Monday, June 22, 2009

Easy on the S-bombs!

"S" is for "salad" in the diet world, right? Leafy greens, a few random chopped vegetables, and a tablespoon or so of fat-free dressing or worst yet...vinegar. Sound familiar? Sounds like
eating dew-dusted grass and weeds to me and I choose not to partake.

For those of you with an appetite requiring only a mere "dieter's" salad, congrats...I guess. But let's discuss this further and see if you don't see the light, both for your mental health and overall health.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather eat raw mackerel every day for lunch than a "dieter's" salad. Now, I love vegetables as much as a dietitian should, but a plain'ol salad aint suppressing this appetite.

Firstly, let's remove fat-free dressing from our inventory. I'm a huge advocate for the low-fat versions, and I'll tell you why. So many of vitamins in your lettuce, greens, and vegetables are fat-soluble, meaning that in order to be synthesized in the body, require fat*. Fat is good. Second, the fat is in fat-free dressings is replaced with simple sugars (i.e. carbohydrates) with little to no nutritional value, versus a mono or polyunsaturated fat**-rich oil found in many salad dressings. Lastly, the texture and flavor just aren't good!

We should also consider the addition of protein to a salad in order to make it tasty, filling, and nutrient rich. Try adding chicken, seafood, tuna, hard-boiled eggs, tofu, and other lean meats or meat substitutes. Beans are also a great fiber and protein-rich food that can be added to salads. Specifically, try black beans and garbanzo beans on salads. Adding a dairy product to salads can balance out the meal. Cheese and cottage cheese are great additions to a salad. Opt for the low-fat or fat-free versions of these products as they are calorie-dense. Try something new and add some fruit: apples, oranges, grapes, pineapple, berries, etc. Lastly, I challenge you to also try some nuts and seeds for additional vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fats. Watch your portions on these items as a little goes a long way (nutritionally and calorically!). By adding a fruit, protein, and a cheese to your average salad, you have a complete, balanced meal.

Don't forget to change things up and try new combinations. Even the most colorful and flavorful salads will become old hat. Don't choose a salad every day, but incorporate them into lunch and dinner choices as to not "burn out". When done properly, your average "dieter's" salad will surely become a long-lost torture in your healthy lifestyle.

Here's a current salad in my "save" pile:

Mango Pecan Salad with Chicken

8 cups torn Romaine lettuce
1 ripe mango, diced
1 red bell pepper, sliced
2 scallions, sliced
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
2 Tbsp fat-free chicken broth
1 Tbsp honey
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
3/4 lbs cooked boneless, skinless chicken, diced
1/4 cup chopped pecans

Wisk together lime juice, broth, honey, garlic, and mustard. Slowly add olive oil, whisking to blend. Add salt and pepper to taste. Toss over all vegetables, add chicken and pecans.

Serves: 4
Per serving: 362 calories, 15 g. fat (2 g. saturated fat), 29 g. carbohydrates, 30 g. protein, 7 g. dietary fiber, 115 mg. sodium

Bon apatite!

* The fat required to utilized fat-soluble vitamins in a salad (or other meal) does not need to be consumed with any particular food item in a meal. Fat can come for any number of sources and so long as the fat is consumed within close proximity to the consumption of the vitamins, the nutrients are able to be synthesized properly.

** Mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA's and PUFA's for sanity's sake) are what the diet world refers to as some "good fats". MUFA's and PUFA's are found in several common oils including: olive oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and flax seed oil. Choose these oils above others for heart-protective benefits.

di sebalik aqilah yg sekarang...

close friends, plz bace sampai abis. i really mean close friends yg sudi bace blog nih.
sejak berkurun lame esp those yg bace time sy private dlu~ ilysm~!
ok. post kali ni... panjang sgt3. tp tlg sgt3 bace sampai abis.. huuu. ade sbbnye.
banyak sgt rahsia hidup sy akan didedahkan~ hee. and owh...
korang akan taw. sape sy yg sebenar~~~ =]

