Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chicken wraped in bacon

So I have some chicken , some bacon and some frozen breadcrumbs from Christmas. Breadcrumb recipe is here. So I stuffed the chicken Wrapped in bacon and cooked in the oven at 210 for 20 mins.
I love playing around with chicken and in the past I have made Chicken stuffed with sausage meat (ground pork in Korea) Stuffing and also made chicken Kiev.

Making an Italian sandwich

Home Plus next to my place started to sell some new meats.
So I couldn't help my self.

A little tomato and a little chicken + a lot of Prosciutto, Capocollo and salami.
It was great.

Calling in Bo sam

I love Bo Ssam and its a great alternative to calling in Pizza. For 20 000 won you get a feast.
Including some Soon dae, Kim chi and Korean pancake(pajeon). You get the usual lettuce to make your wrap with and some garlic and chili . To call in this on in Suncheon the number is 061 721 8253.
For more about Bo Sam Look here
Bo Sam is steamed pork leg .
Lately “Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations” is titled “Food Porn. Has been talking about Bo Ssam with David Chang (chef).

28 percent of you should try reading NRN

February 19

My fault: The results of the latest poll are kind of confusing, because I let participants tick as many boxes as they wanted, and they ticked an average of 1.52 of them.
I was curious to know what kind of crossover there is between Food Writer’s Diary readers and readers of its parent, Nation’s Restaurant News.
I learned that 28 percent of the 25 participating poll takers don’t read NRN at all, but that 60 percent do read it (assuming that no one said that they read NRN primarily both online and in print). And that 16 percent of those who read it read it in print.
Two respondents — that’s 8 percent — said they usually read it at home.
In the bathtub, maybe.
Anyway, the results are below. I’ll post a new poll sometime soon.

I read NRN: 6 (24%)
I do not read NRN: 7 (28%)
I read NRN primarily in print: 4 (16%)
I read NRN primarily online: 11 (44%)
I usually read NRN at work: 8 (32%)
I usually read NRN at home: 2 (8%)

Homemade Pork Scratchings - Part One

Warning: The following post is not suitable for the health conscious, or those with a pre-existing heart condition.

Let’s establish some basic facts here: pork scratchings are not a health food. They are a calorie laden, artery furring, belt loosening, hypertension-inducing snack.

You know that rumour about celery being of negative calorific value? Well, these are the opposite. They are like some weird black hole, somehow managing to pack in more calories than you ever thought possible in something so small.

But holy Moses, are they tasty. They are ‘get down on your knees and pray to the God of Pork’ tasty. They are ‘Leap around the room doing the happy dance’ tasty. They are ‘get me another bowlful of those right now before I throttle you’ tasty. They are…oh, you get the idea.

And we’re going to make some. You and me. And the best part is, it is really, really easy.

Step one, are you ready for this? Step one is to procure yourself some pork skin. Your butcher will happily dish this stuff out to you for nothing. Ask nicely, smile sweetly and flutter your pretty eyes at him.

Even if you are a dude. It works. Honest.

Step two is to cut it into manageable sized pieces. Anything smaller than three inches square is fine, but don’t go too small.

Step three is to lay them on a tray and salt them. Be generous with this. Bear in mind you are making pork scratchings. Alfalfa sprouts, this ain’t. You’re already packing a hefty whack of your daily calorific allowance, a little less salt isn’t suddenly going to turn them into a mung bean and goji berry salad.

Step four is to put the tray in the fridge and, in the words of Al Pacino, ‘fugged-aboutit.’ Fugged-aboutit for about 48-72 hours.

And that's it. This is easy cooking.

OK, if I’ve scared you a little then I’m sorry. Let me try and redeem myself a little. Perhaps this isn’t something for the health freaks amongst you but this isn’t everyday food. This is a rare treat to enjoy with a few bottles of beer.

Plus, most of the fat will render out during the cooking process. PLUS this is natural fat – this isn’t something dreamt up in a lab. It’s better for you than that microwave meal you ate last week/last night/eight seconds ago.

We’ll come back to this, promise.

UPDATE - 20th February. It appears there has been some confusion. This isn't the entire recipe. This, as the title suggests, is only part one. There is more, like the cooking stage, to come. Patience is a virtue.

