Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop - Two $5 Amazon.com e-cards

Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop

I am very excited to be participating in the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop hosted by Simply Stacie. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering! This giveaway is for US residents only!

So what is up for grabs? Not one, but two $5 amazon.com e-gift cards! I will be choosing two winners, so you have double the chance at wining! Since this is an e-gift card, upon wining, you will receive the code through e-mail to use at checkout when ordering on amazon.com! Here is how to enter!

Main Entry:
Follow Golden Reflections publicly on Google Friend Connect and include your e-mail in your comment. (1 comment, 1 entry).

Extra Entries:
Follow Golden Reflections on twitter. Please include your twitter account name. (1 comment, 1 entry)
Grab my button and place it on your blog. Please include a link to your blog. (2 comments, 2 entries)
Vote for Golden Reflections on Picket Fence Blogs. (1 comment, 1 entry)

All entries will be verified before two winners are selected. In the event that one person wins both cards, another winner will be randomly selected by random.org Winners will be sent an e-mail and have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected. This giveaway closes on December 5 at 11:59pm EST.

Thanks for entering and good luck!

Be sure to check out the rest of the Gift Giveaway Hop!

Christmas Cards

These are my attempt to make my own Christmas Cards this year. I can't take too much credit, considering they came as a pack, however I did come up with the compositions. Scrapbooking and paper crafts really are such a fun thing to dabble in. The creative juices are endless, and I find that the more I dabble, the better I get. Anyhoo...this was a fun project, I just hope the receivers enjoy them as much
as I did in making them.


Gawar (cluster beans) ..... 1/4 kg
Anardana ..................... 1 tbsp (crushed)
Coriander powder ......... 1 tsp
Cumin powder .............. 1 tsp
Red chilli powder ......... 1/4 tsp
Turmeric powder ........ 1/4 tsp
Garlic ....................... 6-7 cloves
Green chillies ........... 1-2
Salt .......................... to taste
Oil ............. 2 tbsps.

1. Cut the gawar into small pieces. Boil it adding salt and a pinch of baking powder to retain the green colour. Drain the water and set aside.

2. In a pan heat the oil and add the crushed garlic and green chillies. Stir fry and add the dry spice powder and crushed anardana.

3. Stir in the boiled gawar and mix well.

Turkey Enchiladas with Chipotle Crema Sauce


You know what they say about too much of a good thing…after three nights of roast turkey and turkey leftovers, I’m approaching that point.  That’s not to say that I’m quite ready to abandon turkey, but I’m ready to give a break to the roasted, savory flavors of my Thanksgiving meal and traditional leftover recipes.  I love a Thanksgiving dinner and the traditional sides, as do I love day-after Turkey Tetrazzini.  This year, I also made Turkey pot pies. But, now, I’m ready to kick things up a notch.  This menu planning swerve takes us south of the border, or at least up to the border, with a Tex-Mex flair.  In the choice of enchiladas, the comfort food angle of the weekend turkey eating marathon remains.  Indeed, how much more comfort can you get than from cream and cheese?  The difference now is Mexican crema and Monterrey Jack cheese.  But to really interest the palette, to get a little salsa in our step, to get our mariachis moving, we go with chipotle peppers and adobo sauce.  Chipotle peppers are fun, they’re hip, and they even supply a smoky flavor that can continue a Thanksgiving theme.  Enchiladas are fun and easy to make.  So Feliz Day After Thanksgiving!  Serves 4.
½ cup olive oil
1 large yellow onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 cups water
1 chipotle chili, seeded and diced, along with 1 tsp of adobo sauce
1 cup Mexican crema
1 can diced tomatoes, drained
2 cups cooked turkey, cut into ½ inch pieces
8 six inch corn tortillas
1 cup shredded Monterrey Jack cheese
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.  In a medium saute pan over medium-high heat, add 1 tbsp oil.  When hot, add half of the onions and soften a few minutes.  Add 1 clove minced garlic and carefully add the water.  Boil a few minutes to thicken slightly.  Lower the heat to warm and stir in the crema and ½ to all of the chipotle chili and adobo sauce, depending on desired level of heat.  Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a large saute pan over medium heat.  Add the other half of the onions and cook to soften, about 5 minutes.  Add 1 clove minced garlic and salt and pepper as desired for taste.  Add the tomatoes, turkey and ½ cup of the crema sauce.  Stir the turkey mixture and cook a few minutes to warm through.  Lower the heat to warm.  In a medium saute pan, heat the remaining oil over medium heat.  For each tortilla, add one at a time to the oil and cook for 10 seconds.  Turn over the tortilla and cook another 10 seconds.  Then dredge the tortilla through the crema pan, coating each side lightly.  Lay the tortilla in a 9 x 12 inch baking dish.  Spoon several tbsp of the chicken mixture and a tbsp of the shredded cheese into the tortilla, fold the tortilla sides on top of each other and then roll the enchilada over so that the overlapping edges are on the bottom.  Slide the enchilada over to the edge of the dish.  Repeat with the remaining tortillas.  Sprinkle the rest of the cheese over the enchiladas and then spoon out the remaining crema sauce on top of the enchiladas.  Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and starting to brown.  Serve after allowing to cool slightly.

