Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Methods of Creating "ALOO KI TIKKI" Recipe


  • Potato, boiled and mashed 6 medium
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil +deep fry1 tablespoon
  • Onion , chopped 1 medium
  • Cottage cheese (paneer), grated 1/4
  • Fresh coriander leaves, chopped 1/4 cup
  • Cashewnuts, crushed 6-8
  • Red chilli powder 1/2 tablespoon


Add salt to mashed potatoes and knead into a smooth dough. Twelve equal portions.Heat a pan and sauté onion in olive oil until translucent in a tablespoon of divide. Cool and cheese, coriander leaves, cashew nuts, red chili powder and mix with salt. Divide mixture into twelve equal parts. Cheese mixture with the mashed potatoes part of the contents of each section. Roll and about two inches in diameter and ½ inch thickness tikkis (roundels) in size. Heat one (wok) kadai and deep fry until golden brown tikkis enough oil. Drain and place on absorbent paper. Serve hot with tomato sauce or mint chutney.

Methods of Creating "ALOO KI TIKKI" Recipe


  • Potato, boiled and mashed 6 medium
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil +deep fry1 tablespoon
  • Onion , chopped 1 medium
  • Cottage cheese (paneer), grated 1/4
  • Fresh coriander leaves, chopped 1/4 cup
  • Cashewnuts, crushed 6-8
  • Red chilli powder 1/2 tablespoon


Add salt to mashed potatoes and knead into a smooth dough. Twelve equal portions.Heat a pan and sauté onion in olive oil until translucent in a tablespoon of divide. Cool and cheese, coriander leaves, cashew nuts, red chili powder and mix with salt. Divide mixture into twelve equal parts. Cheese mixture with the mashed potatoes part of the contents of each section. Roll and about two inches in diameter and ½ inch thickness tikkis (roundels) in size. Heat one (wok) kadai and deep fry until golden brown tikkis enough oil. Drain and place on absorbent paper. Serve hot with tomato sauce or mint chutney.

Sayur Lodeh

Sayuran yang isinya full ingredients hampir mirip sayur asem, kadang sampe bingung mana yg mau diambil dan sayur ini cocoknya ditemenin pake ikan asin ditambah sambel terasi....

lodeh copy

Bahan :

* 150 gram kacang panjang, potong @ 3 cm
* 1 buah terong, belah 2, potong-potong
* 2 buah labu siang, kupas potong kotak-kotak
* 50 gram daun melinjo muda
* 1 buah wortel, kupas iris iris
* 5 buah cabai hijau, belah 2
* 1000 ml santan kental
* 250 ml santan cair
* 1-2 lembar daun salam
* 2 cm lengkuas, memarkan
* 1 potong tempe semangit

Bumbu Halus :

Bumbu halus:
10 buah bawang merah
4 buah bawang putih
4 buah kemiri
1 sdt ketumbar
1 sdt terasi
1 sdt ebi kering
4 buah cabe merah
1/2 ruas jari kunyit
garam secukupnya
1 sdt gula pasir
1 sdt kaldu ayam

Cara Membuat :

1. Didihkan air di panci, masukkan sayuran yang lebih lama matangnya spt wortel,labu siam2.
2. Tumis bumbu halus, masukkan ke dalam panci rebusan, aduk rata
3. Masukkan sisa sayuran dan tempe tambahkan santan kental, aduk rata, kecilkan api.
3. Masak sambil tetap diaduk sampai semuanya matang.
4. Sajikan

Ayam Goreng ala KFC


Sebelumnya udh pernah nyoba bikin ayam goreng tepung, klo kali ini nyoba resepnya NCC...sama enaknya sama renyahnya...

