Friday, April 2, 2010

Biscuit Fancy

1 April 2010, kamis

Lagi iseng liat2 buku resep biskuit n kue jadi kepingen beli n nyobain bkin di rumah. Kali ini bkin biskuit yang pake tube icing, gara2 penasaran kemaren biskuit pumpkin pake tube icing kok hasilnya ga bagus??

60 gr mentega
45 gr gula
1 bh kuning telur
1/2 sdm susu cair
vanila oil secukupnya
100 gr tepung terigu

topping coklat leleh

- Campur mentega n gula dengan mixer hingga tercampur rata
- masukkan kuning telur, susu, aduk rata, teteskan vanila oil
- campur rata tepung trigu, aduk rata
- aduk hingga kalis, bentuk bulatan
- masukkan adonan ke tube icing, bentuk sesuai selera
- oven 170 drajat 25 mnit.
- hias dengan coklat leleh

Passover Desserts? Not So Much.

No flour.  No wheat.  No leavening, like baking soda or baking powder.  Sure, you can use matzoh meal (yuck) but I think that pretty much guarantees a leaden, dry result.  You see lots of recipes for honey cake around this holiday, but I personally despise the stuff.  What to do?

Well, chocolate is good.  If you are really observant you will use Kosher for Passover chocolate or you can use what you normally would and dub it "KE" (Kosher Enough) which is what my more-observant-than-me son does.  I'm down with that.

Okay, so he no longer has the beard.  We have the same smile, though!

The aforementioned son (his name is Andy, he lives in NYC) decided to spend the week with us.  This is the kid who inherited my "food gene."  He gets it.  He's a great cook.  He's got a really good palate.  In many ways, he surpasses me.  I've learned a few things from him this week (more about that later).  But I'm still the better baker.  The challenge for Passover desserts was on!

I hit that cookbook library of mine for inspiration.  Found lots of recipes, but most called for margarine instead of butter or matzoh cake flour.  Nope.  I have my standards, even in the wake of Passover.

Then I remembered the chocolate macaroons I used to make at Watershed...

The recipe comes from Scott Peacock and it is published in his book with Edna Lewis, "The Gift of Southern Cooking."  These are beautiful cookies, crunchy with a chocolate and sugar crust on the outside and chocolate-ly soft on the inside.  They are perfectly delicious.  And perfectly legal for Passover.

CHOCOLATE MACAROONS (from Scott Peacock)

1 1/2 oz. unsweetened chocolate, chopped
1 1/2 oz. semisweet chocolate, chopped
1 cup blanched almond pieces
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup egg whites (about 3 egg whites)
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon pure almond extract
1 cup crushed sugar cubes

Put the chocolates in a small bowl and melt over hot but not boiling water.  Stir until smooth and set aside.

Grind almonds and sugar in food processor (you may have to do this in batches).  Process until almonds are finely ground and mixture is almost powdery.  Remove to a mixing bowl and stir in remaining ingredients.  Chill for at least 1 hour then form into rough 1-inch balls.  Chill again.

When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350-degrees.  Roll balls into crushed sugar and place on a baking sheet lined with a Silpat or parchment, allowing 1-inch between cookies.  Bake for 10-12 minutes or until set and just slightly cracked on top.  DO NOT OVERBAKE!  Allow cookies to cool slightly before transferring them from the baking sheet to a cooling rack.

When cookies are completely cooled, store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Makes about 3 dozen

A mainstream recipe for Passover!  Gotta love it!  I do.

Fillet of Pork Tenderloin with Sweet and Spicy Chilli Sauce

Pork Fillet Tenderloin with Sweet and Spicy Chilli Sauce

Fillet of pork tenderloin is unquestionably my favourite cut of pork and one of my all-time favourite cuts of meat. Although it is possible to cook a fillet of pork tenderloin in the oven, I actually prefer to pan-fry it. This allows me to watch it cook and monitor its progress, so that I know for a fact that it is cooked to perfection.

Pork Fillet TenderloinThe first step to preparing this recipe is to prepare the Sweet and Spicy Chilli Sauce. The way in which I like to do this is to prepare it in bulk and freeze it in manageable proportions which can be later defrosted as required. It is very quickly and simply made with a base of one large can of tomatoes and additions of onion, garlic, red chillies, courgette (zucchini,) sugar and seasoning. The link below is to the full sauce recipe in text and pictures.

Sweet and Spicy Chilli Sauce

I have served the sauce warm as opposed to hot (in a temperature sense) with this meal, so preparing the sauce in the first instance, covering it and setting it aside while the other ingredients are prepared should be just about right.

Firstly, the pork tenderloin should be put on to cook. I simply brought a little sunflower oil up to a medium hot temperature in a non-stick frying pan before frying the tenderloin for eight to ten minutes each side. This will vary dependant upon the thickness of the tenderloin but it should be remembered that pork must never be served under-cooked.