Time left for love (Shout out louds)

Yesterday I discovereda new bunch of stencils near the cafe where we always go. I'm a big fan of this kind of street art, and it's good to discover new things around here!

I should do a guide with all the grafittis I've found around Barcelona, because I'm always taking pictures of the good ones for me... maybe I'm doing it one of these days.

Today it's been rainig almost all day, so I've stayed at home, writting some articles for Miau Magazine and making some accesories. while I was drinking hot tea... I love hot tea when it rains!

And this is what I was wearing yesterday, almost all was vintage:

 Shirt - Vintage
Skirt - vintage
Boots - Aces of London
Orange scarf - Vintage

This orange scarf is really really old, I think it's from the begining of the past century. It was from the grandmother of my uncle's partner... really old!

And one thing more. Now's official, I'm doing some photojournalism for Vice Magazine. Yesterday they published my first picture, you can see it here! I hope they would publish me lots of pictures!!

What are you doing this week? We've got the Shopping Night Out on Thursday!

Your Euro Debt Pr0n Post of the Day

Nov. 30 (Bloomberg) -- Spain’s banks may struggle to refinance about 85 billion euros ($111 billion) in debt next year as costs surge on concern continental Europe’s fourth- biggest economy may need an Irish-style bailout.

“There’s a universal dumping of Spain going on,” said Andrea Williams, who helps manage about 623 million pounds ($968 million), including shares in Banco Santander SA, at Royal London Asset Management. “The fear is that Portugal, Spain and Italy are now in line after what happened in Ireland.”
Freight train.

Pelatihan Tataboga di Sekolah Masak & Akademi Perhotelan - Tristar Culinary Academy

BKM Kroman Makmur Kursus Tahu Crispy

Setelah Badan Keswadayaan Masyarakat (BKM) Suramadu, Kelurahan Tambak Wedi, Surabaya belajar kuliner bersama Sekolah Masak -  Tristar Culinary Institute (TCI), sekarang giliran BKM Kroman Makmur Gresik ikut kursus memasak di dapur TCI Jl Raya Jemursari 234 Surabaya, Sabtu (20/11) siang.
Melalui Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) Bangkit Usaha yang ditunjuk BKM Kroman Makmur, 15 orang warga Kelurahan Kroman Gresik mengikuti kursus masak Tahu Crispy dan Jamur Crispy.

