Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Julie's Gift

I am a new blogger and I don't quite get how to incorporate "guest posts." So I am going to type out this by hand. It's long and there isn't a "recipe" but it is an amazing story. Please take few minutes out of your day to read it. It brought tears to my eyes when I read it. Here is Julie Ferguson's story:

"Some of my earliest and best memories are of visits to Mamaw's house in Athens TN. They meant lots of hugs, delicious food and a nighttime snack of frozen chocolate chips. I still remember how excited I was when my grandmother moved from Athens to my hometown, Maryville, because that meant I was going to get to see her all the time.

Alma (Mamaw) was born in Decatur, TN and grew up in Etowah. She learned to cook from her mother and spent a good deal of time in the kitchen with her four sisters. Mamaw married Raymond Ferguson and had three boys. The family lived on a farm for several years. Mamaw used to share stories with me of canning for the winter and keeping three growing boys well-fed. My father always talks about the homemade french fries she would make for him when he was a teenager. She is a legend in our family for her food.

Once Mamaw had moved to Maryville, my sister and I used to call her and ask her to cook for us all the time. Whenever it was someone's birthday, we did not want to go to a restaurant. We wanted to go to Mamaw's house. She would make fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fried zucchini, corn on the cob, salad, cornbread, iced tea and pecan pie. My eyes were always bigger than my stomach, but I was determined to eat as much as possible of my favorite foods.

Mamaw was the type of cook who did everything by feel; she did not write anything down. So when my father and I were trying to learn how to make her dishes, we would just watch her and try it ourselves. My dad mastered the fried zucchini and cornbread and helped teach me.

My grandmother would only use Three Rivers cornmeal and Mayfield buttermilk. That's all you need. Put some corn oil in the bottom of the skillet and let it heat in the oven as it preheats to 400-degrees. Whe the oil is hot, pour in the cornmeal and buttermilk mixture and cook until the top is a nice light brown. You use the same process for fried zucchini. Mamaw would combine okra and zucchini, toss in cornmeal, pour into the skillet and cook for 45 minutes to an hour.

When I was moving to Atlanta, Mamaw wanted me to be able to make southern food for myself, so she gave me two of her cast iron skillets. They had been seasoned for years and are now treasured possessions of mine. The skillets traveled with me when I moved to New York. I could not find Three Rivers cornmeal in New York, so I ordered it online and had it delivered to me. I've also made her pecan pie and it is the only written recipe I have from my grandmother.

I have been friends with the Lorbers for a couple of years now. When I went to Kiawah two years ago, I enjoyed sitting in the kitchen while Liz and Andy cooked, talking about food and family. When I was trying to think of a gift I could bring to Kiawah this year to show my appreciation for the Lorber's hospitality, I remembered a story my grandmother told me. When she was traveling with her husband and friends to both Hawaii and New York, Mamaw took her skillet and Three Rivers cornmeal with her. She wanted to cook for herself; she felt it was just never the same in a restaurant.

So I decided to bring her skillet to Kiawah, as I knew it would be as meaningful to Liz as it is to me.

Mamaw passed away at the beginning of last year. It was very hard for me, but I have so many beautiful memories of her. And each time I cook, I feel close to her again."

If there is anything I have learned by starting a blog, then it's that you have to share stories. Julie's story is one of the most meaningful to me. It incorporates food, family and the passing on of recipes and life. Amen.

IAG Aug 2009 (3days Workshop) Success!!!

I Am Gifted So Are You! (IAG) Aug 2009, A wonderful time this Aug09. After SK, we head to IAG, were i got the chance to be the PD/Trainner.
For this IAG, We have 3days, Workshop stlye to make a difference. No dount that this will be a challange for not only me but also to the coaches but the outcome was a success

Thanks to all the coaches for making this workshop a reality, also to the opps (carol & Queenie) and also the trainners (Woei Tang & Danny). This IAG is Awesome because of you. =)

PS- and also achiving our coaches goal to reach the 100 mark for (running around N####) joke.
Great Job!!! =)

MD + RD = : )

The article, "Diabetics Be Aware: Doctors Are Not Dietitians," is brilliant. The title got your attention, didn't it?

Warning: stepping on soapbox today.

