Saturday, December 6, 2008

this is serikin

hello! talking bout yesterday...
we went to this place, called Serikin.
it's in Bau, Sarawak. bout 40km from Kuching.
2 cars - teenagers & eldest.
bout 7 am we all dah gerak! sbb lmbt2, nanti ramai.
ramai & panas! huhu. semlm pun dah mcm mandi sauna.

2day, we all decided to just. relax.
spend time at home. hee...
lgpon kema x sehat. die demam.

anyway. yesterday.
the 4th day - 6th december 2008

a part of pekan kecil Bau.
hee. it's a very small town.
depan tu, kereta the eldest! hee.

kabus sgt tebal time otw pergi.
tu restaurant! hee.

kuali - kuali n periuk - periuk.
ade gaye rantau panjang jgk kan?

owh. accessories pon bnyk.
pearl. crystal. etc.

perfumes! owh... sgt murah.
and kalau pndi pilih, bau die same cam ori.
ade yg lain bau die. huhu

pinggan mangkuk & stuff.
utk raye2 pe sume. hee.

ayie pnye sunglass & topi tu baru je beli.
murah kot. hee. terus pakai!
owh. kema pnye topi pon same.
cantik taw! =]

then kte org picnic dkt sg gua angin.
gua angin ni blh msk.
but. x sempat lah semlm.
kte org mkn nasi lemak yg mama masak.

abah & ayie d sungai. hee.
air die sgt jernih. best3.

The Immersion Blender

My mom and I went out for a little Black Friday shopping and left my dad in charge of lunch. He was making sambar, a sort of lentil soup. When we came home from a full morning of shopping, we enjoyed the sambar with dosas, an Indian style crepe. It was only in the post lunch cleanup that my mom discovered just what he had done. He had ruined her immersion blender.
My immersion blender is one of my favorite kitchen tools. It's highly useful for making soups because you don't have to pour the soup into a blender to puree it. Just place the blades of the immersion blender into the pot and turn it on, stirring the handle so the entire pot is pureed. Then the blade attachment is easily removed to go into the dishwasher. My immersion blender has other attachments in addition to the blender blade - a whisk and a mini food processor/chopper. Without an attachment, the motor is pretty useless. Except where my dad is concerned. When he picked up the motor to puree his sambar, he did not realize that the blade attachment was needed and he dunked the entire motor into the sambar. Somehow it managed to puree without electrocuting him. It would be an embarrassing story if it had.
My mom was livid. There were bits of lentil in her blender motor and she could not exactly rinse them out with water. The sambar had already dried by the time she found the blender so she made my dad scrape out the dried bits, wipe it out with a damp cloth, and use a hair dryer to remove any trace of moisture from the motor.
If nothing else, my mom can hold this over my dad's head for years to come, or at least until the next time she burns the rice.

Soup Sake Miso

3 Desember 2008, rabu

Udah masuk musim dingin nih...fuyu.....bzz bzz...dinginnya, enak makan yang anget anget kayak soup sake miso...enakkk
Cara gampang n butuh waktu lama, cocok buat yang lagi kedinginan...hehe
2 potong ikan sake/salmon
1 bh wortel, potong bulat
1 bh bawang bombai, iris tipis
2 sdm miso
500 ml air
1 sdm dashi
1 sdm kecap asin
- potong ikan menjadi berapa bagian, tumis di ferifan dengan minyak sdikit
- masukkan air dalam panci, masukkan ikan, wortel n bawang bombai
- masukkan miso, dashi n kecap asin, masak hingga matang
- sajikan hangat


owh yar. since teh & family are here.
sy asyik jalan2! hari2 pon sy jalan... t hee.
on9 pon kejap2 jerh. huu. then.

bile ade mase free. mmg tdow!
sbb sgt leteyh ok?
semlm pon sy tdow kul 4:20am
bagun blk kul 6:00am. hee...
we went to serikin, bau today.

my money? haih~ habis sudah. seriously.
i gune duit sdiri okay? huhu.
entah. more than 300++ dah kot. adehhh.

