Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bandeng Presto Goreng

Menu Khas Indonesia:

Bandeng Presto Goreng

  • 4 ekor ikan bandeng (@ 250 g), bersihkan
  • 2 sdt ragi instan
  • 4 btg serai, memarkan
  • 10 lbr daun salam
  • 1 liter air

Bumbu Halus:

  • 20 bh bawang merah
  • 10 siung bawang putih
  • 2 ruas jari kunyit
  • 2 ruas jari jahe
  • 15 butir kemiri sangrai
  • 2 sdm garam

Bahan Pelapis:

  • 2 btr telur kocok lepas
  • 1/2 sdt garam
  • 100 g tepung panir yang kasar dan berwarna oranye

Cara Membuat:

  1. Tata serai dan daun salam di dasar panci presto. Lumuri ikan bandeng dengan setengah bagian bumbu halus dan ragi instant, diamkan selama 2 jam.
  2. Tambahkan air dalam panci, tutup rapat, nyalakan api, masak sampai tombol panci naik, lalu kecilkan api, rebus selama 30 menit. Matikan apinya.
  3. Setelah tombol panci turun, buka tutupnya, keluarkan ikan bandeng.
  4. Celup ikan dalam kocokan telur, dan gulingkan di atas tepung panir, goreng dalam minyak panas hingga matang.

Untuk 4 porsi

Nilai gizi per porsi:
Energi: 267 Kkal
Protein: 34,7 g
Lemak: 10,3 g
Karbohidrat: 6,0 g

Country Christmas Cake

Menu Khas Amerika:

Country Christmas Cake

  • 4 butir telur ayam
  • 250 gr mentega
  • 250 gr gula halus
  • 250 gr tepung terigu
  • 300 gr buah kering (sukade, kismis, cheri )
  • 100 gr kacang mete, cincang kasar
  • 100 cc brandy/rhum
  • 1 sdm bumbu lapis legit
  • 1 sdt baking powder
  • 50 cc susu evaporasi

Cara Membuat:

  1. Kocok gula halus dan mentega sampai putih, masukkan telur ayam satu persatu, kocok sampai lembut.
  2. Tambahkan terigu, buah kering, kacang, dan semua bahan lain, aduk dengan sendok kayu sampai tercampur rata.
  3. Tuang ke dalam loyang yang sudah dioles margarin dan ditabur terigu, taburi atasnya dengan kacang mente dan manisan buah cheri merah dan hijau.
  4. Panggang dalam oven selama 50 menit dengan panas 160o C, sampai matang.

Untuk: 16 potong

Lontong Tahu

Menu Khas Indonesia:

Lontong Tahu

Bahan Membuat Tahu Lontong:
  • 3 bh lontong
  • 2 bh tahu, potong kotak rendam air garam dan bawang putih halus
  • 50 grm tauge pendek
  • 1 batang daun bawang, iris halus

Sambel kacang :

  • 100 grm kacang goreng, haluskan
  • 150 ml air panas

Bumbu halus :

  • 2 siung bawang putih
  • 3 bh cabe merah
  • 2 lmbr daun jeruk, buang tulangnya
  • Garam secukupnya
  • 1 sdm gula jawa

Pelengkap :

  • Kecap manis
  • Bawang merah goreng

Cara Membuat Tahu Lontong:

  1. Goreng tahu sampai berkulit, sisihkan
  2. Sambel kacang :
  3. Campurkan bumbu halus, kacang dan air sampai kental
  4. Tata potongan lontong diatas piring, beri tahu goreng dan siram dengan sambel kacang
  5. Taburi dengan tauge pendek, daun bawang dan bawang merah goreng
  6. Sajikan dengan kecap manis.

