Saturday, February 28, 2009

a BIGGG surprise 4 me

sy sedang tersengih. sorang2. hee. busuk perangai. pagi2 sengih.
permulaan kpd hari yg baek. cheywahh. yo yo je. insya allah~
semlm sy amat letih. x sempat update. sempat usha blog kalian je.
n comment ape yg patot. huhu. yg x patot pon ade...hee. maaf~
erm. baeklah! sy nak cite jgk A to Z bout what happened yesterday!
tarikh keramat 28 feb 2009 - saturday ini takkan lupe la!
hee. suke suke suke! ye sy happy. tp tammo lebeyh2. sbb.
nnt happy tu x lame. and...nnt jd bnde sedeyh plak. tammo!

baek. sy bgn lmbt jgkla pagi semlm. terus sy mandi. n siap2.
tp x la rushing. sbb cukup2 mase. then sy gerak kuar umah.
then sy perasan hp sy bwk 1 je. lain tertinggal. bgtaw mama~
in case mama call hp sy yg lain. n inform nora jgk. huu.
sy baru nak naik lrt ke kl central, zaid inform. da sampai mid.
hua3! awal gile kot! janji kul 12 d sane. skali. zaid tersampai awal.

sy sampai kl central pukul 11 lebeyh. ktm lmbt...jd sy sampai mid.
kul 12:15 mcm tuh. sy jmpe zaid. d ground floor. dpn jj.

dkt dgn area mph, nose. sy teringt. ni tmpt lepak dulu2.
i mean, kami ber4. time 1st time jmpe. ddk d ctu. sape kami? hee.
sy. dan 3 lagi jejaka - zaid. wan. dan shahli.
itu. setahun lebih yg lalu.

sy berborak dgn zaid. wan x dpt join. die x blk kl this week.
next week wan blk kl. zaid, xtaw lg blk lg ke x. then. kami berborak.
mcm2 d borakkan. sy bnyk sakat zaid! ye. sy bnyk sgt gelak semlm.

haha. and plg bnyk gelakkan zaid la. haha. betol sy ckp nih.
untung sape dpt zaid. hee. single n hot tuh~ baik lak tuh.
then. zaid ade ckp. kwn die akan join. tp. da sejam kami tnggu.
da kul 1pm. skali kwn zaid itu call. n zaid sruh sy tnggu jap.
zaid hilang tah ke mane. die dtg smule. sy ingt kwn die da ade.

skali x de lg. sy tanye, "mane kwn ko zaid?" zaid sruh ddk dlu.
n ckp, "nnt skit kot. dkt wyng. naik atas dulu la weyh". maka.
sy pon ikot je la. naik atas. lepak dpn mc d, dkt area wyng tuh.
tnggu dan tnggu. kwn zaid x muncul2 lg. sy da bnyk kali tanye.
n bebel. haha. dah pukul 1:40pm. movie suda start. last2.
zaid suruh sy masuk dulu. sy masuk. tgk iklan dgn tekun.

sy kalo tgk iklan dlm cinema mmg tekun. harap maklum! XD

then. sy tnggu. dan tnggu. zaid x masok2 lg. sy mls tnggu da.
tekun pd skrin. skali. ade org ddk d seblah sy. sy sangka ia zaid.
zaid dan kwnnya. sy buat bodow. x kan nak terhegeh2 g usha
si member die tuh. huhu. sy ingt zaid seblah sy. sy buat bodow.
tekun pndg skrin. tah mcm mane. sy pndng seblah.
skali seblah sy SHAHLI !!!
die hulur air pon sy ambik je la. die hulur pop corn sy tammo!

geram lg time tuh. hua3...shahli leh ckp lak "surprise !!!"
yer. sy geram. tp sy sengih jgk. haha. die da gelak2. sy geram!

tp lepas tu. sy ambik jgk pop corn itu. haha. sbb. tah~
shahli n zaid ade buat sy gelak. whee~~~

abis movie. sy ke toilet. zaid terjmpe kwn2 skola die. then.
kami pergi mkn. mule2 tataw nak mkn mane. then.
mereka decide domino's. sy follow. turun bwh. usha2 dlu.
skali nmpk kenny roger's [tmpt kami mkn time 1st time jmpe]

sy buat dunno. zaid lak ckp. "qila. kenny rogers" hehe. yer!
taw la! haha. then. mereka ingin nando's. tp penuh sgt org. x jd.
jln blk ke arah bertentangan. jmpa domino's. mkn d sane juge.
nak order pon 1 hal. haha. order menu utk 4 person! haha.

sup self service. air 1 jug besor. ha. ambik ko~ haha. then.

borak2 n tnggu2. tibe2...teng teng teng~ zaid kuarkan something.
camera~ sy da tergelak gile3. hahahaha...
x pernah2 die bwk camera.
time tuh. die ckp. nora sruh ambik gmbr sy. sy da pelik~
then zaid ckp lg. die tgh msg nora. lg la sy pelik bin ajaib! waaaa.

