Thursday, September 17, 2009

Real Food in Schools: Labor Day in Sonoma

On Labor Day I joined about two dozen people (and one perfectly adorable baby) at the Sonoma Community Garden for National Day of Action to get Real Food in Schools. Sponsored by Slow Food USA, more than 300 of these gatherings were held across the country to show support for bringing healthy food to the school-age population.

The gathering in Sonoma began with a delicious potluck lunch followed by a conversation, led by Gary and John, the co-conveners of Slow Food Sonoma Valley. Lauren spoke about trying to get the school system’s Snack Committee to include healthy food. Two young women, interns at the Garden, gave us a reality check when they described the high school’s menu for breakfast and lunch and how they choose to bring their own. Many others joined in to make the conversation both lively and far-reaching.

It was a good start. Even though many of us no longer have kids in the school system and are not regularly checking school lunch menus, we showed up to support a better school lunch policy. Good for all of us.

But I am left with questions that move beyond the schoolyard. While it is important to focus on institutions, like schools, which are subject to regulation and hence can be changed by creating a new set of guidelines, it is, to my mind, equally important to think about the larger cultural issues that affect us all, including what to eat for breakfast and dinner. Most of these issues can’t be legislated or regulated and most can only be solved in our communities.

How can we learn how to prepare good food? My Home Ec classes in 7th and 8th grades were not the answer. I couldn’t find a grandmother for advice and encouragement. I did find some really good cookbooks. Is the Food Channel really teaching?

How can we make cooking dinner a priority, see it time well spent? I used (and still use) cooking as a form of meditation. But you could equally consider it a happy hour (with a glass of wine), a quiet time to separate from work, or a time to cook while helping with homework in the kitchen.

How can we educate and encourage everyone to eat more wisely? The USDA food pyramid doesn’t do it for me. My friends help. Conversations help.

How can we make cooking and eating together fun and enjoyable for everyone? I love having friends over for supper. I think it would be fun to close off the street for neighborhood potlucks or have cooking parties. But I run into the time issue.

How can we make it easier for working moms and dads, our friends and neighbors, to cook fresh food for themselves and their kids? We might cook for them—to give them a break. But what about friends or neighbors cooking for each other on a regular basis or developing and sharing really easy one-dish recipes that everyone loves. What about dropping off a casserole and a salad one night.

How can we make nourishing food available and affordable to everyone? This is a big one and I don’t know the answer, but it is so important.

How can we model good cooking and eating habits to pass along to our kids or grandkids? I seem to have passed along my passion for cooking good food and gathering around the dinner table to eat it, sharing meals with friends, having riveting (!) conversations, and creating family traditions.

I’m trying to wrap my arms around these bigger issues. I don’t have all the answers by any means. In fact I don’t even have all the questions. I could even be totally off base. And none of us has a lot of time to devote to the questions, answers or the doing. But as with our Labor Day discussion, it’s a start. What do you think? What can we do?

Breakfasts: Passing Along the Tradition

The Kunst family, the four or us in Durham, North Carolina, had a long-standing tradition of Sunday breakfasts. On Saturday I would ask Ben and Franz what they would like to have the next morning. They would choose from a couple of coffee cakes, various muffins, biscuits, Irish soda bread, pancakes and waffles. I would get up the next morning and make what they had chosen, along with an omelet and maybe some bacon. Nothing, but nothing, got in the way of our Sunday breakfasts.

In June, Katherine and I drove south to visit Ben. We arrived at his house in the Santa Cruz mountains on a Sunday morning, just in time for brunch. What he fixed for us in his new kitchen was a good old-fashioned Kunst family breakfast. A mushroom, spinach, and cheese omelet, biscuits with jams, jellies and our favorite lemon curd, strawberries and blueberries, orange juice, the works. Among his friends, he has become known for his biscuit and omelet brunches. Just great. The tradition lives on.

