Monday, August 2, 2010

The Garlic Pesto Sauce

First of all regardless of what's happening in the current world... let me greet first my Mom a...

Happy Birthday!

It's gloomy and raining very often here in Saigon because fall has finally arrived. This is the season where we all need some pillow or human cuddle. Aside from the cuddle it's also nice to eat some good food at your wooden table with your bare foot while watching the raindrops on your windowpane. Even before the rainy season came, I did my own preparation by stocking up some jars or pesto basil and ginger peanut oil. These are my two staples inside my fridge that whenever the lazy weather attacks, I just have my 911 jars that will save either my pasta noodles or my meat.

Rainy season is my favorite season of the year that's why my weekends are just preoccupied by DVD, eating & painting. I have several paintings to finish in time for my exhibition end of August so the weather we are having here in Saigon is just perfect for me to devote my time painting. I just alternate the 3 things during the weekend and I realized that I enjoy being a hermit in my own cave. I just have to make sure that the paintings I am cooking up will be good enough to satisfy my guests. I am pretty much excited with my solo exhibit so I am kinda busy with a lot of extra curricular stuffs lately. But I do enjoy what I am doing in spite of the many things that keep bugging my mind before I sleep. So for now, allow me to share my own version of pesto sauce although I just bought my basil leaves from the supermarket and they seem fine I think. I promised my self to grow my own herbs specifically basil but I still haven't find time doing it. My procrastination on that matter is still on.



• Basil leaves (80% of the leaves)
• Corriander leaves (20% of the leaves)
• Garlic (minced)
• Olive Oil
• Pine Nuts
• Salt & Pepper
• Apple Cider Vinegar
• Yoghurt
• Butter (of course)

NOTE: I did the manual chopping but if you have a food processor you are very welcome to use it :)


Chop the Basil and Corriander leaves and sprinkle with some apple cider vinegar then set aside. Peel the garlic and mince finely. Heat the pan in medium temperature then roast the pine nuts then remove from pan and chop it finely. Use the same pan under medium heat then melt little butter then add the minced garlic and pine nuts. Add some olive oil then put the Corriander and Basil leaves and stir it then add a little yoghurt. Continue mixing then add some more olive oil if necessary. Have a dash of salt and pepper to taste.

Serve it with either pasta or meat dishes...

joanie xxx

birthday wishlist

Hello dearest fellas, how are you on this early August??
I hope all of u in good condition.

Its Tuesday.
Not too good Tuesday for me, in the early day like this, its pretty bad.
Fighting, heartburn/maag, and arrived late.
Ah gilaaaa!
Tadi sakit maag sampe bungkuk-bungkuk enggak bisa berdiri.
Sakiiiiiit banget!

Untungnya sekarang mendingan tapi masih sakit.
terus di kantor harus kerja tapi sampe sekarang gue masi larut dalam kelelahan tubuh yang agak renta.
BAH! Macam orang tua saja kau ini!

At least hari ini gue punya plan A dan plan B.
Kalau dapet invitationnya hari ini mau dateng ke salah satu presentasi universitas terkenal dari New York.
Kalau enggak dapet ya ke kawanku aja deh. hehe.
How bout you?

Ah iya, welcome My lovely AUGUST!!
And i still counting down, 27 days remaining to my 18th birthday.
Getting older :'(

Prepare yourself to gimme present ya all. hihi
Mau nyontek gayanya kak Jerry alian Laoshi, gue mau posting list hadiah yang gue pengen supaya pada ga bingung. haha.

1. White sheep house shoes.

This is cute shoes i found at netherlands website, only 12.50 euro.
Ayo dooong beliiin!
I want this cute shoes so badlyyyyyyy. :'(
So one of you who give it to me i will thank you alot.

2. Blackberry Onyx

I really wanna have Onyx. Why? i already have gemini, but can download and use skype. And onyx can download and use skype. Hihihi. And onyx already have 3G and have blitz. huhu.
Anyone wanna buy it for me? :D

3. Handy cam

4. Anna sui cosmetics set

i really wanna put this cosmetic on my make up. So anyone wanna buy it for me? Especially the summer color eyeliner and mascarra.

