Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cooking 6 Kroket Tofu

28 Maret 2010,minggu

Resep kali ini berbahan tofu, tambahan bayam n daging cincang. Resepnya gw tulisin disini,
* 100 gr tahu putih
* 1/4 sdt garam
* 1/8 sdt merica bubuk, jika perlu
* 1/16 sdt pala bubuk
* 1 butir telur
* 2 sdm daging sapi giling
* 50 gr daun dan batang muda bayam, rebus, cincang
* 25 gr keju cheddar, serut
* minyak goreng secukupnya

Pelapis :

* 3 sdm tepung terigu protein rendah
* 1 butir telur, kocok rata
* 75 gram tepung panir

Cara membuat :
1. Bungkus tahu dengan serbet bersih, remas2 sambil di peras hingga tahu lumat dan tiris. Campur rata dengan garam, merica, pala bubuk, telur, daging, daun dan batang muda bayam, serta keju.
2. Ratakan adonan tahu dalam loyang 20x20x4 cm yang dioles minyak goreng. Kukus hingga masak (20 menit), sisihkan hingga dingin
3. Potong2 nugget 8cmx1cm atau sesuai selera, gulingkan ke tepung terigu, lalu celupkan ke telur kocok. Selanjutnya, gulingkan ke tepung panir hingga rata.
4. Goreng terendam minyak di atas api sedang hingga kering dan kecoklatan. Angkat dan tiriskan, sajikan hangat.
Kenapa judul semestinya Nugget Tofu gw ganti jadi kroket tofu?? Ini ada critanyaa...
Tahu dsini dijual perkotak dalamnya tuh isi tahu n air, jadi tahunya melayang2 di dalam air...hehe. Nah mungkin gw bungkus tahu pake serbetnya kurang gape, jadinya pas di kukus masih berair, ga keringg biar gw uda microwave in lagi tuh adonan. Akhirnya pas acara pemotongan adonan, terpaksa harus gw perasss lagi tuh, so sekalian aja gw bkin mirip kroket ala japanese dah.

Sunshine, Lollipop & Rainbow!

Happy Palm Sunday to all the Christians around the globe!

What a lovely day to begin with a good lunch preparation. I've been stuck at my house for a week now since I came out from the 4-day stay in the hospital. I had my surgery which I will elaborate on my future post. The good thing is, I am fine now and trying to recover as fast as I can. But I just have to deal with it slowly. So after eleven days of resting and moving little by little everyday, I just figured out that I can move in the kitchen. My maid is here so she can help me do the chores and in preparing this one heck of a dish!

I have this weird friend named Francis, a college folk who tremendously appreciates my cooking after tasting several dishes I prepared during my birthday last year. He's spreading the word that I have this good understanding on how to use spices. He just loved my Lemon Herb Chicken. I guess his true. I can define my cooking based on spices that makes each dish so bold. I continue to understand herbs and spices to continuously concoct exciting recipes. And this combination I have for lunch is another keeper on the menu!



• Red/Green/Yellow/Orange Capsicum
• Paprika & Cayenne Pepper
• Ground Black Pepper & Salt
• Ground Cumin / Garlic
• Butter / Lime
• Chopped Wansoy leaves
• Jasmine Rice


Heat wok with butter and saute minced garlic. Add the chopped rainbow capsicum and chopped wansoy leaves then squeeze one whole lime. Add all the spices and stir fried with a nicely cooked Jasmine Rice. Put in a plate then set aside as you wait for the drunken pork.



• Pork ( loin part)
• Black Beer
• Pepper
• Vanilla Ice Cream
• Salt/Black & Cayenne Pepper
• Ground Sage
• Butter


Get a bowl put the cube pork loins and add all the rest of the ingredients except butter. Mashed it all together and put it in a fridge for overnight. Marination for this dish requires more than 12 hours to see the effect of black beer & vanilla ice cream. Black beer will create this bitter but aromatic taste and on the other hand the vanilla ice cream will tenderize the pork more and will leave a creamy and sweet taste on the dish. So on the next day, ready your griller and wipe it with generous amount of butter. Place each cube pork and let it cook and sizzle. Do it in high heat and cook it quickly. Then add the excess sauce of the marinate pork on the dish. Top this on rice dish that we did previously. Awesome isn't it?

