Wednesday, August 5, 2009

penggunaan hp - kaji diri part 1

these past few days, jarang sekali nak publish post. tp sebenar-benarnya, bnyk bnde nak ditulis. nak dibicarakan. tp...mcm tataw mane nak start. asal buka blog, tgk blog org lain. then, ble turn nak tulis sendiri, tittt~ kosong. tak. macam, bnyk sgt sampai tak tahu mcm mane nak mengekspresikan sesuatu.

erm. post ni lebih kepada, mengkaji diri sendiri. tak perlu baca pun tak pe.

ok. let see. kawan2 ckp sy lain sejak... bulan 6 x silap. ke bulan 5 da start. sy tgk blk, sebenarnya sy same lg. aqilah yg dulu cuma yg lainnya, sy cuma bercakap bila perlu, sy malas & letih utk buat bnyk perkara, sy cepat marah & mmg plg ketara, sy lebih suka mendiamkan diri. tp...ini bknnya bnde yg jd ble sy berkomunikasi dgn mereka face2face. bnda ni semua bila, mcm skrng, sy tgh cuti, mmg sy malas utk berkomunikasi dgn org lain. kalau org jmpe face2face, sy masih sama. macam dulu lg. gelak besar2, mkn banyak2, cakap berseloroh.

buruknya perangai sy ni... sbb ia mungkin, mendtgkan pemikiran negatif dkt kwn2.

SMS / call

kalau dulu. mmg dulu. sy jenis x boleh lepas dr hp. asal bosan je, cari hp. msg org sane sini. call org sane sini. org msg je layan. tapi... betul sy ckp. zaman sy untuk ni semua dah berlalu. sy dah penat utk SMS / call org sebarangan tanpa sebab yg kukuh. maksud sy, utk berbual kosong? owh tidak. cukuplah zaman itu wkt sekolah / permulaan kolej dulu...

skrng, kalau masih nmpk sy x berlepas dr hp, ade beberapa sbb lain jgk. kegunaan hp utk sy ; no 1 - dgr lagu. betul. bg sy, mmg, "music = life". kdg2 risau jgk takut pekak nnt sbb selalu gune earphone pasang maximum. no 2 - mama & abah selalu call. so, sy sentiase pastikan ade dgn sy supaye mereka tak call berpuluh kali lg sbb risau sy x angkt2 call. sbb tu, MOST of the time bila mama / abah ade dgn sy, iaitu hanya bila sy di rumah & obviously dgn mereka, hp sy merata. sy mmg silent hp, dan mmg merata. kdg2 mmg 1 hari langsung sy tak tgk hp. sbb mereka berdua yg plg penting ade dgn sy... =] no 3 - sy sedang SMS dgn mereka yg sgt rapat & penting & mereka dlm masalah. tu je sbb utame kalau kalian nmpk sy berkepit dgn hp pon. ahah~

yg x berapa eloknya pd sy, kdg2, ramai kwn2 lama SMS. tp benar, sy malas sgt3 nak reply. bkn sy x kesah, sy kesah, sy jage dan ambil berat lg dr jauh, tp mcm tu lah, kalau x penting, sy mmg malas nak reply. sbb sy mungkin tgh bz + save credit. utk wkt cuti mcm ni, entah, sy rase malas. lgpon bnyk jgk tnggjwb lain time2 cuti ni. org call, yg x rapat sgt, pun sy malas nak angkt. no yg sy x kenal? lg harap maklum la. mmg x kan angkt. asal angkt je wrong number. hahahaha...

bercakap ttg credit. ok, sy mengaku sy ade 3 hp utk 3 line. ramai yg dah taw pon sy gune 2 maxis / 1 celcom. mungkin ramai pk, "hp bnyk pun kedekut nak contact / reply". meh sini sy jelaskan 1-per satu. no celcom itu, utk fmly sahaja. tp...kdg sy akan gune jgk utk call org lain andai kata dah terdesak. terdesak bermksd, 2 no maxis itu mmg da habis limit credit ataw x de battery. celcom itu mmg no postpaid, tp di bwh plan 3 + 1 utk fmly. jd, abah mmg spesifikkan utk fmly. maxis no 1 - postpaid & majoriti kwn2 taw no tu. ok, mmg postpaid. tp abah dah limitkan RM100 je sebulan. ok, dearie2, RM100 mmg bnyk, tp, utk postpaid maxis, tak de active10 n so on, jd, SMS mmg mahal utk semua no. sy x dpt merasa SMS 1 sen itu~ kecuali ade dlm plan lain utk postpaid. tp, sy x ambil. maka. SMS maxis ke maxis sy utk SEMUA no adalah 5sen & maxis ke talian lain adalah 15sen. mahal kan? bile tgk balik bil yg sampai, mmg bnyk habis dkt SMS. untung gune postpaid? utk call. sbb murah la jgk. no 3 - maxis prepaid. no ni sy syg amat sgt... sy guna sedari form 3. ni jelah yg kekal. zaman skola sy berpuluh kali tukar no. hahahaha... maxis prepaid ade active10. ini antara sbb sy kekalkan penggunaan no ni. active10 sy tu la sy gune utk SMS / call dgn lebih murah. utk call no lain selain active 10, mmg jarang sbb mahal!

