Thursday, April 21, 2011

Slice Cheese Cake

22 April 2011, jumat

Abis antar Xiang ke skolahnya cuman punya waktu 2 jam buat bersih2 rumah n bkin kue buat oyatsu anak2 sore. Kali ini bikin slice cheese bake cake. Resepnya diambil dari cookpad..seperti biasa, gw bikin kue yg praktis aja.

Ini contekannya
4 lembar slice keju
120 cc susu cair
2 butir telur, pisah kuning n putihnya
30 gr tepung trigu
50 gr gula
1 sdm air lemon

1. Masukkan potongan keju n susu ke panci, masak sambil diaduk, api kecil
2. Kocok putih telur n 1/2 bagian gula, kocok hingga kaku
3. Kocok kuning telur n 1/2 bagian gula, di wadah lain, masukkan no 1, aduk rata
4. Masukkan tepung di adonan no 3, teteskan air lemon, aduk rata
5. Masukkan sedikit2 adonan no 2, ke adonan 4, aduk rata
6. Oven 160 derajat selama 50 menit

Praktis n gampang, sekarang ga perlu rumit2 kalo mo bikin kue keju, tinggal aduk2 aja, panggang, n murah meriah. Met nyoba deh.

And then I bake.....


Today  I decided to bake. The first food I've baked was a muffin with frozen blueberries. For it, I owe Kuya Vic a lot for preparing the recipe and the ingredients one Saturday night in his house. This was during my training in Atlanta, Georgia. From then on, I have said to myself that someday... I'm gonna bake and bake till I get it right and make excellent baked goodies. It's a continuous process for me though.

And just today, I think about a year after, back in the Philippines I baked this afternoon. Muffins. I guess it's a cool way to start with something not so complicated. So, I got my ingredients and utensils ready and with Ariel's  help, my ever loyal partner and best friend  in cooking, we were able to achieve the goal. I think it's true that two determined novices can be a success.  Right, now I'm still learning how to make my li'l wonder-electric-oven to work best in baking. Okay, I miss something as part of the preparation, I admit. I still haven't got a thermometer. Not a wise choice to guess oven's temperature by just selecting the temperature selector. But that's what we did.


Anyway, things still turned out well. We have just have the healthy Banana-Oat Muffin and the milky Macaroon Crunch. The taste is just delightful. This is just the beginning, things are constantly evolving and surely the best is yet to come and stay.... Best is best, shouldn't change.... Till then.


it's 1 of my favorite song. i love it from the 1st moment i terdgr dkt radio lg, pdhal x dpt tngkp pun lg full lyrics die. by the way, bace lirik ni, especially ladies ;)

"Perfect Nightmare" - Shontelle

Sometimes we fight, sometimes I cry, Why don't I just tell him goodbye
Sometimes I should, but sometimes I don't
Build up the strength to say that it's wrong
Sometimes I hate, sometimes I love, Sometimes I hurt, sometimes I don't
Sometimes I wait for him to change. But it's okay, I've disguised the pain
And I don't ever wanna leave him alone
They say I'm brainwashed but I'm in love with this man, yeahh

Keep telling myself that it's not worth it. I already know I don't deserve it
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting. This is my perfect nightmare
So when will I wake up and scream
No way, no way, no way,No way, no way, no way, no way
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting
This is my perfect nightmare, perfect nightmare

Sometimes I keep my cool, sometimes I let him know
Sometimes I even pack my bags to walk out the door
Sometimes I feel safe, sometimes I really don't
Sometimes I promise that I'm ready to let him go
But I don't ever wanna leave him alone
They say I'm brainwashed but I'm in love with this man, oh oooh

Hoping he's changing, but I'm scared he's not
Can't see a way to leave, help me open my eyes

by the way, kalau korang bercinta. selalunya kita dengar, orang kata, siapa yg mintak putus tu 'memang kejam, sellfish, tak guna punya jantan/betina, ada orang lain lah tuh, dan lain-lain.' kan kan? lebih-lebih lagi, baru je putus, tengok orang tu dah ade bf/gf baru. perghhh. kalau single pun, tgk dia happy je, pdhal kita menonggeng-nonggeng ditinggalkan. memang rasa sakit hati nak cekik, bomoh je orang tu kan? pfttt.