Dadar Isi Pisang

Menu Sarapan Pagi:

Dadar Isi Pisang

Bahan Dadar isi Pisang
  • 250 gr tepung terigu
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 1/2 sdt vanili
  • 2 btr telur
  • 400 ml santan kental, jika kurang encer dapat ditambah


  • 8 bh pisang, belah memanjang
  • 100 gr gula palem
  • 1/2 sdt bumbu spekuk
  • 1/2 sdt vanili
  • 2 sdm margarin (secukupnya)

Cara Membuat:

  1. Buat dadar: Campur tepung terigu, garam, ayak, lubangi di bagian tengah. Masukkan telur dan vanili. Tuangkan santan sedikit demi sedikit, aduk dengan kocokan tangan dari tengah ke arah tepi hingga rata. Saring hingga diperoleh adonan yang lembut. Panaskan wajan antilekat dengan diameter 20 cm, tuangkan adonan dan buat dadar setipis mungkin. Sisihkan.
  2. Buat isi: Goreng pisang dengan margarin hingga kuning keemasan. Angkat dan tiriskan. Gulingkan setiap potongan pisang ke dalam gula palem hingga rata.
  3. Ambil selembar dadar, taruh sepotong pisang dan gulung segitiga. Sajikan selagi hangat atau dingin.

Untuk 6 porsi

Nilai gizi per porsi:
Energi: 309 Kal
Protein: 6,0 gr
Lemak: 7,9 gr
Karbohidrat: 55,8 gr

Sumber : Tabloid-nakita

Jeruk- mikan

6 desember 2009, minggu

Dapat kiriman jeruk 1 dus dari poponya laki gw, berarti popo buyutnya anak2 nih. Biasanya si tiap tahun dikirimin 1 dus, mpe kadang bosen makannya. Jadinya gw bkin jus aja deh biar cepet habis, kalo busuk sayang banget, soalnya nih jeruk maniz n no biji.
Ayo sapa yang mau? Jus Jeruk murni 100 persen tanpa bahan pengawet..hehhe

A lesson in Kombacha...

I first heard of Kombucha from Paige of Running Around Normal. She drinks the stuff all the time and raves about it's deliciousness and healthfulness. I began researching Kombacha and where I could get some after seeing it spread like wild fire in blogland. Hence, this is why I asked "Zevia or Kombacha" in the This-or-That activity from a few days ago. Which, by the way, you all seemed to love! Thanks for humoring me and my nosiness!

So here are the Kombucha varieties I've located: Citrus, Original, and Multi-Green
The Original flavor tastes like a milder version of Welch's Sparking Cider, to a tee. Taste-wise it was fine. The fizzies gave me a bit of a tummy ache and I didn't enjoy the aesthetics of the floating organisms!! You could seeeeeeeeee them! Kinda cool, but not fun to look at in a beverage! All in all...

Taste: C-
Healthfulness: A-
The reason I don't think Kombucha is a can't-live-without-it health food is simply because all that it contains can be found in other foods. And I tend to stay away from beverages with a caloric content.

Kombucha (kom-BOO-cha) is a Chinese tea which is cultured for 30 days. Each bottle contains all B-vitamins, antioxidants, and probiotics -- 1 billion Lactobacillus Bacterium organisms and 1 billion S. Boulardii organisms.

Here's the label -- nothing shocking here.

I do find it funny that the bottle reads:
"Please note: Due to fermentation, this product may contain a trace amount of alcohol (less than 0.5%)."
I read this as I was drinking the Kombucha and driving. I put the lid on and put it in my purse...just in case!

This portion of the label is stating that Kombucha is a raw food and that cultures (bacteria organisms) can be seen with the nekked eye. And, it's true. There's definitely floaters in the tea.

Morgan (brave soul that she is) of Live, Love, Eat, and Play attempted making her own Kombucha! Read about it here.

I made a recipe tonight from Kalyn's Kitchen -- Roasted Brussel's Sprouts with Pecans and Gorgonzola. Yummmm!! Her recipes ALWAYS look gourmet and delicious. And yet, doable for the average kitchen talent ;)

I tossed the brussel's sprouts with EVOO, salt, pepper, chopped pecans, and fresh minced garlic. I organized them in a single-layer on a Pyrex dish sprayed with cooking spray. I baked at 375 F for 30 minutes.

 During the last 5 minutes of baking, I took the sprouts out and sprinkled gorgonzola over the top and placed them back into the oven for a final 5 minutes of cooking.

Husband was like, "Um, ew." (verbatim) when I told him I was making brussel's sprouts. Well, let's just say he went back for seconds of the sprouts before even finishing his dinner plate.