Ayam Goreng ala KFC


1 ekor ayam negeri, potong 8 ( berat ayam lk. 1 Kg )
1 sdt garam
1 sdm chicken powder
½ sdt lada halus
½ sdt vetsin

Tepung Bumbu:

1 kg tepung terigu protein sedang
2 sdm tepung sagu
6 gr soda kue
1 sdt garam
1 sdt chicken powder
1 sdt lada halus

Bumbu celupan:

1 btr putih telur
1 sdm chicken powder
500 ml air

Cara membuatnya:

1. Taruh ayam dalam baskom, taburi bumbunya, sisihkan. Biarkan 15 menit hingga bumbu meresap.
2. Bumbu Celup : kocok putih telur hingga encer dengan garpu atau whisk, beri chicken powder, aduk rata, tuangi air. Sisihkan.
3. Tepung bumbu : campur semua bahan menjadi satu, aduk rata.
4. Penyelesaian : Ambil 1 potong ayam, gulingkan pada tepung bumbu sebentar, lalu celupkan dalam bumbu celupan sebentar saja, angkat dan gulingkan lagi dalam tepung bumbu sambil tepungnya dipadatkan pada ayam. Lakukan untuk semua ayam.
5. Panaskan minyak, goreng ayam hingga kuning kecoklatan. Angkat, tiriskan. Sajikan.

Tips : supaya kulit ayam lebih keriting, bumbu tepung masukkan dalam kantong plastik/kotak plastik lalu masukkan ayam dengan di kocok2 sampai terbalur semua dan simpan dalam lemari es kurang lebih 1 jam.

Sakura in everywhere

9 April 2011, sabtu
Gw bawa ank2 pergi ke taman yang byk pohon sakuranya.. minggu ini banyak orang dateng ke taman itu, mpe mpir aja ga kebagian tempat parkirnya. Sakuranya cantik banget,full mankai, full bloom sekeliling t4 parkirnya.

Trus hari minggunya, kumpulan orang2 Indonesia pada hanamian di bawah pohon sakura, sambil piknik duduk2 di tikar, makan2, obrol2 ketemu temen2 lama. Happy ikutan acara ginian, sebagai penghilang stress di negri orang.

Teman yang di Indo bilang, kalo mo tour ke japan, liat sakura mah untung2an deh, kalo datang pas mekar2nya si udah hoki banget, coz bunganya cuman bertahan sekitar 2 mingguan. Kalo dateng cuman liat daunnya si kecewa banget ya..

Gw da 8 tahun tinggal disini, tetep aja ga bosan2 buat hanamian di bawah pohon sakura. Sayangnya tahun ini ga bisa hanamian bareng suami coz kerja , moga aja tahun depan bisa bareng2 sambil bawa ank2 main2 di taman.

Need Help

I've lost my kitchen scissors. Do you have any idea where I might have put them?

Things That Make Me Smile

The Dave Ramsey podcast. It's a ray of hope to people down on their luck and instruction that shows you can make your way out of your troubles. It always starts with Gerry Rafferty's Baker Street.

Lasagna for Sale

You don't have to eat in a fancy and expensive Italian restaurant to enjoy your slice of Lasagna.  Try  Green Nibble's  SPECIAL LASAGNA

The lasagna is baked with generous amount of special Bolognese and creamy Bechamel sauces and lots and lots of cheese in each layer. The delicious taste will surely surprise your taste buds and makes you want for more. So come on,  bite into it's heavenly goodness! Order now and share with your loved ones its savory taste.

 Good for 4-5 persons (depending on your serving) and it's only Php250. 

For orders and inquiries, you can reach me through:
Mobile No.: 09228782608
Location: Cebu City
E-mail: daryllcasomo@yahoo.com

Ducky Dinner Rolls


Aren't these just the cutest things? I saw this idea over at the Rhodes Bake and Serve website. These would be perfect at an Easter dinner, or any Springtime get-together!

Ducky Dinner Rolls

16 Rhodes™ Dinner Rolls, thawed but still cold
1 egg, beaten
sliced almonds


Slightly flatten 12 rolls and form them each into a teardrop shape. Place on a sprayed baking sheet. Pinch the pointed ends to make tails and press your finger into the rounded end of each teardrop to make a deep hole. Cut the remaining 4 rolls into thirds. Shape each third into a ball with a pointed end. Dip pointed ends in water and insert into the finger hole on the body for the head. Brush well with beaten egg. Cover with sprayed plastic wrap and let rise 30 minutes. Remove wrap and pinch tails again. Bake at 350°F 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven. Make a small slit with a sharp knife and insert a sliced almond for the duck bill.