15 warga penerima manfaat program pelatihan memasak ini mampak antusias mendengarkan instruksi dari Mbak Siska yang dibantu tiga asistennya, yakni Prasetyo, Ninin P dan Shinta. Mereka kompak memahami pengenalan bahan hingga tata cara memasak tahu dan jamur crispy yang lezat dan renyah, resep yang diajarkan adalah resep untuk usaha - jualan.
Selain itu, instruktur Tristar Culinary Academy juga membekali peserta bagaimana membuat mayonnaise, saos keju, saos BBQ dan saos pizza, agar nantinya tahu crispy dan jamur crispy yang dijajakan punya banyak pilihan rasa, sehingga nantinya dapat mengundang selera pembeli untuk memesan racikan ibu-ibu peserta pelatihan.


”Kami dari tim Tristar Cooking School all out mendampingi ibu-ibu dari BKM Kroman Makmur Gresik  meracik tahu crispy dan jamur crispy yang layak dibuat secara komersial, tapi sehat bila dikonsumsi anak-anak maupun orang dewasa. Selain lezat rasanya juga renyah lho tahu maupun jamur crispy-nya,” tutur Siska sambil mencicipi hasil ramuannya. Kerenyahan nya juga tahan lama, tidak mudah melempem, karena pada ramuan tepung, ditambahkan tepung Crispioca. Ditemui di sela-sela acara pelatihan, fasilitator kelurahan (faskel) yang mendampingi peserta kursus, Renie Sulistiyowati menjelaskan, pihaknya bersama ketua panitia Sdr. Irwan Sholichul Baktiyar (yang juga ketua KSM Bangkit Usaha, sengaja belajar kursus ini dengan Sekolah Koki Tristar Culinary Institue karena institusi ini cukup dikenal masyakarat terutama sebagai lembaga kursus yang professional.Nah, bertitik tolak dari realitas ini, pihaknya mengajak ibu-ibu untuk belajar masak yakni membikin tahu crispy dan jamur crispy yang belakangan lagi ”in” di kalangan anak-anak maupun remaja untuk makanan ringan (snack). Selain itu, ia juga berharap 15 peserta kursus ini menjadi pioneer di daerahnya, karena mereka kelak dapat menularkan ilmunya kepada ibu-ibu yang lain.Pasalnya, BKM Kroman Makmur dibantu 5 KSM lainnya di Kelurahan Karoman punya agenda enam bulan ke depan, ilmu membuat tahu dan jamur crispy ini bisa ditularkan kepada orang lain. Selain itu, 15 peserta ini diharapkan menjadi contoh dalam menumbuhkan usaha kecil mandiri. Sehingga, dari usaha kecil mandiri itu mereka menambahkan penghasilan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarganya masing-masing serta membuka lapangan kerja baru.

Untuk modal usaha, BKM Kroman Makmur menyiapkan pinjaman bergulir dari Bantuan Langsung Masyarakat-Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat-Mandiri Perkotaan (BLM-PNPM-MP) Tahap II @ Rp 500.000 kepada ibu-ibu yang punya niat membuka usaha tahu crispy dan jamur crispy.Dana BLM-PNPM-MP Tahap II tersebut selain dialokasikan untuk membekali warga penerima manfaat (lewat kursus memasak), juga disalurkan dalam program perbaikan infrastruktur seperti bedah rumah, program pavingisasi dan kegiatan sosial lainnya. ”Khusus untuk kursus memasak bersama Sekolah Masak & Akademi Perhotelan Tristar, BKM Kroman Makmur mengalokasikan biaya kursus pembuatan tahu crispy dan jamur crispy Rp 250.000 perorang,” terang Renie.   Semoga niat tulus membuahkan hasil, sehingga lahir ibu-ibu mandiri yang tangguh dalam berusaha dan menciptakan lapangan kerja baru yang menguntungkan. (aha) 