As a dietetic intern and diet technician in hospitals I felt like last man on the totem pole. The nutrition teams in hospitals have always felt like paper-pushers who crossed their T's and dotted their I's (I mean aren't all dietitians type-A freaks? - Ha!). Logistics and liability coverage only. Dietitians like myself are left feeling not only under-appreciated, but obviously under-utilized!

A newly diagnosed diabetic, for instance, may be getting their only nutrition education as they are being discharged from the hospital and wheeled out on a gurney. Literally. And if you think that's an exaggeration, I assure you it's not. I was the frustrated little intern running after that patient caring deeply for their disease state and prognosis.

I adore my current job and I can't help but make the connection between my job satisfaction...and the appreciation for dietitians among our providers! {{rainbows and clear blue skies}} Nutrition is a focal point of patient care at my clinics, ESPECIALLY among diabetics (duh, medical world).

So I get forwarded this incredible article today, written by a DOCTOR (Dr. Stephen Ponder)...who happens to be a type 1 diabetic AND an endocrinologist. The article proposes the vital role of a nutrition expert (dietitian) in the comprehensive care of a diabetic patient. I genuinely appreciate doctors and all that they do -- it's a ton! Yet, few doctors have the time or expertise to counsel a diabetic on proper diabetic nutrition. And MD's, for the record, "eat less carbs" won't do. It's not only incorrect information, but one must know WHAT a carb is to understand such a statement to being with.

The article states, "You should see a dietitian at diagnosis and periodically thereafter. Rememeber, doctors are not dietitians. I got little formal training in medical school on this subject. ...All diabetics need proper nutrition to maintain their health, not just pills or shots." [1]. Music to my RD ears.

Another important point to be made -- batting for the same team improves outcomes for all. Many of my patients are willing to hear me out (...and show UP to their appointment!) BECAUSE their provider emphasizes the role of nutrition in diabetes management. Having the MD's on board enables RD's to reach patients on a deeper level as the rapport begins building with the MD who coordinate the patient care.

Dr. Ponder is a type 1 diabetic working in pediatric endocrinology at the Children's Diabetes and Endocrine Center of South Texas at Driscoll Children's Hospital. Our team of RD's will be sending him a thank you card for his voice in support of nutrition and dietitians. Thank you!

P.S. Kristen (my ICU nurse friend in Chicago) -- don't forget to start your tube-feedings!!!!!!

[1]. Ponder, Stephen. Diabetics Be Aware: Doctors Are Not Dietitians. Caller. August 2009.

Cheesey Pork Fillet with Garlic Roast Potatoes

The most important thing to remember when cooking pork is that it must never be underdone. Just like chicken and unlike such as beef, pork must be cooked all the way through to eliminate the risk of food poisoning. This recipe includes first cooking the pork and then adding a delicious cheese and sage topping as a finishing touch.


1 pork leg fillet
1 large potato (unpeeled and chopped)
1 tbsp frozen peas
1 clove of garlic (crushed)
1oz cheddar (or other hard) cheese (grated or shredded)
Pinch of dried sage
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp sunflower oil and a little more for frying


Place a baking tray in to the oven and put the oven on to preheat to 400F/200C/Gas Mark 6. Chop the potato in to bite-sized portions and put them in a large bowl with the sunflower oil and some salt. Swirl them around to ensure even coating with the oil and salt. Tip the potatoes on to the preheated baking tray and put them in to the oven for a total of thirty minutes, taking them out to give them a gentle shake and ensure even cooking every ten minutes. Set the bowl aside (unwashed) for later use.

When the potatoes have been on for ten minutes, put a little sunflower in a non-stick frying pan and bring it up to a medium heat. Fry the pork fillet gently for ten minutes each side or until done. Set aside to rest.

When the fillet is cooked, the potatoes should have about five minutes to go. Add the garlic to the unwashed bowl then remove the potatoes from the oven and add them also to the bowl. Swirl or stir them in the garlic mix to cover them, then return to the tray and the oven for five more minutes. Adding the garlic at this late stage prevents it from becoming over-cooked and tasting bitter.

Mix the cheese with the sage and some freshly ground black pepper. Carefully press the mix down on top of the pork fillet and place the fillet on to a grill pan and under a hot grill until the cheese melts and begins to bubble.