tapi. bukan nak membuka pekung di dada, just, sekarang dah kali ke 4 sy serius bercinta. dan, 3 orang sebelum ni, semua sy yg minta putus. satu je sy nak cakap. --- kita tak tahu mungkin dia ada sebab yg kukuh utk putuskan hubungan. so, jangan terlalu melulu tuduh org ni tak guna, dan pentingkan diri.

depan sy maybe nampak happy. tapi belakang, sy menangis seorang, tuhan je tahu. sy minta putus, mcm tak de jln penyelesaian. tapi sy je tahu sy buat mcm tu sebab sy dah cuba yg terbaik utk hubungan tu. sy yg tak nak teruskan rasa sayang tu, tapi kadang sy buat tu sebab nak dia gembira, dan sy lihat dr jauh, cukup. mungkin ada banyak sebab. sy sakit nak mati ke, sy tahu dia ada perempuan yang lebih baik dan itu terbukti ke. siapa tahu kan? tak kan lah kita nak bagitau 1 dunia. oh pleaseee~~~ bunyinya cliche, macam drama berisiri, tapi tu realiti.

senang cerita. if kau tahu niat kau baik. kau tahu ni yg terbaik utk semua pihak, just go on dengan kepahitan tu. kau sabar je, kau tabah je, tutup telinga dengan makian dia, tutup telinga dengan anggapan buruk orang. Allah tunjuk kau baik ke buruk nanti, dan benda yang aku selalu percaya dari dulu sampai sekarang, yang benar tu memang akan menang... sooner or later.

perempuan ni. kalau yg jenis memang perempuan, which is bukan betina, kalau dia dah sayang kau sekali, dia akan sayang kau sampai bila-bila. maksudnya, sayang kau dengan cara berbeza walaupun mungkin takdir kau tak ada jodoh. jadi, kalau kau dah dapat perempuan yang cukup baik, yang sayangkan seadanya, ada 2 cara je. TAKE IT or LEAVE IT.

eh. ladies pun sama. dah dapat lelaki yang baik tu, hargailah okay ;)

A Uzbek Treat: Dried Melon

Now I am back in Istanbul, this is probably my last post on my adventures in Uzbekistan.

I just wanted to show you this: there we were, driving along in our wonderful Chinese-made bus Golden Dragon from Tashkent to Samarkand, when we saw a flurry of activity along the side of the road.

what could it be, we wondered?

Our driver obligingly stopped and we all trooped out, cameras at the ready. There were about 5 or 6 guys all selling something that we couldn't identify till Galip, our local guide and font of knowledge, came to our aid.

they were packets of dried melon

In our enthusiasm we all tried a small piece from the plate that was waved under our noses. It had a smell and consistency something akin to dried figs and was nicely packaged as you can see in the pictures.

he has my money in his hand!
 We all bought some. At 1000 sum or 50 cents, it didn't exactly break the bank.

We retired to the bus glowing with the satisfaction of surviving our first Uzbek purchase. However, as the days passed and our stomachs proved to be more delicate than we had thought, this delicacy somehow lost its appeal.

Reader, I dumped it.  

Questions For President Obama

Making the rounds of the right wing blogosphere is an interview of President Obama where a reporter from a local Texas station asks questions in a rather confrontational way. The questions are reasonably well-considered and given the tongue bath usually given by the media, it was kind of refreshing. Once done with the gloating at the President's surprise and discomfort, you knew nothing you didn't know when you started. It was cotton candy for the right: delicious, but empty.

What if you started with the assumptions that President Obama is not venal, not stupid, and not driven purely by politics? What if you took him at his word and tried to understand his world view? I would think you could hold a penetrating interview and still treat him with the respect he deserves. Perhaps something along these lines:

What are the mechanisms by which unemployment will fall? Perhaps he believes that low interest rates will lead businesses to borrow money to expand. Whatever his answer, you could test it's validity with real data.

How do you think the deficit will be shrunk? It might be that he thinks he can yoke the rich like oxen and they will pull along at their current rate regardless of how much money you take from them. Again, real data would show whether he was right or wrong.

Is poverty a marker of behavior? To me, this would be quite interesting and could be used for some penetrating follow-up questions. Why should the fellow who stayed in school and went all the way through residency to get his MD pay for the stoner who dropped out of high school? That line of questioning would lead to the last one:

Is fairness limited to money? That is, are we here to redistribute wealth or is there something more - the redistribution of responsible behavior as well?

