Sunday, February 6, 2011
Highlights from the Big Game
Update: The video was taken off YouTube, but there's another with the same amazing moment. Unfortunately, embedding is disabled.
The Super Bowl Pregame Show
Over at our Monastery of Miscellaneous Musings, they've got a Super Bowl Open Thread going.
LOVE and it's life
Talk about love, its like talk about unfinished journey. Never end. Sometimes it seems so wonderful, at the other times it feels so terribly hard. That is love. The real love. At least that what I could tell.
it starts with bitter-sweet-falling-in-love, some says it love at the first sight, some says it monkey love, some says it love which come because of comfortness. It has no absolute rules. It is subjective, it is flexible, it is free. It is not belongs to anyone.
Some people lucky enough to found their happiness, with action-reaction, love. They feel the amazing time that they never imagine. Laughs, suddenly all become funny. Smile, like sun spreads it bright.
While some people else feel broken. Unrequitted love. Unfinished business. Lies. They cry, they are falling, they are tired, they are sick. Sick when they feel the love inside their soul, biting slowly the whole life, then pressed tight until to breath for once they need all powers.
The roads never be so easy. Straight ahead, turn right, turn left, all have it's own disturbance.
In love, u give all patience, all affections, all precious things that u keep even unconsiderably. With higher hopes, that will never be useless. However, in the middle of the way, you will scared, will giving up, will not survive--At least u have think so for awhile.
This is about love, but not always about compliments and flirts. It is also not about what you have to give and what u will able to get. It is About the real. Reality. Want to share, to no body it can. What can you do when majority of people just think that is a ridiculous ever happen? In fact that you are happy to work with it. And that is love.
There are manythings will make your way so hard to be through, but belive that is an art of love. Long distance, religions, culture, race, etnics, beliefs, that is all only small figures will colouring your way of love. LOVE. L-O-V-E.
When girls wishing to be loved, spoiled, pampered. Then, boys thinking about sex, game, being loved, complicated. Needs a meeting point.
Other point need to be highlighted, when a relationship gets long, there is no more love left, only affections, sense of belongings, comfrtness, trust. The two of them should be working together to make it keep breathing. Understanding and open. That is back to ourselves, what you are hoping the relationship will be in the next seconds, minutes, and so on.
Love will not live forever, but care and trust do.
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If Your Eye Causes You To Sin ...
Woe to the world because of things that cause sin! Such things must come, but woe to the one through whom they come! If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life maimed or crippled than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into fiery Gehenna.Colbert King cares deeply for the plight of black children born to single mothers, but he's not willing to pluck out our eyes to stop the tidal wave of destruction crushing blacks in America today. Elsewhere, Davy Rothbart writes about how his addiction to porn is damaging his life, but he's not willing to cut off his hand.
It's an old addage of Peter Drucker's that any strategy that requires superstars to carry it out is no strategy at all. Both Colbert King and Davy Rothbart want the abuse to go away - the children to be given a loving home and the girlfriends/wives to be cherished, but they want to do it still awash in a sea of porn. You just can't expect the average person to be exposed to it day and night, have it available at a moment's notice on the Internet or on TV and successfully fight it endlessly.
Would you put a heroin addict in a room full of needles and heroin and expect them to stay clean?
A Toss Up...
Macaroons from a sweet shop in Valence, France |
Not feeling well~~
I'm not feeling very well today.Got flu.
This morning went to spa for facial.
Got red spots all over my face.
Sad. =( hopefully will get better A.S.A.P
Actually I want to make a plan for tomorrow's job.
But dont have the mood because of this sickness.
But still have to do..
do you like my new blog template?
I makeover my blog last myself.hehe
Just follow instructions in the internet.haha.
Suka dengar lagu " Dirimu Satu" dari Ungu. best sgt!
cube dgr sendiri ok???
p/s: I miss him.Does he miss me too?
88 sai no hi obachan - 88 tahun nenek
Hari ini rame2 pergi ke ryokan, tempat yang kita bisa menginap, mandi air panas, ato sekedar makan. Pas hari itu, kita kesana buat merayakan ulangtahunnya hiobachan - mama dari mertua ce gw -yang ke 88. Yang pesen t4 mertua ce, ngundang sodara2 sekitar 10 orang dewasa plus cucu 2 Mei n Xiang.
Mulainya jam 10an, kita disuguhin macam2 makanan, tentunya yang ala japanese. Gw ga terlalu suka sebenernya ma makanan ala begini...coz piringnya imut2 banyak banget dah tapi makanannya cuman secuil..wkwkw, tapi karena banyak macem dari saashimi, sushi, ikan, thaigohan- nasi ikan, mpe daging, dari minuman mpe dessert buah, kenyanggg banget dah.
Hiobachan keliatannya heppi banget dah, banyak sodara2 ngumpul, sambil makan kita bisa sambil obrol, lumayan lama coz anak2 da mulai rewel dah...soalnya ini ryokan ada onsennya, minta mandi air panas wkwk...apalagi Xiang, dia exciting banget ama yang namanya onsen, akhirnya gw ajak anak2 mandi2 deh...
Onsennya bagusss...ada banyak macam dari kolam besar yang airnya panasss banget, mpe 43 derajat mpe kolam lo temburo- kolam di luar, kita bisa liat pemandangan, ada kolam yang khusus untuk latihan jalan di air, katanya si ini bagus buat peredaran darah lho. Abis mandi2, kita bisa bilas, shampoo n sabun da tersedia disitu, trus t4 ganti baju mpe t4 dandan n hair dyer mo tersedia. Menurut gw, onsen ini enak banget dah, da kluar dari situ, kulit terasa haluss n seger banget dah. Sayanggg ga bisa foto2 wkwkkw...kalo bisa mah...bisa muncul foto2 bugil dah hihi
Hiobachan..otanjobi omedetou, moga panjang umur n sehat selalu.