Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Karelas ...... 2-3
Onions ....... 2 (chopped - about half cup)
Curd .......... 1/4 cup
Tomato ..... 1 small
Ginger-garlic paste .... 1 tbsp.
Turmeric powder .... 1/4 th tsp.
Mango powder ......... 1/2 tsp.
Salt ............................ to taste.
Coriander leaves ....to garnish
Peanuts ....... 1 tbsp.
Sesame seeds .. 1 tsp.
Poppy seeds .... 1 tsp.
Coriander seeds 1 tsp.
Cumin seeds ...... 1 tsp.
Fennel seeds ...... 1/2 tsp.
Cloves ................. 2-3
Green cardamom 2-3
Dessicated coconut ... 1tbsp.
Whole red chillies ...... 2-3
(You can grind and store this masala in the refrigerator....it can be used in non-veg preparations too)
For Tempering:
Asafoetida ..... a pinch
Mustard seeds ...1tsp.
Dry red chillies ... 1 broken into pieces.
Curry leaves ...... 8-10
1. Scrape the karelas, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces.Mix the sour curd and salt. Marinate over night or even more to remove the bitterness.
2. Take about 1/4 cup oil in a pan and deep fry the karela pieces. Remove from oil.
3.In a seperate pan heat a little oil and fry the tempering ingredients.Add the chopped onion and fry till golden brown. Now add the tomato and ginger-garlic paste. Saute and add the karelas, turmeric powder, mango powder, salt and mix well.Simmer for 2-3 minutes.

4. Now add a heaped table spoon of the dry ground masala. Stir it well and simmer for a minute on low flame.
5. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with rice or rotis.
This dish goes well with jowar rotis.

BBQ Chicken Drumettes

Pr ke-2 kali ini, sebenarnya salah beli ayam, kemaren hari minggu gue udah bikin beli yang paha atas, karena kegedean tuh paha ayamnya, jadi rasanya anehh.. enakan paha atas di buat ayam kentucky kali yeeee...

Setelah melihat ibu2 yang lain yang sudah pada masak, wahhhh.. kacau neh salah beli soalnya beli nya nitip nyokap di pasar ayam nya dan salah menjelaskan ke nyokap.

Akhirnya sore kmrn belanja ayam lagi di hypermart Gajah Mada, beli ayam sayap.
Resep aslinya bisa di liat disini

Resepnya begini :
500 gr ayam sayap (pilih yg drumettes na)
80 ml saos tomat ABC
1 sdm kecap inggris
1 sdm cuka
garam dan lada hitam secukupnya

Cara buatnya :
Ayam yang sudah dicuci, di rendam dengan air jeruk nipis biar ga amis.
Dalam wadah terpisah, campurkan saos tomat, kecap inggris, cuka dan sedikit lada hitam dan garam secukupnya (dikira2 aja, kalo kurang apa ditambahin kurang lebih).
Bahan saos di bagi 2 : sebagian buat ayam dan sisanya buat cocolan / saus nya.
Aduk2 ayam dalam loyang yang di alasin aluminium foil dengan sebagian saus yang sudah dipisahkan. Sebelumnya panaskan oven dengan suhu 230 derajat C, masukkan ayam dan panggang selama kurang lebih 30 menit sampai kecoklatan.

Kali ini baru neh penampakannya benar sesuai dengan resepnya.. wkwkwkwkwk...
Rasanya gue baru nanya laki gue, karena dijadiin menu makan pagi dia hari ini, mantappp (comment nya), syukurlah.. hehe..

Inpiration: Grace Coddington

Today I want to talk you about an amazing woman who served me constantly inspired and whose story really makes me think that we can achieve what we set if we fight for it.

I "met" Grace thanks to her works from Vogue. I've been collecting this magazine since I was a teen, and I met her work around, maybe, 1997. As I don't have here my magazines, I can't say wich editorial I saw first, but I started to look her work with a different light.
So when I began to really appreciate her work, I wanted to know more about her, and became fascinated by her history.

Grace was born on the island of Anglesey (Wales, 1941). She became interested in fashion during her teens and was always trying to get some Vogue magazine, although in her village was three months late. At 17, someone sent photos of herself to a contest of the aforementioned magazine, and she won the Junior category, thus becoming Vogue model.

With 28 years began working as a Junior Editor for BRITISH Vogue, and in 1988 moved to USA to work with Anna Wintour as Creative Director for U.S. Vogue.

So, why I love this woman?

First of all, I don't admire her for being a model, or the Creative Director for U.S. Vogue, or for working with the great Anna. I admire her because, like me, she was in a little village, apart from the world. Like me, she had a dream, and qith a little bit of luck, she started to make it come true. I admire her because she' one of the best professionals that I've ever seen; every editorial she makes stoles my heart and everytime I rad/listen to this story of the life, I gained confidence and strength to continue fighting for my dream.

Some of her editorials for Vogue U.S. 

I hope some day to shake her hand and say that from all my muses, she has always been the most inspired me.


1 maret 2010, senin

Xiang lagi mewek abis2an..hahhaa...


Fish ..... 1/4 kg
Onions ..... 3-4 (Chopped finely)
Methi leaves ....... 2-3 small bunches
Coriander leaves .... handful
Green chillies .. 1-2
Ginger-garlic paste.... 2 tbsps.
Tomato ................ 1
Flour .....1 tbsp.
Coriander powder .... 2 tsp.
Cumin powder .......... 1 tsp.
Garam masala ........... 1 tsp.
Turmeric ................... 1/4 tsp.
Salt ................. to taste
1. Wash and marinate the fish with salt.
2. Heat oil in a pan and add the ginger garlic paste...saute and add the onions.
3. Stir fry the onions for 3-4 minutes and put the methi leaves,tomato, green chilli, salt and all the spices.
4. Now put the fish slices and cook on medium flame until the fish is cooked turning it once.
5. At this point mix the flour with a little water and stir it into the cooking fish carefully.Simmer for a minute. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with moong dal khichdi or rotis.