5. Charles and keith bag and shoes

I love high heels, i love boots, i love zipper, and i hate ordinary shoes.

6. Forever 21 clothes and accesories

And alot of forever 21 stuff.
They sell all fashion stuff, i want that. Dress, skirt, top, jacket, cardigan, shoes, legging, jeans, jewels.

7. Editing by design (book) by Jan V. White
Please please please, gimme this book, i find it at few bookstore but not found.
So i hope one of u give me this. :D English its okay. Is reccomended by Mba Reda Gaudiamo, you know her? You should know! Find info bout her. hihi.

8. Books :)
I love reading, so gimme books, i love history, romance, mystery, social, true story, kids story, fairytale, comedy, and tips, and magazines.
But for magazine i really appreciate if that import fashion magazine. hihi.
and for books allowed in english or indonesian. :D

9. Traditional stuff
I love INDONESIA as much i love my self.
I really love wayang on batik, songket, kain tenun kalimantan, and all indonesian clothes and jewels.
Including kipas, sandals, and manymore.

10. up to u, but please with prayers and ikhlas. :)

Okay, that all.
Im waiting yaaa.
At 30th august.
Love you all as always.
Ketty Tressianah <3

Completing Him Challenge

I have not been posting on this the last couple weeks, mostly because we were on vacation. A good time to reconnect right? :) However we did talk about one of the weeks, which was asking your husband to prioritize what you do as a wife. I made a list of all the things I do in our home etc.. and asked David which were important to him. I thought I had a pretty good idea of what he would say, but he actually managed to surprise me a little bit. So here is what he said.

#1 Keeping the house clean and laundry caught up
#2 Taking care of myself (exercising etc...)
#3 Cooking healthy meals
#4 Volunteering at church with Sabbath school and Adventurer Club
#5 Working outside the home at my job

The one that surprised me is the one at #2, I thought that would be farther down the list. He did say that working outside the home will probably move up for him in priority because he starts going back to school in September and will be only working full time. So I will be the main money maker for the next few years.

The next week was making his favorite meals for the week; very hard to do while living out of a hotel room with only a microwave and fridge! So I plan on doing that at a later date this summer.

And now to this weeks, RESPECT! :) Here is one thing that Courtney over at Women Living Well said about this week.
"This week - take some time to assess your husband's respect-o-meter. Ask him what sort of things you do that make him feel disrespected and respected. Work on weeding out disrespectful thoughts and attitudes and exchanging them for respectful ones."

So that will be my task this week! Respecting David's decision for us and working on not rolling my eyes so much at him, I tend to be good at that! :P 

If you are participating or want to participate in this summer challenge, head over to Courtney's site Women Living Well and link up! 


kucing paling sexy

hye. i dah mengantuk dan penat sgt hari ni, plus selsema.
cuma nak tunjuk satu gambar.

i taw kucing i terkangkang x senonoh.
tapi die sgt comel. sgt sgt. dan i syg die sgt3.
gmbr ini sudah cukup buat i gelak besar. ;)

Menu Plan Monday

It feels so nice to be back at menu planning! I had to go grocery shopping last week when we got back from vacation and I felt lost because I had no plan for the weekend written out or a list!! It's funny how you become so dependent on lists and organizing! :) So here is my menu plan for the week! 

Mon – Left over from weekend
Tues – Grilled turkey sandwiches, fruit, veggies
Thurs – Haystacks (build your own taco salad)
Fri –  Homemade spaghetti sauce, noodles, salad
Sat – Tofu Egg Salad,  Macaroni Salad, Veggies, Fruit, Chips
Sun – Burritos or eating out 

If you plan on doing Menu Plan Monday, be sure to link up with Laura over at Organizing Junkie

Happy Meal Planning!!
