Saturday, October 4, 2008
Stuffed King Oyster Mushrooms Wrapped in Bacon.
Más allá.
Qué existe dentro de tu cabeza, habitada por duendes y hadas, héroes y villanos que luchan con un dragón, más allá de Arcadia, de Nunca Jamás, del reino de Pesadillas que lidero yo.
A veces me pregunto si seré capaz algún día de descubrirlo. Si tomarás mi mano al volar hacia allá, por encima del Sol.
Extenderé mis alas para acompasar tu ritmo. Me acercaré a ti para darte calor. Te susurraré canciones al oído y te guiaré cuando estés cansado, cerrando tus ojos con un beso en cada párpado hasta la infinidad de las estrellas.
Encontraremos un lugar donde no pasar frío, un lugar al cual poder llamar "hogar" y poder abrazarnos sin temor.
Kitchen Conundrums
My brother was obsessed with making shrimp the way my mom makes it: spicy, savory, Indian style. The ingredients were simple: garlic, ginger, turmeric, salt, red pepper. He spiced up his shrimp and cooked it up and was sorely disappointed (this ironically probably makes my mom happy). We discussed the process - maybe he could try more marinating time - and the proportions - too much turmeric perhaps? Finally I discovered that he had been using ground ginger instead of fresh, or at least bottled ginger. No no no! Here's an easy rule to follow: for baking, use ground ginger. For everything else, especially on your proteins, use fresh ginger. (Bottled ginger can be substituted for fresh since it's hard to keep fresh ginger...well, fresh.)
Usually recipes gone bad can be fixed by the quality of ingredients. Peanut butter bars taste bad? How old is the peanut butter in your cupboard? Peanut butter, and other nuts can go bad and although they won't make you ill, they won't taste good at all. Keeping them in the fridge will help.
Be careful about what you cook with. A friend made some Thai curry and stored the extra fish sauce in the cupboard. The next time she made the same curry, it had a strong fishy smell and she was wise not to eat it. Fish sauce is not optional - it must be stored in the fridge! Smell things before you use them and when in doubt, throw it out.
Why I Cook
Raya Picture
Well what to do. I'll buy new one later.
Anyway, these are some of the pictures which can be used, the rest are just lousy and useless, and pictures after the lense rosak are even worst.
The night before raya eve, we cooked lemang. A lot of it, because mom cook for her friends who ordered lemang as well.
This is my brother in law, looking at his son and nephews playing firecrackers.
This is my mother making sure his son and grandson do not burn the lemang, like i once did. Then when all the lemang were cooked. We went to sleep and waited for morning to come.
So in the morning we ate. You know the usual lemang, ketupat, rendang surprised, rendang ayam kampung, kuah nasik impit, kuah masak lodeh, sambal tempe and everything else you eat on hari raya. Forgotten to take any pictures.
Then we went to kubur, (they did, i did not) to visit my dearly departed father and grandmothers.
Then we take family pictures, the theme for this year is purple, but as you can see some of us never bother to follow the theme. My sister was furious when he saw my green baju melayu. hik hik
This is my eldest sister and her family. The one in red is my eldest nephew, and he is married with two children. But his wife and sons were in Tawau, celebrating hari raya in Sabah. My sister's other son went to his wife kampung in Perak. And the one on the centre is my mom.
This is my 3rd sister who insisted that everyone wears purple, with her husband, my mother, and his 4 four sons.
This is a picture of us waiting for another sister to come.
Yeah, my 2nd sister also wearing green. So i am not alone. Yeayy.
That is my sister and her husband and her sons and daugher all wearing green.
huhuhuh, there are actually more not in the picture. This is only half of the boys.
My other brother and my two younger sisters could not make it this year, one of them is in Spain with his family, and the other sister who is newly wed is in Brunei with her husband. Her husband could not get leave.
So that is it, my raya pictures.
p/s: All of my older sister are chubby like me, my brother and inlaws are all very skinny. one big happy family. Hik.