22 june 2009, monday - pakcik mat meninggal pagi td... ={
arwah adelah datuk saudara sy belah mama. di terengganu~ da ajal.
x de sakit ape2. arwah isteri die baru je meninggal last year... hurm.
dulu arwah ske kaco sy nak kawinkan dgn cucu pilihan die. grrr~
sy x ske even die ckp, kalo kawin dpt kereta merc sport. and he means it.
tp nasib baik cucu kesygan die tu dah kawin baru2 nih~! haha.
erm,ok...sdeyh actually sbb x dpt blk tganu. anyway,al fatihah~

ok. most of u guys yg bace blog ni, mmg da rapat kan3? haha. [perasan...]
well. this blog just like a diary of mine. that's my own point of writing blog.
kalau yg da lame bace blog sy... 4 sure cam da kenal sy kan? even x pernah jmpe etc.
no worries! u will! of course korang sume akan dijemput ke majlis perkahwinan sy.
ermm... dlm 6-8 tahun lg, kot? insya allah. haha. err. sy x mksdkan anonymous.
i mean, korang2 yg wkt sy private pon bace. hee. anyway, thanks. 4 reading.
ok. da lari gile dr topik. actually. sy perlukan pendapat. yes.

hurm. sy selalu sgt3 terpk. ape kelebihan sy? ape bakat sy? ape kemampuan sy?
it's not la i'm overthink bout it. but 4 me, semua org perlu tahu. cungkil.
ape yg ade dgn diri sendiri. it's 4 the future and what would we be 4 the next 20 years.
and honestly speaking... sy mmg tak pernah nmpk, tataw nak nmpk kelebihan sy.
bknlah sy x bersyukur, just sy mmg x nmpk. sy x dpt kenal pasti. sy rasa.
mmg diri ni sgt kekurangan. ataw mungkin...owh lupe. mungkin ade yg tataw.
sy nih mmg jenis rendah diri amat, low self confident, etc. yup, that's me.

there's a time. sy mmg NAMPAK [nampak je...] mcm pro sgt. mcm confident sgt.
tp percayelah. itu amat sgt jarang berlaku. kalau jd pon, itu adalah amat spontan.
cam tibe2 ade kilat menyambar urat & jdlah berjln dgn yakin, dan semua yg best2,
positive pon jd. huuu... kan best kalo sy camtuh sepnjng mase? haih~ sebenarnye tak!
dr dulu...sampai skrng. sy pk, semua ni. kelebihan, bakat, kemampuan. sy x nmpk.
mama ckp, sbb sifat pemalu n rendah diri sy ni jgk... sy selalu jln bongkok. yup.
bkn bongkok gle2, just a lil bit. kalo org yg rapat, maybe perasan kot?

kenape sy jd rendah diri n pemalu x bertmpt selalunye? sy pun tataw.
tp ape yg blh sy katekan. dgn jujur la sy ckp. yg kdg2 dgn kawan2 rapat pon.
sy tataw nak ckp camne... ok. jujur sy ckp d sini, dr segi fizikal pon sy kurang.
i mean. kalau dr segi fizikal, apa yg sy nmpk dan pk, adelah sy gemuk.
hey hey~! sy bkn cam pompuan lain yg PERASAN gemuk sbb takut gemuk.
cuma. mmg kenyataan sy gemuk. then sy tgk lg... kulit muka sy bermasalah.
jerawat, blackhead, berminyak, etc. then erm, semua x cantik la. leh ckp camtu.
tp sy bersyukur, sbb sy lengkap anggota badan dan ok semuanya.

