Wednesday, September 9, 2009

new story start today! :)

New life started today!! :)

Hari ini betul-betul hari yang sangat indah buatku. Belum tau kenapa. Tapi salah satu yang bisa membuatku tersenyum adalah masa laluku yang membuatku tegar hingga hari ini. :)

Hari ini aku telah dibangunkan dari mimpi burukku. Ada sahabatku disini setia menemaniku. Ada bahagia disini. Meskipun sendiri ataw jomblo, aku tidak pernah merasa kesepian. selalu bahagia. 

Ada seorang ibu yang selalu mengirimkan petuah untukku. Sungguh bahagia diriku...

Dan buat mantanku, semoga kamu dapat yang lebih baik dari akuu. Makasih ya atas semuaa.. Hari ini aku tertawa mengingat diriku saat terlalu sayang padamu dulu. Karena kamu hidupku lebih tegar hari ini. Hidupku lebih ceria saat kau tidak disampingku lagi. I wish someday youll find someone better, dude... Let we be a friendss.. !! :P

Health care reform: are you blue or red?

Tonight I watched President Obama's health care reform speech. I have to say, I was moved. For those who did not or will not get the chance to see the speech, here's a brief recap.

Obama began by explaining the massive expense of US health care at 150% more than any other country in the world. Yet, we're not healthier because of this. And US health care is currently putting "undue" pressure on government health care programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Insurance costs are rising at 3x the rate of wages, and our health care costs account for 1/6th of the US economy. Obama explains that his reform "builds on what works". The reform suggests further security and stability of health care for those currently insured and a slowed growth of health care costs for businesses, governments, and citizens.

For those with health insurance or receiving Medicare or Medicaid, the reform offers no change in coverage or provider changes. The reform would make it unlawful for insurance companies to deny coverage to those with pre-existing conditions, or dropping medical coverage for those who develop an illness. The reform proposes no "cap" on coverage for the insured -- for the year or a lifetime. Lastly, the plan would limit out of pocket expenses for those insured.

For those without health insurance due to coverage lost with jobs or those in small businesses, would allow for insurance "shopping" and price comparisons, creating a competition among carriers to lower expenses for individuals seeking health care. A not-for-profit sector would also be available to those without insurance, which less than 5% of Americans are expected to utilize.

For those that choose no health insurance when "affordable options are available", basic health insurance will be required. Obama stated, "consumers do better when there's choice and competition". This can create reduced costs for tax payers by not allowing the system to be worked over by the uninsured.

Large companies must offer insurance or contribute to health care coverage. It was noted that 95% of US businesses will fall exempt from this point.

Key controversies addressed:
- the thought to "kill off seniors" was denied and deemed a lie
- illegal immigrants WILL NOT be eligible under reform

- no federal money will be spent on abortions

And as for funding the health care reform...there would be tax increases for America's richest. There would be NO increase in the budget deficit and NO money used from Medicare. Malpractice reform was suggested as a means of funding, though specifics were not discussed. In brief, the plan is projected to cost $900 billion over the span of 10 years -- less than what was spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan war and less than the tax cuts imposed on America's richest citizens during the Bush administration (which are still in place).

Obama reached all (I hope). He presented several cases of individuals who had health care who have not received the treatment their condition required, or being dropped from their health insurance provider due to their health status or condition. Such instances are tragic and could happen to ANY one of us at any time. Obama closed with sharing thoughts from a letter written by the late Ted Kennedy suggesting health care reform for moral issues above all else.

While I am interested in hearing SPECIFICS on the funding, all-in-all I'm pretty happy with all that was shared. I have to say, whether or not US citizens agree or disagree with our president, there was a complete and utter lack of respect from Congress during the speech. It is despicable that people find that acceptable, or choose to contribute themselves. Health care is a complex topic with no clear-cut solution, but crude opposition rarely gets anyone anywhere fast. 

How do you feel about the suggested health care reform? I am interested to learn more and what role preventative medicine will play in the reform. Please share your thoughts -- are you more blue or more red? I think it's pretty clear where I stand : )

Windex and Amaretto

Alright, I know I said that I would share the good, the bad and the ugly. Well, here is the ugly: my house has recently been taken over by fruit flies. Like, by the hundreds.

I think it started with the peaches that started to go south while sitting in my kitchen. Like any other rational person, I threw them in the trash, then took them out to the garbage can in the garage. IN THE GARAGE????? What was I thinking?So the garage became infested. And of course, so did my kitchen.

As I write this, they are flying around here like little miniature bats. Oh, and they like wine, too.

I went online to figure out a remedy. To make a long story short, eliminate the cause (like rotting peaches, duh!) then set traps. Stuff like sweet wine placed in a bowl to catch them and the like. One suggestion even went so far as to say put a piece of rotting fruit in the oven, leave the door open overnight, then quietly sneak in the next morning, close the oven door, turn on the heat and let 'er rip. I couldn't quite go there.

