Sunday, February 28, 2010

Menurunkan Kolesterol

Jikalau kolesterol terlalu berlebihan nge-fans bangett sama kita (ga mao turun2)... ternyata eh ternyata, Kolesterol bisa LURUH dengan daun belimbing wuluh.

Kata ahli:
Daun belimbing wuluh mengandung Tanin, yang bersifat menghambat penyerapan lemak dan kolseterol di dinding usus. dengan khasiatnya itu, daun belimbing wuluh tidak hanya dapat mencegah naiknya kadar kolesterol, melainkan juga menjaga agar tekanan darah tetap stabil.

ambil 1 tangkai daun belimbing wuluh (biasanya berisi 16 - 20 lembar), rebus dengan 1,5 gelas air. diamkan hingga airnya tersisa 1 gelas. minum airnya setiap usai makan berlemak or berkolesterol tinggi.

source: Nirmala magz

Digigit Nyamuk, cari apa ?

Ada alternatif mudah mengatasi gatal akibat gigitan nyamuk loh...

Kata ahli:
Bawang merah mengandung zat aktif Sulfur dan Allyl Sulfate. keduanya berkhasiat sebagai antiradang dan antiseptik, sehingga bermanfaat dalam meredakan radang (berupa bentol2 atau gatal) akibat gigitan nyamuk.

Cara Meracik:
Ambil 1 siung bawang merah, lalu kupas. setelah dicuci bersih, belah bawang merah menjadi 2 bagian, kemudian oleskan pada bagian yang terkena gigitan nyamuk. Gatalnya akan hilang, dan gigitan nyamuk tersebut tidak menimbulkan bekas sama sekali.

source: Nirmala magz

Memilih Makanan & Minuman yang Lebih Sehat

Panduan untuk menghabiskan liburan, menaikkan kesenangan tanpa menaikkan berat badan ;)

Pilih Makanan yang:
  • Berbasis buah dan sayuran.
  • Berbasis serealia utuh (whole grains): oats, roti whole wheat, beras merah.
  • Berbasis sumber protein rendah lemak: ikan, daging ayam tanpa kulit, seafood dan kacang2an.
  • Berbasis yogurt, susu kedelai, susu dan keju low fat.
  • Berbasis minyak sehat: minyak zaitun dan minyak kanola.
  • Proses pengolahan dengan cara direbus, dikukus, dan dipanggang.
  • Mentah dan segar (raw food), seperti sayur dan buah.
Pilih Minuman seperti: Air, jus buah segar, dan teh hijau.


Hindari Makanan seperti:
  • Daging merah, seperti daging sapi dan kambing yang tinggi lemak.
  • Makanan yang digoreng, misalnya gorengan, ayam dan kentang goreng.
  • Makanan tinggi lemak yang banyak mengandung mentega, shortening, krim, seperti cake, black forest.
  • Makanan tinggi gula, misalnya permen, gulali, cokelat susu.
  • Makanan yang tinggi garam.
  • Makanan yang banyak mengandung bahan adiktif, seperti MSG, pewarna dan pengawet.
Hindari Minuman yang: beralkohol, soda yang tinggi gula dan kalori, dan kopi.

source: Nirmala magz

Vietnam Jungle Trekking

(With my trainers, FX Lealdela Torre & David Minetti)

Xin Chao Vietnam!

It's the first day of March and I am already in my 1oth month here in Saigon. I haven't really been around that much to maximize the beauty of Vietnam. But last January I decided to join some jungle adventure with the K1 Fitness - Minetti team. With us is the owner and trainers from my Muay Thai class. We headed at Tac Mai Rapid, Tran Phu Forest---about two and half hours away from Ho Chi Minh City. I also brought in some Filipino friends to share this fun adventure!

(Filipino Friends with Tom Meyer)

(The hammock at the base camp)

We started our first day with a 7km trekking at the jungle. That was a very easy level but some of my Filipino friends find it a bit hard. They told me that they do not exercise the way I do. My Muay training helped me to be agile and tenacious with whatever physical activities ahead of me. So my trainers were proud of me how I progress each day.