The answers to those questions would give you something to ponder and would provide a set of metrics to gauge the accuracy of his world view. It might not make the Free Republic lads cavort about in joy, but it would be better than talking over the guy.

Soft-boiled Egg with Sesame Roasted Broccoli Soldiers

Since I posted a tutorial on poaching eggs, I thought it'd be great to have a tutorial on boiling eggs, fit for Easter.

I don't like being exact when I cook, and many times I just eyeball the measurements, in fact I'm quite happy just adding "a dash of this" or "a sprinkle of that" or "a glug of this" or "a drizzle of that", but the only way to get eggs boiled to the perfect level of done-ness you want is by careful timing.

Boiling Eggs 101
Put room temperature eggs in a single layer in a saucepan with enough cold water to cover. Bring to a boil over high heat, and once boiling, take the pan off the heat and let the eggs sit in the hot water for
4 min: Soft boiled eggs (whites are set, yolks are still runny)
6 min: Medium boiled eggs (whites are firm, yolks are half runny)
15 min: The best hard boiled eggs (whites and yolks are firm, but yolk is still creamy i.e. see photo below)
17 min: If-you-like-it-real-cooked hard boiled eggs (whites and yolks are firm)
Any longer: Rubbery egg whites and yolks with a grey ring around them
Immediately remove to a bowl of ice water, or keep changing a bowl of cold water, to stop the cooking process.

Hard boiled eggs on some noodle soup I made last time

This is based on countless kitchen experiments. I've tried bringing the water to a boil first before dropping the eggs in (nope. you risk cracking the shell), bringing both eggs and cold water to a boil but letting them simmer instead of sitting in hot water (nope. I find it difficult to determine exactly when the "simmer" starts), starting with cold eggs (nope. shell cracks.) etc etc.

Some other tips:
1. Use old eggs, and save the fresh ones for poaching. Fresh eggs are harder to peel.
2. Jamie Oliver has a brilliant way to peel eggs fast. Roll the egg on the counter to create cracks all over, and then peel under running a running tap.
3. Use the right sized pot, big enough to hold the eggs in a single layer, but not too big that the eggs can roll about and crack each other up (no I'm not trying to be funny, no pun intended.)

Now that we've got the egg sorted,

Sesame Roasted Broccoli Soldiers
Ingredients (can easily be doubled or quadrupled)
Broccoli, cut into florets but make sure stalks are roughly equal
For about 1/4 head of broccoli,
1/2 tsp tamari soy sauce
1/2 tsp of sesame oil
extra virgin olive oil, enough to coat
sesame seeds, to serve (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius.
2. Toss broccoli florets with the tamari, sesame oil, and evoo. Spread in an even layer on a greased baking tray.
3. Roast for about 10-15 min, or till lightly browned at the edges. Scatter sesame seeds over.

The intense umami flavour and sesame aroma of the roasted broccoli is addictive enough on its own, but I like mine dunked in egg yolk, a twist on the classic British egg and toast soldiers. I don't have a fancy egg cup, so I just served my soft boiled egg in the egg carton >< SInce it's spring you can also try it with roasted asparagus spears instead!

pictures of me when i was a baby

heyyy :)

assalamualaikum! i've been bz and dissappearing these past few days. let me make it short

sunday ; i went to maybank malaysia open golf 2011 tournament in mont kiara, teman abah of course :) it was a very hot sunny day, and we walked about 10km for 2 hours. we stand all day okay. balik tu baru minum air sejuk... perghh nazak dah time tu. HAHA.

monday ; nothing much. stay at home

tuesday ; i went to lot 10, had a sauna/steam bath, and scrub all over my body, for almost half of the day. dah dekat 10 tahun tak masuk lot 10. sabar je lah.

wednesday ; did my laundry, drive to Kajang and met namin, had lunch, and did some preparation to surprise a guy i love the most. petang semlm kan hujan ribut dkt KL ni, makanya namin risau sy drive, last-last dia hantar balik rumah, and sy hantar dia ke LRT, dia balik naik train. kesiankan! T__T

today ; went to laow yat. i had my own scanner!!! thank you a billion mama & abah. 3 in 1 --- print scan copy. and sbb tu lah poyo nak scan semua gmbr waktu baby.

slowly, i learn to crawl.

celebrated aidilfitri without abah. abah pergi bosnia, berjuang utk negara. ;')

baju kurung yg mama jahitkan sendiri.

