SauceThe considerable health benefits of eating smoked salmon aside, it truly is a delicious way to eat salmon. The natural oils of the fish remain intact and thus the rich, salmon flavour can be enjoyed in full. This smoked salmon fishcake recipe is in the quantities required for two people.


2lb potatoes
6oz smoked salmon trimmings
4 tbsp fresh breadcrumbs
2 beaten eggs
2 tsp freshly chopped basil
1 14oz can of chopped tomatoes in tomato juice
1 small red chilli pepper (very finely chopped)
1/2 tsp caster sugar
16 Brussels sprouts
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Sunflower oil for frying


The first step is to make the chilli and tomato sauce, as we wish it to accompany the fishcakes having cooled. The tomatoes, chilli, sugar and salt and pepper to taste should be added to a medium sized pot and brought up to a simmer. They should continue to be simmered for around twenty minutes until the tomatoes have really started to break down. The mixture should then be poured in to a sieve over a large bowl and pressed through the sieve with the aid of a wooden spoon. The sieved sauce should then be returned to the pot and brought back to a simmer. Around ten minutes of simmering should reduce it to a fairly thick and lush sauce. It should be covered and set aside to cool while the meal proper is prepared.

The potatoes should be peeled, chopped and added to a large pot of boiling, salted water. They should be cooked until soft (around twenty-five minutes) before being drained and mashed. The smoked salmon should be roughly chopped and added to the potatoes, along with the basil and some seasoning. It is important to be careful with the amount of salt added, however, as a lot of salt will come from the smoked salmon.

A large frying pan should be filled with sunflower oil to a depth of around one and a half inches and brought up to a fairly high heat. The Brussels sprouts should be peeled and added to boiling, salted water, to simmer for no more than eight to ten minutes, depending upon their size.

The breadcrumbs should be placed in one small, flat bowl such as a soup plate and the eggs beaten in another bowl. The fishcake ingredients should be thoroughly mixed together before being divided in to eight equal portions and carefully shaped. Each fishcake should be dipped in the eggwash before being carefully rolled in the breadcrumbs. They should be fried in the oil for about three minutes each side. Note that depending upon the size of your frying pan, it may be necessary to fry the fishcakes in two batches, keeping the first batch warm in a low oven while the second batch cooks.

The chilli sauce should be split between two small serving bowls and placed in the centre of each plate. The fishcakes should be drained on kitchen paper before being arranged around the sauce. The Brussels sprouts may then also be drained and served.