The Brussels sprouts should be prepared for cooking while the pork tenderloin is frying on its first side. When the pork tenderloin has been turned, they should be added to some boiling, salted water and simmered for eight to ten minutes, depending upon their size.

When the sprouts are ready, they should be carefully drained through a colander and - if desired - may be lightly buttered before being plated up with the pork tenderloin and the sauce as shown above.

A Note about Brussels Sprouts

Although Brussels sprouts are one of my favourite vegetables, I am aware that they are in general one of the least popular. If you perhaps have trouble getting your family to eat Brussels sprouts - or even are not so keen on them yourself - you may find the book featured below on both and to be of interest. It examines not only how nutritious Brussels sprouts are but a great many delicious ways in which to cook them in order to enjoy them at their very best.

Click on the relevant panel below for lots more information or to buy this fabulous book.

just don't give up - 2nd april 2010

woo woot. assalamualaikum wbt. banyak sgt sy pk dlm otak sy. nak tulis dlm blog, tp, tak tertulis. hari ni, nak tulis, semua benda, sbb, bg org lain, maybe bnde ni boring, tp ni life sy lah! ahah. life sy biase2 saje, x segempak org lain pnye life, biarlah, sy selesa jd org biase wlpun kdg2 jeles dgn kelebihan org lain. at least, itu pembakar semangat sy, bkn nya isi utk sy mengata org. ;P sy nak tgk, pd 2 april 2010, apa rancangan sy. dan kte tgk balik nnt, 2 april 2012. mcm mana plak dgn pemikiran dan rancangan - rancangan sy ni? ;)

thoughts in my head

- untungnya jd org2 yg extremely cantik (extremely sbb yg cantik yg biase2 tu amat ramai. seriously, sy rase ramai gle org cantik di mlysia, n dunia ni). sy tgk. ramainyeee nak kwn dgn die. erm, org mesti nak taw lebeyh ttg die, and, mcm2 org akan buatlah utk kenal dgn die. mcm kaki bodek pun ade. hoho.


serabotnye die friend request berapa bnyk tah tiap2 hari. serabotnye die dkt social networking, ade je org ciplak gmbr die, & jd diri die, n penatnye jgk die, nak melayan strangers2. and tak lupa, ramai yg jeles sbb die extremely cantik. aiyooo. nak privacy pun cam ssh. kalah artis. pheww~ what a life.

- haha. ni very cliche ye~ "napelah aku tak kurus2" HAHAHAHA. well. lol ppl. u're so welcome to do so. ;P dgn tnggi 163/164cm ni, dgn berat xnak kalah, whoaaa. tp kan, majority org2 yg same berat dgn sy, mesti lg besawww dr sy. cam pelik jgk. berat tulang ke daku? oh no no no. mmg rangka besar, tp still i consider that as berat lemak ;P pernah taw sy terpk. sesuatu tu terjd dgn izin tuhan kan? nape sy x diizinkan utk kurus lg eh? hurmmm. let see. taw x, berat badan sy cpt gile naik n lmbt gle turun? well. give me 1 day. 1 day only, i can put on weight - 2kg. owh dang~

owh. sy terpk. maybe la, tuhan x izinkan sy kurus sebab...
1 - budget je nak kurus, tp x berusaha HABIS - HABISAN bersungguh - sungguh lg. nafsu makan x kawal. **slap myself** nafsu shopping sy lg blh dikawal dr nafsu makan ye!
2 - tuhan nak sy taw, bkn senang nak senang, bkn ssh nak ssh.
3 - agak2 la dlu kan sy playgirl kan, kalau la sy still kurus, maybe lg lupe diri kot? hurm.
4 - silap2 sy x jd diri sy hari ni. jd pompuan yg liar nak mampos x ingt mama abah. owh no.
5 - mungkin jgk, sy bnyk mendtgkan fitnah, or lg ramai org dengki? fuhhh.
6 - mane taw, nnt tibe2 sakit ke, kurus kering jd tulang trus. T_____T

x pelah. tahun ni 2010. bnyk bnde sy nak kejar. ok, turunkan berat bdan dgn mengamalkan pemakanan seimbang, tanpa bantuan ape2 pil atau cream adalah salah satu target 2010 yg baru bermula april 2010! yeay! haha.

barney tnye, nape nak kurus? sy ckp. hurmmm...
1 - badan cpt sgt naik. nnt mati sume baju xleh pakai.
2 - nak pakai blk bju2 lame. waaaa. ade bju mmg taleyh pakai da. waaa.
3 - sy rindu nak pakai levi's yg size 28 je. ;P ye pnggang sy lebeyh 28 ye skrng. huhu.
4 - sbb nak buktikan dkt semua. sy blh ape.
5 - the most important nape? - bukti dkt diri sendiri, nothing impossible.

barney ckp tayah kurus2 da, da ok, tp sbb sy yg selalu tarik muncung ble ckp bju itu ini da ketat, die pun support. tp die slalu kesian dkt sy! so ble kuar dgn die, mcm2 sy mkn. haha. hantu pnye budak. sylah hantu! die barney! ;)) and so, semlm time berbuka puasa, kami mkn sambil sy suruh die tegas dgn sy. ade 5 syarat sy ttpkan pd diri sdiri. 5 bnde yg hanye blh disentuh semula selepas turun another 5kg(s) **insya allah turun** thee.