and i'm getting taller... ;)

esok gambar wkt middle age plak eh. eh salah, middle kid age :P till then.

p/s; td lepas tengok semula semua gmbr ni, terus pergi cari mama, peluk mama. entah rasa makin syg plak dkt dia org ;')


  • Mutton leg, boneless and fat removed1 kilogram
  • Mutton fat 200 gram
  • Oil to fry
  • Onion , sliced 2 medium
  • Green cardamom powder 1 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Mutton stock 4 cup
  • Yogurt 5 cups
  • Clove 6-8
  • Black cardamom 1-2
  • Green cardamom 6-8
  • Fennel seed (saunf) powder 3 teaspoon
  • Dry ginger powder (soonth) 3 teaspoon
  • Garlic paste 1 1/2 tablespoon
  • Pure ghee 4 tablespoon
  • Dry mint leaves 1/4 teaspoon


Heat enough oil in a kadai and deep fry onions until brown. Cool and grind into a fine paste. Mutton a wooden block and use a mallet to pound and keep fat pieces. Preferably you should use a stone base. Add mutton fat and continue to mince. Add green cardamom powder and salt and continue to re-enroll. Ice cubes so the meat does not get hot add the mince. Ice cubes, add some water, dip your hands in it and fills with wet hands wet. In this way the recruitment wet, but also to keep you cool. Then dip your hands in cold water and mince koftas either round or oval shape. Mutton in stock Cook for ten to fifteen minutes koftas. Pan with ½ cup water and mix in the yogurt and mix well. Place a sieve over the pan and place it a muslin cloth, pour yogurt mixture and strain. Cook cloves, green cardamom, black cardamom and salt, mix with strained high heat stirring constantly until the mixture changes its color to taste. Make a paste of dry ginger powder and fennel powder and add to yogurt mixture. Brown onions and garlic paste add paste diluted in a little stock. Add butter and continue to cook. Drain and add koftas to gravy stock. Do not throw the rest away stock. Add gravy or you can use it for another dish. Simmer for a while and then add dried crushed mint leaves


  • Mutton leg, boneless and fat removed1 kilogram
  • Mutton fat 200 gram
  • Oil to fry
  • Onion , sliced 2 medium
  • Green cardamom powder 1 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Mutton stock 4 cup
  • Yogurt 5 cups
  • Clove 6-8
  • Black cardamom 1-2
  • Green cardamom 6-8
  • Fennel seed (saunf) powder 3 teaspoon
  • Dry ginger powder (soonth) 3 teaspoon
  • Garlic paste 1 1/2 tablespoon
  • Pure ghee 4 tablespoon
  • Dry mint leaves 1/4 teaspoon


Heat enough oil in a kadai and deep fry onions until brown. Cool and grind into a fine paste. Mutton a wooden block and use a mallet to pound and keep fat pieces. Preferably you should use a stone base. Add mutton fat and continue to mince. Add green cardamom powder and salt and continue to re-enroll. Ice cubes so the meat does not get hot add the mince. Ice cubes, add some water, dip your hands in it and fills with wet hands wet. In this way the recruitment wet, but also to keep you cool. Then dip your hands in cold water and mince koftas either round or oval shape. Mutton in stock Cook for ten to fifteen minutes koftas. Pan with ½ cup water and mix in the yogurt and mix well. Place a sieve over the pan and place it a muslin cloth, pour yogurt mixture and strain. Cook cloves, green cardamom, black cardamom and salt, mix with strained high heat stirring constantly until the mixture changes its color to taste. Make a paste of dry ginger powder and fennel powder and add to yogurt mixture. Brown onions and garlic paste add paste diluted in a little stock. Add butter and continue to cook. Drain and add koftas to gravy stock. Do not throw the rest away stock. Add gravy or you can use it for another dish. Simmer for a while and then add dried crushed mint leaves

How to Make "PALAK PANEER" Recipe

  • Spinach 2 large bunches
  • Cottage cheese (paneer) 200 grams
  • Green chillies 2-3
  • Garlic 8-10 cloves
  • Oil 3 tablespoons
  • Cumin seeds 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
  • Fresh cream 4 tablespoons


Remove stems, wash spinach well in moving water. White for two minutes in boiling salted water. Refresh in cold water. Squeeze out excess water. Remove stems, wash and roughly chop green pepper. Fine grinding spinach into a paste with green chillies. One inch by one inch piece of half inch dice cheese. Peel, wash and chop garlic. Heat oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds. When they begin to change color, sauté chopped garlic and add a half minutes. Add the spinach puree and stir. Check seasoning. Add water, if necessary. When the gravy comes to a boil, add cheese and mix well. Stir in lemon juice. Finally add fresh cream. Serve hot.

