Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Shingara flour ..... 1/2 cup
Green cardamoms..2-3
Ghee .................... 1 tbsp. (if you take melted take 1 and 1/2)
Sugar ..................2-3 tbsp. (according to your taste)
Pistachios ..... to garnish (crushed)

1. In a pan heat the ghee and add the crushed cardamoms.

2.When you get the aroma add the flour and keep stirring on medium flame until it gets a nice brown colour.
3. Add one cup water and stir quickly to avoid lumps.
4. Now add the sugar and mix well. Keep mixing for half a minute till the consistency is thick.
Garnish with pistachios.

KBB # 20 & NCC Bangket Week - Bebangkit Betawi

Tantangan KBB dan NCC Week " Bangkit Week" kali ini benar benar sangat membangkitkan semangat dan seperti biasa kejadian yang sudah sudah selalu bikin lebih dari 3x ya...suatu hal yang sebetulnya orang orang malas lakukan tapi demi rasa penasaran jadi ya harus dikerjakan dengan senang hati.
Uji coba pertama kali kurang memuaskan dan tidak sesuai harapanku waktu itu aku bikin kue bangkit susunya mbak Nadrah. Uji coba yang kedua membuat kue Rentak mbak Arfi - hasil akhir kurang memuaskan juga karena tidak bisa retak tapi soal rasa pas banget tapi untuk orang yang suka manis pasti akan bilang kurang manis. Dan yang terakhir ini aku bikin resep dari postingan mbak Ratih Chandra - NCC sedikit mengobati rasa penasaran dan cukup puas dengan hasilnya, meskipun membuatnya tidak persis plek dengan sumber resep asli karena aku sesuaikan persediaan bahan dan selera aku sendiri.
Ditilik dari resepnya sih kelihatan mudah dan PD sekali pasti berhasil tapi apa daya di tengah pembuatan kok adonan jadi liat dan super liat langsung deh ciut nyali dan tidak yakin ini kukis akan jadi atau tidak dan tetap saja melanjutkan mengaduk adonan tanpa di tambahin lagi dengan sagu takutnya tambah parah hasil akhirnya.
Satu lagi kejadian tak akan kulupakan ketika membuat kue ini yaitu cetakan tembakan untuk spuitku rusak alias patah hiks....hiks... huaaaaaa dan hanya sempat nyengir kuda aja ketika mengetahui alat perangku rusak gara gara aku pake untuk spuit adonan - o iya sifat adonan ini sperti pasta tapi lama kelamaan kena angin jadi keras jadi saran aku lain kali kalau bikin adonan ini sebaiknya dipulung saja seperti membuat nastar. Hasil akhirnya untuk adonan yang aku bentuk bulat hasilnya bisa retak retak tapi yang aku spuit justru tidak sama sekali entah kenapa aku juga tidak tahu sebabnya karena ini baru pertama kali aku membuatnya.

Yuk ah daripada bercerita panjang lebar mendingan simak resep ini dan segera praktekan saja supaya rasa penasaran akan bangkit membangkit kue ini terobati.

Kue Bebangket
Tabloid Saji (edisi 22/th II/14 Juni -27 Juni 2004), modified by Nilam Sari

Untuk 900 gram

Bahan :

4 butir telur ukuran sedang

200 gram gula pasir
80 gram gula palem
1/2 sdt soda kue
1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk
250 gr kelapa parut setengah tua, parut kasar dan gongseng hingga kuning lalu tumbuk
50 gr butter
125 gr tepung terigu sangrai
350 gr tepung tapioka / sagu - sangrai
Cara membuat :

1. kocok butter dan gula hingga rata
2. masukan telur satu persatu kocok hingga rata lalu matikan mixer
3. masukan kelapa parut sangrai dan tepung terigu, sodakue dan kayu manis aduk rata kemudian masukan sagu sangrai sedikit demi sedikit aduk hingga rata
4. cetak adonan dengan spuit atau bentuk sesuai selera
5. oven hingga matang

Note :
Catatan pribadiku saja ya kalau adonan terlihat lengket dan seperti pasta jangan menambahkan sagu lagi ya karena aku jamin pasti hasil akhir pasti akan keras dan rasanya akan bertepung banget itu hanya analisaku saja

Berikut adalah step by step yang sempat aku abadikan semoga bisa mengobati rasa penasaran akan kue bebangkit betawi ini.

Rye Not?

We folks here in the south LOVE our biscuits. Sweet, savory, dripping with butter, loaded with honey or covered in red-eye or sausage gravy, it really doesn't matter. Biscuits come to our tables laden with history, evoking fond memories of the person who taught us how to make them. We would never think of serving fried chicken without them and they grace our tables whenever we want to feed and nurture the ones we love most. There is nothing better than breaking open a hot, flaky biscuit and slathering it with butter, then savoring it while that melting butter trickles slowly down our chins.

Of course, no one can agree on the perfect way to make them. White Lily flour or unbleached all-purpose? Lard, butter or shortening? Yeast? Cream? Added ingredients, such as cheese or benne seeds? The debate is not unlike the same one that rages around the best way to fry chicken. Covered? Uncovered? Soaked in buttermilk? Brined?  Ask any Southerner and you will get a completely different opinion.  It's just the way we roll.