1 - no carbonated drinks. no big deal sgt, sbb mmg jrng minum. just kdg minum ble d mcd/kfc/cinema. and fyi, sy hnye minum coke/100plus/revive. air gas yg warna - warni tu mmg x minum ye!
2 - no donuts. all types of donuts - big apple/dunkin/donut2 tepi jln. ;P
3 - no secret recipe except on 26th april (bday barney) & 29th april (bday abah)
4 - western food & nasi2 dkt luar.
5 - mc d & all sort of ice cream. whoaaaaaaaa.

- muka sy makin ok. alhamdulilah amat sgt. i mean, to compare dgn zaman sekolah & lepas sekolah. sy pernah lah guna 1 product cleanser set yg amat faymes d mlysia, n dunia. well, i thought it would b better, tp skali muke sy pnye jerawat batu yg besar glee. oh god. tataw nak ckp. nasib baik da ok skrng. beruntunglah sape2 yg dpt kulit muka licin mulus tak sensitive tu ye! 1 kelebihan tu buat korang. owh, bestnye sy tgk de kwn yg jenis tayah cuci muke, or gune sabun mandi je basuh muke, or yg gune clean & clear pun ok. huhu.

so, tak pelah. buat mase ni sy kekalkan je dlu dgn body shop & st.ives apricot tu sbgai sampingan. since skrng sy gune beras perang je cuci muke. ye serbuk beras perang. body shop tu utk toner n moisturiser, st.ives apricot utk scrub, tu pun kalo rajin ;P so, marilah kwn2 back to nature yok! pakai serbuk beras perang saje, campur dgn air skit. alhamdulilah ok ;))

and owh ye. sy jgk, since 2010 ni, sy akan minum pati original 100% buah delima, pati buah kurma, dan pati madu & cuka epal. sejak dr itulah, sy baru belajar mkn buah kurma, kalau nak taw. hurm. selama 21 tahun hidup, 20 tahun sy x mkn kurma ye. tahun ke 21 ni dpt gelaran baru dr fmly - HK (hantu kurma). and act, semua ni jgk yg jdkan kulit sy makin ok, and and, rambut makin sehat n so on. seriously ppl, back to nature! owh ye. diiringi, selawat & al-fatihah dlm sume2 pati2 buah tuh. ;)

- hari tu. dlm bnyk2 doa sy di dpn kaabah, salah 1nye, sy minta sy kaya raya. oit. sabaq! kaya raya dgn budi - bahasa, kaya raya dgn pahala, kaya raya dgn harta dunia tp tak lupa mama abah, dan selalu bantu org lain yg dlm ssh. hurm. entahlah. sy ni cpt kesian dkt org. perangai cpt kesian nih, mama n nora je kot yg taw. tu pun sbb mereka nmpk dpn mate sdiri. so, itulah, harapnye sy berjaya kaya raya dari sume segi! insya allah.

semlm sy cube tdow. tp taleh. sbb tibe2 otak baru terbuka utk cari duit lebih. sbb tgk ramai betul org pandai buat duit skrng nih. and tah, tibe2 rase nak try plak. tgklah camne an. serius nih nak cari duit lebeyh jgk! huhu. hope so, things will go smooth as i planned. insya allah.

- praktikal. ni satu halnye lg. 12 april da start weyh! camne nih. hukk. tmpt x dpt lg. oh dang~ harap2 nye sume ok lah. sedang follow up call & pk alternatif lain jgk nih. and so, nnt tgk jgklah camne haluan hidup pas practical.

1- tanam anggur few months. duk umah, tp sy tammo goyang kaki! sy akan cari duit! huhu.
2- or maybe keje trus few months.
3- mase yg seswai, sy mesti maw sambung degree!

ade org kate sy blaja x tnggi mane an. fine fine. meh cni kte tgk sape berjaye dlu. sape lg up nnt. x pe, ade la rezeki sy yg Allah da ttpkan. hurm. hope so. kawan2 lame, skola lain, esp budak MRSM lain maybe lg berjaya dr ku dlu, tp xpe. i will. i am. gonna b somebody.

oklah. ni reminder utk diri sdiri je. pnjng lebar lak. itu saje. nak g JJ wngsa maju plak ni. tman mama. huhu. till then ppl, and good luck aqilah! ;D