The frozen peas should be cooked per the instructions on the packet, usually by boiling them in water for two to three minutes.

Plate up your meal as shown and serve immediately.

Are you a lover of pork? Are you on the look-out for tasty new pork recipes? Take a look at the book below, available at great prices now on and

Liburan di kampung halaman

26 Juni -- 23 Agustus 2009

Akhirnya gw mulai nulis blog lagi dah, setelah mpir 2 mingguan balik jepang. Penyakit malas menyerangggg....untungnya,banyak temen2 blogger yang pada protes gara2 gw ga update2...mpe kuping merah, akhirnya gw mulai cerita lagi dah.

26 Juni malam gw da nyampe Jakarta, setelah perjalanan jauh, pagi jam 7 dari matsuyama mpe jam 8 malam di Jakarta, diselingin ma transit Osaka 1 jam, n Bali 1 jam.
Bener2 capee bangettt...penuh perjuangan bangettt...tapi Puji Tuhan bisa nyampe dengan selamat.

Di Jakarta nginep di rumah nyokap gw. Ortu gw seneng banget kita pada kesono, apalagi liat Mei Xiang, biasa dah kalo uda liat cucu, mpe gw dicuekin abis...haha, ngiri mode-.
Anak2 juga senang di Indo, n mereka baik2 aja selama liburan, ga sakit..Puji Tuhan.

Kita sempet liburan bersama family, ke Tajur Bogor--gw bilang ga bgtu bagus n kotor-.
ke Ancol, yg pasti ke Atlantik, berenang, Mei yang paling lama berenang disitu, die suka banget dah....mpe gw les in dah berenang.. mumpung murah--hehe

Ke Dufan nya, bareng spupu gw n anaknya yg sepantaran Mei, bayangkan naik motor mio ber4..hohoho...untung ga ditangkep polisi..hihihi
Ke pantai ancol sama family gw, n yg paling heboh bisa ketemu si LC, aneh da,emang si gw ksh tau die mo pantai, cumaaannn die bilang ga jadi taunya bisa nonggol di situ, padahal, HP gw ketinggalan di rumah..hahha..aneh bin ajaibnya, ternyata si LC itu kenal ma dd ipar gw, Lien2..hoho.

Nginep di rumah dd gw di daerah Taman Palem, trus kita pada berenang di apartemen City Resort, kolamnya Ok, cuman airnya dingiiinnn banget, ga bs lama2 juga berenangnya, rugi dah tuh bayarnyaaaaa...Abis gitu, kita pergi ke mall2 dah, biasa dah cuman makan doang, ga beli apa2. Trus berkunjung ke t4 aqiu gw, da lama banget ga kesitu, anaknya tau2 uda gede berasa cepet tua nih--

Sempet ke Bandung, Kawah Putih, t4 nya bagus, cantik dah, cuman perjalanannya bok jauh kemana2 n jalanannya nanjak banget, mpe mobilnya mogok di Pagi jam 3 buta, kita da berangkat, takut kena macet soalnya itu pas hari raya sii.
Kena macet banget pas pulangnyaa, akhirnya mampir ke t4 petik2 strawberry dah, sayang ga sempet makan sate kelinci..hihihi..Nginep semalem di kost nya sepupu gw, kebetulan die kuliah di bandung, jadi pinjem dah 3 kamar, pas banget lagi kosong..
Thx God, kalo ga, harus pulang malam itu juga coz ga kebagian kamar hotel...
zzzzz...kayaknya kalo pas liburan panjang gitu, org2 Jkt pada pindah ke Bdg kale ya?

Pas 17agustusan, bareng ma sepupu ikutan pergi ke Taman Safari.Kali ini berangkat jam 5 pagi..Nyampe di daerah puncak baru sekitar jam 7an, padahal TS bukanya jam 9an, ya udah kita pergi ke perkebunan teh, main disana sambil makan pagi, biasa deh bawa2 nasi bungkus n lauk2..hehe. Anak2 pada naik kuda keliling kebon teh, termasuk Meixiang...seneng banget dah dia..
Kita main di TS mpe sore, ada pertunjukan /show2, liat2 atraksi gajah, liat penguin, liat bayi2 binatang, seru juga soalnya ada karnaval menyambut 17an...Jam 9an nyampe di rumah...capeee...tapi bgtu macettt kayak di bandung kemarin.