Cheese Omelet

3 or 4 eggs
1 clove garlic, pressed
¼ teaspoon salt and pepper to taste
½ - ¾ cup grated cheese, cheddar works well
3 tablespoons fresh herbs, like dill, chopped or dried herbs in a pinch, optional
2 green onions, finely chopped, optional
3 tablespoons vegetable oil

1. Break the eggs into a bowl. Add the garlic, salt and pepper. Stir together until they are well combined.
2. Heat the oil in a cast iron frying pan (or an omelet pan, of course) until the oil shimmers and is very hot—but not smoking.
3. Pour in the egg-garlic mixture. It should sizzle and immediately start bubbling around the edges. As the edges firm up, push them to the middle and tilt the pan so that the juicy egg moves to the outside. Keep pushing the sides to the middle until there is no more juicy part to run out. Shake the pan a couple of times to make sure the omelet isn’t sticking. If is it, carefully scoot your spatula underneath to loosen.
Note: I pick up the pan if it seems that the heat is too high. For me this is easier than changing the temp on the burner—but this may be a leftover from when I cooked on an electric stove which was slow to change.
4. Sprinkle the cheese and optional herbs and green onions evenly over the omelet. Fold one side of the omelet about a third across. Then fold over the next third, enclosing the filling. Let it sit for a few minutes with the heat off so that the cheese can melt and the herbs soften.

Note: If you are making omelets for a group, make multiple omelets rather than one or two giant ones. I think that dealing with more than 5 eggs at a time is really hard. When making multiple omelets, put the finished one on a plate in a 250ºF oven while you make the remaining.

2 servings
My own devising, but not original to me of course

Mother’s Home Biscuits

1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups flour
4 tablespoons butter, cut into roughly ½-inch squares
¾ - 1 cup milk

1. Mix all the dry ingredients together. Cut in the butter with a pastry cutter or your fingers until the mixture is crumbly.
2. Add ¾ cup milk and stir until the dough follows the stirring. If the mixture doesn’t hold together with ¾ cup milk, add a bit more. (It all depends on the dryness of the flour.)
3. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead gently 7 or 8 times. Roll out to about ¾- inch thickness; cut into desired size with a floured glass or a biscuit cutter. Mush scraps together to make additional biscuits. (The boys vied for the misshapen ones.)
4. Place on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 450°F for 12-15 minutes.

5-7 2¾-inch biscuits
Adapted from Uncle John’s Original Bread Book by John Rahn Braue

Chewable Vitamins and BL Critique

I hate taking vitamins. I hate the taste and they make me nauseous sitting in my stomach. And quite frankly, I procrastinate taking them every morning to the point of often forgetting to take them. After a Saturday of football at friend's last weekend, I was introduced to chewable adult multivitamins. Target supplies said vitamins and I now look FORWARD to taking my multivitamin every morning! I am on the prowl for a "name brand", US Pharmacopeia recognized chewable adult vitamin currently. Any insight out there on where to find such a product? Until then, Target, you have my vitamin business. Of all supplements, I feel safest consuming and recommending multivitamins ahead of supplements such as fish oil, acai berry, CoQ10, etc.

On a completely unrelated note, I finally had the chance to sit down and watch the new Season 8 Biggest Loser premiere last night. Abby, the 34-year-old teacher who lost her two children and husband in a car accident brought me to tears. The stories and baggage of these contestants leaves no wonder as to why they struggle with their weight. Baggage and struggle both being an understatement. Food is comfort, wouldn’t you say?

As much as I love The Biggest Loser, the season 8 premiere did leave me feeling a bit…annoyed.

First, WHY must Jillian throw around 4-letter words to make a point? Fat, lazy, or unmotivated as ever does not excuse verbal abrasions to such extents. With all the *bleeps* the images on the screen were the only differentiation between The Biggest Loser and Jerry Springer. I mean, c’mon, is that REALLY necessary? Reality TV or not, no one has the right to belittle one to that degree. Jillian needs to class it up a bit. Do you agree?

Second, I’m all for Body Bug’s and the latest technology but addressing the basics – nutrition -- is vital to contestant success! While the contestants may (or may not) be receiving nutrition consult beyond what the show portrays, it’s important for viewers to get accurate nutrition information regarding weight loss from a weight loss professional – a Registered Dietitian. Patients who walk into my office are counseled on nutrition; I am not an exercise physiologist or personal trainer. I deeply wish that The Biggest Loser would put a very small fraction of their astronomical budget into casting a dietitian on their medical staff. I mean, c’mon, we’re about the cheapest health professional to hire out there!! And doesn’t is just seem overly obvious to include a heightened emphasis on proper nutrition on a weight loss show? American’s don’t have 8 hours to sweat it out in a gym each day -- proper nutrition is key to weight loss success, why not get an RD on board and increase credibility?