jgn salahkan sy sbb bersifat mcm ni. tp...sebenarnye. mungkin persekitaran jgk kot?
taw x... ape gelaran sy x pernah dpt? gemuk. gajah. buntal. badak. and ape tah lg.
owh, sy taw bezakan yg main2 & yg btol2. huu. yg main2 sy x kesah... sy fhm.
tp ade masenye ble main2 itu berlebih2, anytime sy blh jd moody dan nangis.
ttg ni, sy mmg extra sensitive. tlgla fhm... mmg mcm tuh. jd. sy fhm sgt perasaan.
mereka yg gemuk, tak cantik dll. jgn ingt sy x fhm. sbb sy btol2 fhm. sy x kesah sume tuh.
sbb tu sy x pernah nak pilih kwn... mahupun lebeyh dr kwn melalui fizikal~

sy tak lupe... time gigi sy tak tersusun dan bertaring, kwn ckp gigi sy buruk.
sy tak lupe... ade kwn x suke sy semate - mate ckp bibir sy tebal. ya allah?
tak lupe jgk... ade org ckp mate sy bulat sgt sampai nak tersembur~
tak pernah lupe pon... ade org ckp sy gemuk cam babi.
eheh... it's ok. da lepas~

bile sy pakai braces... mcm biase, makin ramai org ckp hodoh, gigi besi, etc.
bile sy pernah kurus, turun dlm 7-8 kg, pun org ckp lg...
"nape kurus sgt sampai keping sgt? x cantik lah." hurm... semua tak kena kan?
sy taw mulut org x bleh tutup, tp ni salah satu faktor sy jd mcm nih.

sbb tuh kot. bile org ckp or puji, MAYBE dgn ikhlas pon, sy rase cam.. err~
tipuuuuuuu!!! most of the time sy akan ckp "huu? mane ade. tpu je~!"
sbb sy rase mmg cam nothing special. sbb tu jgk sy selalu ckp...
i'm nowhere near perfect. skit pon x hampir. cuz sy x de pape. eheh.
sbb tuh bile ade org ckp sy nih best, dr segi life or appearance. sy cam.
tersenyum je skrng. sbb mereka tataw d sebalik itu. sy kosong.
enggak punyai ape2. eheh. its ok. sy menulis nih... dgn emosi yg rasional. =]

ke2, kelebihan dan bakat... yer. sy btol2 xnmpk. kdg2, jujur sy ckp.
sy takot ape yg sy pilih skrng, bukan diri sy yg sebenar. mksd sy, pelajaran.
sy taw ni sy minat. yer, sy x ske kerja yg hanya terperuk di dlm office.
mahupun cuma bereksperimen di makmal. sy tak minat. sy ske kerja yg bnyk bergerak.
merantau negara org, dan cuba sesuatu yg baru dan berlainan dlm hidup sy.
dulu... sy minat sgt forensik. ya allah, minat sesgt. same cam sy minat law...
tp time SPM, sy mmg xleh gi dgn bio. malah, sy x minat bio. pelik tak?
sbb slalunye pompuan ske bio~! and. camne minat forensik tp xminat bio? LOL.
law. sy minat sbb berdebat. yes i like. tp. tah. bile pk blk. sy x suke menghafal.
jd. sy lepaskan 2 nih sbb sy seda, ape yg kte cinta x semestinya milik kte~

then. sy mmg amat sgt super duper minat math~! maybe sbb mama ckgu math jgk?
tataw3. tp...ape sy blh kate, bile sy masok MRSM, study sy makin turun.
maybe sbb sy xley catch up kot? eheh. kwn2 se-mrsm lebeyh taw. kan3? =]
ok. pengakuan berani mati. time di mrsm, sy x pernah sekali pon dpt A utk math.
sedangkan time drjh 1 - form 4 b4 masok asrama, sy x pernah miss A. huuu~
kwn2 sekelas sy d mrsm time tuh, semua dpt A kecuali sy. yer~! sy sorang.
fhm x mcm mane rase rendah diri tuh membuak2 ble tibe2 jd tercorot? wuuu~
sy slalu dpt best student utk maths. owh indahnye time tuh... bile malas sgt.
nak buat hmwrk lain, sy buat maths. asyik3 maths. tp tuh, sebelum msk mrsm.
tp alhamdulilah...akhirnye sy dpt jgk A1 utk SPM maths. thanks ckgu syafura~!!!

