Saturday, July 9, 2011


American Sweet Corn kernels: 1 cup. (or) 1 can of corn kernels
Water: 4 cups
Ajinomoto: 1/4 tsp
Salt: to taste
Sugar : 1 tsp
Milk : 1 tbsp
Pepper: 1/2 tsp
Corn Flour : 1 tbsp, made into slurry

1. Boil corn kernels in enough water until tender. (Alternately, you may pressure cook them.)
2. Add the 4 cups water to the corn in a pan, and allow to boil.
3. Add salt, sugar, ajinomoto, pepper and let it boil for 5 more minutes.
4. Add corn flour slurry. Simmer for another 5 minutes.
5. Finally, add milk, allow one boil and remove from fire.
Serve hot with soy sauce as accompaniment.

Sending this to :
WWC - Corn for Dinner

Anyone Can Cook - Series 25

Waiting to board the plane

Ready to board Korean Airlines plane to Bali via Seoul. Total flight time 17 hours plus 2 hours layover in Seoul.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Chris Murdoch at Guilt and Co.

Here's a little improv. from Decadent Eccentric - my monthly Emcee gig with the fabulous Luciterra.

Housed in Vancouver's historic Gastown, this is the perfect place for us to work with new material - always expanding, always creating.
