Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fun weekend

We had a house full this weekend! Friday night my brother, sister inlaw, our friend Chris and his friend Cassandra, plus my inlaws were over for supper. Then everyone but David's parents spend the whole weekend at our house. On Sabbath Chris and Aimee sang at church for Senior Sabbath. They sang The Prayer, and did a really nice job of it. I video taped it but I need to figure out how to get it online. Then we came back and hung around the house. After Sabbath we went to see Star Trek in the theater. I'm not a Star Trek fan by any means, but it was a decent movie. We also went to a Greek resturaunt for supper which was yummy! I got a Greek pizza. It was basically pita bread with feta cheese, cucumbers, tomato, calamata olives, and peppers. Very good!

Both night we were up to 2 or 3 am. Let's just say being tired got the best of us and we were all acting pretty silly by the end of the nights/mornings! Lots of fun.

Now it's back to a boring week of work. A lot of my patients I have had for months now and I am more then ready to get them sent home! But I am also hoping to finish my last flower bed and I'm going to get ferns for the porch tonight.

Only two more weeks till vacation in NC!

PR 10 Seafood Chowder

9 Mei 2009, sabtu

Hari ini sempetin bikin PR, uda siapin bahan2nya kayak kentang, wortel n seledri, tau tau bahan utamanya seafood mix nya kok bisa kelupaan dibeli....parah juga nih...terpaksa da mesti pergi ke spmaket yg 24 jem..untunglah jadi ga perlu nunggu jam baru bisa pergi..akhirnya dengan diikutin ama buntut buntut, pagi jam 8 pergi tuh beli, trus langsung bikin dah, biar buat menu makan siang.

1 bh wortel, potong potong
1 bh seledri, potong
3 bh kentang, kupas kulit, potong
1 lt kaldu ayam
2 bh jagung --> gw beli yg uda dikupas
500 gr seafood mix
200 ml krim kental
garam lada
2 sdm paseli

1. Rebus wortel kentang seledri n kaldu, tutup, didihkan, kemudian keluarkan bahan, haluskan dengan blender, masukkan lagi ke kaldu
2. Masukkan jagung serut, masak 10 menit
3. Kecilkan api, masukkan seafood mix, aduk, lalu tuang krim kental, aduk rata
4. Masukkan garam lada
5. Taburkan paseli di piring, hidangkan hangat

Rasanya enak n menghangatkan badan, cocoknya si dimakan pas musim dingin yak..mmm..
anak2 juga suka biar makan cuman kuahnya aja, tapi lumyan kan, isinya sayuran...