Sunday, April 25, 2010

PHO BO (Vietnam Beef Soup Noodle)

Lanjut ke PR-9 dipilih sama teman kita Debby, thanks Deb..
Gue udah lama pengen cobain masak Vietnam noodles ini karena dulu pernah makan sekali di PHO 2000 enak banget ternyata.
Akhirnya gue bisa masak sendiri di rumah, dan yang makan rame-rame.

Resepnya sebagai berikut :
Bahan Dasar :
500 gr kwetiaw basah
200 gr daging sukiyaki
Bahan Utama :
150 gr taoge
Kaldu :
3000 ml air
350 gr iga sapi
4 bh bawang putih
3 ptg kecil jahe
2 btr bawang bombay
3 sdm minyak goreng
2 ptg kecil kayu manis
1 ptg bunga lawang (pekak)
1 sdt garam
0.5 sdt lada halus
3 sdm kecap ikan
1 sdt gula pasir
bakso sapi (optional)

Cara Membuat :
1. Rebus air dengan iga sapi hingga mendidih, kecilkan apinya, didihkan terus buang buih-buih
yang mengapung. Memarkan bawang putih dan jahe, belah bawang bombay membujur, lalu
iris tipis.
2. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang putih, jahe dan bawang bombay hingga harum,
masukkan kayu manis dan pekak, aduk. Masukkan ke dalam rebusan iga, masak diatas api
kecil hingga harum, angkat.
3. Ukur kaldu kurang lebih 1500 ml, jerangkan kembali, bumbuhi dengan garam, merica, kecap
asin, dan gula pasir. Masukkan daging, panaskan diatas api kecil.
4. Seduh kwetiaw dan taoge decara terpisah dalam air mendidih, angkat.
5. Penyajian : susun kwetiaw dan taoge dalam mangkuk, tuangi kuah panas berikut irisan daging dan bakso sapi.
Taburi cabe rawit, daun ketumbar, sajikan panas.

Ridding a scooter is driving me crazy.

I can't sleep tonight, but I'm not so inspired too for writting a long explanation here... so I leave you with a little bit of inspiration... I so badly wish I could go to Carnaby Street back in the 60s...


Where did all the true rude boys go?

Paprika Pomodoro Pasta

G'day lovely people :)

That was a Saturday less ordinary. It began at 2:00 in the morning. I already get used to my default routine for a month during my recuperating period. Then the day I started to bounce back to the routine I left behind, I made boring days out of the picture. I am normal again and finally regained my old self. In fact it was merely awkward to see my doctor in a crowd of clubbing people. I danced and glided then his eyes spoke to me and uttered, I know this girl. And he's surely right. The girl who became his patient and went on a surgery a month ago. The girl that was barely naked in the operating room. Too much shyness that I just had to give a very tame wave of hello and goodbye when I saw him outside the clubbing.

Some random situations occurred from that morning 'til midnight of Saturday. I do believe peculiar moments only happen once in a while. Some things are strange. Some things are new and exciting. Some things are from the past but starting to resurrect. An emotional recovery from what I thought just flew away. I maybe wrong but indeed it was a pleasant surprise to juggle at the moment. What makes me grin now is because I found glee to put two unfamiliar things together. And that excludes the doctor encounter because some idiot people may interpret it that way. All I can say is, that made me say, that was really a Saturday less ordinary---wink***

On the other hand allow me to share you this comfort food I did which became my lunch for 3 consecutive days. My all time favorite simple Pomodoro recipe. Now it looks like it's fresh from the oven, but it's not. Just from my microwave :p



• Cherry Tomatoes (cut into halves)
• Paprika/Salt/Pepper
• Basil & Marjoram
• Tomato Sauce
• Garlic & Onion (Minced)
• Butter & Olive oil
• Mozzarella Cheese
• Angel Hair Spaghetti Pasta


Boil the angel hair pasta then set aside. Heat pan in medium temperature. Melt butter with olive oil. Add garlic and onion. Saute for a few minutes then add cherry tomatoes. Allow the cherry tomatoes to shrink then add the tomato sauce and water. Add salt, pepper, paprika, marjoram & basil. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. Add the angel hair pasta and mix it with the sauce. Get a round shape pyrex baking dish or any microwable ceramic round or oval dish then put the pasta. Compress it 'til you fill in the rest of the container. Top it with mozzarella cheese and heat in a microwave for 3-5 minutes or until the cheese melts down. Slice a part and serve.

I hope you enjoy my story and recipe :-)

joanie xxx