 Tonight's dinner was the brussel's sprouts with leftover spaghetti squash topped with a homemade marinara containing diced tomatoes, Chianti, mussels, EVOO, garlic, Italian seasoning, and fresh chopped basil.

Today we had our friends take a family shot of us for our Christmas card. We tried getting our snake, Pinky, in the picture, but Lily doesn't understand that her brother is not edible. Here was our best take...

Giveaway Alert!
Nutritious is Delicious is having a Pizzey Flax/Omega-3 bar giveaway! Go here to enter!
Iowa Girl Eats is having a Larabar giveaway! Go here to enter!

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful weekend! Yours truly scored a goal in my hockey game today. It was a pretty sweet shot...if I do say so myself! However, we lost 5-3. : (

Question: Do you sometimes feel over-whelmed with the number of blogs you follow each day? 
I LOVE to read, especially foodie blogs...but it's a lot of catching up to do every day! Does Google Reader help you stay organized? I want to stay up to speed with you all!

aku dah mula berdiri

tiada siapa yang boleh pedulikan diri aku sendiri, lebih dari aku sendiri.
maka aku sudah mula berdiri. alhamdulilah. berdiri perlahan - lahan.
aku sedar terlalu singkat masa yg ada. lagi beberapa hari tamatnya 2009.
tamatkan dengan sia - sia? tidak! aku mesti tamatkan dgn 1 pencapaian.
baru aku boleh tersenyum puas dgn diri sendiri. (syok sendiri itu penting kdg2...)

aku sudah mula buat kerja sekolah. haha. 1 permulaan baik. bagus3! thee.
ada org sedang bersenang lenang, tersenyum dgn jalan hidupnya. dipermudahkan Allah.
aku tumpang gembira. tanda Allah menyayanginya. aku bertanya. apakah aku,
dilupakan? apakah aku sudah tidak disayangi Allah? sekilas aku menggelengkan kepala.
Allah syg aku dgn cara lain, aku diuji pula kali ini. demam pula. tandanya...
Allah mengurangkan dosa aku. terima kasih tuhan! sbb buat aku sedar.
aku masih tidak Kau lupakan. i am blessed to see and feel that =]

aku bgn subuh, aku terus mkn roti. bukan lapar. tp alas perut utk menelan ubat.
panadol atau ubat tidur bukan pilihan terbaik buat masa ni. sbb nnt aku muntah.
aku dah agak 'allergy' dgn ubat - ubat tu. ada sejarah hitamnya. maka.
ku telan saja ubat selsema yg ada. demam, sakit tekak, selsema, sudah kurasakan.
sekarang, masih lg sakit tekak, mataku berair tanda panas, selsema sedikit.
badan? panas sedikit mungkin. akanku tnggu hari esok, makin pulih atau tidak.
kalau tidak, DR. Mariam tercinta akan tgk muka aku lagi.

sepanjang kesihatan aku kurang memuaskan ini, tidak sekali pun. sekali pun tidak.
tidak aku maklumkan pada mama dan abah. aku risau mereka bimbang.
lantas perkara yg sama aku pesan pd kak sally dan akma. jgn bgtahu mereka.
tp aku tahu, doa mama dan abah masih selamat sampai pdku. ku rasakannya.
Tuhan. aku sedar kau menarik seorg - demi seorg insan yg menyangiku.
sahabat... itu yg aku maksudkan. lebih dari itu? aku tak pasti. tapi. aku sedar jg.
sebenarnya, Kau sedarkan aku, hambaMu ini bahawa Engkau masih ada.
Engkau Maha Melihat, Mendengar, Merasakan apa yg aku lalui. =]]

Kelas di UIA. alhamdulilah so far so good. tp kan. aku tak nak ckp lebih2.
takut nnt ada di antara mereka TERbace blog aku ni. mati aku syok sendiri. haha.
yg menarik sgt buat aku, 1 kelas aku ada dlm berbelas org, pelbagai latar belakang.
student, termasuk aku dlm 3 org. ada 2 org fresh graduate, dan yg lain bekerja.
dan plg aku rase cam nak buat muka -___-'' adalah sbb mereka majority mmg terorr english!!!
just they would love to improve more, and hilangkan nervous utk communicate. oh hebattt!
4 lelaki dan selebihnya wanita. oh yeah! disebabkan kepelbagaian ni, aku rasa seronok.
ada cikgu BM, nurse di IJN, businessman, student statistic UM, graduate dr Jordan, dll.
kita tgk mcm mana kelas seterusnya nnt. harapnya lebih baik. insya Allah.

