Hi there! I hope everybody's having a lovely holidays! As I can read about all of you, it is!
Today I'm extremely tired. I've been working this evening in a theatre performance on the street, I was playing the Queen of Hearts' role and my mates were another characters from children's stories... we had to dance, play with the childrens and all that kind of stuff... I hope I could show you pictures very soon!
Last weekend I spent my time with some of my friends from Algeciras. We went to El Cairo's pub, I have wrote about it before; and after that we went to Café Teatro, another nice place where we had some beers. I really missed this kind of things with my friends from Algeciras...
Cristina, María and me
María joking about the idea of drinking from her shoes
Me with Angie.
Godino and María, I love this picture, looks so funny!
Cristina and Godino blaming Rafa... for something!
Green and red hairs!!
Top - Blanco
Dress/skirt - Hellbunny
Boots - Aces of London
And I spent almost all sunday with my mum, making some Christmas shopping (here in Spain we normally don't share the presents until the 5th of January, our tradition is different), eating in a big mall and going a little time together.
A Christmas tree on the mall!
Wishing you a merry Christmas!!
Cardigan - Bershka (old)
Tiger Army t-shirt from Sziget (Budapest)
Skirt - Syndrome second hand
Shoes - offbrand
And finally this week, another year is ending... what are your plans for that night? I don't have any plan at the moment!!