Selama mudik, gw sempetin ketemuan ma temen2 SMA, temen gereja, temen kuliah, temen kerja dulu, temen ibu2 bloggerntr gw crita lg soal ni}...sayang ada berapa temen yg ga sempet gw ketemuin, maaf ya friendzzz...ntar kalo gw balik kampung lagi, kita cari waktu buat ketemu2 lagi n bergosip2 ria...hehah

Food Tip of the Day - Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009: How to Peel or Skin a Tomato Easily

There are many recipes which call for us to peel or skin a tomato. This can be an extremely awkward task if not tackled in the correct fashion. It is not simply the case that you take a tomato and a sharp knife and try to cut the skin off. To make the process a lot simpler, there are a couple of techniques which should be employed.

The link below details the easiest way to skin or peel a tomato:

How to peel or skin a tomato easily

Spirit of 69 fashion

The skin movement, specially the skingirls one, is a part of my fashion inspiration; I've been wearing the chelsea haircut during all the summer (but now it's long, and I really don't know what to do with my hair... any idea?).

Anyway, everyone who knows me knows I am no political, and I really don't mind about skins' politics ideas and things like that; the only way I feel about it it's with the "Spirit of 69", you know, all the non-political movement (and actually, I'm more punk than skin, that's a fact that everybody knows too).

Chelsea or skingirls style has always fascinated me; I love the Doc Martens' boots, the Shermans, the colored or simply the white braces... I find it elegant and rude at the same time. remember that the skin movement motion arises from Mod movement; at the very beginning they were called "Rude Boys" because of their attitude and their elegance and savage at once.

Well, when I was at BCN last month, I buy this pair of boots at H&M:

I don't have enough money for buying the original Doc Martens (by the moment), so I bought this lovely imitation in pink colour, because I always wanted the original Doc martens in pink. I've got some friends who are skins (from the Spirit of 69) and told me that I was crazy and I should buy them in cherry red or black... but what the hell, they're my boots! So now I've got them in pink.

The fact is that I've always wanted to mix the Lolita and Chelsea Style, and now I'm gonna make it almost properly. I found this lovely coordination at the Putumayo's page this morning:

And I think that, with a jacket and without the necklace, it would be almost perfect. I've got very similar clothes at my wardrobe, so I guess that I'll try this weekend.

Anyway, this is what I'm wearing today at work, a small tribute to the movement...

Shirt - Springfield Man
T-shirt - Bershka
Shorts - Zara
Leggings - Zara
Boots - H&M
Hairband - H&M
Belt - offbrand

Have a nice day!

Midtest + Gempa mewarnai Ramadhan = makaaan! *lho?*

Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb.
selamat sore semuanya!
(terdengar alim? tidak, tidak, tidak! setannya belum bertobat, hanya batinnya sudah! *enggak jelas!*)

Hari ini hari pertama mid test di sekolah gue, SMA 65 Jakarta Barat tercinta yang sangat luaaas! (kecil bin
Gue, untuk pertama kalinya menjabat sebagai kelas 12 atau senior paling tinggi di sekolah melaksanakan ujian sekolah.
Dan sekarang bulan puasa.
Sayangnya gue enggak puasa. Bukan karena gue non-is, tapi karena gue lagi dapet! hueks.
Pelajaran hari ini Geografi, Agama, dan Bahasa Jepang.
Sialnya, gue belum belajara, karena semalem ketiduran. Udah ketebak dong apa yang bakal terjadi disekolah?
Yah walhasil, karena terbangun setelah hibernasi 6 jam (sumpah ini adalah tidur gue yang panjang, biasanya cuma 3 jam doang!) gue ngebut ngebaca materi agama 4 bab sekaligus dalam satu tarikan nafas.
Plus ngafalin, memahami, dan menikmati geografi.
Dan shit! mau mampus rasanya ngafalin surat-surat dalam sekali baca dengan waktu cuma satu jam. SATU JAM saudara saudara.
Ya baiklah, jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 06.15 yang artinya gue terlambat (lagi).
Pasalnya jarak dari rumah ke sekolah itu 40 menit, dan masuk 06.30. Ya ya ya, gue ratu telat.
Rumah jauh bukan alasan, tapi males bangun! haha.