sy call nora. tp x dpt. shahli pon x blh call abg die. tah.
maxis sucks gile time tuh. x leh call org. zaid bangge abis la.
hp die no celcom leh je buat call. haha. siap ckp lg...
"korang hp je canggih. call pon x blh" ye zaid. haha. then.
ambik2 gmbr gune cam zaid. jap je. pas2 bttry die empty.
x leh blaa. x sempat pon tgk sume pics tuh. sy kuarkan cam.

ambik pic zaid. haha. shahli pon x abis2 main cam ituh.
sbb nak try gune 'face detection'. nak snap pic zaid. but then.
zaid pnye muke. sgt ssh utk di detect oleh cyebrshot sy! haha.

zaid ade jgk ke toilet. sy pon ade. tp betol. kami bnyk gelak.

haaa. lg 1. hari ini dlm sejarah jgk. zaid plg kecik. tp. hari ni.
zaid mkn plg bnyk!!! haha. serius owhhh. sampai. die ckp...
"asal korang asyik tgk aku nih?" ye la. kami da sudah mkn.
die masih mkn. lg pon. die duk sorang. dpn kami. maka.

sah2 lah kami menghadap die. haha. then zaid ckp la...
"aku x mkn pape lg hari ni. pop corn td je" serentak itu.

sy & shahli ckp, "same la!" haha. tp da kenyang. wawawa.

mkn2. sudah da. naik semule ke atas, pet wonderlands.
zaid jmpe classmate lame die. n mereka snap pics beramai2.
sy ngan shahli ke tepi skit. bg mereka ruang~ cheywahhh.
tp x leh bla nye lg. zaid sorang laki. hahahah...ade 5-6 girls.
shahli ckp..."salah tu. zaid sorang pompuan. lain laki" haha!
sy dgn shahli berborak. lame jgk zaid pnye shooting session~
haha. then ke surau. ramai yg amat. esp surau lelaki.

terbalik plak. slalu girls yg penuh. sy tnggu mereka. lame gile.
lame yg amat. aiyooo~ then. duduk smule d tmpt lame.
tmpt awal2 jmpe zaid td. lepak2. gelak2. snap pics!
x lame lepas tuh. hantar zaid ke bus stop. then.
sy n shahli jln ke ktm, dan berpisah d ctu juge.
berlainan platform. till we meet again. hurm...
someday. somehow~~~

tgk mate due - due. x leh blaa...
shahli bergaya dgn handbag sy XD

gmbr tgh; sukenye main handbag~~~

sy and zaid. jejaka single yg hot.
1st time die x pakai spek.

sy ngan shahli.
1st time die x pakai cap.
2nd pic nih,tgk kaki kami.
shahli saje tiru sy.
die ckp "gmbr kelas" haha XD

okayh. sy sukeee sgt surprise ini sbb;

- shahli muncul dpn mate sy tibe3... da 8 bln x jmpe. huhu. no wonder time die ckp x jd blk mlysia 8th feb, sy tanye die, bile die blk mlysia, die ckp "let it be a surprise". sanggup die biar sy berprasangka buruk dkt die sbb sy da ingt die tpu sy! hua3... apologize accepted! =P

- nora. die da blk penang. tp...die da rancang perkara ini baek2 dgn zaid. seriously. nora ckp begitu bnyk halangan esp firasat sy yg kuat mengatakan shahli sudah berada d malaysia. mereka rancang berminggu. alahai...dr jauh kau kirimkan ku kejutan~ no wonder u said "semoga bahagia" 4 a very long time =]

- zaid. sanggup blk kl utk ini [selain utk buat spek baru]. serius terharu sbb ko sanggup luang mase n berpakat jgk dgn nora utk surprise ini! hee. plg aku terharu...ko ckp "asalkan ko happy". tu ayat ko plg jujur buat aku. haha XD

dan zaid. aku da belanje ko wayang eh! hee.
thanks shahli belanje pop corn n air...
thanks zaid n shahli sbb bayar domino's tu lebeyh skit. haha.
thanks nora...utk pakatan surprise ini.
thanks lagi zaid...shahli...nora....waaaaaaaaaaa~
happy gile. haha. yes. da lame kot x jmpe.

David's blog

I finally talked David into getting a blogger. I set it up for him, but he hasn't posted yet. Hopefully he will. I will warn you, he is worse than me when it comes to keeping up with blog posting. So here is the link to his if you want to keep up with him!

PR 3 Sus Gulung

28 februari 2009, sabtu

Hari terakhir di bulan februari ini, sempetin bikin PR, kali ini bikin Sus Gulung. Agak agak ribet bikinnya, mesti bikin kulitnya dulu, trus bkin vla nya, dibubuhin di atas kulitnya, trus digulung. Kali ini dibantu Mei, jadi tukang aduk aduk adonannya hehe...Seneng juga bisa bikin sesuatu bareng anak...

