Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pola Makan Sehat Seimbang

wow... artikel ini layak dan patut disebarluaskan. untuk kepentingan kita semuaa...

Manusia tidak lagi membutuhkan makanan dengan pola "4 sehat 5 sempurna" (ini udah ketinggalan 30 tahun!). sekarang yang dibutuhkan adalah pola sehat seimbang, yang terdiri dari karbohidrat-protein-lemak.

Semua bentuk gula, beras, terigu, dan tepung lainnya adalah karbohidrat buruk karena dalam waktu kurang dari 2 jam bahan makanan tersebut akan diubah menjadi gula murni tanpa sisa. ketika tingkat gula naik mendadak, insulin akan merespon dengan mengeluarkan hormon eikosanoid buruk (prostaglandin, tromboksan, leukotrien, dan sebagainya) sehingga daya tahan Anda makin rendah (mudah alergi, tulang keropos, menurunnya fokus, rasa nyeri bertambah, kekentalan darah meningkat, terjadi penyempitan pembuluh darah termasuk pembuluh darah jantung!) dan perbanyakan sel2 yang tidak normal.

KARBOHIDRAT TERBAIK adalah dari beragam sayuran yang dilalap dalam jumlah cukup banyak untuk menghasilkan energi, dan beragam buah. percuma makan sayur yang dimasak, hanya lezat sebagai lauk atau pembawa serat (agar lancar BAB) tapi tidak menghasilkan tenaga.

Padukan dengan PROTEIN atau ASAM AMINO yang bisa diperoleh dari lauk (pepes ikan, sup ayam, tim jamur, dll). Pilih juga asam lemak esensial yang tidak jenuh dari alam (alpukat, kemiri, atau minyak zaitun).

Tidak benar anggapan tanpa nasi atau roti orang akan lemas dan tidak bisa beraktivitas normal. Justru karbohidrat buruk dengan nilai indeks glikemik tinggi akan membuat Anda mengantuk 1-2 jam setelah makan disebabkan gula darah meroket yang segera ditumpas oleh insulin.

Unsur nurtrisi ketiga yaitu LEMAK, didapat dari biji2an seperti kemiri, kacang mete, pistachios, dan macadamia. Semua adalah sumber lemak yang bagus karena asam lemak esensialnya bersifat tidak jenuh.

Minyak goreng, mentega, apalagi margarin harus dijauhi karena margarin adalah minyak tumbuhan yang diproses hingga menyerupai mentega. Proses tersebut membuat minyak berubah, bahkan menjadi pemicu terbentuknya plak pada pembuluh darah sebagai penyebab penyakit jantung.

Satu2nya bentuk minyak yang bisa dipakai adalah extra virgin olive oil (minyak zaitun perasan pertama). Tapi bukan untuk menumis atau menggoreng karena suhu panas akan merusak semua minyak tumbuhan dan mencetuskan penebalan dinding pembuluh darah dan gangguan jantung. Gunakan extra virgin olive oil sebagai dressing (cocolan) salad atau sebagai sambal ikan bakar dengan tambahan bawang merah cincang, cabe rawit, dan perasan jeruk nipis.

Sebenarnya kebanyakan manusia sudah tahu tapi tidak peduli, dan lebih parahnya merasa berbeda (itu kan kata orang, saya tidak begitu). Jangan menunggu sampai tanda gangguan kesehatan muncul, karena berarti sudah terlambat. Anda sudah melakukan salah satu aspek pencegahan jika Anda menjalankan pola hidup sehat mulai dari sekarang!

(Dr Tan Shot Yen)

Interview: Emma Åvall (Requiem pour un con), a modern mod between us.

Due to my classes, I must do some interviews to people who I admire or think that are interesting; so after doing them, I asked the interviewee if I can publish here my work... so, if everything goes allright, you'll see some nice interviews around here! For some people I would follow like some questionnaire I made...

And today, I want to start with the gorgeous Emma Åvall, one of my muses!