ape motif sy ckp ttg subject2 plak? sbb sy pelik...ape yg jd. time SPM,
ape yg sy minat sgt3, result dpt biase je. yg sy x bape minat, semua A.
most of the subj yg sy x minat tuh subj2 membace, dan menghafal. huu~
i love numbers~! physics, maths, add math etc. tp...tuh plak biase2 je.
owh yer, subj plg sy lemah time SPM = chemistry / kimia. huhu. dunno y.
mmg xley g langsung2. tp cikgu azmi, cikgu kimia sy sgt baik + kelakar.
cikgu...thanks utk semua ilmu ckgu. huu~~~ ckgu ni sgt bersabar dgn kelemahan sy.
ok. dr keputusan SPM sy...mama ckp. sy otak sastera & minat sastera.
tp hakikatnye sy rase. maybe otak sy sastera, tp sy minat sains yg melibatkan nombor. =[

owh, keputusan SPM sy tak gempak mcm bebdk mrsm lain. sy biase2 je.
tgh2. x de failed semestinya. kalo ade failed, maw sy pelajar SPM 2006 yg mati bunuh diri =P
sebenarnye... SPM adelah wkt yg sy dah usaha utk belajar plg kuat sepnjng hidup sy.
tp. keputusannye sebaliknya. tp mmg ade peningkatan. sbb x sangka jgk.
ramai lg kwn2 mrsm yg lain berada d bwhh sy. sbb sy terpk, sy mesti tercorot dlm SPM.
rezeki masing2 kan? eheh. and kalau nak taw... sy mmg extra sensitive dgn SPM.
i mean, result SPM. hurm. sbb i'm hoping 4 more. i desire more than what i got.
setiap tahun, selepas 2006, sy akan nangis x ingt dunia time result SPM diumumkan.
yup, sy x blh tgk surat khabar, TV, radio or ape je. sy akan nangis gile3.
tak kisah cerita ttg kejayaan dlm SPM ataw ape saje berkaitan SPM.
sbb ya, sy mmg hingga saat ni, masih terkilan dgn ape yg sy dpt utk SPM. percaya, setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya. jd, sy reda.

ok. sy pernah rasa menjadi pelajar yg paling cemerlang, dan juga paling corot.
jd sy dpt rase mcm mana bile berade d atas dan d bwh. alhamdulilah~
bkn semua dpt rase cam sy kan? eheh... skrng. baru sy taw. kenape.
sy tgk kwn2 sy yg kurang pandai dlu, asyik diam & takot2. sy fhm...
bertapa mereka merasa rendah diri setelah semua usaha x berhasil.
yg mmg pemalas tuh~ lantak die org la. mmg x kejar kejayaan. huu...
dan ye, mungkin jgk sy terlalu lama berada d atas, Allah biarkan sy rasa plak.
mcm mane berada d bwh... ya, berada d atas itu indah. semua best.
kita dihormati, apa2 org cari kita, semua org kenal, dan blh kate complete.
tp... jgn la sampai kte lupe diri sbb semua tu kan, sementare je. kan? hurm...

aiyooo. x sngka pnjng plak ttg pelajaran. ttg kelebihan n bakat.
owh sy mmg tataw. tataw3!!! x nmpk dan masih mencari. sbb tuh. sy ske buat kuiz.
kuiz personaliti dan lain2, sbb sy masih mencari diri sendiri. sbb tuh skrng...
sy mmg setuju. lelaki dan perempuan itu sama2 sukar difahami. sbb itu manusia.
manusia adalah makhluk paling complex yg sukar difahami. tak akan mungkin?
ok. contoh sy disini, mcm ade org ade kelebihan die, mungkin pandai menyanyi?
berckp dpn org ramai, dan berpesonaliti menarik. pandai menulis dan beri pendapat yg bagus.
tp sy? entah. btol sy tataw n x nmpk. wawawawa~~~ tp sy perlu taw.
utk mase dpn sy dan jgk, utk diri sy sendiri. yes, kdg2 sy penatlah org ambil kesempatan.