100 gr margarin
200 ml air
1/4 sdt garam
100 gr terigu protein sedang
3 bh telur

Bahan vla
200 ml susu cair
15 gr tepung maizena
30 gr gula
1/4 sdt garam
1 bh kuning telur
150 gr butter cream
200 gr keju parut

Buat kulit
- rebus margarin, air n garam mpe mendidih
- tambah terigu, aduk mpe kalis, dinginkan
- tambah telur satu per satu sambil dikocok rata
- semprotkan di loyang yg diolesi margarin
- oven 200 drajta 25 menit

Buat Vla
- rebus susu, tepung maizena, gula, garam diaduk mpe meletup matikan api.
- masukkan kuning elur, aduk rata, nyalakan api masak sambil diaduk. Lalu angkat, aduk mpe dingin
- kocok butter cream, masukkan bahan vla sdikit demi sedikit sambil dikocok rata

Terakhir oles vla ke atas kulit sus, tabur keju, gulung.

Gw nyobain bikin yang isinya pake selai strawberry, ternyata enak juga. Husband bilang lebih enak yg pake vla, tapi die bilangnya mirip crapes...hihihi.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hot Dry Meat Curry

I don't normally try to grow things. I do not own plants, I don't have a vegetable garden or a windowsill full of herbs. I'm not the Martha Stewart homemaker type with a clean crafty home. I cook and that's about all the homey stuff I do.
But if you saw this in my fridge, you might think I was trying to grow something:

You might think to yourself, how sad that Shalaka doesn't know her plant has died. But really all I'm doing is extending the life of my cilantro. Cilantro is not expensive. But you buy a bunch of it and use a few leaves chopped into your homemade guacamole or sprinkled in a curry (see below) and before you know it the bunch is turning brown and leaking something across the bottom of your fridge. Oh cilantro, how fleeting is your life.

So now I put my cilantro on life support. A glass of water is all it takes. This cilantro is about three weeks old, wilted but not going bad. There are still plenty of leaves to sprinkle into my Hot Dry Meat Curry.

If you think that I'm writing about this recipe because of its name, you'd be correct. I'm also writing about it because it was surprisingly tasty. But the name is ridiculous! There was never a more generic name for a recipe than Hot Dry Meat Curry. Most curries are hot. Many curries have meat. The word that got me was Dry. A meat curry is usually saucy and wet. Curry spices can be used on meats that are roasted or fried but when the dish is called a curry, it seems like an oxymoron to call it a dry curry. So the name and the fact that I had nearly all the ingredients convinced me that I should make it. Besides, my cilantro was in top form.

An aside on Indian food: I don't cook Indian food very often but I do have a couple of good cookbooks plus I can call my mom any time and get a random recipe without measurements. The fact that recipes require a lot of ingredients and spices, time to marinate, and time to stew make it unlikely that I'll choose anything but the most straightforward of recipes. What could be more straightforward than Hot Dry Meat Curry?

The recipe called for extra hot curry paste and the only thing I could think of to fit that description was the red curry paste usually used in Thai curries. To that I added chili powder, five spice powder, turmeric, bay leaves, and the usual onion, garlic and ginger. So the Hot part was covered. To take care of the Meat part, I added lamb shoulder chopped, with the bone. But in contrast to the Dry part, the recipe did call for coconut milk, which is added after the meat has cooked for 20 minutes. Then the meat and spices are simmered in coconut milk until the meat is cooked, and finally the liquid is reduced. Aha! Hot Dry Meat Curry at last, though if you're impatient like me you'll still end up with some good liquid curry to sop up with your naan. Don't forget to garnish with cilantro.

Hot Dry Meat Curry (from The Complete Book of Indian Cooking)

2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 large onion, finely sliced
1 piece fresh ginger, crushed
4 cloves garlic, crushed
6-8 curry leaves (I used bay leaves)
3 tablespoons extra hot curry paste (I used Thai red curry paste)
3 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon five-spice powder
1 teaspoon turmeric
salt to taste
2 lbs lean lamb, beef or pork
3/4 cup coconut milk
chopped tomato and cilantro leaves, to garnish

The recipe doesn't require marinating, but I like to marinate my lamb overnight so it tastes better. A typical Indian marinade is ginger, garlic, salt, chili powder, and turmeric.

Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onion, ginger, garlic and curry leaves until the onion is soft. Stir in the curry paste, chili powder, five-spice powder, turmeric, and salt and cook for a few moments, stirring frequently. Add the meat and stir over medium heat to brown the pieces. Keep stirring until the oil separates. Cover and cook for 20 minutes. Add the coconut milk, mix well and simmer until the meat is cooked. Toward the end of cooking, uncover the pan to reduce the excess liquid. Garnish and serve hot.

Meet me live, tonight!

I’ll be participating in a panel discussion at NYU tonight from 6:30 to 8:30 (at 19 University Place, Room 102), along with chefs and other writers. The topic: “Chefs and their Publics.” Sounds a bit academic, I know, but the panelists are good and the discussion should be lively. I know I'm going to do my best to be fascinating. And I’m told there might be Room4 (hint hint) a surprise extra guest speaker.

Friday Nibbles - Lemons

For the first time in months it was possible to go outside in short sleeves without breathing in and holding your arms close to your chest this afternoon. The sun was out and there was a faint, but noticeable, whiff of spring in the air.

Perhaps it is something to do with the weather or the crocuses and evocative daffodils that are bursting through the earth that was frozen just two short weeks ago, but when I saw these lemons in the fridge, I felt that they needed to be celebrated.