As I step off my soapbox for the day, I do have to mention how “close to home” The Biggest Loser hits this season. Sean of Tulsa, Oklahoma and Danny of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma both reside within 5-10 miles of our home just north of Tulsa. How cool! I am definitely rooting on the Oklahoma men through their journey on the show and will commit to showing up at the filming to welcome them home as they enter back into the “real world” for a week near the end of the season. Biggest Loser is always good about home-town visits, so hopefully that’s something to look forward to!

All-in-all, The Biggest Loser keeps me motivated to live the healthy lifestyle that I do and continue doing what I love: helping others achieve their weight and nutrition goals.

Seiring mendengarkan lagu, sembari menapa diri.

Boris - Why Are People Running

Everytime i take a step ahead into the future
Sometimes I'm still stuck on that's left behind
Everytime i think of what you said which had a meaning
Sometimes i keep thinking if you were right

listen all together let us sing

Why are people running,why are hiding
Why are people crying for this love
Why are people running,why are hiding
Why are people crying for this love

God please tell me what you've done in our world
It ain't strange we keep asking all the time
Lord please take your prophet and send him on
and we Just keep on praying our hope ain't gone

Help me Brotha, sista

Why are people running,why are hiding
Why are people crying for this love

Di bulan ramadhan ini, gue teringat akan satu lagu.
Ini sebenernya adalah hampir kebiasaan semua orang, tapi selain lagu ini enak, liriknya sama kaya gue abis.
Kita terkadang kita suka lari dari masalah.
Terkadang kita jadi gila karena cinta.
Kenapa kita mesti lari?
Kita punya Tuhan yang akan selalu menyertai kita.
Kita selalu punya pelindung.
Kita selalu memiliki tempat untuk bertanya.
Kenapa kita mesti lari??
 It ain't strange we keep asking all the time
we keep asking all the time...
all the time...
and why are people running? Why we must running from problems?
Bukan kah hidup adalah keberanian?
Dan aku suka lagu ini banget banget.
Aku berterimakasih banget sama Prambors, karena kena lagu ini dari Prambors. :)

Antara jiper dan seru shooting di sekolah yang isinya cowok semua, secara gue cewek! halaaah.

yuhuuu mbah keket berketek kembali lagiiiii tengah malah ini :) hi hi hi hi *ketawa kunti terputus-putus, cekukan bos*
Deng deng deng deredeng deng..
Gue akan bercerita sedikit..... saja! Tentang pengalaman menarik bin di tarik-tarik sampe burik.
Yang gue alamin pada tanggal 16 september 2009. (agak telat posting sih, tapi tak ape lah yaw)
Tentang hidup dan mati.
Tentang cowok dan mangsa. *halaaaah apasih!*

Begini ceritanya... (dengan nada caroline zahrie di kismis-kisahkisah mimisan-)
Pada hari rabu kuturut tidur pagi... jeng jeng. *mencoba mengganti lirik lagu pada hari minggu dengan gagal*
Jadi, masih menyambung soal film dokumenter gue yg tentang violance against woman untuk the body shop Indonesia.
Gue pergi melanjutkan shooting, ke salah satu sekolah swasta homogen yang masih masuk, lagi uts malah. *parah deh sekolahnya!*
Yup yup yup. sekolah yg isinya berambut panjang tapi enggak bisa hamil. *heh? maksud loooh?*
PANGUDI LUHUR. jeng jeng jeng.
Entah mengapa sekolah ini kalo disebut namanya depan anak-anak SMA cewek di jakarta, langsung menimbulkan ekspresi-ekspresi najong gimanaaaaaa gitu! (termasuk gue, Mia, dan DItha)
Yeah! Mungkin karena mereka isinya cowok, slengean, rambut gondrong, dan dan (katanya) keren.
Tapi gue peringatin, mending enggak usah mengagungkan mereka banget, apalagi dengan sok sok an dateng sendirian ke area PL *khusus buat cewe*.
Kenapaaa??? Simaklah cerita gue berikut!