The great Serge Gainsbourg wrote songs that inspired many people. One of these songs, in particular, inspired just someone who, perhaps unwittingly, turn inspires hundreds of people daily.

The person I'm talking about is called Emma, and is a lovely Swedish girl who lives in Göteborgt. I discovered almost by chance, leaping through the network, and fell in love with her wonderful style and simplicity with which he recounts her life, concerns and passions. I love that she shared her inspiration with us, which we feel inspired too, and show us the world through her big blue eyes with the pictures she takes.

As you open her blog you realize that Emma loves everything about the sixties, and looking at a picture of her, that impression becomes a reality ... but ... Who is Emma Åvall? 

Q: So, first of all, could you please tell us who you are and a brief description of you?
A: My name is Emma Åvall. I'm just a nineteen year old dreamer from Sweden.

Q: What do you do? What do you like to dedicate?
A: When I'm not working myself to sleep at the factory I go to vintage shops, have picniks with friends in a park (when the weather allows it), dance at nightclubs or kiss my boyfriends spine.

Q: Can you talk a little about your interests?
A: Art is what moves me. Photography, painting, movies. It's what's always in my thoughts. I look for beautifulness everywhere.

Q: Tell us a book, an album or a movie without which you could not live.
A: I'd have to say the short film "Le Ballon Rouge" from 1956. When I saw it I immediately new it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever was going to lay my eyes on.

Q: Would you
share with us a memory that makes you smile?
A: Oh it's to hard to choose just one. But I have many memories of my boyfriend that makes me smile like an idiot.

Any favorite quote?
A: "Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination." - Oscar Wilde.

Q: At what age did your get interested in the fashion world?
A: I guess I've been interested in fashion since I was around eleven/twelve, but I've never really chosen to dress according to todays fashion even though I find all kinds of fashion interesting.

Could you explain us a bit what has been the evolution of your image?
A: Up to seventh grade I looked kind of like most other people at my school. Then I went through a quite extreme transformation. I went from being that blonde haired girl with tight blue jeans and a tank top to wearing a leather jacket filled with studs and pins and all different colors in my hair every other month. I discovered punk music and that made me change my style in clothing. After about three years as a punk girl I started to get tired of it. I had changed a bit as a person and so the style needed a change to. Without really looking for change I found the mod-movement and the sixties. I cut my hair in a bob and bough colorful minidresses. I came natural to me but I guess it may have been a bit wierd transformation to some people. 
Q:  How would you describe your actual style?
A: 60's mod. colorful and magical.

What inspire you in choosing your clothes? Do you follow a pattern to match your clothes or just choose randomly?
A: I choose according to mood.

Where do you usually get your clothes? Do you customize or sew any garment to you?
A: I buy practically all of my clothes in vintage stores and on Ebay.

Q: Have you got any special obsession (like shoes, bows, skirts...)?
A: Minidresses are like my signature clothing.

Q: When and why did you decide to start writing a blog?
A: The blog I have now I started little over a year ago but I had one before that in about six months. I started it to have a place to run to. A place that was all mine. I wanted to have a blog that I wanted to read myself.

What do you want to express with your blog? Do you think it adds anything to the people who read it?
A: I want to express creativity. I think people may feel inspired by my blog. I try to keep it as positive as I can and leave out most of the bad parts of everyday life.

What do you feel when someone says you are his/her inspiration? What would you say to those people?
A: It makes me happy when someone says something like that. But I don't think I quite understand that they acctually mean it.

Q: And finally, please,
tell us a tip for your readers (a tip for their lifes, for the fashion bloggers' world or whatever you want to say to them).  
A: Might sound like a cliché but; be yourself. Everything else is just plain stupid.

Thank you so much, Emma!

If you want to know more about Emma, please, visit her blog or her flickr!

I hope you all enjoyed it and learned so much about Emma as I did!