Along with limes, oranges and grapefruits, lemons belong to the genus Citrus. They grow in temperate climes throughout the world and are characterised by their sharp flavour, one of the reasons they’ve become so useful to chefs from many culinary backgrounds.

Little is known of the exact etymology of the lemon but it is likely that it was first domesticated on the Indian sub-continent. It was probably introduced to Europe through Italy, from the Middle East. Arabic influence during the 11th and 12th centuries CE further spread the use of the lemon throughout the Mediterranean and by the 15th century it was being widely cultivated in Italy and southern Europe.

Once the Americas were being colonised, the warm climates of the South East and the western seaboard were found to be ideal for the cultivation of citrus fruits – something that continues to this day.

The lemon forms a central part in much Middle Eastern and North African cooking – preserved and pickled lemons are used throughout the region to add flavour and acidity to a wide range of dishes.

Lemon has long been served with fish – the acid helps to bring out the flavours and cut through the richness of some fish, like salmon. They can also be excellent squeezed over grilled meats: Greek lamb kebabs can really be pepped up with a hint of lemon juice.

The classic Italian recipe, steak Florentine also calls for lemon juice. Simply rub your steaks with a little garlic, season with salt and pepper and fry them in a little olive oil and butter over a high heat until they are done to your taste (screaming rare, please).

Remove them to a warm plate, squeeze over the juice of half a lemon and let them rest for five minutes. Slice and serve with salad and boiled potatoes drizzled with the resting juices from the meat.

They may be a great culinary ingredient but, much like last week, it is in the drinks region when lemons really shine.

A gin & tonic would be unthinkable without a generous wedge of lemon floating amidst the ice cubes and many a cocktail would look naked without a round disc of lemon adoring the glass like a tiny sun.

My absolute favourite us of lemon, however, is in a whisky sour.

This is a cocktail that tastes great as an aperitif and just as good, if not better, at ‘round midnight. You can make this as sweet or as sour as you like. Personally, I like it best when it’s sharper than a samurai’s sword and makes you purse your lips until they disappear.

Shake two parts whisky (the cheap stuff is fine. Don’t go using the finest single malt here) with an equal amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice and one part sugar syrup. Don’t forget the ice. Strain into a short glass (ice optional here but not recommended) and garnish with a maraschino cherry. This is what Elysium tastes like.

Just some quick pointers to remember when you’re buying lemons – don’t get them waxed, or else you won’t be able to use the zest. They shouldn’t be shiny, round and perfect. They should be large, uneven and nobbly. You want a lemon that’s seen some action and some sun. Finally, before squeezing, ten seconds in the microwave should help you extract as much juice as possible.

Hungry for more? Follow me on Twitter

Thursday, February 26, 2009

tidur itu best apabila...

tidur itu best apabila...

1! anda letih, and very-da very sleepy.
2! anda kekenyangan...
3! katil, bantal, tilam anda semuanya selesa.
4! anda ade bantal busuk
5! di luar sedang hujan...whuuu~~~

okay okay. salah 1 sebab sy ske katil sy.
sbb dia besttt. haha. stupid me~
okay. let see. my bed. n my cute pillows!

usually, i used the queen size of bed.
but in this house, i just use single bed.
cuz. nak jimat space. hua3...

bantal butterfly rainbow itu + bantal purple d kanannye.
sy syg sgt sbb ia drpd bff sy.
bantal purple itu ade *blink blink*
sy takot kalo blink2 die tercabut!
dan sy ske rainbow. die tahu ttg itu! =]
thanks babe.

dan di atas bantal "hot stuff" itu, sy letak semua hp time tdow!
tp... bile bgn. selalunye. hp tuh semua merata - rata! haha

dan d sebelahnye, bantal corak bulat2 itu da comot!
da mcm bantal busuk sy! haha.
ia dr khalida. thanks! sy ske bantal itu.
dr 1st time sy nmpk ia d carre4!
tgk2 khalida hadiahkan! hee.

mmg sy akan tdow d atas bantal "tapak tgn" tuh.
so, kalo ade org pijak bantal tuh! sy nak bunuh2! haha.

bantal "i love u" merah, bantal love pink di kirinya.
dan bantal love kecik di depan bantal love pink itu.
dr mama dan abah! skeeee sgt. thanks !!!

semua bantal ini disusun dgn baik dr hujung - ke hujung katil
x de yg btol2 fav, sbb semua sy sgt syg!!!

sy ske selimut sy tuh. murah je! tp best!
n sbb die rainbow! hee...

belon love itu sudah bersama sy 1 tahun 8 bulan.
sy happy sbb die x pecah or kecut! hee.
bunga plg besar ada muke smiley itu dr mama.
dan bunga ros itu dr ex-rmmate sy,salghee.


jadi. inilah kenapa, bagi sy tidur itu best.
sbb bantal2 sy best. sy selesa dgn katil sy.
selimut sy mendamaikan.
dan yg mmg ske tdow dgn bantal banyak2!!!
haha. XD

Never ending laundry

It is amazing how much laundry two people can have. I have been doing laundry since Tuesday and I still have yet to do the laundry from our mini-vacation. I think vacations make it worse somehow. Last weekend (Thursday-Monday) David and I visited his sister Malissa and her husband Craig in Georgia. We had a really nice time with them (I hope to get some pictures up this weekend). Of course, the house being a mess when we left didn't help. So when we got home it was driving me nuts. So I have been gradually cleaning as well as laundry. I finally got some folded last night while watching some of my shows on HGTV. I hate folding laundry. I can only bring myself to do it when I am watching tv so that I feel usefull. But tonight there is nothing on I want to watch, so I am postponing folding for now. I don't see how people with kids do it! I think I will have to be a stay-at-home mom if we ever have kids. I won't be able to manage all of that plus working!