Ditengah kepanikan gue, Mia, dan Ditha soal jam pulangnya anak PL yg lagi uts, kita sibuk nempelin materai di surat pernyataan narasumber.
Sempet juga di bikin geger sama si supir taksi yang suwiiiir dableknya, masa enggak tau daerahnya. Untung kita enggak buta2 amat!
Sampailah pada jalan Brawijaya 4, deket kemang itu lohhh!
Diam untuk beberapa detik.
Lalu dengan PEDE-nya, turun dari taksi.
Berdiri di sudut jalan, yang langsung mendapat tatapan tajam dan berjuta tandatanya.
"Ih ijo ijo siang-siang, 3 cewe, ngapain coba?" mungkin itu yang ada dibayangan para pejantan berbaju kotak-kotak dan celana hitam itu.
Masih mematung. Hingga beberapa saat.
Dan akhirnya gue, Mia, Ditha, beraniin diri untuk maju sambil gandengan.
Belum banyak langkah, mungkin baru 4 langkah, ada anak kelas satu yang kriting dengan tampang suram nyamperin.
Si anak kelas satu bertampang suram (saksbs) : "Maaf mbak, mau ngapain ya?" HEEEEH? Mbak kata lo???! ENGGAK TERIMA GUE! emang gue mbak lo apa?
Gue (K) : "Kita dari the body shop documentary film, mau wawancara anak2 disini."
Saksbs : "Oh tunggu bentar yaa."
Karena disuruh nunggu, gue bertiga memilih kembali kesudut, dan enggak ada yang liat ke arah dua sisi tongkrongan anak-anak PL itu.
Mati gue mati gue!
Banyak banget suara-suara mistis yang nyata.
Sumpaaaaaah! Nyebelin abis.
Bikin gue jiper.
Dan si saksbs itu enggak balik-balik, sial!

Gue bertiga masih nunggu.
Sampe akhirnya ada suara-suara mistis gaib bin sumbang yang makin nusuk jantung.
"Udah grepe-grepe aja semuanya." weeeeeh mas, lo kira milik umum kali yeeee!
Siapa tuh yang ngomong??!! Pengen gue gampar. (emang berani lo ket?)
Seketika itu juga gue bertiga mundur pelan pelan, sedikit kearah jalan lain.
Langsung buru-buru buka fb, dan nyambangin profil temen gue yang kelas 3 di PL, Tyo.
Di telfonin enggak diangkat. Sampe akhirnya ngangkat juga dia.
Parahnya, dia udah di jalan pulang. Udah sampe gatot subroto. Meeeeen, jauh aja!
Setelah berkelabat kelebet silat lidah, akhirnya Tyo setuju buat balik lagi ke PL, sekolah mencekam itu. *buat gueee saat itu!*
Pas lagi on the phone sama Tyo, tiba-tiba ada anak berrambut kriting berwajah suram lagi dengan kotak-kotak PLnya nyamperin gue bertiga. Sebut saja dia mawar.
Mawar : Hai cewek, anak mana? Mau ngapain?
Gue : *ngomong ke telfon* Yo, ada ade kelas lo nih yang nyamperin gue ngomong.. bla bla..
Dan si Mawar nunduk aja gituh, sambil mengendap-endap melangkah mundur. Weeeh dahsyat amat!
Tuh anak sempet mau maju lagi, tapi begitu gue liat sekilas dia mundur lagi. Bahahaha.

Sambil nunggu, gue Mia Ditha, buat video singkat, ck. Parah.
Tik tik tik, gerimis pulaaa.
Untung ada yg turun dari ojek, menyandang tas ransel hitam, dan berkemeja kotak-kotak hijau bercelana hitam. TYO! yieeeeeey.
Sekarang gue tau! Ternyata Tyo itu cukup di takutin di PL. (You know lah yaa, PL gitu, senioritasnya pol-polaaaan gila)
Tadinya gue udah mau nangis, inget lagi puasa enggak jadi deh. Untung ada TYO.
Didampingin Tyo, semua jadi mudah.
yang kelas 3 jadi lebih sopan (omongannya) dan lebih manis keliatannya. hahahaha.
Yang kelas satu makin bebas gue nistai dengan binal. Eits, maksudnya gue caci.
bener aja loooh, si anak kelas satu dengan lantang gue bilang bertampang depresi dan suraaam. hehe. ckck.

