Waah pas aku nulis ini badanku semua lagi pegel2. Sakit semua gara2 main futsal kemarin. Habisnya selama kuliah di malay, ini kali pertama aku pergi sport gitu. Mumpung ada waktu, biasanya kan sibuk mulu. Kemaren muka anak2 pada stress semua krn kuliah, jadi Tat Yang bilang gimana kalo kita main futsal aja. Just for fun, to laughing each other. Everyone saying it looks good, the we decided to play!
Buat seru-seruan aja kita pake jersey favorite team kita di FIFA World Cup 2010. Walaupun sebenarnya jersey kita yang fake semua karena yang aslinya kemahalan.. =P
Asik banget deh kemaren, seru2 aja ketawa2 sambil main dengan dummy style. Haha. I love my friends =)
Gabriel dan the outdated Rooney
ini jersey england di last world cup, tapi ini original loh kalo gak salah dia beli waktu ke UK
gak sama punya kita yang fake2an
he is showing up in his aquarium car kata tracy
caranya masuk futsal yard nya kyk gini
untung aku fitted gitu loh
i wonder how if very fatty one enter the yard :D
warming up before play!!
so excited with the jerseys!
Felly (France) - Anty (Brazil) - Leni (Italia)
btw gak tau kenapa ibu bilang aku disini mukaku udah kayak
chinese juga..
this is how we play..
thanks to Trace
such a good composition :D
upps our own Messi injured?
haha..help help Gabriel!!
gabriel looks so expert to cure Indry LOL
many kinds of expression, looks like a movie poster
looks so expert playing B-)
look how happy we were by our laughing =)
run run get the ball and pass the keeper!
gak tau marvin lagi ngapain itu.. =_=
habis main, capek dan haus
foto2 dulu deeh sekalian..
si Feli juga lagi rest tapi didalam yard
look at salum,temen kita dari tanzania.
sensitif banget dia ma kamera, ini
padahal difoto dari kejauhan.haha
and this is our rides =)
lagi parkir semua while we playing
yeeah rooney has entered the yard with the really weird style
im coooming guys! ;D
over their dead bodies :P
some pretend to be pro, but cacat! XD
new way of drinking water, tat yang minum air lewat idung LOL
second picture look like they really mean it =)
couple of today!
and check how these girls had fun..
Love you girls ;D
ini dia pemain kitaa! minus Jackson, dia lagi pacaran di cafe..haha..
kayak foto graduation highschool XD
high school picture! haha.. XD
gone insane! XD
trace really mean it
and what happen with marvin..haha ;D
and for today, credit goes to these girls...
trace and cherainne!
for being our photographer today!
nice works, girls =)
finished! It was a great day guys! We really had fun, and we really happy!
next time bisa main badminton, gokart, paintball, atau golf mungkin? Sekali2 refresh otak karena stress. Dan juga mempererat persaudaraan, huahahha.. LOL
akhirnya otak kita refresh dan kembali pada kenyataan, assignment business statistic yang duedate jumat depan!
However, such a great day.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed yourself ;)
And starting from now, focus on your exam please!
2 more weeks to study! ;D