What I did during the Top Chef finale

February 26

Tom Colicchio spent the night of this season’s Top Chef finale at Pier 60 on the Hudson River, at the annual C-CAP benefit. I know because I saw him there. I took his picture and spoke with him briefly, too.
Someone tried to introduce us, Rita Jammet, maybe, or Drew Nieporent, but we’d already met.
“Sure, I know Bret. He likes to say very mean things about me,” he said.
He was referring to my attack on Top Chef, a show that I barely watch but whose fans get on my nerves by showing up at food events and being the idiotic groupies that they are.
Well, that some of them are. Most of my friends watch Top Chef and they’re not idiotic groupies at all.
I sort of tried to explain myself to Tom, but he just smiled and graciously waved it off, in the way that you do when you don’t really care when someone quibbles with you, or when you’re Tom Colicchio and the ramblings of a little guy like me matter not a whit in your life.
At any rate, I took a picture of Tom, third from the left, along with consultant and cookbook author Pamela Morgan, Gotham Bar & Grill chef Alfred Portale, and Rita Jammet, who with husband André owned New York landmark La Caravelle for many years. Now her son Nic is a partner in Sweetgreen, a fast-casual salad and frozen yogurt shop in Georgetown. She said they’re adding new units at Dupont Circle and in Bethesda, Md.
The C-CAP benefit is one of the great events of the New York food scene. It’s an excellent cause — funding and nurturing at-risk students pursuing careers in culinary arts — and so many of the city’s great chefs and restaurateurs show up rather than sending their minions. The food is great, the crowd is fun, and even the wine is usually pretty good.
So I caught up with Ben Pollinger at Oceana, who has a newborn at home, so congratulations to him, and Marc Murphy of Landmarc and Ditch Plains — he says business at Ditch Plains in particular is booming, especially the bar.
Marcus Samuelsson saw me fussing with my camera, so he took it from me and took quite a good picture of me and Wylie Dufresne (that’s us on the right; Wylie’s in the apron, I’m the little gnome over whom he’s towering).
Drew Nieporent’s hoping this will be his year at the Beard Awards. I think he’d particularly like Corton to be named best new restaurant. Drew’s also on the long list of semifinalists for Outstanding Restaurateur, but he said he didn’t much care about that, and that everyone on that list would be a worthy winner.
A C-CAP spokeswoman told me they wouldn’t be discussing how much money was raised this year, but rather stressing how great it was that the whole chef community participated in the effort. She didn’t correct me when I assumed that that meant receipts were down. Of course they’re down. Business is lousy.
One fine dining chef did tell me he was starting to see light at the end of the tunnel — that after an abysmal January saved only by restaurant week (or really fortnight), some people are gradually shifting back from the cheap-o prix-fixe menus and ordering with a bit more gusto. After all, New York still does have a large moneyed class, and they can only refrain for so long from drinking deeply from the cup of life.
Tony and Marissa May were at the event, and they said construction on SD-26, the successor of their recently closed landmark restaurant San Domenico NY, was coming along.
Michael Lomonoco of Porter House introduced me to his longtime chef de cuisine, Michael Ammirati, with whom he’s worked since they were at Windows on the World, as he handed me a slider.
Michael's on the right in this picture, and that’s not ordinary schmootz on his forehead; yesterday was Ash Wednesday.
Oh, speaking of sliders, I had a tiny pork belly slider from Aureole, where Chris Lee is the new executive chef. Chris wasn’t there when I was, but I got to the party late as NRN’s culinary pages closed last night and I, naturally, had to stay until they were ready to ship.
Still, I had plenty of time to nibble my way through the C-CAP festivities and still make my 9pm reservations at Inakaya.
It’s a Japanese robatayaki place near Times Square (in the New York Times building, in fact), part of a Japanese chain, and I think it very much belongs in Times Square. It’s a gigantic space with a lot of yelling.
Yelling — or at least speaking with great enthusiasm and gusto — is par for the course in proper Japanese restaurants, where it’s customary for everyone on staff to greet you with a hearty Irrashaimase! when you arrive. It’s terrifying when you’re not used to it, but then it becomes kind of sweet.
They similarly yell to you when you leave.
But at Inakaya they yell about everything. If you order something, the server shouts out the order and the guys preparing the food behind the bar repeat it. It kind of reminded me of Cold Stone Creamery and the way they all have to sing with great enthusiasm anytime someone drops something into the tip jar.
I loved the guys behind the bar, dressed in loose-fitting garments that allowed them to nimbly climb around and reach for ingredients on display as they needed them, like acrobatic elves. Then they'd use long wooden palettes to deliver the food to you. Sometimes they would shout at you to tell you what it was, but sometimes they’d just say something to the effect of “here you go, sir.”
Yes, very Times Square.

