Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A weekend in the city.

Last weekend my friend Vane came from Madrid, and we spent last saturday walking around the city. We ate with Micky and Vic at Sushi-ya, a japanese restaurant.

And then we walked through Barcelona...

Vic took me a picture with my camera, I'm waiting for it!

Then, by night, we went to Undead Disco for a special party: Retropolis, a Cirque du Freak night... so great!

Lis as The Bearded Lady
The Woman Snake Charmer
The Half-human (half man, half woman)

There I met my friends Madelain, Arashi and Vane... and I took some pictures from the people who was there; a great night!

mimik muka memikirkan kawan

masa : malam kelmarin
punca kejadian : monolog + menunggu
motif : tiada apa kepentingan, cuma berfikir sendiri.
tempat ; 1706, kuching, atas kerusi dpn laptop.

tenang. tarik nafas, hembus. hurmm... tak pe lah. masalah tak dtg kalau kte x cari.
so, ape yg jd skrng, dtg dr diri sdiri, aqilah.

ok, senyum. ye, begitu. belajar bersyukur. org yg bersyukur tak rugi.
malah Allah tingkatkan keimanan & rezeki. tp, tayahlah lebeyh2. hukk.

ok. sudah mula senyum kambing. hurm... dlm hati duk pk,
ape patut buat? kalau perasan senyum ke mane, mate ke mane.

ok, dah gila. kenapa harus buat bibir camtu? dah org selalu ckp.
bibir sy mcm angelina jolie an --which is sy xnak, ha ambik ambik.
dah mereng nih...

ok ok. tutup mulut. bnyk ckp. tp, org tua ckp, jgn dipendam ape2.
luahkan, buka mulut. tp jgn lupa, kerana mulut badan binasa.

pulak dah. serba salah. ok. buat muke apam je lah.
tp, ape pun, semua terpulang pd diri sendiri kan?

ok. salah sy, maaf. sy lepaskan semua -- lepaskan kawan2. lepas lepas.
minta maaf salah silap. moga berjaya dunia akhirat!

setiap masalah berpunca dr diri sendiri & apa yg kita lakukan. maka itulah org ckp, kita hidup atas risiko pd diri sendiri, risiko atas tindakan. sy? sy cuma nak ckp dkt cni, terima kasih tak terhingga pd kawan-kawan yg ajar sy the other side of life -- selfish, hypocrite, dan maju ke depan tanpa fikirkan org lain.

sy lepaskan hari ni semua kwn2 yg lepas tgn, yg guna sy bila perlu dan penting, yg asyik ingt sy berubah sedangkan diri sendiri yg dah berubah. sy lepaskan semua. terima kasih sgt3. sy harap siapa yg mmg sengaja lupakan sy, terlupa, sbb ye lah, kepentingan diri, sy harap awk kekal berjaya.

kalau sy tak tanya, tak reti nak ckp. kan? semua sy lah kena tanya, kena buat, kena handle? sy tnggu atas dasar kwn. sy tlg atas dasar kwn. tp dah kwn yg ditlg dan ditnggu tu lupakan sy bila ada kesenangan lain, maka, tak pelah. sy lepaskan lah. pergilah pergi. cuma ingt sikit. hari ni awk buat dkt org, esok, org buat dkt awk.

dan berhenti menuduh org lain je yg salah, sedangkan cermin patut diberi pd kau.

don't ask me what's wrong -- when i left u today & never looked back.

The Soup Man draws a crowd

July 20

Whenever you see a big mob of professional camera-wielders, you can bet that that’s not where the news is. What you have here is not news, it’s a media event — scripted, predictable, usually boring, but in this case irritating because it was about 88 degrees out and muggy and I didn’t want to be there.

This particular media event was the re-opening of the soup shop that became famous in the Seinfeld “Soup Nazi” episode. Al "The Soup Nazi" Yeganeh capitalized on that episode and now there are 21 "Soup Man" restaurants, because you can’t call yourself a Nazi, across the country. Well, now 22 with the reopening of the original shack.

Why should you care? I don’t really know. I took my pictures and left. I'm not standing in line for soup.

But a lot of people apparently do care and will stand in line for soup. Because below, on the left there is a picture of the end of the line of people waiting to get their soup, and next to it is a picture of the line as it continued around the corner to the actual entrance of the restaurant, where they could buy the soup.

Now, although as a customer I’m not going to stand in that line, as a restaurant owner I’d sure like to have people doing that outside my restaurant. At least I’d like it to be an option.

The key to making that happen, it seems, is to be featured on a massively successful situation comedy, spend a decade or more milking that and hiring a good PR firm to promote the reopening of your spot.

Oh, it also helps if you get Reggie Jackson to show up to promote the event.

Did the people in line think it was worth it? Feast New York asked some of them. They seemed fine with it.