How to Make "PALAK PANEER" Recipe

  • Spinach 2 large bunches
  • Cottage cheese (paneer) 200 grams
  • Green chillies 2-3
  • Garlic 8-10 cloves
  • Oil 3 tablespoons
  • Cumin seeds 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
  • Fresh cream 4 tablespoons


Remove stems, wash spinach well in moving water. White for two minutes in boiling salted water. Refresh in cold water. Squeeze out excess water. Remove stems, wash and roughly chop green pepper. Fine grinding spinach into a paste with green chillies. One inch by one inch piece of half inch dice cheese. Peel, wash and chop garlic. Heat oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds. When they begin to change color, sauté chopped garlic and add a half minutes. Add the spinach puree and stir. Check seasoning. Add water, if necessary. When the gravy comes to a boil, add cheese and mix well. Stir in lemon juice. Finally add fresh cream. Serve hot.


  • Bread , crustless 8 large slices
  • Mozzarella cheese, grated 1 1/2 cups
  • Onion , finely chopped 1 medium
  • Fresh coriander leaves, chopped 3 tablespoons
  • Green chilli, chopped 1
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil to deep fry


Combine mozzarella cheese, onion, coriander leaves, green chillies and salt. Soak a piece at a time for about ten seconds in the water. Squeeze out water by pressing between palms. Place one slice of bread on top work, the center of the cheese mixture and place on some of the rest roll filling to cover the top piece firmly. Make sure the edges are well sealed. Heat enough oil in a deep pan and deep fry until golden brown rolls. Drain and place on absorbent paper. Serve hot with tomato sauce or mint chutney.


  • Bread , crustless 8 large slices
  • Mozzarella cheese, grated 1 1/2 cups
  • Onion , finely chopped 1 medium
  • Fresh coriander leaves, chopped 3 tablespoons
  • Green chilli, chopped 1
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil to deep fry


Combine mozzarella cheese, onion, coriander leaves, green chillies and salt. Soak a piece at a time for about ten seconds in the water. Squeeze out water by pressing between palms. Place one slice of bread on top work, the center of the cheese mixture and place on some of the rest roll filling to cover the top piece firmly. Make sure the edges are well sealed. Heat enough oil in a deep pan and deep fry until golden brown rolls. Drain and place on absorbent paper. Serve hot with tomato sauce or mint chutney.

Mysore Pak Sweet Recipe

  • Gram flour (besan) 3/4 cup
  • Pure ghee 2 1/2 cups
  • Sugar 4 cups


Sieve gram flour lumps break twice. Preheat pure ghee and keep it warm. Oil a tray. With half a liter of water over medium heat cook sugar, stirring constantly until it is. Increase heat and bring syrup to a boil. Cook without stirring for about five minutes or until it reaches a thread to the hot syrup and stir consistency.Add ½ cup pure ghee, gram gradually becoming all to prevent any lumps while stirring Add flour. Keep on stirring constantly until the mixture starts bubbling. Hot butter, add half a cup at a time. Each time you add the butter should sizzle and foam. Continue this process until all fuel is used up and you get a pleasant aroma is a sweet roasted gram flour. Put on the greased tray. Cool slightly and cut into desired shapes.

Mysore Pak Sweet Recipe

  • Gram flour (besan) 3/4 cup
  • Pure ghee 2 1/2 cups
  • Sugar 4 cups


Sieve gram flour lumps break twice. Preheat pure ghee and keep it warm. Oil a tray. With half a liter of water over medium heat cook sugar, stirring constantly until it is. Increase heat and bring syrup to a boil. Cook without stirring for about five minutes or until it reaches a thread to the hot syrup and stir consistency.Add ½ cup pure ghee, gram gradually becoming all to prevent any lumps while stirring Add flour. Keep on stirring constantly until the mixture starts bubbling. Hot butter, add half a cup at a time. Each time you add the butter should sizzle and foam. Continue this process until all fuel is used up and you get a pleasant aroma is a sweet roasted gram flour. Put on the greased tray. Cool slightly and cut into desired shapes.