All pictures by Emma Åvall

kepelbagaian manusia

ni bukan post marah. owh tidak. post pendapat shje~

yes, at least i'm trying to be better. i am trying, even, ppl might c me, as girl who did nothing. wahai rakan - rakan tersyg, ssh nak puaskan hati semua org. makanya. tak perlu puaskan. haha. ;P no no no. i mean, pk dgn rasional, and, if u know u did d right thing, so, go on. care less bout those who didn't care much.

baiklah. mungkin ramai tak tahu, only close friends je kot taw.
sy sedang belajar pakai tudung sepenuh masa. it takes time. terkejut? hurm. baiklah. asalnya sy belajar pakai tudung sejak akil baligh - form 1. ke sekolah sy mmg bertudung. keluar? frankly speaking, f1-f3 on off jgk. form 4, sy msk mrsm. geng d12 sy, yg free hair, sy, finaz & naiya. i mean, free hair dkt luar la. bkn d mrsm! gile ape. ahah... but u should know a thing, all 3 of us, skrng most of d time kami bertudung! well at least there's an improvement. gmbr kami free hair? owhhh. kami kurangkan sehingga, tiada mungkin di mane2 laman sesawang.

naiya + finaz + sy + yamin

baiklah. sekarang? hurm. if ada org dtg rumah, sy freehair. tp kalau ustaz / ustazah dtg, i do have a lil respect, sy bertudung. keluar mlm2 dgn fmly, setakat ddk dlm kereta, sy freehair. kdng2 keluar dkt2, sy freehair. jogging / cycling dkt2 pun sy pakai cap. mandi sg, pantai, or etc, sy freehair. and most of d other time, sy bertudung. tlglah. sy sdg cuba belajar, utk kekalkan. 1 benda yg org tak tahu - org ingt sy mmg asal bertudung, tp dah pandai freehair. u know, like ppl think of d opposite side, and ingt sy culture shock, or becoming worse. OMG. that's a very wrong fact ok! walhalnya sy sedang belajar bertudung, bukan belajar freehair. haih~

mama ckp. ramai jgk yg ckp, yg pernah tgk sy freehair, bila sy freehair, sebiji mcm amoi. owh, dsini ada plak pertikaikan ttg keturunan. huaaa... ye ye.nenek sy cina, belah abah. cina masuk islam, adik beradik tok ma, semua cina buddha lg. makanya mmg sy celebrate CNY bila sy berkesempatan. yess, sy lah berada plg depan bila ada tarian singa tuh, hahahaha... mengalahkan sepupu sepapat yg lain yg ketot2 lg ;P rambut... satu hal jg. ori babeh ori! bkn rebond ke, ape2 bnde yg lain. kelakar kan manusia ni, bila rambut halus salah, bila rambut tebal ckp mcm urat dawai. well ppl, u should know sometime bkn mereka tammo jaga rmbt, tp mmg rmbt mereka semulajd mcm tu!

pak cik awie + tok ma
abah je dah muka melayu. esp sejak main golf. betmbh gelap ;P

mata, hidung, gigi, semua lah org nak pertikai an? haha. dulu sy gemuk, dan kurus jap, org ckp jgk, 'kenapa kurus sgt, xcantik' awww awww. i kurus salah, gemuk salah. naaaa~ mmg pas sekolah dah naik 10kg. tp, bahagia je den. ramai je org syg. hee. bkn sy x try diet, owh keinginan nak diet tu sentiasa ade, tp kan, tak reti la nak control nafsu makan! haha. makan itu best! sbb makan - perbuatan yg mempunyai 1001 rasa. ngeh3... tp, sebenarnya, bila time sy mkn sikit, mmg sikit, tp same je berat sy. baik sy mkn bnyk! haha. blh plak mcm tu. tp mcm lawak jgk kan, bila dah umur - umur kita, yg dah masuk early 20's ni, still ramai lg yg narrow minded dan pertikaikan bnda - bnda yg remeh. belajar tinggi2, tp rendahkan darjat diri sendiri. hurmmm...

