Friday, December 10, 2010

nasi tim ayam jamur..

 yes ini adalah menu hasil buatan aku sendiri dalam waktu kurang lebih 2 jam untung sampe bener2 mateng.. hemm akhirnya jadi juga ni nasi tim dengan modal nekat dan menu resep seadanya akhirnya jadi juga.. buat para GIrlss yang mau tau resepnya here it is..

bahan untuk nasi:
  1. 300 gr beras, cuci bersih tiriskan
  2. 1 siung bawang bombay uk.kecil cincang halus
  3. 1 buah kaldu ayam bloh
  4. garam dan merica secukupnya
  5. 2 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
  6. 200 ml air kaldu
  7. air secukupnya
bahan tumis ayam dan jamur:
1. 1 buah dada ayam iris kotak2 kecil
2. 100 gram jamur merang iris tipis
3. 1 siung bawang bombay kecil, cincang halus
4. 1 siung bawang putih cincang halus
5. 100ml air kaldu
6. 2 sdm untuk menumis
7. 1 sdm kecap asin (bisa ditambah 1sdm minyak manis juga loh)
8. garam dan merica secukupnya
9. 1sdm tepung maizena buat mengentalkan

Bahan Kuah:
1. 200ml air kaldu
2. 100ml air
3. 1 siung bawang putih memarkan
4. 2batang daun bawang
5. 1 sdt minyak wijen
6. garam dan merica secukupnya

cara membuat nasi:
*tumis bawang bombay dengan minyak goreng sampai harum lalu masukin nasi aduk rata, tuangkan kaldu, kaldu blog kasih garam ma merica secukupnya...
*pindahkan ke dalam panci lalu masak sampai nasi aron (setengah mateng) sisihkan..

tumis ayam dan jamur:
*tumis bawang bombay sampai harum lalu masukin bawang putih masak hingga wangi lalu masukkan daging ayam dan jamur masak sampai daging berubah warna.. tuangkan kecap,saus tiram, beri garam dan merica lalu beri kaldu dan masak sampai ayam dan jamur hingga matang selanjutany beri tepung maizena beri air sedikit larutkan aduk hingga kuah mengental...angkat

cara mengukus:
*ambil 1sdm penuh tumisan ayam dan jamur letakkan didasar mangkok kecil lalu tutup dengan nasi aron kemudian kukus sampai matang selama 30 menit and sajikan dengan kuah..

cara membuat kuah:
*rebus air kaldu bersam semua bahan untk kuah sampai mendidih taburi dengan daun bawang..
semua siap disajikan

SAI BHAJI (Sindhi)


Palak (spinach)........ 1 bunch
Onion ........................ 1 chopped
Tomato ..................... 1 chopped
Carrot ....................... 1 chopped finely
Potato ....................... 1 chopped finely
Green chillies ........... 2
Ginger paste ............ 1 tsp
Chana dal .................. 1/4 cup (soaked)
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Dry mango powder 1tsp (or) tamarind juice 1 tbsp.
Salt to taste

For tempering:
Garlic .................. 4-5 pieces (Crushed)
Red chilli powder ......... 1 tsp.
Garam masala .............. 1 tsp.

1. In a pan, take a little oil, saute the ginger, onion for 2-3 minutes.
2. Add the chopped potato, carrot, green chilli and tomato, stir fry for 2 minutes.
3. Add the chopped palak and the soaked chana dal, salt, turmeric and enough water to cook. Simmer till done.You can do this by checking the chana dal.(you can cook in a pressure cooker also)Now add the tamarind juice or mango powder.
4. Mash the palak and add the tempering.

Drinks at PDT (and way more information than you need to know about the house I grew up in)

December 10

Kim Yorio definitely didn’t know what she was getting into when she invited me to have drinks with her and Holly Arnold Kinney at PDT. She didn’t even remember that I was from Colorado.

