Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Karena suara jelek maka harus mengumbar suara

Hello folks, good afternoon!
Yuhu, its Thursday and it means i will reaching home so late, because i need to go to The British Institute first after working.

And because its nearly christmas (enggak ada hubungannya) i wanna share about something. hahaha.

Kemaren gue mampir ke rumah partner gue, Ditha. Dia baru bangun, dan dengan sukses gue membangunkannya dengan PING!!! di bbm. haha. Gue agak bingung ketika menemukan sebuah radio agak jadul di samping bantalnya. Dan rasa ke-ingin-tahu-an gue menggelitik. Walhasil dapetlah jawaban kalau dia punya teman yang sekarang jadi penyiar di salah satu radio lokal di BSD. Dan dia menyuruh gue daftar hahaha.

Di menit beriutnya alhasil nongol lah pengakuan bahwa kita berdua yang emang doyan tampil pengen jadi penyiar tapi kurang dari segala hal. Suara enggak enak, enggak jago ngomong, garing, enggak enggak enggak dan enggak deh. Dan kita sharing dengar mendengarkan rekaman suara saat dia dan gue on air di radio. Kebetulan gue pernah siaran di Global radio dalam program global dips. Lalu juga pernah di interview MD radio. Dan eng ing eng, yak malu hati suara enggak secantik pengharapan. Ditha juga sempet on air di radio tempat temannya siaran itu. Yah sedih bukan main. *lebay*

Walhasil kita punya rencana biasa aja yang mungkin gila, yaitu mau nyoba siaran sendiri, apa lagi internet memungkinkan segala hal. awww. Hahaha. Idealis kita juga nyenggol, niat kalau itu terlaksana kita bakal memutarkan lagu teman-teman kita. Misal band kakak gue, band gebetannya ditha, atau atau atau lainnya.

Kebayang kan betapa maruknya seorang gue dan Ditha? Jurnalis iya, penulis iya, film maker iya, blogger iya, dan mau nambah lagi jadi announcer? wow! hahahahaha. Geli sendiri kalo ngebayanginnya. But it worth to try.

Dan buat semua pengnjung blog gue, gue akan menghadirkan rubrik baru di blog gue di 2011. Tokoh-tokoh muda yang bisa menginspirasi. Example, Ninies yang merupakan salah satu peserta Global Change Maker Youth Summit ke London kemaren. hmmm. Okay, gimme info ya kalau ada yang mau di bahas diblog ini. Thanks :)

The Calm....

Well, with age comes the welcome role of hosting Christmas holidays.  

What a role this has been so far already.  The cooking, the cleaning, the organizing, the shopping were all activities that seemed to occupy my free time for the past month or so.  

Here I am.  
The calm before the arrival of my husband's family for the Christmas holiday.

Despite the hard work involved, I have certainly enjoyed being on the planning and organizing side of things.  
I am definitely in my "type A" element of behavior and have probably driven my family batty...weeks ago.  

My appreciation for all of the hard work done for years now by my in-laws has deepened considerably.  
Everything always seemed effortlessly pulled together upon arrival at their home.  Never did I realize all of the behind the scene work involved in having us all tromp in and create havoc for days on end.  

Beef Stout Pie x two!
 Many batches of holiday cookies are baked, 2 Stout pies made for Christmas Eve dinner, and brioche dough ready for baking Christmas morning.  
Even if no one notices the efforts or appreciates the many hours of labor put into the tiniest of details, 
it was still all worth it. 

I am stepping into a new stage of life and with it the matriarchal responsibilities of providing the holiday joy and spirit to all of my loved ones. 

 I welcome this new stage.

My fave runway model

I Heart a girl named Anna de Rijk. She is a runway model from Netherlands. Born in 1988, and signed first in 2006. Has a unique face and wonderful eyes. One think i really love from her is she still looks natural in daily life, even she is a supermodel. And always looks standing out in every performances.

Dolce and Gabbana






Cheezburger of the Day

From Our Zoo to Yours ...

Happy Holidays! 

That's my snaggle-tooth Tess (a.k.a. Forrest Gump) in the forefront.  Directly behind her is Lucy, who is still hanging in there.  Wish I had room for another rescue dog, but I think that would be pushing the envelope, don't you?

Merry Christmas, everyone!  I'll be posting another recipe tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!