mama ckp... sy pandai menulis. tp sy rase bhsa sy, BM mahupun BI adalah lintang pukang.
mama ckp lg... lupa ke sy dulu menang peraduan bercerita? lupa ke sy pandai melukis?
hukk. melukis? da lame sy tinggalkan... sbb sy tgk buruk je. huhu. tp mama framekan.
lukisan2 sy wkt kecik. eheh. thanks mama... mama ckp. drpd menulis dkt blog ni free2.
lebeyh baik sy buat cerpen atau novel. dpt extra income. ahakz~ mama ckp lg...
lupe ke qila pernah buat iklan di radio & calendar? lupe ke pernah buat fashion show? huu.
time tuh lain la mama. hurm. skrng makin x cantik + gemuk. suara pun x best da.
ada kwn ckp... sy seswai jd kaunselor. sbb sy pandai kasi pendapat, & selesaikan masalah.
tp sy terpk? masalah org sy selesaikan. tp masalah sy sdiri kdg2 penink2 lg. LOL.
ade org ckp sy good listener, blh dipercayai & kdg2 sebenarnye berani. entah?

hurmm... ade lg kwn ckp, sy bnyk kelebihan. tp sy x nmpk2. dan die pon xnak btaw.
die ckp biar sy jumpe n seda sendiri nnt. hukkk? entah3!!! tataw3!!!
ade kwn lain ckp, sy pandai ambik gmbr. aiyooo. mungkin die org x jmpe kwn2 lain lg?
ade yg ckp... sy untung sbb sy pandai berkwn & ramai kwn. ishh3...itu cuma jd.
ble sy tibe2 rasuk d suntik dgn keyakinan secara tibe2. sgt jrng~! ehehe.
ape lg ek? entah. owh...abah pernah suruh sy tulis lirik lagu. gile. x reti kot?
ade yg suruh sy ambik TESL dlu. tp mereka blum tgk lg BI hawa & momoyo & nini~!
huhu... lg hebat. haih~ itulah... sampai skrng sy tataw. ape kelebihan sy. tlg?
last. ade org ckp... kelebihan sy terletak d hati sy... mungkin tu je yg sy ade.
utk menutup semua kekurangan fizikal dan mental sy. eheh

org mungkin kenal sy dgn 2 personaliti. tgk pada d mana mereka kenal sy.
dan sejauh mana mereka kenal sy. d skolah rendah? sy friendly + faymes. [cett...]
sekolah rendah mmg perfect la hidup sy. eheh. indahnye~ ok. skola men?
depends skola mane. owh yer... lupe lg. ade org ckp. ramai ckp. sy slalu senyum.
sy rase. cam sy nih garang je?wahahah. dunno3!!! ok. 2 kategori je org mungkin kenal.
1- yg peramah, friendly, nakal, pandai, kuat gelak,
lawak and gile. ckp sampai x de noktah.

2- yg malu. diam. pandai / kurang pandai.
buat hal sdiri. sombong. ckp bile perlu.

d kolej skrng? ahah. ramai org ingt sy yg no2~ yg rapat je taw sy no1~ hee.
n mmg. sebenarnye ramai je ckp sy ni gile. haha. owh. org yg da benar2 kenal sy.
akan ckp sy no 1. yer. die org majoritinye ckp... mereka ingt sy nih yg no2. =P

baiklah~! sy berhenti bercerita dlu buat mase nih, nnt lg pnjng. grrr~
ok. sy amat benar menghargai segalaaaa pendapat dan comment kalian.
huuu. cam desperate je mintak org comment. tp. yup, diperlukan. eheh.
oklah... bnykkan rahsia terbongkar? hee. ni semua rahsia n bnde yg jd...
di sebalik aqilah yg skrng... =]

thanks ya 4 reading this...LONG tragic history & opinion. haha.