Pan Seared Halibut with Tomatoes and Capers

Quick and easy is often a requirement for mid-week meals.  Searing a cut of fish is almost always a quick meal.  The challenge comes in the support - how to make that fish interesting.  Sometimes that can mean a sauce, remoulade or a chutney.  I enjoy this Mediterranean-inspired recipe from Bon Appetit.  The sauce is quick, simple and satisfying.  Even cooking couscous is quick.  Give it a try and make it part of your work night retinue.  Serves 2.
2 halibut filets
2 tbsp olive oil
2 large shallot or 1/2 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 can diced tomatoes
1 tsp dried basil
2 tsp capers
1/3 cup bottled clam juice
1/4 cup dry white wine
1 cup cooked couscous
Warm the olive oil in a medium saute pan over medium heat.  Season the halibut with salt and pepper.  When the oil is hot, add the filets and cook until browned on each side and the middle is just cooked through, about 4 minutes per side.  Transfer the fish to a plate and cover loosely to keep warm.  Turn down the heat to low and add the onions, softening for a few minutes.  Add the garlic and allow the flavor to release for a few moments.  Add the tomatoes, basil, capers, clam juice and wine.  Bring the sauce to a boil and simmer a few minutes to thicken.  Plate the couscous first, putting the filet on top and spooning the sauce over the fish.


March 4

Giuseppe Viterale thought a pay-by-the-pound churras-caria would do well in the Queens neighborhood of Astoria. So he opened a Samba Grill on 23rd Avenue, near the Astoria-Ditmars stop of the N and W trains.

It turned out that location didn’t have enough foot traffic to support it, so last November he transformed it into Ornella, an Italian trattoria named after his wife, who is also the mother of their four children and the restaurant’s executive chef.

I ate there last night.

The restaurant’s publicist told me that many of the recipes come from Ornella’s family (except for the takeout items like, you know, veal Parmigiana and spaghetti carbonara), but Giuseppe has some influence, too. His father owned mills in an Italian village near Salerno, so he learned a lot about different kinds of flour. So he serves a pasta made with 75 percent chestnut flour (with cherry tomato and arugula in a garlic-oil sauce), and another one — pizzocheri della valtellina — with buckwheat flour, served with cabbage, potato and fontina cheese (it's a Lombardian dish).

The chestnut pasta dish is the one in the picture.

I also had some Nduja — pronounce it and you'll see that it’s a cousin of andouille — a spicy sausage of pork and veal from Calabria that Ornella serves as a pâté on bread — and, because I was in an Italian restaurant in New York City, after all, bruschetta with tomatoes and olive oil.

Then I had tilapia in cartoccio (prepared in an aluminum foil balloon along with clams and mussels etc.; to be broken open at the table so the diner can inhale the garlic-shellfish aroma), followed by a dessert sampler of an Italian sort of flan, cheesecake and chocolate cake.

But then Giuseppe was testing out the chestnut pasta with tuna bottarga and wanted me to check it out, too. So I did. The idea was to have that sharp fishiness of the bottarga contrast with the mild sweetness of the chestnuts.

I think it worked, but I can't say for sure because I’d just had chocolate cake.

What can I say? It’s part of my job.

(Almost) Instant Sponge Pudding

Meals don’t feel complete without at least a morsel of sweetness to round them off. Most of the time a square of dark chocolate or scoop of ice cream is enough to satisfy but sometimes the cravings require something with a bit more substance.

Inevitably these desires are strongest when the cupboards and freezer are bereft of anything sugar based. Yes, one could turn to the fruit bowl but a pear or apple isn’t fun – it has no air of decadence or whiff of naughtiness and thus little ability to satisfy.

It was this combination of empty shelves and niggling desire for sweetness that led to the creation of insta-pud: a hearty late winter warmer that expanded the stomach, delighted the senses and induced a state of near comatose happiness soon after finishing the last mouthful.