First of all I would like to wish all you lovely people a happy holiday and may all you and your family have a blessed Christmas. I guess everyone knows that this is the best occasion of the year to do some festive cooking. As for me, every year of my life I try to be the queen of the kitchen in my family Christmas dinner but this year it will be a different one because I won't be home for Christmas. I'll spend it here in Vietnam. Being here in the most important event of the year is quite sad. I hardly feel the spirit of the yuletide season.. so I just decided to go to the beach with my dear friend Doris. For a change, it's my first Christmas to be away from my family and friends but it's also my first time to be on the beach on Christmas day. There's always a first time for everything, I guess.

So having the knowledge that I will not be cooking for Christmas eve, I decided to cook a Christmas lunch last Sunday for my friends here in Saigon before they head back to Manila. I prepared my special Roasted pork which I marinated with beer, mustard, herbs and spices. I place some olives, onions and tomatoes along with the sauce before roasting it in the oven. I just want to say that this is something I am surprised about with the amazing & flavourful result.

Joining the lunch table are my special Chicken Kebabs, Cucumber & Youghurt sauce, Corn & Leeks Fried Rice, Jamie Oliver's Potato Dauphinoise & Ginger Beer plus of course my special dessert Matcha jelly topped with Butterscotch Pudding. This is my little feast before Christmas day. I promise to cook some festive meal as I welcome the new year next week!

Merry KISSMAS Mates!

big hug,
joanie xxx

AAPL as Tiffanys

Brett Arends is going to get a lot of hate mail from Apple fanboys for this article giving 10 reasons why he doesn't want an iPad. No matter what you think of his overall point, he's got at least one gem in his 10 reasons.
3. Check out those profit margins!

OK, I admit it: I've been wrong about Apple stock lately. After correctly turning bullish at $85 two years ago, I turned cautious waaay too early. My mistake? This isn't a technology company. It's a luxury brand, like Hermès or Tiffany. And it's wooed customers so they'll pay almost anything for its products. Last Christmas, Apple's gross margins were 41%. That's incredible. It's good for Apple, good for stockholders—but not so good for shoppers. Me, I don't want to support someone else's 60% markups with my own dollars. Generally speaking, the smarter move is to invest in the Tiffanys of the world—and shop at the Wal-Marts.

Wisdom Wednesday - Titus 2

This past weekend, I read the book of Titus. I don't know that I have ever read the book of Titus before, if you blink too long you might skip right over it; there are only 3 chapters! One of the reasons I decided to read Titus this week is because I found this blog called At the Well - In Pursuit of Titus 2. It is a site for women and there are different posters that talk about being godly women is our homes, with our children and husbands etc... This got me curious about what Titus 2 actually talks about. So on our way up to church on Sabbath (Saturday) I read the 2nd chapter again so I could highlight things.

Did you know that Titus 2 is basically a job description for us women in our homes?! I thought it was a very powerful chapter and a great one to pursue! Here are the two verses that stuck out to me.

3 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

The two areas that stuck out to me the most were "homemakers" and "obedient to their own husbands." I think that those two areas are what the "feminist" movement is attacking right now. Women are growing up to be more and more independent, which is not a bad thing, I am quite independent myself. However, when a wife starts to become so independent that she "disobeys" her husband and does not let him lead the household, this is not how God intended. I love reading Proverbs 31 and trying to pursue being the woman of Proverbs 31. If you haven't read it in a while, do so! 

Being a "homemaker" or a stay at home mom is frowned upon in society as well, I think. Of course, a lot of families need the second income just to stay afloat in this world of high prices and inflation, which I totally get and understand.  I guess I am old fashioned when it comes to being a stay at home mom/wife. I would rather do that, than be out in the working world. One thing that my husband and I discussed before we got married is what we would do after children. Both of us have decided that if at all possible, I will stay home and not work. I feel that the job of being a mom is so much more important than working or putting a child in school for others to teach them. I want to be the mom and teacher; after all a parent is and should be the best teacher a child has.

Some of you may disagree, and that is fine! Everyone has their own opinions and values. For my life as a wife and a woman however, this works for me!

What are your thoughts on Titus 2: 4-5? I would love to hear about it!

Have a blessed day!

Happy Mother's day

Happy Mother's Day for all mothers in Indonesia.
Especially for my mom, the best mom ever!
I can give nothing, only one Magnum ice cream.
Because its chocolate, which can makes happy and less stress.
Mom, thanks for everything.
I love you mom!! <3