This adventure was really fun for several reasons. Aside from the 2 day trekking activities that we did, we also had time to swim on the river and played volleyball using a the ball of football. That caused me few bruises on my arms. But that was fun. The stone in the river was slippery and the rapids were very fast that somehow scared me but eventually I felt alright. During the night we had some barbecues, wine, beer & smoke. We slept at a duplex cottage and had our shower in a small wooden bathroom with tarpauline as the wall. It was very back to basic but indeed was very fun too. The rest of the K1 team slept in the tent and other cottages. It was also nice to have slept on a hammock once again.

(FX Lealdela Torre at the river)

(Alvaro Lealdela Torre at the river)

(The owner of K1 Fitness Center Saigon - David Minetti)

(The complete cast)

Everything that happened in the trekking was a brand new experience to me and to the Filipino friends I brought. I want to do it once more, maybe soon after I recovered from my surgery. I procrastinated a lot of weekends lately and made me realized that I missed a lot of exciting places I should visit while I am here in Vietnam.

Until next time, Anh oi, Chi oi and Em oi.. Tambiet!!!

joanie xxx

Perkembangan Bayi bulan 11-12

Lanjutan dari perkembangan bayi bulan 10-11...

Bagaimana aku tumbuh:
  • Aku dapat berdiri sendiri sebentar.
  • Aku dapat memegang mainan di satu tangan dan mendorong tubuhku berdiri dengan tangan yang lain.
  • Aku bahkan bisa melambai dan berputar sembari berdiri, tanpa terjatuh.
  • Aku dapat berjalan bila kau memegangi satu atau kedua tanganku.
  • Aku dapat memegang pensil atau krayon, dan aku suka membuat gambar.
Bagaimana aku bicara:
  • Aku tahu bahwa kata digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu benda.
  • Aku bisa memakai satu kata untuk mengungkapkan seluruh pikiranku.
  • Aku sering mengoceh dan bergumam.
Bagaimana aku merespon:
  • Aku meniru semua yang aku lihat dan kemudian aku melakukannya dengan caraku sendiri.
  • Aku berusaha mendapatkan persetujuanmu, dan bersembunyi ketika aku tahu kau tak suka.
  • Aku barangkali akan mengujimu untuk melihat apakah aku bisa mengatasinya.
Bagaimana aku mengerti:
  • Aku melihat ekspresimu dan menirunya. Aku belajar darimu!
  • Aku mencoba untuk menggonggong atau mengeong ketika aku melihat anjing atau kucing. aku belajar bagaimana orang, binatang dan benda2 bekerja.
  • Aku suka melihat gambar di buku atau majalah.
  • Aku tahu bahwa peralatan akan membantuku. contohnya, aku mendorong kursi di depanku untuk mengokohkan diriku ketika aku berjalan.
Bagaimana aku merasakan:
  • Aku akan menempel padamu, terutama pada situasi baru.
  • Aku sangat suka menggoyangkan kepalaku dan berkata "Tidak" walaupun ketika maksudku yang sebenarnya adalah "Ya".
  • Aku akan menangis, menjerit dan mengamuk bila aku tidak mendapatkan yang aku inginkan.
  • Aku merasa bersalah ketika aku melakukan sesuatu yang salah.
Bagaimana kau dapat membantuku belajar:
  • Gulingkan bola di lantai supaya aku bisa merangkak ke bola itu.
  • Biarkan aku membantumu! tinggalkan kain lap atau gelas plastik, supaya aku bisa membawakannya untukmu.
  • Bantu aku berlatih membalikkan halaman dari kain atau buku berkertas tebal. Lama-kelamaan aku akan bisa melakukannya sendiri.
  • Biarkan aku memegang kaleng dan kotak makanan di toko grosir.
  • Tunjukkan aku gambar dan beritahu aku apa itu.

Inspiration: It's all about burlesque...

The Broken Hearts are Nisha Thirkell and Amber Jane, a couple of lovely ladies that had been rocking the burlesque scene of London for years, and now given their wonderful music to the delight of our ears.

I discovered them just looking for some gorgeous burlesque costumes for a show that I'm performing next weekend. I'm in totally love with them!

Neil Massey is the artist that has given to us this lovely photoshoot. I also add the two singles that these two ladies has released, Black Cat and Blanco. Enjoy them!


Have a nice monday!

PS: I've reach 150 followers by Google Friend Connect, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'll prepare my first giveaway when I reach 200 followers, I promise... I'll make a very special think for you, keep on looking around here!

teddies in my life

inilah asalnye teddies2 daku! eh tak jgk.
time ni ade yg dah dipndhkan. tp pixca baru snap.

begini alkisahnya.

sabtu 27th feb 2010 - klinik mediviron setiawangsa

Dr, demam dah ok. tp tekak & selsema sy x ok lg.