Are you guys looking forward for an Easter Lunch meal?

joanie xxx

Matzoh Rant

We eat a lot of matzoh during the week of Passover.  A lot of it.  That's because we can't eat bread or anything made with regular flour or anything leavened (which eliminates baking powder or baking soda).  No wheat products.  Period.

I know you're probably thinking this is no big deal.

But wait - no bread?  No cereal?  (What the heck do you eat for breakfast?  You can't eat eggs every day unless you want to kill yourself).  NO BEER????

Okay, so matzoh isn't a substitute for beer.  But it stands in for cereal and matzoh meal (yuck) stands in for flour in a pinch.  And then there is the vast quantity of matzoh you have to consume at your Passover Seder, or in our case, two Passover Seders.  By the end of the week, you are sick of the stuff.

If you've never had the pleasure, matzohs are large, flat, dry (very dry) crackers.  Let me repeat that:  VERY DRY.  We eat them at our Passover Seder with harosses (a yummy mixture of apples, nuts and cheap Manischewitz sweet wine) and that killer horseradish I told you about in the last post.  It sounds bizarre, but it's actually good.  Of course, I guess that horseradish would kill the taste of anything.

And another thing.  No one agrees on how to spell it.  Matzo?  Matzoh?  Matzah?  I'm sticking to "matzoh" and I don't care if that's politically correct or not!

But here's the dirty little secret no one will tell the uninitiated.  If you eat too much matzoh, you will never have to visit the bathroom again.  Ever. 

To quote my friend Dick, that's all I'm sayin'.....

So in the spirit of matzoh overload I offer up my recipe for Matzoh Toffee.  Try it, you'll like it!


1 box matzoh (about 15 pieces)
2 cups unsalted butter
2 cups light brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter
2 cups sliced almonds
1 tablespoon kosher salt
3 12-oz. bags good quality chocolate chips, melted

Line two baking sheets (I used half sheet pans) with matzoh, cutting to fit as necessary.

In a medium saucepan, melt butter, sugar and salt over medium heat, stirring frequently.  Keep cooking until large bubbles form, then cook for 1 minute longer.  Remove from heat and pour mixture over matzoh, dividing evenly.  Let cool.

Meanwhile, melt the 1 tablespoon of butter in a skillet.  Add almonds and salt and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently until almonds are just golden.  Remove from heat and cool slightly.

Spread melted chocolate over the cooled caramel mixture on matzohs.  Sprinkle evenly with almonds and let matzoh sit for at least 30 minutes.

Break into pieces.  Try not to eat the bits that fall away.

Yield:  enough for two Seders

Note:  this will not be pretty.  Some of the matzoh will separate from the caramel layer, but who cares?  Just piece it back together and no one will know the difference.  Also, the 1 tablespoon of salt sounds like A LOT in the almonds, but it works.

There was a girl...

I saw this lovely post on Emma's blog, and I decided to do a similar one for today, so you can know a little bit more about me. I made it longer, indeed; maybe because I'm older than Emma, haha!


More than 10 years ago;

This is me when I was 4 years old, so thi picture is like 24 years old. I was happy, cute and not as evil as I am now... (well I'm not evil either, haha!)

7 years ago; 

It was my second summer at UK; I was introducing myself inside the lolita fashion, but in that summer I don't know why, I was feeling so gothic-punk, listening to Joy Division (again) and The Clash (again) and just feeling that my life wasn't on Spain...

5 years ago;

I was 23, and I felt so decadent and lost that I almost leave my carreer. That year was so bad, a person made me so much damage... but life goes on; and I don't remember why... but I started dreaming again.

3 years ago;

 I was 25, my hair was pink and short and life was unexpected for me, so I just enjoyed the present. I met some gorgeous people and I decided finally that I wanted to work in fashion industry, being a coolhunter.

1 year ago;

I was 27, and I was saving money for coming to Barcelona, for my coolhuntind studies. I was living at Algeciras, a very boring place, but I had here good friends that made me smile everytime I felt sad.

6 months ago;

It was october, and I just have arrived to Barcelona. My hair was orange, and I was full of good vibrations and great expectations that I still feel today...

3 months ago; 

I came back to Algeciras for Christmas and I had a very great time with all my friends from here. My family was great and I was traveling into Berlin in two weeks.

1 week ago; 

I bought this gorgeous hat and I was so happy because in less than a week I was coming back home for Easter. 3 months since the last time I saw my family and my friends from Algeciras... so much time!

