Monday, October 25, 2010


Gobble Gobble

So, I meant to write about Thanksgiving...turkey dinner is basically my favourite meal. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, homemade dinner rolls...Kraft dinner (yea, you read that right. Family tradition!) pumpkin and apple pie. Yum! So good. But the problem with Thanksgiving is that I'm generally so busy running around the kitchen that I'm not taking pictures. And once I come out of the two-day food coma, I've lost the energy to remember exactly how much sugar and molasses went into the pumpkin pie this year and which dinner roll recipe I ended up using after days of perusing the net. I know..excuses, excuses.

Anyway, turkey dinner has now come and gone but in case anyone still has some leftovers (possibly in the freezer?) here's an easy recipe for a leftover turkey pie. We had it over the weekend in Collingwood and it was really nice to have the pie pre-made and just ready to pop in the oven. Especially as we were all a bit tired on Saturday from being woken up at 5am by the PUMPKIN that someone threw through the window of the chalet! Luckily the resort staff were able to get it boarded up fairly quickly so the crisis was averted.

Leftover Turkey Pie

1/2 a batch of Pie Dough
2 cups leftover turkey, shredded
2 tbsp butter
1 small yellow onion, diced
3 carrots, peeled and diced
2 stalks celery, diced (I didn't actually use any this time, but it's a pretty standard pot pie veg)
About 2 cups leftover cooked vegetables or frozen corn and peas (I used the corn and peas plus roasted sweet potatoes and some mashed squash made it in as well)
2 cups gravy
1 cup milk
1 tsp dried parsley
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp chicken bouillon seasoning (optional)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Melt butter over medium heat in a large saucepan or wok. Add diced onions and saute until onions are translucent. Add carrots and celery; cook until vegetables are starting to soften but still fairly firm (you should be able to poke a fork through the carrot pieces but they shouldn't fall apart).

2. Option a: if you don't have gravy, add some more butter and about 1/4 cup of flour and cook for about 5 minutes until the floury smell is gone. Slowly add about 2 cups of chicken stock until the mixture is smooth and thick.

Option b: if you do have gravy, add the gravy!

3. Add the spices and salt and pepper. If you're using the chicken bouillon, mix into the milk before adding. Add milk slowly and adjust depending on how thick you want your mixture to be. Play it by ear.

4. Add the turkey and cooked vegetables. Continue cooking until everything is thick and bubbling and looks like pot pie filling!

5. On a floured surface, roll out pie crust to fit your pan. I used a 1.5 qt casserole dish, but you can use a pie pan, or even a dutch oven or any sort of pan that is about the same size. Pour filling into the pan and roll crust on top. Tuck the edges over the casserole/pie pan and crimp or smush (whatever you need to do to make it stay up). Cut two slits into the top of the pie and bake at 350 degrees Farenheit, 190 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes to an hour until filling is bubbling and crust is golden.

6. If you're freezing, let the filling cool before you put the top on and then cover with foil and freeze. Bake as above but you may need to leave it in the oven longer (I think mine was in for about an hour and then I got impatient and turned the broiler on. Probably should have left it in for about another twenty minutes...the middle wasn't exactly piping hot)

7. Let cool for at least 5 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

Menu Plan Monday

Unfortunately, I will be eating out a lot this week, 3 times out of the 7! :( I will definitely be glad to go back to eating at home again after this week. So here it goes.

Monday – Hamburger Helper with veggie griller crumbles
Tues – Grilled cheese for hubby (I’m eating out with a friend)
Wed – Breakfast for supper (“sausage” eggs)
Thurs – Eating out for cousin’s birthday
Fri – Eating out with mother-in law
Sabbath – Italian potatoes (church potluck)
Sun – Spaetzle (German dumplings)

Have a great week! 

Great Christmas Gift Ideas for Cooks 2010: Cut Resistant Gloves

If you are like me and tend to leave the selection of Christmas gifts until Christmas Eve, you may wonder why I am posting an article with this title in late October! The reality of the matter is that there are a great many people who like to have their Christmas gifts not only selected but actually purchased, well in advance of the festive season. This not only takes a lot of the pressure out of the process and avoids the mad dash in High Streets, Shopping Malls, or whatever, in the immediate run-up to Christmas, it very often allows you to take advantage of prices which will simply not be available at the height of the consumer frenzy.

Online shopping has many advantages. It saves a lot of time, it saves a lot of harassment that you just don't need - and very often, it saves you a lot of money! In order to take advantage of online shopping, however, you really do have to plan in advance and it is for this reason that I have decided to introduce this feature to, "What Should I Have for Dinner Tonight?" at this early stage.

As you may imagine, I cook every single day in life - sometimes more than once. What I have decided to do, therefore, in order to help you select the perfect gift for the cook in your life for Christmas 2010, is select a number of products over the next few weeks which I think are either beneficial to those who love to cook, or are likely to be desired by those who love to cook. I will source those products on Amazon (and other outlets) and feature on an ongoing basis the ones which I believe to provide the best value for money.