"aqilah. tekak awk dah ada infection ni. selalu mkn obat tu ok kan?
antibiotic dah bnyk kali ni. kalau selalu mkn obat, x elok. lemahkan sistem imuniti badan."

mama ; die ni allergy habuk kot Dr. dlm bilik die plak bnyk teddy bear.

tp Dr, teddy bear atas katil skit je. yg lain semua jauh dkt rak. sy tak peluk pun.

"Aqilah! mane blh. resdung awk teruk. ha, ini yg x baik2 lg ni. awk da buat allergy test kan.
awk allergy habuk kan no2. no1 kucing kan? so awk x blh bela kucing.
teddy bear semua kena simpan. wrap mcm hamper atau bubuh dlm kotak"

sob3... terus nangis depan Dr.

mama + Dr ketawa besar.

kerana terpaksa. utk kesehatan diri. sy tunaikan jgk arahan itu.

kebetulan. last wednesday - 24th feb 2010
brg2 dr srwk sampai. maka, rumah sgt penuh dgn perabot, tong2 kayu + kotak2. skrng masih dlm proses re-packing everything. ruang tamu x cukup besar. makanya... ada 3 sofa di luar rumah ye tuan - tuan. haih~ tp. rumah dah cantik. oklah hari ni, drpd mula2 x blh nak berjalan langsung. nnt sy tunjuk ye. huhu. ok...makanya. brg di dlm bilik sy jgk bertmbh. so cuti maulidur rasul ni mmg kami kemas rumah shje. eh salah, mama n kak sally yg bnyk kemas rumah. sy kemas bilik pun x lepas2... wawawawa.

yg ni yg atas katil pnyeee...

ni dah abis mampat... baru 1 bahagian.

yg ni bhgian ke 2... abis mampat jgk~
jgn tgk hanger2 tuh! nmpk je bnyk... huhu

ni bhgian atas almari plak...
ade 2 ekor nemo sesat ni je. yg lain tuh? baju~
baju yg tammo pakai da. huhu...

bhgian atas, bhgian ke 2... kene panjat tangga~
ha. peluh2 taw nak transfer bear2 je pun! huhu...
then dgn beg. pun sameee... ade baju. n brg yg tammo gune da~

katil da ksong!!! waaaaaaaaaaa.

haaa. camnilah almari... 3 pintu. 2 pintu kiri. 1 pintu kanan.
baju tu nmpk je bnyk!!! tp. x bnyk ponnnn... hee.
penuh atas tuhhh teddy bear~ sian die org.

haaaa... full view almari! bnyk department.
GEMPAK GLEEE an almari penuh 100% atas bawah ;PP

rak - rak penuh bear td? jadilah tmpt handbag...
ni a part of my bag lah. tp... pakainye, jarang2. pakai yg same je slalu.
nnt sy buat special post utk beg2 plak ye. de lg gantung2 blakang pintu, dkt almari,
malas nak tukar kdng. hahahahah.... tp...
nampak kosong... bearrrrrr!!! waaaaaaaaaaa ;(((

sy nangis d clinic. tadi, sambil kemas sy maw nangis sorang lagi. waaaaaaaa. abis kemas dlm 8pm td, call syg, pun nangis lg dpn mama. waaaaaaaaa. mama tgh gayut dgn abah, dgr abah pun ckp, utk kebaikan sy. baiklahhh!!! tekak. napelah ko ngade nak de infection ye. sob3... btw. kenapa sy nangis beria bagai pdhal still teddies tu dlm bilik sy? begini...

- sy kumpul dr sy baby. baby ye. dr umur setahun jagung.
every year, org kasi bday present, sy simpan.
- majority dr mama n abah. bnyk cerita d setiap 1 bear itu.
- dr kawan2 tercinta jgk. finaz + naiya + fatin + khalida etc.
- dr fmly lain - kak lin, arashi, mama ngah.
- cinta monyet dlu kala - 1st love + aizat + mizi + khairi + etc.

wkt kecik, sy slalu nak adik. mereka teman sy. sy pakaikan bju sy wkt baby.
sy buaikan mereka dlm buaian sy. sy main masak2 dgn mereka.

