Sunday, October 5, 2008

Goat Cheese

There is some goat cheese in my fridge that is behaving badly. It keeps whining to be included in my meals. It has no shame in flashing its seductive, creamy body. It will mingle with mushrooms, salad, or omelets in an undiscriminating fashion. I've had enough of its attitude. The faster I get rid of it, the happier we will all be.

Try this: Spread some goat cheese on a cracker. Add a drop of honey. Devour and repeat.

Dark side of the bread

Sometimes dark thoughts live in warm environments... as black olives in spongy bread...

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Thanks to Maria Jose and her bread machine!

Beef Stroganoff (with whiskey)

Russian Beef Stroganoff
With a twist of Whiskey

So I had Mushrooms And sour cream (something I cant get very often)
I am thinking what will I cook.
Beef Stroganoff it is .
I used
Beef, Sour cream,
Bacon (not something I would always use, but I had it in the fridge, so I put it in),
Beef stock cube , Mustard powder, Paprika ,Onion , Butter,
Mushrooms and a shot of Whiskey, Salt/Pepper(I forgot to put in garlic) .
I finished it with a sprinkling of green onion.
I have to say it was delicious.
I made some fluffy Balsmati rice.

Roti bulat isi keju/Cheese bread

5 oktober 2008, minggu

Sempetin bikin roti buat makan pagi besok...lumayan ga terlalu rumit bikinnya...soalnya tinggal ngaduk bahan di mesin home bakery, trus tinggal dibuletin deh, oven, siap disantap

140 ml air
1 bh telur
280 gr tepung roti
3 1/2 sdm gula
1 sdt garam
40 gr mentega
1 sdm susu bubuk
2 sdm fermifan

12 potongan keju
1 bh telur kocok

- Masukkan mesin home bakery semua bahan, selama 45 menit
- Keluarkan, buat 12 bulatan, tutup kain basah selama 10 menit
- Pipihkan, masukkan tiap bulatan, keju potong, bentuk bulatan lagi
- Semprot dengan air bagian atasnya, oven 30 drajat selama 30 mnit
- Keluarkan dari loyang, bubuhkan diatasnya kocok telur
- Oven 180 drjat selama 15 menit
- Angkat dinginkan

Roti nya lumayan, ga keras, lunak mpe besok pagi....yummy buat makan pagiii....Isi boleh diganti coklat, ato selai, ato yg lain, terserah selera masing masing.

Melamine found in 4 more products.

  • Melamine was found in Snickers Peanut Funsize and M&Ms chocolate milk made by Mars, as well as KitKat wafers made by Nestle and a biscuit manufactured by Lotte Confectionery Co., the Food and Drug Administration said in a statement Saturday.

  • For more info read here 

  • ZenKimchi
  • Gives us this list Of foods to avoid 
  • MiSarang 미사랑 snacks,Ritz Cheese Crackers, Cadbury Chocolate, Danyang Day Bright,Rice Crackers, Non-dairy creamer imported from Hong Kong (includes instant coffee packs)
  • Lipton Milk Tea Powder

  • Now we can add 

  • Snickers Peanut Funsize made by Mars
  • M&Ms chocolate milk made by Mars
  •  KitKat wafers made by Nestle
  • A  Biscuit manufactured by Lotte Confectionery Co