Please note: This feature will very much be in addition to the recipes which I include here on a regular basis and I hope to have some excellent festive dishes for you to consider coming very soon! Why not, therefore, bookmark this page, or follow the blog, and find gift ideas galore and recipes to share over the coming weeks and months?

Almost everyone who cooks does at some time or another have to chop their raw ingredients. Inevitably, this involves using very sharp knives or other implements and the fact of the matter is that, no matter how comfortable you may be using these tools, accidents can and do happen. (I am typing this article with a very sore left index finger, which I accidentally cut with a bread knife last night - and I chop food daily!) It is for this reason that cut resistant gloves are the first item to appear in this feature.

Cut resistant gloves are most commonly worn by those who perhaps shuck oysters or saw large portions of meat on a regular basis. They can be seen as cumbersome but with the improvement of modern technology and the fact that they can save some pretty nasty injuries, these considerations should really be minor.

Below are two examples of the cut resistant gloves currently available on and at what I believe to be excellent prices. I hope that they may solve the problem for what to get the cook in your life for Christmas 2010.

Click on any link for further details, or to browse the full range for yourself...and watch for a dedicated feature coming soon to the side panel of this blog to summarise the recommendations which have been made.

Sankanbi n Bazzar

24 Oktober 2010, minggu

Kemarin gw dapet giliran ngebantuin bazzar yang diadakan di skulnya Mei, ini bazzar tiap tahun sekali, n tiap kali pasti harus kena giliran bantuin, walaupun bukan anggota bazzar. Bantuin dari jam 10 mpe jam 12 siang, lumayan cape juga coz kebagian bantuin beresin barang2 yang buat dijual kayak alat2 rumah tangga, kerajinan tangan, alat2 mandi dari shampo mpe sabun cuci baju, alat2 dapur, gelas barang pecah belah laennya. Bikin harga, tempelin, pisah2an barang, atur ke meja, lumayan juga, untung aja dikerjain rame2 bareng ibu2 yang laen, jadi ga lama kelar juga tuh.

Ada beberapa barang yang gw naksir banget pengen beli, yaitu puncher nori yang bentuk muka, buset masa dijual cuman 80 yen?? pdahal harga di pasar bisa 1500 yen. Lumayan itu barang masih baru, masih dibungkus gitu. Trus ada sheet buat kue, cuman 50 yen, dipasaran bisa 120yen, trus shampo2 cuman 150yen, pdhal harga biasa bisa 300 yen..kan lumayan tuh?
Udah kebayang2 bakalan rebutan ama orang deh, kayaknya ga mungkin dapet tuh puncher.

Pas hari H nya, gw datang sendirian ke skulnya Mei, Xiang ama papanya maen di game centre. Gw jam 10an uda di depan kelasnya Mei, liat mereka lagi belajar mpe jam 11an. Uhh, Mei keluar dari kelas udah jam 11an lewat 5 ato 10 menit, wah, ga bakalan keburu tuh mpe ke bagian jualan barang murah...parah d, mpe kita lari2an, soalnya kelas Mei ada di lantai 2, sedangkan kita harus lari ke blok gedung yang lain, untungnya di lantai 1.

Betull aja, ...itu puncher uda lenyap, lemes dah gw ..huhu..emang uda diperkirakan si, pasti uda kejual dah..lah wong murah banget kan?? Akhirnya gw beli yang laen dah, beli sheet cookie mpe 4 biji, beli conditioner hair ama handcream, beli cetakan buat bikin wafel, ga tau dah beli apaan lagi..udah heboh banget, ramenya ga kira2..hahha, tangan Mei aja mpe penuh, saking gw beli macem2..huaaaaaaaaaa...

Abis berborong, gw ajak Mei maen game 2x, ternyata dua2nya menang dia..seneng banget, trus dia bikin key holder cuman bayar 30 yen, trus beli 'temaki sushi ama onigiri' kita makan bareng2 di hall, untung kebagian duduk...buset rameeeeeeeeeee banget dah tuh, bayangin aja dari kelas 1 mpe kelas 6, anak2 dateng bersama ortunya, belom lagi kalo nenek ato kakeknya ikutan datang..hihi, bisa dibayangkan???

Stand makanan ada lumayan banyak, ada stand udon, stand popcorn, stand yaki imo- ubi bakar, stand ice cream, trus ada yang jual bento, onigiri, temaki sushi, kue2..banyak lagi dah.
Ada tetangga yang anaknya sekelas ama Mei, mamanya dapet tugas bantuin stand popcorn, tau ga tuh selama 2 jam, bikin popcorn, trus masukkin ke kantong2, mpe 100 biji, busetttt..dia bilang mpe enekk banget bikinnya...hahhaha

Jam 12.30an, gw telp suami minta jemput, udah capee, tapi lumayan seneng juga. Oya, seblom pulang kita sempet mampir ke stand anak2, yaitu jualan pernak pernik anak2, dari maenan mpe aksesoris ank ce, sayang barang2nya uda ga terlalu banyak coz uda banyak kejual, untungnya msh sempet beli maenan kecil buat Xiang-biar ga nangis coz ga diajak ikut- hehehe
Sayang, gw kok lupa foto2 ya??? herannnn..padahal ada kamera di tas?? uhhh