MEREKA sgt menceriakan hidup sy... tak tpu!!!

40 teddies + 8 multi shape pillows.

hurmmm... takpelah. utk kesehatan sy. baiklah! btw. here's a lil update ttg daily life sy.
- baru perasan record blog utk 1st time = kurang dr 5 post utk february 2010. new record.
- rambut da panjang! boleh ikat da weyhhhh! bnyk lak tuh blh ikat. haha. i like~
- dah habis shooting utk FYP. tnggl editing, so on, dan jgk kerja utk subjek PM.
- record jgk utk this week baru sekali mkn fast food - McD - without air / ice cream!
- semlm kene injection utk influenza plak. sbb x totally sehat lg. tkot nnt lg teruk dkt sane~
- ade lebih 50 helai baju x silap, dah diasingkan utk kasi org. huhu...
- majalah terlampau bnyk, yg sejak 2003 pnye. gempak + utopia + hype + remaja + cleo + rapi etc.
- 10 days left. whoaaaaaaaa. baru sedar cptnye mase berlalu. T__T
- semakin jarang naik train. semakin jarang ke mid, klcc, etc. semua baru sekali je kot.
- semakin berpk tidak mahu menjd org terkenal. sbb skrng tak terkenal pun da serabot. stalker~

oh ye. kdng malu org bace blog ni. sbb totally crap. hahahahha.. udahlah. nak tdow! esok class. gileee malas. whoaaaaaaaaa. happy 1st march dearest~!

p/s; ramai jgk yg tegur blog x berupdate eh? terharu ;))

Saturday, February 27, 2010

'Cause this is Thriller...


So, it was midnight... and the streets... the streets were cold last night... 

The living deads are around us!!


But... there are cute zombies too... 

And cute zombies looks cute even dead or eating...

And at the end... we all dance in a cute zombie's party!

So yes, last night it was the Zombie Walk at Barcelona, and I must say that I had so much fun. I couldn't dressed myself as a zombie because I had a dinner before the walk, but all the people I saw was great!

So, I didn't do anything special on my saturday except this... what about you? I hope you all had so much fun!

Low Fat, Hearty Meatball Recipes: Food Tip of the Day - Saturday, February 27th, 2010

It was while I was fairly aimlessly browsing Hub Pages today that I came across the page I am going to share with you as today's food tip of the day. The page was actually compiled by one of Hub Pages' staff, Maddie Ruud, and is all about different ways to cook meatballs in a healthy fashion. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the page and the link is included at the bottom of this post.

I am fairly sure that I included a meatball recipe at some point previously on this blog - which is when I probably took the photo to the right which I found in my archives! - but until today, I did not fully realise just to what extent it is possible to experiment with new ways of serving meatballs in a healthy fashion. I'll have to come up with something for this blog fairly soon.

I hope that you enjoy Maddie's site - and if so - that you will leave her a comment to this effect.

Low Fat, Hearty Meatball Recipes

Perkara sebelum Tidur

‎​Perkara Sebelum Tidur ( Tafsir Haqqi )
Rasulullah berpesan kepada Aisyah ra : "Ya Aisyah jangan engkau tidur sebelum melakukan empat perkara, yaitu :

1. Sebelum khatam Al Qur'an
2. Sebelum membuat para Nabi memberimu syafaat di hari akhir
3. Sebelum para muslim meridhoi kamu
4. Sebelum kau laksanakan haji dan umroh"

Bertanya Aisyah :"Ya Rasulullah ... Bagaimana aku dapat melaksanakan empat perkara seketika?"

Rasul tersenyum dan bersabda : "Jika engkau tidur bacalah,

1. Al Ikhlas tiga kali seakan-akan kau mengkhatamkan Al Qur'an. 

" Bismillaahirrohmaan irrohiim,
'Qulhualloohu ahad' Alloohushshomad' lam yalid walam yuulad' walam yakul lahuu kufuwan ahad'  ( 3x ) "

2. Sholawat untuk Ku dan para nabi sebelum aku, maka kami semua akan memberi syafaat di hari kiamat. 

“  Bismillaahirrohmaan irrohiim, Alloohumma shollii 'alaa  Muhammad wa'alaa aalii  Muhammad ( 3x ) “

3. Beristighfarlah untuk para muslimin maka mereka akan meridhoi kamu. 

“ Astaghfirulloohal adziim aladzii laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qoyyuum wa atuubu ilaih ( 3x )

4. Perbanyaklah bertasbih, bertahmid, bertahlil, bertakbir maka seakan - akan kamu telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umroh.

