In my house, the big fight is between Yoda and the Stormtrooper, or I should say over those two. If it's Sunday, it's pancakes, and with two boys in the house, the Star Wars shaped pancake molds get a lot of use. We also have a Darth Vader mold, but no one seems to want to eat Darth Vader pancakes. I don't think this would hurt Darth Vader's feelings, he's more a fear over love kind of guy. Yoda, that little green Zen master without an ego, you would think would prefer not to have children idolize him, although his kindness and warmth are a natural attraction to younglings, so he probably doesn't mind. Clone soldiers I'm sure would love to have boys choose their pancakes, but Stormtroopers and their darker role, I'm not so sure. I'm sure there would be a memo from Darth to the Stormtroopers discouraging that. Such are the musings you can have on a lazy weekend morning. While rest is an important part of weekends, so is reconnecting those bonds you share with your loved ones. They say that families eating dinner together are one of the best way to grow healthy families. Likewise, I believe that weekend breakfasts serve that purpose and need. And when you are doing it in your pajamas, you're not just dad anymore, you're that fun guy who's making Star Wars pancakes. Even if your pancakes are more traditionally shaped, not only are you serving a hearty meal, you are growing the lasting and unbreakable bonds that come with this family togetherness. This recipe is quick and easy, because this is no time to slave away in the kitchen. It's a time to grow your family. May the syrup be with you. Serves 4. Ingredients: 1 cup flour 2 tbsp sugar 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup milk 2 tbsp butter, melted 1 egg, beaten 1/8 tsp vanilla Directions: In a large bowl mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. In a small bowl mix together the milk, butter, egg and vanilla. Combine the wet mixture into the dry mixture, stirring as you slowly poor. Beat the mixture to combine, although not too much. Some lumps can remain in the batter. Add more milk if a looser batter is desired. Heat a non-stick pan or griddle over medium heat. Ladle the batter onto the griddle, 1/3 cup at a time. As bubbles start to form and pop on the tops of the pancakes check the underside. Flip when golden. Cook a minute or two longer. Remove and keep warm in a preheated oven. Serve with butter and syrup.