Peluang Usaha Jamur & Tahu Krispi dengan Saus Mayo Aneka Rasa.
Kursus Wira Usaha Jamur Crispy, Tahu Krispi & Mayonnaise Aneka Rasa.
Pelatihan Bisnis Usaha Kecil - Cara membuat Makanan Ringan Krispi.
Diajarkan Cara Membuat Tahu Crispy & Jamur Krispi. Peserta juga Belajar membuat Mayonaise aneka rasa, mulai dari bahan dasar minyak & kuning telur yang diemulsikan dengan sempurna.
Resep dengan timbangan tepat untuk Usaha.
 Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta pelatihan bisa memulai usaha dibidang penjualan Tahu & Jamur Crispy.
Pendaftaran Kursus:
Tristar Culinary Institute.
Flexi: 031-81639992 - 83109709.
Sekolah Kuliner & Akademi Perhotelan.
Program pendidikan Kuiner & Perhotelan D1. D2 & D3 (berizasah Amd yang diakui pemerintah)
Jln. Raya Jemursari 234 Surabaya.
Telp: 031 8433224-25.
HP: 0817321024. Esia:031-91938824
Kampus Baru:
Jln. Raya Tenggilis no. 68. Surabaya.
Sekolah Kuliner Pencetak Chef.
Sistem Studi: Praktek Setiap Hari.

Kursus Kuliner Privat & Kolektif  dengan metode peserta praktek langsung membuat produk makanan (Hands On).
Kursus Cara Memulai Usaha Cafe, Resto & Catering.
Belajar Bisnis Kuliner di Sekolah Masak
Fun Kitchen @ Tristar.
Program Ekskul Kuliner & Handicraft untuk sekolah SD - SMP - SMA.
Info: Info: Flexi: 031-83109709. Esia: 031 91938824. Hp: 0817321024.


Kursus Kue: Aneka Brownies Kukus & Oven : Black Forest Steam Brownies, Pandan Steam Brownies, Chocolate Brownies, Cheese Brownies.

Kursus Aneka Minuman (Alchoholic) : Diajarkan meracik dan menyajikan minuman Before Dinner Cocktail : Blody Marry, Cosmopolitan, Margarita, Martini After Dinner Cocktail : Chocolate Bunny, Mud Slide, Black Russian, Chocolate Martini.

Kursus Kue: Aneka Puff Pastry : Soujisbrooth, Apple & Raisin Puff, Cream Horn (Cum-cum). Diajarkan cara memberi lapisan, membentuknya, serta membuat isiannya.

Siomay Bandung, Batagor, Otak-Otak Tengiri Bakar, diajarkan membuat Saus Kacang

Aneka Kue Kering : Nastar, Kastengel, Putri Salju, Lidah Kucing Mocha Keju

Noodle Making : Dasar Pembuatan Mie Basah, Mie kering, Mie Sayur, Pangsit Mie Lengkap, Pangsit Goreng Renyah.

Martabak, Terang Bulan dan Terang Bulan Mini. Peserta langsung praktek

Pelatihan Tataboga: Japanese Food : Chicken Teriyaki, Sushi, Tempura, Chawan Mushi.

Kursus Kue: Traditional Chinese Pastry : Lotus, Jasio Pia, Moon Cake

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Bebek Peking : Diajarkan mulai dari kulit bebek menjadi crispy, Kulit Lumpia, Daging bebek juga diolah lagi. Peserta langsung praktek

Bandeng Tanduri (bandeng tanpa duri), diajarkan cara mencabut duri bandeng. Bandeng Goreng Crispy, Pepes Bandeng Tanduri, Otak-Otak Bandeng

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Roti Unyil : Diajarkan 10 macam variasi bentuk dan isi Roti Unyil.

Aneka Ayam : Ayam Kremes diajarkan membuat kremesannya, Ayam Tulang Lunak, Ayam Crispy. Diajarkan membuat sambal ayam kremes dan tulang lunak, serta diajarkan cara memproduksi tepung Fried Chicken resep industri yg crispy tahan sampai 3 jam.

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Cheese Cake : Blueberry Cheese Cake, Tiramisu Cheese Cake, Chocolate Cheese Cake
Bebakaran Ikan : Ikan Bakar Saus Padang, Ikan Bakar Rica-Rica, Ikan Bakar Saus Pedas.