Serves 12.

Poll results: fries should be replaced on kids menus

April 19

The bulk of this blog's poll takers — 67 percent — think French fries should be replaced on kids' menus, and a solid plurality — 42 percent — would do the same thing with adults' menus.

That’s not to say fries should be banned, just that they shouldn’t be the default option. Why not live it up with some artichoke or mango from time to time?

Twenty-eight people voted in the poll, which really isn’t terrible, but it’s not great, either, so my next poll is a poll on what sort of polls you’d like to participate in on this blog.

You can view the results of the most recent poll below:

  7 (25%)

Yes, and on adults' menus, too
  12 (42%)

  4 (14%)

I don’t care
  3 (10%)

  2 (7%)

Votes: 28

[April 28 update: never mind — clearly you’d like to leave the poll choices up to me.]

My personal taste
  1 (16%)
Beard Award nominees
  0 (0%)
predicting trends
  3 (50%)
Social or health issues
  2 (33%)
I want to read your blog, not take polls
  0 (0%)

Votes so far: 6
Poll closed 

A Perfectly Poached Egg

Seductive quivering blob asking to be poked.

It's easter this sunday, and I have a dozen fresh local eggs, so this week's going to be an eggs-tremely eggs-citing eggs-perience. Sorry, I couldn't help it hehe.

It'd be a shame not to poach fresh eggs, because fresh eggs really make all the difference between a perfectly formed poached egg and one with the whites running all over the place. Poaching eggs is one scary kitchen task that I took very long to finally dare to do, and being the foodie nerd that I am, researched extensively on. Here's a Guardian article which compares the methods. And after a few delicious (ugly poached eggs are still poached eggs) flops, here's the method I swear by:

Perfectly Poached Eggs
1 fresh free-range egg
a pot of water
a tsp of vinegar

1. Bring the pot of water to a boil, and then reduce to simmer. Add the vinegar.
2. Meanwhile, crack the egg into a shallow bowl (or if you dare, you can just do it straight into the water later, but I'm chicken.)
3. Stir the boiling water vigorously (with a whisk if you like but nah) until you get a whirpool, then gently slip the egg into the centre of this whirlpool.
4. Once the whites form around the egg yolk, take it off the stove and just let it sit in the hot water for a couple of min, or till the whites are set but soft, but the yolk is still raw (tell by sight, not touch!!)
5. Immediately remove with a slotted spoon, drain on kitchen paper and serve (e.g. with wilted spinach and generously buttered sourdough toast) or transfer to a bowl of cold water to stop it cooking then reheat in a pan of simmering water.

It's Not Compassionate To Drive Yourself To Bankruptcy

Jeremy Warner, writing in The Telegraph, has a very nice summary of what might happen should Greece have to "restructure" it's debt. "Restructure" means to let lenders know they're not getting some of their money back.
Greek banks are big holders of sovereign debt; a haircut of a third to a half would immediately trigger another banking crisis in Greece and turn an already catastrophic flight of capital into a rout. The banking system would very quickly collapse. A restructuring would also collapse the country’s pensions system, as the asset of choice among Greek pension schemes is Greek sovereign debt. Pensions too would have to be cut severely.

Yet by common agreement, Greece is already at the point of debt unsustainability; debts are so high that it’s going to prove not just difficult and painful, but virtually impossible to get them back onto a sustainable footing. The interest bill on the debt alone is just too big for the economy to be able to cope with. The point of unsustainability is generally acknowledged to be around 150pc of GDP. As you can see ... Greece is already at that point.
It's easy to write the words "collapse the country’s pensions system" it's another to see that collapse up close and personal.

