Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pizza lagii

11 november 2010, kamis

Pizza time, da lama banget ga bikin pizza, jadi ngiler sendiri deh. Yang udah langsung cemplung2 bahan di mesin home bakery, langsung pencett 50 menit kemudian jadi deh tuh adonan. Masalahnya topping di kulkas cuman ada sosis aja..ya uda sosis, bwang bombay, keju, saos n mayonese...panggang n jadi deh.

Lucunya, anak gw yang kcil ini doyannya tuh sosis, jadi cuman digerogotin tuh sosisnya doang, yang ditinggal cuman roti nyaa wkwkkww...tinggal gw deh yang makan pizza tanpa toping.huaaaaaaa

Suami bilang pizza kali ini enakkk banget, hahha, pdahal bahan n cara membuat sama aje, ya palingan biar gw sering2 bikin truss...wkwkwk...pernah lho dia habisin 1 loyang pizza sendiri hahah, kaget ga tuh???

dinner hari ni adalah steamboat yummy-yummy.

assalamualaikum. *selamat malam. mimpi indah.* huhu. tu namenye suruh diri sendiri tidur.

hari ni agak ok. sibuk, tapi rasanya not bad :) bangun pagi2 630am. work. well for today, banyak berborak dr bekerja. since everyone pun nak pergi shooting jauh-jauh esok. tinggal sy dgn kak laily. T___T abaikan. pukul 3 lebih, balik! HAHA. hantu punya budak.

sampai rumah, lepas asar, pergi Carrefour. teman mama cari kasut & baju. next pit stop, JJ Setiawangsa. we ate Baskin Robbin ice cream, *nyum nyum* and i bought few stuff at Watson's. balik rumah, maghrib & rush to Setiawangsa, for dinner.

sila datang. di area kedai makan baru dkt uptown setiawangsa tu.

buffet - RM28/person. lot of foods.

siput sedut! kerang! kepah! ketam! ikan!

chicken, beef & lamb.
variety of taste. they have honey, BBQ, black pepper, curry, etc.

when it comes to steamboat, u know this is A-MUST.

lot of choices of sauce as well. ketchup, black pepper sauce, etc.

sy suka bakar, drpd sup. :)

first round!

second round!

third round!

ok surrender, tunggu mama abah je makan.

ape jgn ingt 3 round tu dah banyak. kira sikit la sy mkn tuh :P sebab, hari ni sgt kenyang. makan sgt banyak. betul tak tipu, tak gedik! buekk. sy dah makan:
- lunch maggie goreng! FINALLLY BBY.
- tea time TRIPLE SCOOPS baskin robbin (share dgn mama) whatever. HAHA.
- dinner. 3 round steamboat.

WELLLL.... *muka bangga*

oh ye. nak tunjuk jgk apa sy beli dkt watson's tadi. yar yar, kepoh, but lantak lah. sebab ape, sebab ni baruuu PERTAMA KALI sy beli 3 benda ini. so rase macam excited melebih lah!

Za lipgloss. Za lipstick. Silky Girl gel eyeliner.
siap ade lip plumper bagai. i love the color, quite more to orange.
hari tu duk cari dkt bodyshop, tp orange tak ade.

1st time nak try gel eyeliner. first time juga beli yg silky girl.
first time beli product Za. dan juga 1st time beli warna orange. :P

oh brooch ni murah amat. tu sy beli.
2 utk RM 15. muahahha. ++ cantik :)

sejak kerja ni sy agak kedekut, atau blh ckp jimat la jgk. and ingt ye, lipstick dan lipgloss di atas tidak akan dibeli lg sehingga at least JUNE 2011 sbb sy mmg sudah ade bnyk lip gloss tak hingat punye!

and, jgn segan2 ajak sy mkn buffet, pasti tak rugi duit anda :P ok selamat mlm!

Winter Warmer Scotch Beef Stew with Doughballs

Unfortunately, Winter is really starting to bite here in the West of Scotland, just as it is in so many other locales in the Northern Hemisphere. This means that it is very much time to start thinking about dinner recipes that will warm the heart as well as the belly and provide some protection against the often numbing cold. This stew recipe is one which is made regularly in Scotland...but it is not usually accompanied by doughballs! Potatoes would be the usual accompaniment to this dish, whereas doughballs (flour and suet dumplings) are more often seen as an integral part of the dish, Mince, Tatties and Doughballs.

As usual in beef stews, I have used shin of beef in this recipe, as I believe it enhances the ultimate flavour. If you want to use an alternative cut of beef, however, you can of course reduce the required cooking time.

Ingredients per Person

1/2lb shin of beef
2 beef link sausages
1 large carrot
1 medium onion
2 pints of fresh beef stock
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 tbsp self-raising flour
2 tsp beef suet
3 tsp cold water
Pinch of salt


The shin of beef will take at least an hour and a half and ideally a couple of hours to cook. It should firstly be browned in a dry pot before the heated stock is added. The stock should be brought to a simmer and left for an hour and a half. The sausages and the chopped carrot and onion should then be added for the final half hour of the allotted cooking time.

The doughballs can be prepared when the beef links and vegetables have been added to the stew. The flour, beef suet and salt should be combined in a small bowl. Three teaspoonfuls of water should then be added and used to mix a firm dough. Be careful not to add too much water, or the dough will not be capable of being formed into balls. If the mix is too wet, simply add a little more flour.

When the dough is mixed, it should simply be spooned on to the top of the stew to cook for the final twenty minutes or so. This quantity will be enough to make three or four approximate ball shapes. The doughballs can be rolled properly in to small balls but I prefer the rustic look.

When the stew is ready, the doughballs should carefully be removed with a slotted spoon to a small plate. The stew can then be spooned in to a serving dish and the doughballs added on top. Serve immediately, with optional HP Sauce.

Konser Musik

10 November 2010, rabu

Hari ini, kita orangtua murid diundang datang ke skul anak buat liat konser musik anak dari kelas 1 mpe kelas 6, tau dah gimana banyak ortu yg datang?? Buset deh, padahal mulainya tuh jam 9.35, datang jam 9 aja, mpir ga kebagian bangku, untung dapet bangku walaupun duduk di paling belakang.

Untungnya suami hari ini dapat libur, jadi bisa ikutan liat deh. Repotnya Xiang lagi agak batuk n pilek, jadi dia ga bisa tenang, rewel trus...kcian juga, ya udah deh abis konser Mei acara ke 5, kita langsung pulang bersepeda ria.

Semua anak kelas 1 mpe 6 ikutan bermain musik ato nyanyi bersama. Mulai dari lagu populer kayak lagu totoro, ponyo sakana no ko, ato ai ai saru mpe lagu yang gw ga kenal deh...tapi lumyan juga dimaenkan dengan meriah, diiringin alat musik kayak piano, pianika, mokkin, taiko, simbaru dll.

Mei main pianika lagu apalah, ga tau dah nama lagunya...tapi lumayan juga
dari yang buta doremi, jadi lumayan lancar gitu. Seneng juga deh liat anak2 bisa maen musik, tapi Mei ga terlalu hobi ma musik, dia lebih suka dance. Ntar naik kelas 2 baru gw ikutin les dance ahhh...

ps. sorry fotonya ga jelas...cameranya uda jebottt wkwkkww