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Aneka Pie : Pie Buah/Fruit Tartlet, Pie Lemon, Quiche Lorraine (Smoke Beef)

Siokee, Siobak, Jasio. Peserta Langsung Praktek. Dijamin Renyah

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Aneka Kue Lapis : Lapis Legit, Moscovish, Lapis Mocha. Peserta langsung praktek.

Aneka Nasi Goreng: Nasi Goreng Tom Yam, Nasi Goreng XO, Nasi Goreng Seafood, Nasi Goreng Jawa

Aneka Roti : Roti Tawar, Hot Dog, Burger, diajarkan juga membuat daging burgernya.
Hokben : Egg Chicken Roll, Breaded Chicken Ball, Ekkado, Toreno Teba (Sayap Ayam)

Aneka Pizza : Supreme Pizza, Italian Pizza, Meat Lover. Diajarkan mulai dari pembuatan roti, Concasse, dan toppingnya. Peserta langsung Praktek
Aneka Steak : Demi Glaze, Beef Rib with BBQ Sauce, Tenderloin with Black Pepper Sauce, Chicken Steak with Mushroom Sauce, Mashed Potato. Peserta langsung praktek.

Bebek goreng ungkep, Ayam Kalasan, Ayam goreng ala Pemuda. Diajarkan membuat Sambalnya.

Es Puter : Rasa Nangka, Kacang Hijau, Kopyor/Degan. Peserta Langsung Praktek.

Aneka Bakso : Bakso Halus, Bakso Kasar, Siomay, Tahu. Diajarkan membuat kuah & sambalnya.

Kursus Kue: Pie Susu (Madam Pie) : Rasa Original, Coklat, Strawberry

Tahu Crispy, Crispy Jamur, Kentang Goreng, diajarkan membuat mayonaise: rasa BBQ, Pizza dan Cheese.

Kue Kering : Choco Chip, Conflake Cookies, Butter Cookies, Choco Claudy

Aneka Mie : I Fu Mie Seafood, Lo Mie, Mie Ayam Jamur, Mie Pangsit Ujung Pandang

Aneka Pudding : Puding Agar Kombinasi, Mocha Sponge Pudding, Watermelon Pudding

Steak Kampung : Demiglaze, Crispy Chicken Steak mushroom, Tenderloin Steak, Chicken Buffalo + Vegetable

Kursus Kue: Aneka Cup Cakes : Green Tea Cup Cake, Chocolate Orange Cup Cake, Mocha Almond Cup Cake. Dihias dengan Cream, Coklat dan Plastic Icing.

Empal Gepuk, Ayam Goreng Lengkuas, Bebek Goreng Kremes, diajarkan membuat kremesan dan sambalnya.

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Aneka Donut : Topping Glazur, Barliner, Chocolate Nut, Cornflake.

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Ice Cream Hard: Coklat, Vanilla, Strawberry, Ice Cream Yoghurt. Diajarkan membuat Yoghurtnya

Aneka Seafood: Kepiting Telor Asin, Kerang Batik saus XO, Cumi Crispy saus Tar-Tar, BBQ Udang saus Oriental

Kursus Kue: Special Cake : Opera Cake, Tiramisu, Capucinno Maker Cake

Fried Chicken Crispy & Keriting tahan 3 jam. Diajarkan juga cara memproduksi tepung ayamnya. Chicken Karage, Chicken Katzu, Chicken Strip & Saos sambal botol.

Aneka Cup Cakes : Green Tea Cup Cake, Chocolate Orange Cup Cake, Mocha Almond Cup Cake. Dihias dengan Cream, Coklat dan Plastic Icing.

Kursus Kue: Aneka Muffin : Chocolate, Cheese, Blueberry

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Yong Tahu, Siomay, Bakwan Goreng Mekar. Peserta Langsung Praktek.