Kita akan masuk ke adegan favorit gueeee!
Pas lagi sibuk nyari orang buat di wawancara, tiba-tiba aja gitu seluruh anak kelas satu yang ada disitu maju dan baris depan gue Mia dan Ditha. Jadi berasa artis *kedap kedip ala betty boop* hueeeeks cuiiih!
Weets dahsyat banget kan! Mereka disuruh seniornya, it means kelas 3 yang nongkrong disisi kanan gue.
Gue serem juga tapi. Kaya tiba-tiba di kerubungin zombie!
Dan dari situ gue kaya asal nunjuk aja gitu orang-orang yang bakal diwawancara. Weeew. Berasa superior gimana gitu.. ehh berasa ratuuu sejagad kunti deh!
Ini salah satu korban kelas satu yang bertampang suram,. Masih aja ketakutaan ye. Ck parah ------>

Dan shootingpun dimulai. Pas lagi nyamperin spot buat nge-take videonya, tiba-tiba jeblos aja gitu gueee! Anjriiiiiit. Malu abis. Untung enggak disorakin. ahahaha.
Ada lubang dan gue enggak liat, tiba-tiba kaki kanan gue sudah terperangkap didalamnya. SIAL!
Stay cool.
Shootingpun dimulai. Disamping mobil proton abu-abu, kalo enggak salah punya si bima. (seinget gue namanya itu)
Dan salah satu manusia berbaju ungu, kerjaannya mondar mandiiiiir aja. Nanda namanya.
Dia di tawarin enggak mau. Alasannya jerawat lah, mau pulang lah, aneh.
Tapi sepertinya, berdasarkan asas kesotoy-an gue, dia sebenernya mau tapi malu-malu anjing. haha.
Dari si Lowis, yang tampangnya chinese. Lalu ke Eto yang agak pemalu, kayaknya. terus Tyo, sambil ngedeprok duduk di trotoar.
terus lima orang anak kelas satu hasil eksekusi biadab tadi. Huh.

Semua berjalan lancar karena bantuan dari Bramantyo Adiiii, thank you to the max.
*sssst, roman-romannya, ada yang cinlok nih! My lil sista and our hero. bhahaha.Enggak tau yaa, ini sih feeling pas lagi shooting tiba-tiba aja ada suaraik banget ya kan??*
gossip close! semilir gimana yang ngebisikin gue gitu. CHahaha. Beneran oke loh mereka. Secara si Tyo ba

Abis dari situ kita ke Blok M Plaza.
Niatnya, gue nyari red flat shoes, dan ditha nyari shorty pants. Tapiiii enggak ada satupun yang dapet.
yang ada kita bertiga malah beli kaos dengan gambar samaan, yaitu kamera. aahaha.
Itu pun dengan keributan sebentar!
Masalahnya kita mau beli dengan warna sama semua atau beda semua.
Warna pas nih ada tiga. Grey, pink, and blue.
Menurut gue sihh, yang biru sebenernya bagus. Tapi entah kenapa dua cecilik itu rebutan pengen pink.
Sampe akhirnya suit, dan tetep enggak ngaruh, mereka tetap rebutan.
Sampe mbak-mbaknya rela berkorban nyariin lagi, tapi enggak ada.
Daaaaan Ditha ngalah. haha. Dia ngambil yang warna biru.

Setelah sore menjelang.
mia dan Ditha mesti ngejar transBSD dan gue mesti ke Harmoni nunggu nyokap jemput.
Mau jengukin nenekku tersayaaaang.
tau enggak, dari Blok M ke Ratu Plaza yang sebenrnya tinggal lurus doang dan 5 menit sampe, ngebuat gue bertiga ngeluarin ongkos taksi 20ribu! Parah.
Macetnyaaaa ampun-ampunan.
huh, dan kerjaan gue cuma twitteran.
yup i love twitter so much!