I was in Russia in January of 1998, just a few years after the fall of communism. Socialism's end in Russia looked a lot like socialism's end in Greece will look like. The phrase took on it's past tense, "the country’s pensions system had collapsed." Desperate elderly were on the streets, begging for handouts. One could only imagine elderly invalids starving in their rooms, unable to get out to beg. I had a little cash and was able to give some away, but you knew it wasn't anything like what was needed.

I remember one old woman I met in the market on Arbat Street, speckled with sores and covered in ratty clothing. She begged despairingly and was clearly on the edge of giving up. I didn't want to touch her, she was so filthy. I went into my pocket and pulled out about $40 of Rubles and gave it to her, careful not to let our skin touch. She took it and I began to walk away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her look at the money and recognize how much it was. She ran to me, grabbed my arm and fell down on her knees, kissing my hand over and over again, crying out thanks in Russian. We both had tears in her eyes and all I could say was, "God bless you, Mother."

That was the end stage of socialist compassion. That was what "collapse the country’s pensions system" looked like once it had happened. There was nothing kind or charitable about it and the only thing it's proponents had left was their smug self-assurance that they had been "compassionate."


Onions ....... 2 (chopped)
Ginger-garlic paste .... 1 tsp.
Breadcrumbs ......... .. 2 tbsp
Tomato puree........... 2-3 tbsp.
Potatoes .................... 3 (boiled and mashed)
Almonds ................... 1/2 cup
Cashews .................. 1/4 cup
Raisins ..................... 10 -12
Milk powder ........... 250 gms
Kasoori methi powder........ 1 tsp. (microwave for 1/2 min. and crush it)
Garam masala....1 tsp.
Cream .......... 2-3 tbsp.
Vinegar or lime juice
Salt to taste

1. In a pan, fry the onions to a golden brown colour.
2. Add ginger-garlic paste and 1 cup water and simmer it to cook.
3. Let it cool and then grind it.

4. Take the milk powder in a big vessel, add about 1 litre water and let it boil.
5. Add the vinegar and let it curdle. Strain the paneer well and let it cool.
6. Now mix the paneer, boiled potato, breadcrumbs and salt.Mash it well.
7. Chop a few almonds, pistachios and raisins.
8. Take a little portion on your palm, flatten it and fill with the chopped nuts and roll them in a round or long shape.
9. Deep fry the koftas.
10. Grind the almond and cashews to a smooth paste adding 1 cup water.
11. Take a pan, add a little oil and fry the ground mixture and the onion paste. Saute and add the tomato puree.Simmer for 2-3 minutes, stirring in between.
12. Stir in the cream and sprinkle the garam masala and kasoori methi powder.
13. Just before serving set the koftas in a flat dish and pour the gravy over them.

Vegetable Spring Rolls Recipe


  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 thumb-size piece galangal OR ginger, grated
  • 2 green onions, sliced into matchstick pieces
  • 1 red chili, minced, OR 1/2 to 1 tsp. cayenne pepper (omit if you prefer very mild spring rolls)
  • 1/2 cup shredded or finely chopped cabbage
  • 4-6 shiitake mushrooms, cut into matchstick pieces
  • 1/2 cup medium to firm tofu, sliced into matchstick pieces (If non-vegetarian: add 1/2 cup cooked baby shrimp)
  • Approx. 2 cups bean sprouts
  • 1/2 cup fresh coriander, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil, roughly chopped
  • 2 tsp. oil, plus more for deep-frying
  • 1 pkg. Rice papers
  • 2 tsp. regular soy sauce
  • 2 tsp. fish sauce OR vegetarian stir-fry sauce
  • 2 tsp. limejuice
  • 1/4 tsp. Sugar


Place 2 tsp. Or large frying pan over medium high heat oil into the wok. Garlic (or ginger) galangal, shallots, and add pepper. Stir fragrant (about 1 minute) until fry. Stir frying tips: wok add a little water / pan becomes dry when too much oil instead.

Cabbage, mushrooms, and tofu (or shrimp) add. As you stir fry, add sauce. Stir-fry 1-2 minutes, until vegetables are soft.
Remove from heat and add bean sprouts, tossing the mixture in. Do a test salt to taste, add 1 tsp. More fish or soy sauce if not salty enough.