I went to the hospital for seeing my grandfather, and spent the rest of the day at home with my mother. And I didn't make any picture...


I'm going to a market near my town and I'll wear some of the cute clother I bought today with my mother.

a year from now;
I hope I'll be living outside Spain, doing something that I really like... working once in my life in what I want. Wish me luck!!

Sehari Bersama Indonesia

27 Maret 2010, sabtu

Hari ini acara Sehari Bersama Indonesia, diadakan di Ehime Daigaku, Universitas Ehime, Matsuyama. Acara ini buat perkenalan Indonesia ke masyarakat Jepang, khususnya mahasiswa. Acaranya ada perkenalan makanan Indonesia, fashion show, nyanyi, dance, mpe angklung.

Gw kebagian tugas bantu2 di fashion..soalnya ga bisa masak masakan khas Indo..hehe. Maklum dah, dulu mana pernah masuk dapur...huhuuhu..jadi nyesel juga. Kebagian nyicip coto, soto khas sulawesi, gado gado, telur pedas, sate, tahu isi. Masih banyak juga yang kebagian nyicip soalnya sibuk berat, ikutan jaga stand makanan..

Acara yang seru, itu fashion show, baju2 dari daerah di Indonesia, dengan segala pernak pernik nya, tentu aja pake model orang japanese hahaha...seru juga. Ada acara dance Poco poco juga, semua penonton dipersilahkan naik ke panggung buat ikutan cuman jadi juru foto aja..haha

Ribet tapi senang bikin acara ini. Ga tau kapan lagi bisa bkin acara kayak gini lagi yak...Foto lain bisa liat disini

melawat unta - mekah part 2

sy perasan jgk, perbezaan mekah n madinah. mekah teramat la bsing dgn bunyi hon kecuali wkt solat 5 wkt. sunyi sepi. i like! mereka x ikot taw traffic light. absolutely main langgar je. so, hon kereta tu 24hours non stop sbb hon tu mcm sign die org la, utk keep on moving dlm traffic tuh. and so... berjalanlah lg kami di kwsn mekah. pergilah pula melawat ladang unta, salah 1 trademark utama negara arab. oh dear, besarnyeeee unta dkt cni. sehat2 belaka. besar mcm kuda dkt istana tuh. pelik kan unta nih blh sehat walafiat even though kwsn die kering je. rumput pun ssh nak cari. ajaib an. let's go with da flow ;)

comelnye anak beranak nih!

perasan tak unta tu senyum? ngeh3...
lidah unta sgt besar ok! sampai sy lari wkt die sendawa.
lidah die terkeluar, ingtkan die nak muntah T__T

and so, kami ke jabbal rahmah.
tmpt pertemuan semula adam dan hawa.

dkt sini. bnyk unta berhias.

tgklah mcm mane skenye mama & kak lin naik unta berhias ni.

cik pun nak jgk. tgklah siap buat 'peace' lg. hehe. nenek rock!

oh colorful. rainbow rainbow!

jabbal rahmah. berebut org naik atas tu. esp nak berdoa ttg jodoh~

mkn ice cream kon panas2. mmg nikmat. tp, leh tahan mahal.
1 kon = RM2. but, bkn slalu an. hee.

masjid ni dbuka once a year je. time musim haji.

ok. mari kte tgk lg interior masjidil haram. cantik amat!

salah 1 chandelier yg ade. tgk atas tu. penuh ukiran.

kak lin sempat buat peace. ;P

oh. mcm nilah deret2 kedai d mekah.
cni je murah skit. kedai2 lain lg mahal.

oh. coklat ni dlu fav sy wkt drjh 3. tp dkt mlysia. cam da jrng jmpe.
ha. beli 2 dozen. tp kan. abis dah 1-2 hari pas sampai mlysia ;P

kaabah. around 8am. time ni jap je lenggang.
nmpk tgh2 ni ade byk tong air? tu la tong air zam2.

cantik kan?

white is amazing. ukiran die. indah.

lampu pattern lain. nice one.

sy ske. sgt.

salah 1 sudut dr luar.

salah satu pintu utama.

masjidil haram dikelilingi hotel2 mewah.

abah selepas bercukur. dlm ihram. di burger king ;)

burger king! lg mahal dr dkt mlysia.

muka ceria maw pulang. cni best. tp tentulah jgk,
kami rndu mlysia ;)