anyway. sy bukak ym. ade off9 msg.
waaaaaaa. lain kali ckp la nak on9! sob3...
eh. mcm mane maw ckp. hpnye hilang. hurm.

just FYI yg dkt russia. babe, & oversea.
bukit antarabangsa runtuh!!!
bukit antarabangsa dkt ampang.
bout 3000-5000 ppl kene pindah.

okay ppl. the 1st day - 3rd december 2008
happy 22nd anniversary abah & mama!!! =]
balik dr aiport, lunch dkt rumah. i tambah ok? haih~
then. bout 2:15pm, abah. me. ayie. akma. aisyah. ayie.
pergi town. cari bunga segar sgt susah!!!
and mau beli cheeze choc. tp x de. sob3...
then ptg tu, balik. buat surprise utk mama!!! hee.
hari ni aje i dah abis bout rm 260++.

- teh & family baru sampai ke kuching at 1:30pm.
- i bought a white musk limited edition from body shop 4 mama 4 the anniversary
- birthday present 4 aisyah yg baru dibeli pagi tuh. hee.
- anniversary cake. choc indulgence from SR
- hee. bunga sedozen abah belikan utk mama.

the 2nd day - 4th december 2008
we went to kuching waterfront. hee.
semua souvenir ade di sini okay? best3!
act mlm nye kte org plan maw tgk movie.
but then. haih~ letih. canceled! =P
owhh. mama & abah pergi dinner.
just 2 of them. hee...
hari ni plak. abis, erm. rm 20++.

depan kedai souvenir!
mama. ayie. kema.
n the smallest.
my dearest aisyah!
she's so small ok. she's 8.
but size baju die 5-6.

ni a part of perabot kayu jati
yg sgt famous dkt srwk.
hee. sumenye pon cantik2 ok?
kami di sini agak lame. biase la.
mama2 tu berbincang & sightseeing~ =P

owh ye. sarawak pon ade batik2 & kain2.
sumenye pon cantik gak.
ade ciri -ciri budaye tersendiri.
harge nye okay.

teh tgk2 keychain. hee.
bnyk black pepper dkt situ.
and a few of kerepek & gula2.

well. this is another side
of kuching waterfront.
it's a river. and yet.
ade buaye =P

and the 3rd day - 5th december 2008
we went to kuching. owh yar, we were seperate into 2 groups.
the eldest & the teenagers. hee. owh. abah kerja~
mama & teh pergi jmpe client.
me. kema. ayie. & aisyah. we went to oasis spa again!
haha. kema & ayie buat facial resdung.
the best thing bout this spa, die ade 4 men & woman.
lain2 okay? so. x dela rase uncomfortable.
i buat manicure. it's my very 1st time okay? huhu.
then aisyah duduk borak2 ngan i. hee...
habis tuh, kami dinner di kfc! =]
this day i habis rm 30++.

ni time mula2 sampai. haha.
we've to wait bout a few minutes.
& dihidangkan teh.
the owner plak sgt baek. =]

hey. aisyah. stop taking my pics.
sbb nanti ayie akan edit.
n buat pics buruk!!!
ayie jaat! =P

time ni. dah maw balik.
dihidangkan teh lg skali. hee.
thanks thanks!
p/s = tnggu kema & ayie sgt lame okay!
huhu. sungguh.
penantian itu penyiksaan. haha.

hee. mereka mkn nasi ayam.
sy mkn x meal.
ayie mkn hurm...zinger kot?
x ingt. haha. sgt kenyang!

well. hari ni pnye pics. esok larh story. hee.
lgpon x transfer pic lg. haha. kemalasan~
anyway. i'm having da best day of my life. lately.
i'm glad. and bersyukur. alhamdulilah.
all these good things, shouldnt come to an end.
hope so~ amin.

maw tgk sehati berdansa~~~ =]

p/s; i jd camera girl. thats y x de my pics. hee.
sgt bz mengcandid pics org.