Roll a clean place, a spring roll wrapper on work surface to assemble. Place a heaping teaspoon. Cover the filling (if using large wrappers, you'll need more) of. Tip: You close the end nearest the spring roll wrapper with the filling length is shattered. Filling drier the better - Also not included in your / (pan left at the bottom of the wok over a slotted spoon for liquid works well try. Now some fresh basil and sprinkle coriander over the filling.

Left and right sides of wrapper over filling times as long as you tuck the wide end up too close. Roll to the other end. Secure It dipping your toes in the water and wet end, "Paste" roll on.
Fry spring rolls, place some olive oil (about 1 inch deep), a wok or deep-sided pan over medium high heat. When the bubbles rise, or oil in the bottom of the pan begins to form when the lines are like snakes, the oil is hot enough. This test, oil dip a corner of a spring roll. If it starts to sizzle and cook, oil is ready. If not for a minute, wait another 30 seconds and try again.

Using tongs, place the oil in the spring rolls, they fry about 1 minute on each side to allow for. Spring rolls are done when they turn light to medium golden brown. Place on paper towels (or a clean dish towel) over the drain while you fry the rest.
Serve the spring, while still Thai sweet chili sauce, or your own hot roll with dipping sauce.

Vegetable Spring Rolls Recipe


  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 thumb-size piece galangal OR ginger, grated
  • 2 green onions, sliced into matchstick pieces
  • 1 red chili, minced, OR 1/2 to 1 tsp. cayenne pepper (omit if you prefer very mild spring rolls)
  • 1/2 cup shredded or finely chopped cabbage
  • 4-6 shiitake mushrooms, cut into matchstick pieces
  • 1/2 cup medium to firm tofu, sliced into matchstick pieces (If non-vegetarian: add 1/2 cup cooked baby shrimp)
  • Approx. 2 cups bean sprouts
  • 1/2 cup fresh coriander, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil, roughly chopped
  • 2 tsp. oil, plus more for deep-frying
  • 1 pkg. Rice papers
  • 2 tsp. regular soy sauce
  • 2 tsp. fish sauce OR vegetarian stir-fry sauce
  • 2 tsp. limejuice
  • 1/4 tsp. Sugar


Place 2 tsp. Or large frying pan over medium high heat oil into the wok. Garlic (or ginger) galangal, shallots, and add pepper. Stir fragrant (about 1 minute) until fry. Stir frying tips: wok add a little water / pan becomes dry when too much oil instead.

Cabbage, mushrooms, and tofu (or shrimp) add. As you stir fry, add sauce. Stir-fry 1-2 minutes, until vegetables are soft.
Remove from heat and add bean sprouts, tossing the mixture in. Do a test salt to taste, add 1 tsp. More fish or soy sauce if not salty enough.

Roll a clean place, a spring roll wrapper on work surface to assemble. Place a heaping teaspoon. Cover the filling (if using large wrappers, you'll need more) of. Tip: You close the end nearest the spring roll wrapper with the filling length is shattered. Filling drier the better - Also not included in your / (pan left at the bottom of the wok over a slotted spoon for liquid works well try. Now some fresh basil and sprinkle coriander over the filling.

Left and right sides of wrapper over filling times as long as you tuck the wide end up too close. Roll to the other end. Secure It dipping your toes in the water and wet end, "Paste" roll on.
Fry spring rolls, place some olive oil (about 1 inch deep), a wok or deep-sided pan over medium high heat. When the bubbles rise, or oil in the bottom of the pan begins to form when the lines are like snakes, the oil is hot enough. This test, oil dip a corner of a spring roll. If it starts to sizzle and cook, oil is ready. If not for a minute, wait another 30 seconds and try again.

Using tongs, place the oil in the spring rolls, they fry about 1 minute on each side to allow for. Spring rolls are done when they turn light to medium golden brown. Place on paper towels (or a clean dish towel) over the drain while you fry the rest.
Serve the spring, while still Thai sweet chili sauce, or your own hot roll with dipping sauce.