tp. semua tu bkn bermaksud sy SENGAJA. sbb sebenarnya mmg sbb utama sy selalu x reply msg / call adalah sbb hp sy merata.... maaf !!! tp, selalunya sekejam - kejam sy pun, sy akan reply jgk sooner or later. paling takpun, sy reply secara on9. haha... through fb mcm tu contohnye~ entahlah. sy pun kdg tak taw kenapa kalau hp ade dpn mate sy pun, sy MALAS sgt3 nak ambil peduli. org msg pon kdg, sy malas nak tgk pun. call? org yg sy xkenal atau kurang rapat? lagi sy malas. terutama kalau mereka dr golongan yg pernah buat sy rasa sakit / rimas. ampunnn...sbb sy pun tataw kenapa, jd terlalu serabot atau malas utk berkomunikasi tanpa sebab yg kukuh. 1 yg pasti - zaman sy utk semua ini dah berlalu. *wink wink*

p/s; maaf di atas segala kesulitan yg berlaku. tp. yg pasti. sy sentiasa ambil berat. sy sentiasa doakan yg terbaik. dan jgn rasa takut utk contact sy plak! uhuuu... till then.

Last day of work!

Today was my last day of full time at the nursing home. Last time it was my last day I think I cried most of the time. This time, I was all smiles!! I am so excited to be starting my new job! I will still be helping out at the nursing home when I can (or when I really want to, haha). Of course my old boss basically wants me there every weekend I think, but no way! I am in charge of my own schedule now, so I will work when I want to!

Now it's vacation to Utah! I was packing, the the task kept getting larger and larger so I am on a break! We are driving up to the airport tonight to stay at the hotel and then fly out at 6am tomorrow! We will be coming back the 16th, and I start my new job on the 17th! I am hoping it won't be too stressful starting a new job and trying to unpack. I've not had any time to go over any kids therapy stuff at all. So hopefully I remember what I learned in school and pick up on things fast!

I will report when we get back from vacation! Lots of pictures too I am sure!


Bear with me, please. Gotta figure out a better format for recipes. It didn't post as I wrote it.

I'll figure this out, right?

Omega-3's: How much?

Depends on the research.

A new analysis could lead to a heated debate on omega-3's having its own recommended daily intake levels. Heart-protective benefits of fish oil have been discussed for centuries, but how much do we need? Some cardiologists would like to see an established RDA for omega-3's. Dr. Carl Lavie, medical director of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention at Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute in New Orleans, advocates such. He recommends people consume at least 500 milligrams of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) plus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) daily. This recommendation was published in Monday's release of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Those with known cardiovascular disease should look to comsume 800-1,000 milligrams of EPA daily [1].

Dr. Steven Nissen, director of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, says that Dr. Lavie's recommended may be premature and that wide-spread usage of omega-3's does not have compelling evidence in support.

Dr. Robert Bonow paves the way by recommending an increase in fish oil and deems this "good advice" while explaining that the strongest results from fish oil usage are seen in those with pre-established heart disease.

Lavie's recommendation is largely supported by recent research involving 40,000 participants ranging in health status, which revealed a number of potential advantages to omega-3's. For example, in men who had recently experienced a heart attack, those consuming omega-3's were 29% more likely to be alive in two years than their counterparts.

Dr. Rubenfire, director of preventative cardiology at the University of Michigan, explains that he would like to see a "trial in the modern era in patients on other evidence-based treatments such as aspirin, [blood pressure] control, statin and non smoking" to confirm benefits of omega-3's [1]. Fabulous suggestion, in my opinion.

MOST importantly, consumers MUST understand that supplements are not regulated. Therefore, a 1,000 milligram "fish oil" capsule can contain as little as 300 milligrams of EPA+DHA. Buy supplements that are 3rd party tested and approved for use by the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP). These products may be hard to find, but they are available to consumers for purchase.

What does the boss say? Well, the American Heart Association is on board with omega-3's.
The AHA's current recommendation includes 1,000 milligrams a day of combined DHA+EPA for those with confirmed coronary heart disease. For healthy adults, the AHA recommends consuming 500 milligrams a day, approximately the amount found in two servings of fatty fish a week [1]. Fatty fish include: salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, lake trout, and albacore tuna.

[1]. Peck, P. and Childs, D. Recommended Daily Dose for Omega-3's May Be On the Way. ABC News. August 4, 2009.

Quick Post: Hedi Slimane and paper dolls

Yesterday I was without computer because the memory didn't work, but today I fixed it, so this evening I would take some pictures (I'm taking coffee with Rose and tonight I'm having a customized paint shop fans).

But anyway, I want to share two things with you. First of all, do you know Hedi Slimane? I'm a very big fan of his work in desing and photography; he's simply great and his male's desings are SO elegant... yaw... (by the way, I LOVE men clothes, it's one of my fetish obsessions).

By the way... JOSH BEECH! YAW! I love him!

The other thing I want to share with you is some of my paper dolls... when i was a little girl, I had the biggest collection of my city (abou 250 paper dolls, yeah); but now I only have about 50; all of them are from one of my favourite illustrators: marĂ­a Pascual. she used to make the illustration for lovely stories and I've got some books with her drawings.

Aren't they cute?