PR 2 Gyudon /牛丼

18 Februari 2009, rabu

PR minggu ini gw milih menu japanese gyudon, nasi daging sapi ato meat rice bowl. Resepnya diambil dari cookpad, gampang n simple . Resepnya gw tambahin, pake ito konyaku n shimeji-jamur biar lebih sip.
Dicatetin resepnya...

400 cc air panas
300 gr daging sapi
1 bh bwg bombai, iris tipis
1 cm jahe parut
4 sdm kecap asin
3 sdm sake
3 sdm gula
garam secukupnya
2 sdt penyedap-hondashi
1 pack ito konyaku
50 gr shimeji
- masukkan penyedap ke air panas lalu masukkan potongan bwg bombai rebus mpe lunak.
- masukkan ito konyaku n shimeji lalu masukkan sake, gula, garam, kcap asin
- masukkan daging aduk rata lalu tutup.
- masak dengan api sedang 10 menit lalu masukkan parutan jahe
- masak selama 1 menit ato sampai meresap
- tuangkan di atas nasi panas

Pake jahe, biar bau dagingnya hilang...jadi lebih sip kalo dimakan pake nasi panas panas...apalagi dimakan pada saat udara dingin kayak hari ini...hehehe


18 februari 2009, rabu

Hari ini sekalian juga bkin pizza...da lama banget ga bikin, jadi kangen pengen makan lagi. Resepnya masih tetep pake yang ini. Kali ini toppingnya aja yang diganti. Pake tuna mayoinese, jagung manis, mushroom n keju. Dibubuhin saos n mayonese...sippp.........

slumdog millionaire

okay. baru balik dr klcc. lagi~~~ haha.
tgk cite slumdog millionaire. and it's a last minute plan.
nora habis exam. terus msg. "jom tgk wyng"
mcm best je kan! huhu. ape lg. mama pon kasi green light.
then. terus 0n9 jap. tgk TGV pnye schedule.
owhhh. ade pukul 1:30pm! yeayyyy!!!

terus siap2 n mandi2. and pakai baju colour purple.
skali jln kaki g college, nora pun pakai purple. hahahaha...

and yg lg cam best, ramai gile pakai purple hari nih!
i mean. dlm train. d klcc. bak kate nora, "hari purple se-dunia"
and. fyi, last tuesday [kelmarin] baru je g klcc. sorang2. haha.

tgk movies jgk. house + new in town. gile kan? =P

then hari ni tgk movie lg. aiyooo. but then...
excited sgt. sbb i really3 want to watch this movie.
cuz, ia mcm sgt best. n mcm dpt bnyk nomination 4 international awards.

soooo... masok dlm hall, sumpah sejuk yg amat!
then. cite itu start. mule2 mungkin agak penink. but then.
sy tgk dgn sgt excited. cite tu pace die laju. owhhh...pace tuh.
erm. rentak @ tempoh cerita tuh. whee~~~
mengaplikasikan pe yg d pelajari dlm genre studies~ haha.
and. sy amat tertarik. dgn ape yg dtonjolkan dlm filem tuh.
sumpah hari ni sy bersyukur yg amat.
sbb dilahirkan d malaysia!

dlm filem nih. dpt tgk dgn jelas life d india.
how they survive to earn money. they'll do anything.
eat everything. sleep anywhere. goshhh...and bnyk ajar sy.
mcm2 ttg life. serius. sy focus tonton cite ini! and yet,
cite ni btol2 membuka mate sy.
shot -shot die pon sgt lawa. and. rushing3...
no wonder cite tuh sgt mahal. bout 15 million kan nora? huhu.
but. sumpah cite tuh best!!! i'll never regret watching it.
huu. and, it's in english. just a lil part of it dlm hindustan.
songs? just at d n of the movie. haha...

ape pon. cite ni best best best!!!
no wonder heroin die leh famous with a blink of an eye.
a lot of lessons learned. then,
it's just...simply amazing.
and ade 3 movies yg sy nak sgt3 tgk utk tahun nih!!!

confession of a shopaholic
transformers!!! [yeayyy...nak sgt3 tgk!]
fast & furious

owhhh...cant wait 4 it!!!