tgk cite slumdog millionaire. and it's a last minute plan.
nora habis exam. terus msg. "jom tgk wyng"
mcm best je kan! huhu. ape lg. mama pon kasi green light.
then. terus 0n9 jap. tgk TGV pnye schedule.
owhhh. ade pukul 1:30pm! yeayyyy!!!
terus siap2 n mandi2. and pakai baju colour purple.
skali jln kaki g college, nora pun pakai purple. hahahaha...
and yg lg cam best, ramai gile pakai purple hari nih!
i mean. dlm train. d klcc. bak kate nora, "hari purple se-dunia"
and. fyi, last tuesday [kelmarin] baru je g klcc. sorang2. haha.
tgk movies jgk. house + new in town. gile kan? =P
then hari ni tgk movie lg. aiyooo. but then...
excited sgt. sbb i really3 want to watch this movie.
cuz, ia mcm sgt best. n mcm dpt bnyk nomination 4 international awards.
soooo... masok dlm hall, sumpah sejuk yg amat!
then. cite itu start. mule2 mungkin agak penink. but then.
sy tgk dgn sgt excited. cite tu pace die laju. owhhh...pace tuh.
erm. rentak @ tempoh cerita tuh. whee~~~
mengaplikasikan pe yg d pelajari dlm genre studies~ haha.
and. sy amat tertarik. dgn ape yg dtonjolkan dlm filem tuh.
sumpah hari ni sy bersyukur yg amat.
sbb dilahirkan d malaysia! waahhahaha...
dlm filem nih. dpt tgk dgn jelas life d india.
how they survive to earn money. they'll do anything.
eat everything. sleep anywhere. goshhh...and bnyk ajar sy.
mcm2 ttg life. serius. sy focus tonton cite ini! and yet,
cite ni btol2 membuka mate sy.
shot -shot die pon sgt lawa. and. rushing3...
no wonder cite tuh sgt mahal. bout 15 million kan nora? huhu.
but. sumpah cite tuh best!!! i'll never regret watching it.
huu. and, it's in english. just a lil part of it dlm hindustan.
songs? just at d n of the movie. haha...
ape pon. cite ni best best best!!!
no wonder heroin die leh famous with a blink of an eye.
a lot of lessons learned. then,
it's just...simply amazing.
and ade 3 movies yg sy nak sgt3 tgk utk tahun nih!!!
confession of a shopaholic
transformers!!! [yeayyy...nak sgt3 tgk!]
fast & furious
transformers!!! [yeayyy...nak sgt3 tgk!]
fast & furious
owhhh...cant wait 4 it!!!
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