I hope all of u in good condition.
Its Tuesday.
Not too good Tuesday for me, in the early day like this, its pretty bad.
Fighting, heartburn/maag, and arrived late.
Ah gilaaaa!
Tadi sakit maag sampe bungkuk-bungkuk enggak bisa berdiri.
Sakiiiiiit banget!
Untungnya sekarang mendingan tapi masih sakit.
terus di kantor harus kerja tapi sampe sekarang gue masi larut dalam kelelahan tubuh yang agak renta.
BAH! Macam orang tua saja kau ini!
At least hari ini gue punya plan A dan plan B.
Kalau dapet invitationnya hari ini mau dateng ke salah satu presentasi universitas terkenal dari New York.
Kalau enggak dapet ya ke kawanku aja deh. hehe.
How bout you?
Ah iya, welcome My lovely AUGUST!!
And i still counting down, 27 days remaining to my 18th birthday.
Getting older :'(
Prepare yourself to gimme present ya all. hihi
Mau nyontek gayanya kak Jerry alian Laoshi, gue mau posting list hadiah yang gue pengen supaya pada ga bingung. haha.
1. White sheep house shoes.
Ayo dooong beliiin!
I want this cute shoes so badlyyyyyyy. :'(
So one of you who give it to me i will thank you alot.
2. Blackberry Onyx
I really wanna have Onyx. Why? i already have gemini, but can download and use skype. And onyx can download and use skype. Hihihi. And onyx already have 3G and have blitz. huhu.
Anyone wanna buy it for me? :D
3. Handy cam
4. Anna sui cosmetics set
5. Charles and keith bag and shoes
I love high heels, i love boots, i love zipper, and i hate ordinary shoes.
6. Forever 21 clothes and accesories
And alot of forever 21 stuff.
They sell all fashion stuff, i want that. Dress, skirt, top, jacket, cardigan, shoes, legging, jeans, jewels.
7. Editing by design (book) by Jan V. White
Please please please, gimme this book, i find it at few bookstore but not found.
So i hope one of u give me this. :D English its okay. Is reccomended by Mba Reda Gaudiamo, you know her? You should know! Find info bout her. hihi.
8. Books :)
I love reading, so gimme books, i love history, romance, mystery, social, true story, kids story, fairytale, comedy, and tips, and magazines.
But for magazine i really appreciate if that import fashion magazine. hihi.
and for books allowed in english or indonesian. :D
9. Traditional stuff
I love INDONESIA as much i love my self.
I really love wayang on batik, songket, kain tenun kalimantan, and all indonesian clothes and jewels.
Including kipas, sandals, and manymore.
10. up to u, but please with prayers and ikhlas. :)
Okay, that all.
Im waiting yaaa.
At 30th august.
Love you all as always.
Ketty Tressianah <3
I love reading, so gimme books, i love history, romance, mystery, social, true story, kids story, fairytale, comedy, and tips, and magazines.
But for magazine i really appreciate if that import fashion magazine. hihi.
and for books allowed in english or indonesian. :D
9. Traditional stuff
I love INDONESIA as much i love my self.
I really love wayang on batik, songket, kain tenun kalimantan, and all indonesian clothes and jewels.
Including kipas, sandals, and manymore.
10. up to u, but please with prayers and ikhlas. :)
Okay, that all.
Im waiting yaaa.
At 30th august.
Love you all as always.
Ketty Tressianah <3
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