Sialnya lagi, pagi-pagi jakarta-tanggerang sudah di guyur hujan. Baru juga beberapa ratus meter keluar rumah, eh kaos kaki putih mentereng cling cling nyebelin sudah berubah menjadi kain pel bekas muntah, alias kotor kecipratan. (ya, saya tau ini terlalu lebay, tapi nyebelin!!)
Dan gue nitanya pulang sekolah nanti mau ke kantor nyokap buat ngurus ATm gue. alaaah.
Maklum, baru mengantongi KTp dan langsung ngurus penghuni-penghuni baru dompet gue. Ya ya ya.

Sampe sekolah pukul 06.50 dan ternyataaaa belum bel. Masuknya jam setengah 8. SIAL!
Tapi baguslah gue jadi bisa diskusi dan gossip sebentar.
Ooops, yang puasa adalah musibah, tapi gue enggak puasa. HAHAHA *tanduk iblis merah*
Pas bel berkerincing nyaring, yang kebetulan juga speakernya diatas ruang ujian gue, gue langsung menepuk pundak temen-temen gue seraya berkata, "kita kerja sama ya." sambil senyum lebar.

Gue sudah siap! Siap banget menghadapi ujian ini.
Masuklah seseorang berkerudung biru dengan senyum tapi mendapat sambutan panik dari seisi kelas, BU DINA! (guru muda pelajaran TIK yang susah banget buat nyonteknya. huh -__-)
Lalu muncul lagi seseorang, diidentifikasi cowok, berkemeja, dan berkaca mata, Pak Sigit.
Eits, yang ini enggak sedahsyat bu Dina, malah belum pernah ngawas di 65 sebelumnya.
Pasalnya, Pak Sigit ini salah satu guru ppl dari UNJ. --katanya begitu--
Jadi mereka, mahasiswa tingkat akhir (kayaknya) di UNJ pendidikan guru, mata pelajaran geografi.
Dan beberapa temen gue senyam-senyum najis.
Maksudnya bukan pada ganjen atau kecentilan, tapi...
Ada satu sebab yang masih rahasia. HAHAHAHA.

Gue membaca dan mengerjakan soal dengan serius, 15 menit kemudian, rambut mulai acak-acakan perkara digaruk tapi enggak gatel, dan setelah lebih 30 menit kayaknya, si pak Sigit yang kebetulan duduk depan gue *FYI gue duduk depan meja guru* nanya, "soalnya susah ga?" gue menjawab dengan yakin, "enggak sih pak" tapi tampangnya gue serius masam kusut. Apakah ini soal susah? Enggak, cuma pegel nganalisisnya. hueeeks.
Enggak lama Bu dina keluar, tinggal pak sigit deh. Nah ini kesempatan emas. Kesempatan EMAS! yeah.
Baru sebentar keadaan mendukung, eh ada yang masuk lagi, tapi bukan Bu Dina, melainkan Sensei Renny.
Guru muda gaul yang asik.
So, sambil bercanda-canda deh.
Robin buncit yang duduk belakang gue jadi sasarannya, perkara facebook, status relationshipnya balik lagi sama irishooong. haha.

Pas pelajaran kedua, agama. yang agama kristen ujiannya di lab kimia, dan yang islam tetap diruangan.
Masuklah bu Berliana dan Mam Marsipah yang ngawas.
Gue udah ngejelasin waktu ditanya kenapa banyak bangku yang kosong, mati bu! Ya enggaklah,. Tapi tuh gurur ternyata masih enggak nyambung, Mam marsipah khususnya.
Kenapa? Dimeja gue kertas lembar jawaban komputer udah nangkring, tapi soalnya belum. Sedangkan temen-temen gue udah.
"Bu saya belum dapet lembar soalnya." gue nyoba ngingetin.
"Iya saya tahu." jawab Mam Marsipah.
Tapi setelah beberapa menit, enggak juga dikasih soalnya. Gue nanyain lagi.
"Bu Ber, kok soal agama kristen enggak ada ya?" bisiknya yang sayang sekali gue denger.
"Saya ISLAM bu!" sahut gue agak jutek. Buseeet.
Ini udah kedua kalinya ya guru ngira gue kristen.
Cuma yang pertama kali itu waktu gue kelas 10, kelas 1, dan itu bukan pelajaran agama.
Nah ini? Udah bulan puasa, pelajaran agama, di diskriminasi pula! huaaaaaah.
Sabaaaar ket sabaaar.

