this is a view from my room. god, i just love ur sunrise ;)))
even it's burning me out here in my room, but the warmness of ur sunshine, it's beautiful.
btw ppl. here's a lil snap from my not-so-super sony. thee.
i can see lots of house from my room.
and the sunrise, and sunset too.
yesterday. mama + me went to carre4 wngsa maju. she bought lots of things. seriously. most of the things, are mine. act i was thinking, like a very long time ago, i wanna decorate my room with rainbow colors. u know. i don't want any dumb, simple color. i want it to look colorful. but somehow, most of the things are brown now. how could i match it with rainbow?*sigh* and yup, i'm so spoiled actually, that i cry cuz of this silly things yesterday. and, it took my happy mood away. but deep in my heart i know, i shouldn't act like a child.
mama bought a white lil flurry carpet + small mat. brown curtain. and plg terharu, bgn2 pagi td tgk langsir tu dah tergantung. mama jahit sepanjang mlm with kak sally T___T. and also a set of brown comforter, and a pair of baju kurung for me. well, i always wanted a cotton baju kurung with that kampung look. i don't know y, i love it so much, since age. and so... above all these, i should be thankful to god and mama aite? huu... mama. sorry 4 that don't-know-how-to-feel-thankful attitude of mine. hurm...
bgn pagi dah ade. sob3... thanks mama. kak sally.
well. it's not that bad. i mean.
abaikanlah bilik yg bersepah ini.
x abis kemas lg. whoaaaa. tgk langsir. panjang~
sbb tingkap n sliding umah ni tinggi2.
that is the flurry white small carpet. ciput jeee.
tp 100++ jgk. da abis tawar menawar dgn org pakistan tuh!
haha. and ade small mat jgk. white also. i love white.
choco comforter. gaaa~ mama skeee.
sbb handmade from china. katenye la~~~
almost 200.
tadaaaa. baju kurung kampung! hee.
ske owhhh. ;)))
mama. seriously sorry. if mama bnykkk sgt terase dgn kakak sejak 2 menjak ni. maybe emoshit kakak dr skola (kolej) sampai ke rumah. n maybe jgk kakak gadow dgn scandal ke. hahahaha. maybe kakak risaw kwn kakak terasa... and so on. tp mama yg terkena. dahlah mama jauh dr abah. sob3... rinduuuuu abah!!! waaaaaaaa. abah cptlah pindah kl! mama. sorry eh mama. kakak sian mama sbb kene bnyk bersabar dgn karenah sedare mara... kakak sian mama jauh dr abah. kakak sian mama sbb kakak selalu bz... hurm. ape pun. kakak sedar. kakak mmg patut bersyukur. sbb tgklah... mama n abah bnyk sgt bekorban utk kakak. maybe sbb kakak senang dpt ape kakak nak, tu yg kakak x reti nak bersyukur seadenye kan? mama... i love u. thanks 4 everything. and sorry too... ;)))
TTM. sorry. mmg dah tiada rasa syg lebeyh dr seorg kwn dkt awk.
u. thanks 4 calming me down. n always here 4 this totally pampered girl ;)))
babe. happy 21st bday (23rd jan 09). gileee besttt dpt bnyk hadiahhh!!! hadiah gempak2 ajeee... gaaaa~ xpe. bnyk hadiah tande bnyk org syg. thee ;)) cptlah pulang. kelak ble i ke 'sane', i doakan yg terbaik utk u, fmly, tak lupa arwah abah. i miss him too ;(( sdeyh ingt ble bday mama, bday abah. ermm... tak pelah. u kene kuat semangat utk buat arwah abah tenang. fmly, they need u as well. take care sweetheart. love u!