Monday, January 26, 2009

trimasss syakey

oh my. it's 10am.
and my flight, would be at 13:55pm.
haih~ what a short holiday!
owhhh college~ i miss u
[ as if la kan....hahahaha..]
anyway. i've got an award!

This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming.
These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.

They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement.Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.

Please give more attention to these writers!
whee~ dpt dr syakey!thanks dear!
and. wanna give this award to :
* miss nora
* rizal twin nora
* babe
* sidqi
* fatin suhana
* eyann
* akid
* ainaa
* cera
* emma
* ili nadiah
* iqah
* nia
* keyna
* izzah
* momo + nini
* zana
* daya. qiela
* azwan bakhtiar
* sara kacak
* eyqa

New Residents

I know, I know. This is a food blog. But sometimes rules must be bent, and life is the better for it.

Not content with chickens, my girlfriend has been playfully prodding me in the direction of pets for about six months. That’s pets rather than functional animals, something that lives in the house and doesn’t give us milk or eggs or meat.

By the time the New Year came round, my half-arsed and not-really-very-strong defences had been worn down and we started looking for a cat, or to be more precise a kitten. That was my only stipulation: that we get the smallest, cutest, littlest kitten we could find. I’m aware that they don’t stay small, cute and little for very long but I was happy to ignore that reality.

It didn’t take us long. On our first visit to the Blue Cross we found two little kittens that had to be housed together so we signed the papers and yesterday they came home with us.

And so it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to (drum roll please, though not too noisy, they seem to have an aversion to LOUD NOISES) Josiah and Abbey – named after America’s favourite fictional president and his first lady. It’s fine to call them The Barletts. We do.

memories fade with time?

all i have now. is just a picture.
a picture and... some pictures.
a picture captured a thousand memories.

owhhh memories. i'm missing u. sweet one. i don't wanna remember the bad, sad & terrible one. haih~ they say. time will erased it all. but still. can feel it. can see the vision. can touch it. what a life. i'm 20 only. yup. ONLY~ cuz. still young. and not old, matured enough to predict this unexpected life. even most of the time, i just follow my heart.

org tua - tua kata. "ikut kata hati. jgn ikut kata org" itu dlm membuat keputusan larh. akal & nafsu. ada dlm diri. setiap insan. hakikat hidup, kena ikut akal. bukan nafsu. tp. manusia. sering tewas dgn nafsu. begitu juga sy!
i'm not missing a person right now. i'm missing a memory. could be, melibatkan banyak pihak. tempoh masa tertentu, melibatkan pihak - pihak tertentu. whee~
kadang - kadang. ade betulnya jgk.
bila org tua ckp... "kecik - kecik jgn bercinta!" mungkin sbb, kita akan ambil tempoh yg lebih lama utk padam sesuatu kenangan itu yg tercipta utk kita cuma sebagai PELANGI. bukan MATAHARI. can u see the different? well. most of the time, pelangi kan muncul sekejap. selepas hujan. but they come and go. matahari, kekal. ada disitu. sentiasa. cuma, siang kita nampak. malam kita x nampak. hakikatnya ia ada di situ. tidak berganjak. owh. tapi sy pelangi yg kekal taw!!! =D
pepatah nih juga mungkin. untuk sedarkan. bila kita bercinta, tatkala terluka & bermasalah, majoritinya mengganggu perjalanan hidup kita seharian. sehingga menganggu pelajaran terutamanya. minoriti je yg blh handle emosi dgn baik dari bercampur dgn tanggungjawab seharian. hurm...
mama ckp...
"aqilah kuat. tp belum kuat lg d dalam"
maksud mama, i'm independent. but di dalam.
mama ckp sy kuat pendam. ye ke? entah. sy pun tataw dah.
mama ckp. sy pendam tuh, sy mkn dlm.
sy x luahkan. sampai. ramai yg ambil kesempatan.
entah. kdng2 sy terlalu pkkan org lain, b4 sy kot?
tp mama. anak mama ni tetap lukakan banyak pihak.
banyak benda n pihak anak mama kena jaga...
sy tgk sejarah sy...
ada yg bahagia, dgn cinta yg lain. good 4 them. =]
ada yg masih menyendiri, mengejar cita - cita.
ada yg masih menunggu, tak perlu. hurm...
ada yg hilang. tiada jodoh lngsng kot? haha.
tak kurang yg masih seperti dulu...
alhamdulilah. majoritinya masih sama.
tp. yg berubah itu. mungkin mereka yg memilihnya.
people changes. itu benar. tp yg penting.
masih berkawan. ohhh... beruntung~
sy benci...
perpisahan. permusuhan. pergaduhan. plg sy syg. persahabatan. sbb tu. pd sy. biar hilang cinta, jgn hilang kawan. sy bersyukur, kalau hubungan melibatkan perasaan, semuanya sy akhirkan dgn persahabatan. bkn terus hilang atau membenci. tak suka... x syg ke memori yg ade? bukan senang nak cipta memori dari sebuah perhubungan yg lahir dr kepercayaan. tp sesaat pun dah cukup untuk hancurkan semua tu. jd, jgn ikut kata hati ketika hati buta. ikut kata hati ketika ia mula waras dan berfikir dari semua sudut. tp...jika ia tetap berakhir dgn cara yg tidak elok. mungkin, itu yg terbaik. buat kita. buat mereka. tawakal~
hurm... kenangan.
sy rindu kamu! =]