“ Bismillaahirrohmaan irrohiim, Subhanalloohi Walhamdulillaahi walaailaaha illalloohu alloohu akbar ( 3x  )


Potato ...... 1 medium sized ( diced) about 1/2 cup
Onion ........ 1 small ( finely chopped) about 1/4 cup
Celery ....... about 1/4 cup (finely chopped)
Ham .......... 1/4 cup ( diced)
Chicken stock .. 2-3 cups
White flour ..... 1 tbsp.
Butter ............. 1 tbsp.
Milk ................. 1/2 cup
Salt .................. to taste
Black or white pepper taste.

1. Boil together diced potato, onion, celery and ham in the chicken stock adding salt to taste for 10-12 minutes.(use chicken cube+water if you don't have the stock ready.)

2. In a seperate pan heat the butter and stir in the white flour. Keep mixing for for a minute on medium flame and carefully stir in the milk whisking continuously to avoid lumps.

3. Add this to the boiling soup and let it simmer for 4-5 minutes.

4. Check the salt and thickness of the soup according to your taste.
5. Sprinkle pepper and serve hot.
(This quantity serves 2)
PS: Vegetarians can substitute the ham with diced carrot and use the vegetable stock.
( Contributed by Holli Keshwani )

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thai Salad Dressing

I don't have a picture for you today. I just have a recipe, a very simple recipe, for an easy and yummy salad dressing . It's so good, you'll drink it up if there's any left in the bowl after you finish swirling your last lettuce leaf around in the dregs.

Maybe all you have is lettuce in the fridge, because it's Thursday night and you're in a hurry to watch Grey's Anatomy and running out of food. Maybe you throw a can of soup into a pot, but it's all too unsatisfying and unhealthy and you pull that slightly wilted head of romaine out of the fridge and motivate yourself to wash it and tear it up. Then it goes into a salad spinner or patted down with a towel and finally you are staring at a pile of green in a big bowl. And that's even more pathetic than the canned soup.

Maybe you have a bottle of fish sauce in the fridge because you made a Thai curry two months ago, and a lime because you were going to make guacamole before the avocado turned mushy and brown, except it turned mushy and brown the day after you bought it. So you mix up some fish sauce, lime juice, soy sauce, red pepper flakes, sugar, and whisk in some vegetable oil. Toss that limp, clean lettuce with your dressing to wake it up a little, and what do you know, there are some ruddy looking radishes rolling around in the crisper, so you add some thin slices of radish on top for color and bite. A little salt and pepper and your meal just became something special. And it's nice to have something special during a mundane Thursday night meal.

Thai Salad Dressing (Joy of Cooking, for the Thai Beef Salad, but it's good on any light salad)
Yields 1 cup dressing

1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup fresh lime juice
3 tablespoons fish sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
red pepper flakes to taste
salt and pepper to taste

Whisk together all ingredients in a small bowl. Keep refrigerated until ready to use.

Any minute now...

First of all, I would like to thank you all of you for your comments on my last entry! It was my first interview, so I'm glad you liked it! I'm thinking of doing some more interviews, so keep an eye on it!!

Today I spent the evening with Rocío around Barcelona center, taking pictures and having a fun time... but now I'm almost dead, and I should rest because tomorrow I'm going to a zombie walk! Yes, a zombie walk, but unfortunately I had no time for doing any costumes, so finally I'll go but only for taking pictures for my classes!

Anyway, this evening was very productive, I took some great pictures...

Ro at our favourite cafe... 
Ro taking a picture of our cakes!

A lovely place I discovered today aroun Raval's neiborghood... 

Love is in the air... (the air it's a fluorescent light).

Ro at Tallers.

Me with one of my favourite dresses! I bought it some time ago and it was long, but I just cut it and now looks so sixties! And my beloved boots from Berlin... yaw!
Dress - Vintage
Boots - Aces of London
Tights and scarf - H&M

So, have you got any special plans for the weekend?

Oh, by the way, I'm writting an article for an online magazine about Skins... I'm so happy! I'll tell you more about that very soon!