What I ate at Inakaya:
grilled eringi mushroom
grilled shishito pepper with grated ginger
grilled ginkgo nut
grilled skewer of chicken thigh
marinated scallion in miso vinaigrette
wakame in chef's special vinaigrette
dried stingray (served with a side of mayonnaise)
red bean ice cream
And I drank some sake and a dark beer called Asahi kuronama, or “black draft.”

To finish off this blog entry, here are some guys with tattoos, from the culinary staff of Union Square Cafe. On the left is chef tournant Louis Opoku. Executive sous chef T.J. Steele is on the right.

Homemade Pork Scratchings - Part Two

It seems to have taken ages to get round to this, but thank you for your patience. You’ve been very kind. Ready to roll? Good.

Hopefully you managed to get hold of some pork skin and went through the laborious procedure of putting it on a tray, grinding some salt over it and popping it all in the fridge. It should take all of two minutes.

If not, here is a quick recap (homemade pork scratchings part one).

Unlike most methods, this one needs no deep fat fryer - just an oven.

Turn it on to about 180 degrees C. Remove the tray from the fridge and dry the pork skin. The salt will have helped some of the water leach out – this will give you supremely crackly pork snacks.

Grind a little more salt over both sides of the skin and put it all in the oven. Then wait.

This is cooking so easy that it should come with a pair of slippers, a velvet robe and large armchair for relaxing in.

After ten minutes or so turn the oven down to about 140. You are doing two things here: One, rendering out the fat and two, drying out the pork skin nice and slowly to get that beautiful flavour and texture.

Roughly every twenty minutes, you’ll need to drain off the fat (of which there will be much. Keep it. Seriously. Pig fat has a multitude of uses, all of them tasty. You could make rillettes?). Take this opportunity to turn them as well.

They should take about ninety minutes in total. This is quite an instinctive recipe – you just know when they are ready. The colour will be deep and rich, they will have curled up into neat little shapes and the skin will be starting to bubble.

Leave them to cool. Season with black pepper (and more salt, if you wish) and then eat them with many bottles of cold beer. Depending on their size, two or three should be enough for each person.


This is one of those snacks that you take one bite of and say ‘I could eat those until they come out of my finger nails’ but by the third mouthful you are ready to throw in the towel and have a nap.

The perfect pork scratching has a reverse side so crispy that you fear for your teeth and an inside with a little fat and meat left on so you get a textural contrast of such deliciousness that you are almost guaranteed to make that noise. Go on, be shameless. You know you want to.

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Paddys day plan for Seoul

Info from here

Korea’s Most Celebrated Foreign Festival Saved by Seoul Government

- 2009 St. Patrick’s Day Festival to focus on community spirit thanks to “rub of the green” –

First Release – To Be Updated Later – Times Subject to Change (since we’re Irish)

(Seoul, 09.02.17) With business tightening its belt buckle in the face of the prevailing global economic downturn, one of Korea’s largest and most well-attended foreign festivals has received last-minute funding to ensure its celebration in 2009. Thanks to sponsorship and assistance from Korean Air, Diageo Korea (Guinness) and the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Seoul’s 9th Irish Festival – 2009 St. Patrick's Day Festival – will go ahead as planned in Daehangno on Saturday, March 14th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Attracting an estimated 18,000 attendees in 2008, the Irish Festival, organized by the Irish Association of Korea (IAK), was in danger of not going ahead this year as significant corporate sponsorship was not renewed. The traditional and colorful street parade is a costly venture, and the festival in Seoul had also traditionally been accompanied with a free open air concert and fair. However, thanks to our loyal support from long-standing sponsors, this year’s festival will focus on continuing to build community spirit.

“Guess we got the rub of the green again!” joked Kevin Tobin, Chairman of the IAK. (Editor’s note: Ireland is commonly associated with the color green and good luck, particularly in North American and the United Kingdom.) “Every year we get more and more involvement and participation from Korean and non-Irish community groups and individuals, and there is an unwritten expectation in Seoul that this event will take place.

“As a group of volunteers, both Irish and Korean, we rely on the spirit of the community and other groups to make our event a success. This is what St. Patrick’s Day is about: sharing and celebrating cultural diversity together.”

The Festival will feature both Irish and Korean music and dance, including brass bands, rock ‘’n’ roll, traditional Irish music plus traditional Irish dance. The audience will be invited to participate in what has become a Seoul Irish Festival tradition – Irish folk dancing. There will be an informal parade through the streets of Ihwa-dong, east of Daehagno Boulevard, starting and ending at Marronnier Park. The IAK is calling on all Koreans and members of the foreign community to participate in and support this friendship march and to celebrate Ireland's national holiday by wearing green. The IAK will accommodate all non-profit groups into the street parade sequence.