We had houseguests recently and I wasn’t sure if they were going to be here for dinner on the second night of their visit. No problem if they had other plans, but I wanted to have something on hand just in case. I decided to make a big pot of tomato-basil soup.

In the meantime, though, I was in the process of researching barbecue sauces (more about that in another post). I pulled out another one of those retro books of mine, “As American As Apple Pie” by Phillip Stephen Schulz.

Published in 1990, this book is a treasure trove of American recipes. Mr. Schulz devotes entire chapters to classic American foods, such as apple pies, barbecue sauces, bread puddings, brownies, chocolate chip cookies and meat loaves. And biscuits.

Thanks to my ADHD, I totally forgot about the barbecue sauce project and turned my attention to the biscuit chapter. Since I had just purchased a jar of caraway seeds, the recipe for Campton Place’s Caraway-Ryes caught my eye. Since I also had a bag of rye flour in my pantry and a pot of simmering soup on the stove, I figured the gods were telling me something.

They were. These biscuits were delicious (with or without the soup) and I would make them again. They are a far cry from a traditional southern biscuit, but who cares?  Guess we now know where I stand on the biscuit-making debate!


1 ½ cups all-purpose, unbleached flour
½ cup rye flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 ½ tablespoons caraway seeds
½ cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, chilled
½ cup buttermilk

Preheat oven to 450-degrees.

Sift the flours, baking powder, baking soda and salt into a large bowl. Toss in the caraway seeds. Cut butter into small cubes and drop them on top of the flour mixture. Use your fingertips or a pastry blender to cut in butter until the mixture has the texture of coarse crumbs.

Stir in the buttermilk with a wooden spoon to form a soft dough. Roll dough out to a ½-inch thickness on a lightly floured board. Cut into circles, using a 2-inch round cookie cutter. It is okay to re-roll scraps once and cut out more rounds.

Place biscuits on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake until golden, about 10 – 12 minutes. For best results, serve immediately with lots of good salted butter for spreading.

Yield: 16 2-inch biscuits

Don’t toss out those leftover scraps of dough!  Just bake them up as well. They won’t look pretty, but they sure will taste good. When I worked at Watershed, Steven Satterfield (now chef/owner at Miller-Union) was in charge of the biscuits on Fried Chicken Night and he always baked up the scraps for us. As I stood there for hours, pan-frying those 90 chickens every Tuesday, those tasty little scraps were manna from heaven!


Shingara flour ..... 2 cups (water chestnut flour)
Potato ................. 1 (boiled and mashed)
Rock salt ............ to taste
Crushed black pepper .. 1/4 tsp.
Cumin or caraway seeds ... 1/2 tsp (optional)
Oil to fry.
1. Mix the mashed potato, salt, crushed black pepper,cumin seeds,half tbsp. oil and knead into a hard dough.(add very little water or else the atta becomes too soft to handle)
2. Roll out small puris and deep fry.The dough is like bajra or jowar, if you find it difficult to roll, just pat with your hands on the board using dry flour and lift with a spatula.
3. If you like rotis you can roast them on a griddle applying ghee or oil.


Shingara flour ... 2 tsps.(water chestnut flour)
Sour curd ......... 1/2 cup
Cumin seeds ..... 1/2 tsp.
Rock salt .......... to taste
White pepper powder ... 1/4 tsp
Sugar .............. 1 tsp.
Coriander leaves .. to garnish
1.Heat a little oil in a pan and add cumin seeds.When they crackle add the flour and fry for a minute till you get the aroma and the colour changes..
2. Add the yougurt blended with water and stir quickly to avoid lumps. Also stir in salt, white pepper powder and sugar. Simmer until done(approx. 20 mins.) Garnish with coriander leaves.
3. Keep the consistency thick to serve with rotis or puris.

SABUDANA VADA ( Vrat ka Khana)

Sabudana ...... 1 cup
Potato ........... 1 (boiled and mashed)
Shingara flour .. 1 tbsp. (water chestnut flour)
Peanuts ............ 1 tbsp. (dry roast and grind coarsely)
Black pepper powder .... 1/4 tsp.
Rock salt ...................... to taste
Amchoor powder ......... 1.4 tsp.

1. Soak the sabudana with enough water to cover for 3-4 hours.

2. Mix all the above ingredients except oil.
3. Make round balls with moist hands and flatten them a bit.
4. Deep fry and serve hot.
(when you are not fasting you can add all the spices, green chillies and make them chatpata)

MAKHANE KI KHEER ( Vrat ka Khana)

Makhanas .... 1/2 cup
Milk ............. 2 cups
Sugar ........... 2-3 tbsps. (according to your taste)
Green cardamoms ... 2-3
Saffron ..................... a pinch
Ghee....................... 1 tsp.
Chopped pistachios and almonds .. to garnish.


1. Heat the ghee and break the makhanas into it. Saute for a minute on low flame till the colour changes to light pink.

2.In a pan pour the milk and add the makhanas, cardamom and saffron. 3.Let it simmer until the makhanas are cooked and the milk reduces to half. Keep stirring from time to time. At this stage stir in the sugar and mix well.
Garnish with chopped nuts and serve hot or cold.