Sunday, September 7, 2008

Drive Lesson

Akhirnya hari ini, goal juga tuh test teori yg pertama dari kursus mobil ini..wih...Hari pertama belajar tuh dari tgl 20 agustus kemarin.Ada bis anter jemputnya...pas banget lewat depan rumah, jadi ga perlu jalan jauh deh. Trus disitu ada penitipan mau ga mau, Xiang dititipin disitu, Mei kadang2 juga ikut main main...jadi kursusnya bisa agak tenang...
Bagian pertama kita mesti ikutin lesson dari 1 -10, n dibarengin juga ma drive prakteknya mpe 12 jam.
Pertama kali test, nyoba mpe 3 kali, ga goal2...coz dari 50 pertanyaan, msti bener 40..wih, susahnya, pertanyaannya banyak jebakannya...mabook, coz bhs jepang smua...otak bener2 diperesssss ...uda mumetttt....

Abis lulus teori yg pertama, boleh ikutan test drive, abis lulus itu, baru bisa ambil test teori lagi buat lesson yg ptama. Test ini dari 50 soal msti bener 45..wiihh..perjuangan masih panjang niii...

to be continued...


Last night was the Sternwheel Festival in Marietta. David and I went down to see the fireworks which were awesome! I didn't get to see any on the 4th, so it was nice to get to see some this year! Around here, the Sternwheel Festival fireworks are better than the 4th's anyways! We also ran into my co-worker Missy and her husband there, so we walked around afterwards till the entertainment was over at 11pm. It was nice to hang out with someone. I think I am beginning to miss meeting with everyone back home like I use to all the time. :-)

My Uncle Chris ended up having his surgery this morning because he was bleeding so much. They got all of the tumor but it had grown outside of the wall of his intestine, so they took biopsies of the other organs surrounding it and he will most likely go on chemo. So please continue to keep him in your prayers. He is also not saved, so please pray that this experience will bring him closer to God.

Today was cleaning day for me. I got the living room finished and most of the kitchen. Tomorrow will hopefully be the rest of the dining room, bedroom and kitchen. I am trying to de-clutter in case we put the house up for sale soon. It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in 2 years of marriage!

Now it's off to another work week. I also look forward to weekends. I guess working full time does that to you!

I was in kelantan, twice this month.

He he he. Crazy.

Anyway, all i wanted to say is the best chapter in my life is about to end. And like always, new 555 book will be created.

Was it worth it?

Every single sweat!!!

Korean Porridge, Bon Juk

Bon Juk

This place is across the road from Tom and Toms in Suncheon.
Its wonderful with chicken porridge , shrimp porridge , red bean porridge, abalone porridge and pumpkin porridge to name a few .
"Health food"

The translation for Juk is Gruel But I think Porridge is better .
Chicken Porridge (Sam Gae)

Shrimp Porridge

Chicken porridge recipe try here