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Aneka Kue Lapis : Lapis Surabaya ( Spiku ), Lapis Mandarin, Lapis Prune. Peserta langsung praktek.

Tahu Crispy, Crispy Jamur, Kentang Goreng, diajarkan membuat mayonaise: rasa BBQ, Pizza dan Cheese.

Pelatihan Cara Membuat Roti Manis : Mocha Bun, Meat The Cheese, Mushroom Pizza, Taiwan Polo.

Pelatihan Cara Membuat Dim Sum: Hakau, Kaki Ayam, Siomay, Lumpia Kulit Tahu.

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Aneka Chocolate Praline & Truffle : Rum & Raisin Praline, Orange Cream Praline, Rice Bubble Truffle, Coconut Truffle

Pelatihan Cara Membuat Aneka Salad : Salad Buah, Salad Bar, Shrimp Cocktail, German Potato Salad. Diajarkan membuat mayonaise dan Dressingnya.

Kursus Aneka Roll Tart : Mayo Sausage Roll, Pandan Vla, Tiger Roll. Peserta Praktek Langsung, diajarkan mulai dari cara pembuatan, teknik menggulung rolltart hingga tidak retak.

Pelatihan Cara Membuat: Ote-Ote Porong, Bolang-Baling, Cakwe Udang dan Ayam

Kursus Aneka Bapau : Ayam, Tausa, Kacang Tanah, Kacang Hijau. Diajarkan membuat adonan bapau, adonan isi, dan cara membentuknya.

cooking time ^ayam bumbu saus tiram^

holla sunshine...

sometimes i feel cooking is one of my passion in my life.. hahahaha #lebay..
for the first time i will share one of my best cooking in my sweet kitchen. yes ^ayam bumbu saus tiram^ itu adalah nama masakan yang tertera diatas!! yes i did it girls!! hope u believe that ya!!
buat GIRLS yang pengen buat juga gw bakal share bahan ma caranya...


^ dada ayam filet                    300 gram
^ tepung serbaguna "sajiku"    1 sachet ukuran sedang
^ bawang merah                     5 siung
^ bawang putih                       2 siung
^ bawang bombay                  1 uk. sedang
^ tomat                                   1 buah uk. sedang
^ cabai merah                         5
^ cabai ijo                               5
^ kecap manis                         secukupnya
^ kecap saus tiram                  secukupnya
^ garam dan penyedap           secukupnya
^ minyak goreng                    200 ml
^ minyak goreng untuk menumis secukupnya

cara membuat:
1. - berishkan ayam filet lalu potong dadu ukuran sedang
    - siapkan tepung sajiku serba guna lalu gulingkan ayam dadu di atas tepung
    - panaskan minyak untuk menggoreng ayam yang sudah di beri tepung hingga warna kuning keemasan
      angkat lalu tiriskan

2. -iris bawang merah, bawang putih, bawang bombay, tomat, cabai merah dan cabai ijo stelah selesai
    - panaskan minyak untuk menumis..
    - setelah minyak cukup panas masukkan irisan bawang dan sebagainya beri garam secukupnya
     aduk hingga layu dan sedap lalu beri kecap manis dan saus tiram aduk hingga warna bercampur
     lalu tambahkan penyedap secukupnya setelah itu masukkan ayam yang sudah digoreng tadi lalu
     aduk hingga rata.... and VOILA ayam bumbu saus tiram ready!!!

My Wish

Dear Santa, I would really like a baby Gelino for Christmas. If that's asking too much, I'll take a new iphone and call it good.

A Tiny Take On Wikileaks

Wikileaks is like a high school girl's very personal diary falling out of her backpack at school. In no time at all, everyone is pouring through it to see what she wrote about them. Every tiny criticism is blown out of proportion and the girl has to go into full-time damage control mode.

Elsewhere, Dean isn't impressed by the whole thing while Secular Apostate is less sanguine.