Holly and I vaguely remembered meeting one another a few years ago at the Food & Wine Classic in Aspen — we’re not exactly certain of the circumstances, but we’re pretty sure that Ti Martin was there — and I knew that my father had been friends with her father, legendary restaurateur Sam Arnold of The Fort.

Oh, but there was so much more.

It turned out that my dad, Bill Thorn, had been involved in producing a documentary about her dad and The Fort in the 1960s, and we also learned that Holly had been to the house where I grew up in Denver many times.

My parents had bought the house some years before we moved in, and for a couple of years their tenant was the Divine Light Mission, a religious offshoot of Hinduism whose followers did a lot of meditating.

Holly was in the Divine Light Mission as a young mother in the early 1970s, and she frequented the house, which had been turned into an ashram.

“That’s a great house!” she said, and so we were instantly friends, because it’s nice to say positive things about someone’s childhood home.

It is, conversely, mean to say negative things about someone’s childhood home. It’s important to remember that.

I’m pretty sure Kim thought we were going to talk about Holly’s new cookbook, which is also a sort of mémoire and history of The Fort, where Holly also lived, above the restaurant, in her early years.

Before Kim got to PDT, Holly and I actually did look through the book in our booth at the back of the bar. She showed me pictures of her pet bear, Sissy, a 6'5" 700-pound black bear that used to take naps with her. So Sam Arnold called his daughter “she who sleeps with bears.”

“She had been de-clawed,” Holly told me, as if that made it safe. She said the stuffed bear that’s part of PDT’s décor upset her a bit.

Anyway, the bear lived at The Fort for something like 19 years without serious incident, although Holly said it did occasionally startle customers who wandered out back.

Holly’s father and mine also both died at the same age, 79. Sam died a few years ago, and my dad died last year.

After he died, my mother, living alone with her two dogs in the former ashram, was left with the question of what to do with the house.

It looked almost certain that my brother and his family would move in, but instead the house is now once again a home of communal living.

My mom is now renting rooms to an adorable group of hippie-esque 20-somethings who write poetry and form drum circles and work for recycling companies and make chalk drawings on the sidewalk outside.

They sit around and drink wine and talk about ideas, and I just want to put them all in my pocket and take them home, except they’re already there.

The picture at the beginning of this entry is of Plus Randomity by Ron Kessinger. The picture was taken by Nick Orf, one of my mom’s housemates, a street performer and just a sweetheart of a guy. It’s emblematic of cool things in the house.

Randomity is a term from Scientology that as far as I can tell pretty much means “randomness.” I’m not sure why they used the -ity suffix, but they didn’t ask me.

So Plus Randomity basically means “sensory overload.” As you can probably see in the picture, it’s a giant horn with strings and a drum attached, and you can make a lot of noise with it.

The mobile in the bell is actually an addition made by my mother.

What I drank at PDT (descriptions graciously sent to me by the enduringly affable boss of PDT, James Meehan, because I was too rapt in conversation to take notes):

Karlsson’s Vodka, Swedish Punsch, Dill,
Black Pepper Essence

Jim Meehan created this old-fashioned style
cocktail spiked with punsch, herbs and spice
after visiting the Bjäre Peninsula in southern
Sweden where the golden potatoes used to make
Karlsson’s vodka are grown.

Sombra Mezcal, Lime Juice, Passion Fruit
Purée, House Ginger Beer, Cucumber, Chili

A backyard barbeque in a glass, this spicy passion
fruit and cucumber buck gets its smoky quality from
mezcal distilled from agaves roasted in a handmade
underground oven heated by wood-fired stones.

It's the Regulations, Stupid, Part 2

On the same trip running errands with my dad described in a previous post, we stopped at a small appliance repair shop. It had only a few employees, maybe two or three. They repaired toaster ovens, clocks, lamps and assorted low-cost electronics. Judging from the customers I saw, each transaction had an average value of about $30.

ObamaCare was going to force this guy to fill out a 1099 form for every business transaction over $600. He was already getting 1099s from his suppliers in the mail in obedience with the new regulations.