Pulang sekolah, gue naik busway sampe taman anggrek dan meluncur kerumah nenekku tercinta.
Hari ini sembahyang akong. heeem, ini budaya tionghoa kali ya.
Nenek gue Buddha dan chinese abis, semua kehidupannya pun itung2an tanggal cina. gue enggak ngerti.
gue masuk, dan langsung disodorin hio 3 batang lalu sembahyang. Cuma gue goyang-goyangin aja sih.
terus makaaan!
Nenek gue itu vegetarian. Jadi udang saus tiram, roti gorng daging, semuanya boongan. Bukan hewan beneran, tapiiii rasanya beeeeh dahsyat!

Kenyang sudah.
Gue nemenin nyokap balik kekantornya di bilangan Cideng Jakarta Barat.
Sebenernya gue mau ngurus ATM sih. Dan BCA-nya di sebrang kantor nyokap gue haha.
Mangkal lah gue di BCA.
Abis tanda tangan ini itu, jadilah kartu ATM gue plus kartu flazz gue.
gue belum selesai, masih nunggu nyokap nyetor.
Ditengah obrolan ngalor ngidul enggak jelas sama petugas bank yang disinyalir bernama tante Lyli,-oke, cuma gue nasabah yang manggilnya tante- tiba-tiba pegawai lainnya muncul manggil satpam, dan ngomongin maslah orang-orang mencurigakan.
Gue panik, sambil berintrik, alaaah, sambil mikir menebak-nebak. Kenapa orang-orang itu?
pencurikah? eh denger-denger penjudi yang suka narik tunai dengan jumlah banyak yang keliatannya ngerepotin. Huh.
Gara-gara itu juga, nyokap lama banget nyetor tunainya. hueeeks.

Semuanya beres!
Balik lah gue ke kantor nyokap.
Baru juga duduk sambil update status facebook dan twitter, tiba-tiba goyang-goyang.
Goyangannya makin lama makin cihuy, sampe mau muntah, pusing. GEMPA kawan!
gue ngibrit keluar sambil istigfar (cerita lama, kalo deket2 mati inget Allah*
semua orang juga pada keluar.
gue antara excited dan takut.
Masalahnya gue ga pernah ngerasain gempa, eeeh pernah deh, tapi duluuu banget!
Norak ya gue? haha.
Yang bikin panik, orang kantor sebelah teriak-teriak kenbceng histeris panik.
Gue yang emang gampang etrtular mood orang jadi ikutan gusar. Mau nangis tapi kok gengsi yaa? hahaha.
Untungnya gempanya usai.

Daaaan, semua status di facebook, twitter, dan plurk berubah jadi tentang GEMPA. huaaah. latah! gue juga tapi.
Sampai akhirnya gue berhasil kudeta komputer nyokap ini, semua yang nyapa di facebook chat cuma satu pertanyaannya, "ket ngerasa gempa ga?" haha. Templates.
Salah satunya pak sigit juga nanyain soal gempa. haha. terus jadi bergosip deh sama gurur itu. *ampuuun pak!*

Sekarang gue masih takut banget! Semoga gempa yang mencapai 7.3 SR di 142 bujur Barat Daya Tasikmalaya berpotensi menimbulkan tsunami.
Gue takuuut kalau tsunami nyampe rumah gue, gue mau kemana lagi, rumah gue kan langganan banjir, itu udah nyiksa! hiks.
Tapiiii, lagi lagi tapiii, katanya pak sigit yang juga guru geografi ituuuh, "itu kan di tasikamalaya, pasti pantai selatan lah. enggak nyampe." hahaha ketauan deh gue anak IPS yang bego soal peta. ckckckckckck.
Jago speak aja deh!

Heeeem, besok Matematika, penjaskes, dan Wirausaha.
Semoga gue berhasil. Berhasil ngebet jawaban. hahahahaha.
Okay, gue mesti belajar sekarang, sebelum bu Dwi Haryati guru matematika yang super killer bin ganas ngancem gue kalo nilainya jelek.