itu saja. terima kasih buat semua yg membaca, dan berdoa dr jauh.
terima kasih yg membaca dan memberikan semangat. nora, hawa, ruzanna, mai, ttm.
nabil, bha, afiq, dll yg secara tak langsung masih tanya khabar. ramai lg. tqvm.
terima kasih yg masih bimbang. dan ambil berat. tak lupakan aku. and the truth is.
u know i miss u too... and i miss myself too. god blessed us insya Allah. amin! =]

Tim Cahill

Love me or hate me. Its one or the other. Always has been. Either way you will know who I am. Look deeper, do you see what I see? The angles, the inches, the split-second. You think I am not a danger? Think again. See the game one move ahead, that's what you saw in me...

"Love me or hate me. Its one or the other. Always has been. But never underestimate me."

Tim Cahill with Lucas Neill

Timothy Joel Cahill or simply Tim was born in Sydney on December 6, 1979. He was raised by his Samoan mother and an English father, of Irish decent. He is a professional football player who plays as an attacking midfielder for Everton in the Premier League and Australian National Team. Since he was a young boy he was already playing football in Australia until 1997 came, he asked his parents that he wants to go to England. All he wanted is to be a professional football player so he started his career at Millwall. He then polled over 100,000 votes to win the FA Cup "Player of the Round" award for his performance during the semi-final victory in that competition.

In 2004, He joined the Everton. In the season 2004-2005, He finished it being the top goal scorer and Fans' player of the season. And that time Everton reached the Champions League qualifying stage ahead of cross-town rivals Liverpool. Cahill's international career blossomed as expected. He played for Samoa at age 14, participated in 2004 Olympics and made an amazing performance during 2006 game where in the socceroos defeated Uruguay and qualified for the FIFA world cup. Last June 17, 2009 Cahill made another outstanding performance by setting 2 goals and the Australian socceroos defeated Japan with the score 3-1.

I admire Tim Cahill just lately. I've know him for more than 2 years. I saw his remnants of fame in Sydney Telstra Stadium and Melbourne Cricket ground back in 2007. I didn't appreciate him at first. But after watching the Australian socceroos won the game last June 17, 2009--Tim Cahill is the MAN for me. That very moment my love for football was resurrected. He's the reason I am grabbing football lately. He's also the reason why I do football drills at my veranda whenever I can and he's also the reason why I courageously joined the Saigon Raiders when they play during their practice.

I first knew about the sport football when I was in first grade. I played it in school but it's not the same football that I see on TV now. It's a street-type football in Manila. But during college, I once again revived playing football by applying the soccer try-out for women. I was taking Fine Arts then so the schedule was very difficult. I had 3 try-outs. All those 3, I got dizzy. So I decided to give up and accepted that football is not for me. No matter how I dream to be part of those lesbos in maroon uniform playing for Fine Arts, I have to quit. I lack stamina and energy. I don't have the energy like those lesbos. Haha. But seriously speaking, Tim Cahill really inspired me to kick the ball again. I am trying now. I hope it's not too late. It just amazes me every time I see him doing the classic Cahill moves-- his ultimate goal! After the first classic Cahill move, the next one will follow and that is doing the boxing when he is in the state of euphoria.

If people would ask me who's your next idol after Jamie, probably that's Tim Cahill in my heart. Just like my idol Jamie who is involve in so many charity and helping people to cook, Cahill is heavily involved with the UNICEF children's charity. Cahill is sooo amazing as a man! If heaven will throw someone like him on my lap, geez I will really grab him. I never liked tattoos on man's arm but the one that Tim has, is so meaningful and artistic. I know a little history about Samoa but definitely I can get the insight on what was tattoed on his arm. Not just like other men who are posers of tattoos just for display and to prove their masculinity.

Today I pay tribute to the greatest football player I have known and admire...

Happy Birthday Tim Cahill!!!

Sorry, I am not a David Beckham fan :p

joanie xxx