He threw them away as fast as he got them. They were totally without value.

He told us he didn't have the staff to keep books to the level of detail required to fill out 1099s for every $600 transaction. It just wasn't possible for him to follow the rules, but he had experienced audits in the past for similar tiny infractions and expected more. This one was absolutely over the top for him.

Who is going to pay for all of our lovely social services once this guy quits?

HHS. They're here to help.

On Hostages and Ransom

Why didn't the president exhort his followers to do what it took to get rich and then pay more taxes? If the problem is that the rich aren't giving enough money to the government, then the people who want that should get rich and give the government their money.

Why not?

My Inspiring Christmas

Hi everyone, Thank you everyone who commented to my last post or have sent your prayers, they are all appreciated. Let's do Christmas everyone. I put Christmas up early this year, because Mr. Swedish Room wanted to have the office Christmas party at our house. Might I say parties are nice when they are not at your house. So instead of being the evil Christmas witch this year, I decided to give in and start the party. Did I say Christmas witch, I meant SUPER CHRISTMAS WITCH. Lets say my Martha Stewart gene was going into overdrive. Everything had to be perfect and unique, everything had to be cleaned and recleaned. The house had to be redone, and redone again. Might I say I yelled so much, I couldn't stand myself. Somehow by the grace of God we made it. It was a nice party and I will show you some of the redoes, but not today. Instead let me show you some Christmas at The Room.
I found this idea at Pottery Barn. I said to myself, I have a Christmas tree and I have a birdcage. Why not? Only thing I bought at Pottery Barn that day were the birds at $5.00 each. I thought they gave me the idea, so I could spend a little money with them.
This is a vintage ornament I've had for years. She get the royal treatment when she gets packed away.
A couple of years ago I painted some dollhouse furniture white and just stuck them in the tree. Everyone thinks what a fun idea. The little silver chair is actually a place card holder. I put a hook on it instant ornament.
A sort of full view of the tree. All white and silver, my two favorite colors.
Take away gifts for the party guest and on hand for visitors who stop by.
For more great Christmas ideas go visit Debra at
for Vintage Inspiration Friday.
Go hugs someone today.
See everyone later....

It's the Regulations, Stupid

More data for my assertion that it's not interest rates and taxes that are killing us ...

On Tuesday, my dad and I stopped by a place where you buy soil in bulk. Topsoil, ground bark, gravel, they had it all, along with a single dump truck they used to deliver large orders to big projects. The owner told us that the truck was a 2001 model. The EPA had recently told him that the truck needed to have a completely new engine because the current engine's emissions were too great. The cost of replacing the engine was going to be $70,000.

EPA regulations, not high interest rates or onerous taxes, were going to cost him $70,000 to replace a perfectly good engine on a perfectly good truck. The guy sells dirt for a living. Where's he going to get $70,000? Meanwhile, in China and India, hundreds of thousands of far dirtier engines were pouring emissions into our common atmosphere.

The EPA was going to force him to spend $70,000 in exchange for absolutely nothing.

Ben Bernanke is going to print $600B to save the economy. The Republicans are going to give you a couple hundred dollars in tax breaks to save the economy. God only knows what Barack Obama thinks he's doing to save the economy. Meanwhile, a guy who sells dirt was getting a pointless $70,000 engine replacement shoved down his throat by a bureaucracy that didn't even know he existed.

You know all those entitlements we love? Who's going to pay them when this guy goes out of business?

We'd all be better off if this was replaced with a rickshaw. Green jobs at good wages!

Boots and me

I really love boots!
Boots is one of my favorite kind of shoes.
Of course because it able to use in any situations.
And also because boots will keep you warm.
And dont forget, boots is so easy to match with anything!
Only with one boots your fashion will be so much different.

And now, im in confused, which boots will be mine?
He he he. I should choose one of them, but... you know its hard!!!
So fellas, if you have any opinion feel free to tell me, which one suits to me.

Regards, with so much loves
Ketty Tressianah