Gue naik busway dan turun di Harmoni.
Pas sampe di Harmoni, gue duduk bentar di halte sambil nunggu nyokap.
Di halte bus bukan trans jakarta loh, jadi gue di halte bus menghadap halte trans jakarta.
Sumpriiiit padet abis. bener-bener penuh!
Kaya toples berbentuk balok isinya permen macem-macem.
Dan saking berdesak desakannya mereka, setiap armada bus trans jakarta yang lewat selalu di sorakin "Wooooooo" gitu. Berkali-kali.
Sampe akhirnya nyokap gue dateng.
Bye toples busway. (nama yang buruk)

Gue langsung hinggap dirumah tanteku yang cuma beda beberapa gang sama rumah nenekku.
Gue mau melihat Jojo, alias Jonathan Halim.
Maklum, waktu di RS enggak bisa megang, kehalang kaca.
Dan dirumah tanteku bisa gue toel-toel pipinya. huhu. Mukanya cetakan om gue banget!
EEEEh ada acon juga, Jason Gabriel. Sepupu cowok yang bandel tapi manja banget sama gue.
Waaah happy family banget!

Hikmah puasa hari itu adalaaaah : "bulan puasa emang bulan baik yaaa, buktinya selalu ada orang baik yang membantu dalam film gue ini. Dan juga selalu ada kecerian di setiap kisah yang pernah kelam. *buat bagian terakhir ini rahasia haha*" Alhamdulillah.

Pork and Apple Shortcrust Pie

Pork Pies are normally thought of in terms of the Melton Mowbray variety. As pork of course goes very well with apples, however, I decided to come up with a pork pie recipe which is just a little different. This generously portioned pork and apple shortcrust pie will serve four to six people.


1lb minced or ground pork
1lb shortcrust pastry
1/2 Granny Smith apple
1 small carrot
1 small onion
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 tsp dried sage
1 egg
2 tbsp fresh breadcrumbs
Butter for greasing
Milk for glazing


Put the oven on to pre-heat to 350F/180C/Gas Mark 4. Finely dice the half apple and carrot, half then finely slice the onion and crush or finely chop the gralic cloves. Add them all to a large mixing bowl, along with the pork, egg, breadcrumbs and sage. Season with salt and mix thoroughly by hand.

Roll out three quarters of the pastry until it is big enough to line a medium sized casserole dish (which should be greased with butter) with about an extra half inch protruding above the rim. Spoon in the pork mixture and press down evenly and well. Roll out the remainder of the pastry as the lid and use the protruding edges to roll in to a crust for the pie. Make three diagonal scores in the pie lid of about one inch in length for steam and juices to escape and glaze lightly with milk. Put in to the oven for one hour.

About half way through the cooking time, juices will start to escape from the slits in the top of the pie. It is not necessary, but I like to mop the excess off with some dry kitchen towel at this stage.

When the pie is ready, very carefully turn it out of the dish using two plates and leave it somewhere to cool, before serving with accompaniments of choice.

How do you core apples?

How do you core apples at the moment? Do you have a dedicated tool for the job? Utensils such as those featured below from and make the job so much simpler. Why not treat yourself to one today to be able to core your apples for cooking much more successfully and economically?

It's raining today!

Today I woke up early in the morning ant it was raining very hard at my town. I love when it rains, it makes me feel in a good sense of humor!

Now that the rainy season approaches, I have to buy some rubber boots to avoid getting wet feet ... I love walking when it rains!

This week I've been busy, despite finishing my contract next week, this week I have to work in the afternoon ... I need a rest!

On Monday I came to work dressed as:

Cardigan - Mango
Skirt - Promod
Tights - Calzedonia
Shoes - Pull&Bear
Bag - Shirley Temple

And tomorrow, before going to the movies, I go to the salon to change my hair color. Maintain the blond requires go often to the hairdresser, and have not had time, so I'll switch to a copper color, more or less like that of Florence.

Picture by Tom Oxley

I wish that now my hair were longer!

So tomorrow, finally, I'll see "Inglorious Basterds"; and next week at Granada... (500) days of Summer! Yaw!

Have a nice day!