Friday, April 24, 2009

private blog

i've to private my blog
due to some reasons
  1. mama asked me to do so
  2. my friends advised me to do so
  3. and, thats da best 4 now
plz. leave ur email here.
if u still wanna read my blog.
so that i can invite u guys

dont worry, i'll always read ur's
every1 that i've linked @ 'dearest sunshine'

thanks =]

strawberi chiffon cake

24 april 2009, kamis

Dah lama ga bikin2 kue nih..jadi pengen ngemil lagi dah..kali ini resep di browsing dari inet. Ini gw catetin lagi resepnya...

50 gr strawberi jam
10 gr susu bubuk
30 gr minyak sayur
40 gr susu cair
70 gr tepung trigu
10 gr susu bubuk
1/3 sdt baking powder
3 bh kuning telur

Adonan A
4 bh putih telur
40 gr gula
sedikit garam

1. Buat adonan A, kocok putih telur n garam mpe putih mengembang, masukkan 1/2 bagian gula, kocok, lalu masukkan sisanya, kocok trus mpe mengembang, sisihkan
2. Kocok kuning telur, masukkan strawberi jam n susu bubuk aduk rata.
3. Masukkan minyak, susu segar aduk rata
4. masukkan lagi tepung n susu bubuk n baking powder yang telah diayak, aduk rata
5. Masukkan 1/2 bagian no 1 ke adonan no 4, aduk trus, lalu masukkan sisanya..aduk rata.
6. oven 170 derajat 35 menit.

Kuenya si enak, tapi kok ga berasa strawberi nya yak?? ato kurang banyak ???

Absinthe at l’Absinthe

April 24

Fox News and a Zen Buddhist temple are both on the same street as l'Absinthe, an old-school Upper East Side French restaurant that last night had a tasting of the liqueur after which the restaurant is named, the one that once was banned, ostensibly because of the thujone in the wormwood used to make it, but that was really hip among 19th Century Parisian artists and is now hip among hipster wannabes, but among some cool people as well.
I imagine the restaurant gets more business from the network than the temple, although I couldn’t tell last night, when before the 9pm tasting I had dinner with two of L'Absinthe’s publicists.
The restaurant was about half full, which isn’t bad.
We spoke mostly of simple things, like reality television, although as more people arrived and the Absinthe tasting began the subject moved on to other things, although I’m not sure what, because I drank something like six Absinthes, administered by our able server, Steve Bucheli.
I woke miraculously without a hangover.

What I ate and drank (besides Absinthe):
2006 Newton Chardonnay
Guacamole terrine with salmon tartare and poached lobster
duck foie gras seared with mango
2005 Hautes-CĂ´tes de Nuits
pan-seared skate with pine nuts and capers, served with seared zucchini and confit tomato skin
braised chicken paillard with white wine and truffle
Apple tarte.

BIRTHday surprised

mr shah! happy birthday again =P

we celebrated his bday a few hours ago.
KFC setiawangsa, 3:45pm - 6:00pm.
and also, miss maya upcoming bday.
almost 20 of us.

bday cake.

bobo & emma duk sebok buat assignment.
adek penat menunggu.

reef & adek tnggu isyarat dr nora.

nora tgh tnggu mr shah dtg... haha

tgh tnggu mr shah naik atas.
then nyanyi 'happy birthday' ramai2

yeayy!!! bday guy muncul.

sesi potong cake. hari ni. mr shah amat famous.
ramai yg snap2 pics beliau.

pemotong cake yg excited.
nora. adek. reef

ramai da x sabar2 nak mkn.

mr shah n his students.

miss maya yg terharu sgt sampai menangis.

dear mr shah. sorry 4 da simple present.
n i hope that lil blue puppet, will always b by ur side.
tman tindih kertas dkt office ke? or tman driving ke. =P
haha. and. we hope u did enjoy da surprise bday party.
with dat BIGGG bday card!
thanks 4 everything



Ok guys!!!! saatnya menampilkan kebolehan....hehehe bukan maksudnya mau nyombongkan diri tapi saya ingin berbagi video bersama kalian...yaitu video-video music dengan model parody bersama teman-teman saya yang lain..emank agak sedikit malu sih..tapi saya akan memberanikan diri,eh..kalian bisa melihat video saya sendiri dan juga teman saya...hahaha agak lucu dan ngakak abis..tapi..itu tergantung dari kalian ok ini dia daftar link yang kalian bisa ketik di komputer kalian atau klo gak mau capek masuk di youtube aja

S&B Brother-Back-On-Blaze Line(Eyeshield21 op)