  1. Traditional Irish Concert & Fair – Marronnier Park, Daehangno, (Hyewha Station, #4 Light Blue Line, Exit 2) 11 a.m., to 5 p.m., March 14th
  2. St. Patrick's Day Parade – start @ Marronnier Park, Daehangno, 1 to 2 p.m., March 14th
  3. 'Hooley' at Dublin Terrace in Gangnam, 5 minutes from Gangnam Station, Exit 7 – from 7 p.m. to late (tickets at 50,000 won, includes free Guinness, drinks and food), March 14th

Visit for up-to-date information about the 9th Irish Festival in Korea


Editors Note

The festival commemorates Saint Patrick, Ireland’s patron saint. It is sponsored by Ireland’s No.1 beer, Guinness, to promote the festival in Seoul alongside similar festivals in countries from Ireland to the USA, Canada, Australia and Japan. People visiting Marronnier Park, Daehagno on the 14th are welcomed to enjoy traditional Irish dance and traditional music performance, and take part or support the Grand Parade by wearing green costumes.

About the Irish Association of Korea
Founded in 1996, the Irish Association of Korea promotes Irish culture in Korea by organizing events of interest to Irish people in Korea, and that are opportunities for Koreans and other people living in Korea to experience and learn more about Irish life. Among other events, it organizes the annual St. Patrick's Day festival in which over 18,000 people participated in Seoul in 2008.

If you wish to develop a feature or interview members of the Irish community in Korea, please contact:

For English For Korean

Mr. Eoin O’Colgain Mr. Jungmin Kim

010-3160-5850 or 010-6299-1854 or

wed, thurs.

hurm. sy selalu mengalami kesukaran dlm memikirkan tajuk utk post sy.
haha. serious. so. kalo selalu nmpk tajuk & post x de kene mengene.
harap maaf! huhu. baeklah. berckp ttg semlm...
cett. cam skema da. okay.
this post is a combination of yesterday & 2day.

25th feb 09 - wednesday. wen to TS. whuu~ jauh lak rase. haha.
yer la. gune public transport. kalo drive, maybe dkt.
sampai serentak. i mean, me n khalida. huhu. 10:40am da d sane!
then 2 movies marathon lg. eden lake & punisher;war zone.
eden lake
sakit mental!!! hero n heroin mati.
cett...ingt kan ade hantu.
skali pembunuh nye bdk2 nakal yg...psycho! seriously! gile~~~
punisher;war zone. best. not bad.
esp bile semua gangster da tembak2.
hebat woo punisher tu. he's alone. n lawan2 die...x terkira!
tp. kate hero. mesti menang.
hehehehe... but, overall, memuaskan.

balik agak awal. b4 6pm dah sampai umah! usual. berlari!hee. then mlm plak.
ade org kasi slm dr luar umah.
skali tgk. nana dtg dgn nora. whee~ nora kasi chocs!
owh ferrero roche~ mlm semlm jgk abis. haha. trimasss!

last jmpe mereka b4 mereka blk rumah bercuti. hee.
then. semlm. lmbt jgk tdow...bout 3am. lalalalala~~~

26th feb 09 - thursday. take a break, at home. huu...
not really. but, x g mane2 sgt la. bgn awal2 pagi. mandi!
sejuk yg amat! sbb asyik hujan je kl lately... gi bank.
then g JJ lg! XD beli brg dapur skit n singgah bakery.
blk umah. da tgh hari. tgh menggeliat. tibe2...

sy nmpk die dpn umah dah. haha. die dtg. hantar tanah.
tanah utk tanam pokok. die da janji dgn mama...
wheee~ n die bwk choc! wahh. akhirnye ade jgk choc dr die.
wakakaka. then. borak sebentar. bnyk jgk dibualkan.
sy advice die mcm2. n yg best, die dgr. and sy still harap.
someday die benar2 berubah. b a grown up guy.
sy x ske org burukkan die. sbb die kwn sy. sape2 pon.
yg burukkan kwn2 sy sy x ske. then...hujan. die pulang.

itu saje! hee. esok? owhhh. nak tunjuk koleksi paper bag plak!
ke cute pillow? wahhh...tgkla rajin buat yg mane! XD
till then. good nite. =D


I stoked the lentils over night then boiled them till soft but not mushy I cooked them in a little cumin and curry .I cooked the carrots and onion and garlic. A splash of hot sauce and a pot of plain yogurt. It is super tasty.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


25 februari 2009, rabu

Hari ini ada 2 temen datang, mo belajar bkin makisushi. Pagi jemput ke stasiunnya, lalu sama2 pergi belanja deh. Pulangnya sekalian jemput Mei dah...nyampe di rumah da jam 12an..wak...uda kelaperan, blom bkin apa2.

Bikin telur dadarnya, bkin persiapan ini itu, akhirnya dimulai deh belajar gulung makisushi nya...Ternyata setelah berapa kali nyoba, akhirnya berhasil juga ngegulungnya. Gampang kan ya???