As far as sponge puddings go, it won’t win any awards. It certainly doesn’t have the artery clogging density of a steamed suet based effort or the deft lightness of a well worked cake. But what it lacks in technique, it more than makes up for in brevity.

From raw ingredients to finished product it takes no more than five measly minutes. Just enough time to whip up some Bird’s custard, in fact. Perhaps not quite instant in the truest sense of the word but, hey, it’s all relative.

Microwaved Jam Sponge Pudding

Of course you could replicate this with countless other flavours – golden syrup, lemon, ginger, chocolate – but for a little whiff of summer, raspberries take some beating.

Size wise, this is easily large enough for two. Unless you’re feeling particularly greedy.

50g butter
50g self raising flour
50g caster sugar
1 egg, beaten
Some jam (only you know how much jam you like. For me it has to run down the sides like rivers of scorching lava)

Use a spoon to mix the butter and sugar together. Add the flour then the beaten egg. Stir to combine. Spoon the jam into the bottom of a microwavable container then pour the sponge mixture over the top. Microwave on medium power for 3-4 minutes until the top of the sponge is set in the middle. Go easy, if you do it too long you’ll end up with something that bounces.

Serve with custard and an episode of Arrested Development then lapse into a carb induced coma.

On the subject of cake, you should watch this – a neat little short that documents the British love affair with afternoon tea. Suggestions and recipes for favourite cakes are encouraged, especially if they can be made in an advert break.

For more near instant gratification, why not head on over to Twitter?

one free day

wednesday - 3rd march 2010
it was d last day of, well, to b exact, it's not d last day yet. but, i could say, it was the last day when ALL OF final sem BROADCASTING students, gather, and took a 'class picture'. except ITO! sampai hati x dtg. sob3... gastric~ we took d whole class pixca, each FYP group, and followed by positon in each production. we end up around 1230pm. thanks to NK and friends ;) and so d day goes on, with me going out with mr.barney syg, and, i bought a perfume for mama. body shop je lah. makan d mapley, and balik!

btw. ramai org ckp baju sy bnyk an. makanya, sejak 1 march til 1 april ni, sy sdg mencuba utk tak memakai baju yg sama. yup. jd, sy perlulah ambil gmbr hari2. haha.

thursday - 4th march 2010
tiada class! tiada meeting! whoaaaa. seronok sebentar. bgn subuh, makan buah, on9. tdow blk aroun 830am - 930am. siram pokok bunga, jemurkan baju kma + kak sally, mandi, and bersiap utk keluar! malas actually, tp da plan dlm otak an, maka ku teruskan jgk!

hari ini pakai bju ini. sgtlah common pnye baju an. berlambak~ ;p

keluar parking kereta, terus menuju ke tmpt buang sampah!
sy tinggal di blok 1. tmpt buang sampah di blok 9.

tmpt pertama sy pergi - shell wangsa maju. isi minyak!

kemudian. jeng jeng jeng. sy ke setiawngsa.

awww awww! die mandi buih2! haha.
trimeee kasihhh abg2 bollywood.

selepas selesai. sy ke JJ au-keramat.

nilah die JJ yg slaluuu sgt sy gi 1 ketika dlu.

beli coklat utk mama.

pulang ke rumah!

tu saje buat mase hingga 3pm td. then lunch, and baring2 dgn mama. then tulislah blog ini. hee. owh mlm ni. hajatnye maw kuar dgn kwn baek sy, si afiq. tp tataw mcm mane lg. die an bz dgn class die, jd sy sdng tnggu die msg saje utk confirmation. ahah... bnyk bnde nak cite nih awk! haha. tp, kalau x jd pom x pe. huhu. mr barney ade. wawawa... baiklahhh. sy pun tataw nape nak update. takdir da tuliskan sy update kot. hukkk. blh plak mcm tuh... baiklah. have a nice day every1~!