I ended up setting a bowl of Amaretto out in the garage. While doing that, I noticed that they were swarming around the garage windows. I happened to be holding a spray bottle of Windex at the time. Cha-ching!!! I sprayed the heck out of them. It worked!

Problem is, they kept coming back. So for the last three days, I have been a mad woman with a spray bottle out there (and I will not tell you what the petri dish looks like right now. Suffice it to say it is REALLY disgusting). Oy, sometimes I wonder for my own sanity. I think I am finally getting the upper hand though. But now there is an almost-empty bottle of Amaretto sitting in my kitchen. What to do about that?

Here's the solution: No Brainer Truffle Squares with Amaretto.

As I metioned before, I have no talent for decorating, so finely decorated truffles will not happen in my kitchen. These, however, are really, really good and a five-year-old could make them. If you happen to have gold leaf on hand, use it to make them look pretty (I know, you don't, but I do and that's what I used. If you want to buy some, here is the link:)


Or, you could just scatter some sliced (maybe even buttered and salted) almonds on top and call it a day.

No Brainer Truffle Squares

1 1/4 pounds bittersweet chocolate (I use Ghirardelli 4-oz. bars), divided
1/2 cup heavy cream
3 tablespoons Amaretto
Gold leaf or sliced almonds

Line an 8-inch square pan with parchment (or waxed paper) overhanging over the sides.

Break up 12 oz. of the chocolate into a heavy saucepan. Add cream and heat over the lowest setting, stirring frequently, until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Stir in the Amaretto and set aside for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, melt the remaining chocolate. Place half of it in the prepared pan, and use a small offset spatula to spread it evenly over the bottom of the pan. Place in the freezer for 5 minutes.

Remove from freezer and spread the chocolate/Amaretto mixture over, using an offset spatula. Place in refrigerator and chill for 5 minutes. Then spread the remaining chocolate evenly over the top. Sprinkle with the sliced almonds or (if you are like me, be decadent and hit it with some gold leaf).

Chill for at least 3 hours, or until firm, then cut into very, very small squares.

(If you are throwing a dinner party anytime soon, these are a really great "post -dessert")

Oh and here's the good news. No buggers in my wine tonight! Yay!

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is smile.

As we say in Spain: "Put on a brave face to the bad weather". Literally.

Perhaps you all may ask about it: well, I'm going to explain.
Long ago I stopped talking in this blog about my personal life, but today I will break that rule a little.

Here in the office where I work is happening a little bad rash, associated with the City Council, which oversees the financing; but they're not paying us for twon months right now.
But everyday and for the strangeness of my office mates, I dressed up and smiling in a happy mood, trying to overcome the previous day.

Why? The answer is what I left up there.
If I let this affect me, I'll end depressed and not wanting to get out of bed (yes, the situation is quite serious, I assure you), but I refuse to surrender; to continue to have the will to fight, every day I just got myself a smile at the mirror and try to boot a smile of my mates with my dress.

Although it may seem ridiculous, mysteriously, I'm getting the desired effect, and now even they are arranged each day a little more.

Maybe that's why I work to teach you both how I'm dressed lately, that you may prove for yourselves that we should never refuse a smile.

Black old jumper - Zara
Black shirt - Blanco
Boots - H&M
Lovely bag - Shirley Temple
Socks - Calzedonia
Old pink beret - New Yorker

Thank you for reading this little piece of me.

By the way, do you like cheese? I love it, and last night I had dinner with these delicious cheese raspberry jam, as I was finishing reading "A fest of crows", the fourth book of George R.R. Martin's "A song of fire and ice" saga.

This morning I just started to read "Millenium 1: Men who hate women", from Stieg Larsoon... looks good!

Have a nice day!

Omega-3 "Fortification"

First, let's set the record straight. Foods that are "enriched" have nutrients added back which were lost in the refining process. Foods that are "fortified" have nutrients added which weren't originally present in the food item.

So, with all the fortified omega-3 products out there, you can get in your omega-3's from just about any source -- butter, pasta, oil, juice, eggs...just to name a few. These products are not only more expensive, but they're also over-promoting health claims. A serving of salmon can have up to 50x more omega-3 content than most omega-3 fortified products [1].

So is the bang worth the buck? Not likely.

"But what if I don't like fish?" (I know that's the next thing you're thinking...).Well, omega-3 research is still undetermined for use among the general public. We know that elevated triglycerides, personal history of cardiovascular disease, or family history of cardiovascular disease are indications for adequate omega-3 intake or supplementation, however. For omega-3 content in fish, check out this previous blog post.

Bottom line: omega-3 fortified foods are not the end all, be all that advertising leads you to believe. Save the dough for fish or supplements if indicated.

Curiosity has the best of me -- do YOU supplement omega-3's in your diet? I do -- 3 grams a day.

Enersen, Jean. How Omega-3 Fortified Foods Compare to the Real Thing. King 5. September 4, 2009.