500 g snapper / grouper cut into 4 pieces
3 tbsp tamarind water
1 / 2 tbsp salt to grease
3 tablespoons cooking oil
4 tomatoes cut 8 parts
4 lime leaves
4 leeks chopped 1 cm
5 red chilies bauh cut and discarded bijiya
2 pieces of lemon water taken
1 handful of basil leaves that have been learned
2 tsp salt
3 stalks lemongrass white taken
800 ml of water
how to make:
coat fish with cooking oil, Asan water and 1 / 2 tbsp salt to mix then let stand 20 minutes and burn up to 1 / 2 ripe
heat water until boiling, then reduce the heat, put fish, tomato, lime leaves, scallions, red chilies, lemongrass and salt, boil until cooked
before being picked up, enter the basil and lemon juice served warm
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