I think Missy Robbins is glad to be back in New York

February 25

Last night I tried to get Missy Robbins to say nice things about Chicago, but I couldn’t do it.
Missy was the chef at Spiaggia in the Windy City for five years or so, working under chef-owner Tony Mantuano. But she’s from the New York area and is clearly very happy to be back.
She has a good job. She’s been the chef at the critically acclaimed A Voce for about the past six months, replacing Andrew Carmellini, who left late last spring.
I ate there last night with one of her publicists, young John Weiss from the Susan Magrino Agency. I don't think John would like me to call him young, as he is a five-year veteran of the New York PR world, where five years is a lifetime. And he’s spent it all at the same agency. But I mean, come on: He’s 27.
Nice guy, though. Good dining companion.
I have always found Chicago to be a great restaurant city and I told Missy so, but she neither agreed nor disagreed with me. I asked if she missed it, and she said she thought Spiaggia was a great place to work and that Tony Mantuano was still a good friend of hers.
Well, all-righty then.
I imagine New York’s as glad to have her back as she is to be here.

What we ate (after I took the day's edge off with a Negroni):
Ricotta di bufala with extra virgin olive oil, mint, thyme, chiles and thick crusty bread.
Pugliese burrata with grilled broccoli raab and basil
Roasted trumpet royal mushrooms with fonduta, truffle and hazelnuts
Chestnut pappardelle with pork sausage and treviso
Pecorino and ricotta filled pasta with Savoy cabbage, bacon and black pepper
One other pasta; I believe Tagliatelle with oxtail ragù and Parmigiano-Reggiano
Roasted monkfish with purple artichokes, baby fennel and sweet green olives
Grilled lamb chops, braised lamb neck, borlotti beans and root vegetable sofrito
Chocolate Zuppa Inglesa with hazelnut brittle
Vanilla panna cotta with Meyer lemon and thyme

Perlis Indera ka....

A month ago, I was in Perlis. 

Emm, for the first time. 

It took me around 9 hours to get there, and 10 minutes to visit the whole state, which is as large as Bangsar shopping complex. Well, that would be too much of an exaggeration isn’t it. 

Oke Two Bangsar Shopping complexes!

Literally, if you move very fast from one end to another, you would not finish saying Perlis Indera Kayangan, you would probably stop at kaya.

But yes, It took us 8 hours to go there, after we missed a turn in Bidor, (then we missed a few other turns as well, let say around 6 turns and, the distance between the turn I should make, and the turn I actually made was around, let say 150 KM. 

Hik, on the way to Perlis, I am supposed to pick up a friend in Lumut, but I was too busy looking for the signage to lumut, I forgot there isn’t any. So instead of taking the Bidor Intersection, we went all the way up to Taiping, and then make a turn to Lumut. 

So that explains the extra 4 hours.  

It was a fucking waste of time and money, but at least I know places now. Places I never know existed such as Changkat Jering, Terong and whatnot. 

But, I was in Perlis, for the very first time. I meet Abun there. 

Thank god I did not drive, and thank god the driver did not know that we were supposed to turn in Bidor to get to Lumut. 

All he said was “rasanya dulu gih lumut 3 jam dah sampai, ni kenapa tak sampai-sampai lagi ek”  


I was there for a Misi Akademik. Misi Akademik is just one way to send lecturers for free vacation, all expenses paid and got paid extra allowance for it just to meet some SPM leavers and tell them why they should apply our university and not somewhere else.

Of course we don't lie, but we exaggerate every facts. 

If you learn marketing, you would understand. 

Anyway, Adi and Rosdin, my colleague was there too, but they took the plane, instead. I wanted to drive (which I regret the whole journey right after we reached Alor Star, and all the way back to Shah Alam) 

Perlis is so colourful. Everything is very colourful there. When you were in the town, you feel like you are in a very enormous open air kindergarten. 

The people, the food, the culture, I mean everything, including the building.  

colourful road

colourful building

colourful people, colourful culture 

I met Sweet Abun there.He works in the immigration department there. So he took Rosdin and Adi to Hatyai, while I have to stay in the Hotel because the driver complaint that he was tired. So I cannot possibly leave him in the hotel alone. 

It is so unfair, how come he can be sicked and tired at that moment, when he only droves from KL to  Taiping to Lumut to Kangar to Penang to Kangar to  Alor Star to kangar and back to lumut to Shah Alam. 

Huh... some people are so ungrateful.


I love the food in Perlis, everything taste so delicious. Probably because the Siamese influence in cooking to the local food accentuate the taste of food there. Every restaurant that sells lunch we went to, prepared an excellent arrays of food.

For a great lunch, I recommend this café under a very tiny hotel which I’ve forgotten the name of the hotel. But the hotel and the restaurant are situated just on the left side of the Sri Garden Hotel. 

Oke that is my Perlis story.

p/s: i give myself 10 days, and after that i would most probably just go gaga. 

koleksi sy lagi!

ni komik - komik sy plak! hee.
tp. nih sebahagian je la.
sebahagian lg, masih d rumah lame!

dlm pics nih ade 32 je. should be more n more!
x dela sebanyak keychain lagi! huu.

most of them from gempak starz collections.
and. sy kumpul CONAN jgk!

lain - lain adalah a few of doraemon. XD
nih kumpul sejak, form 3 x silap.

nanti nak tunjuk collection lain plak!
haha. ye. sy nih...
semua bnde pon kumpul!

niteZzZzZ everyone!
[x seda diri esok kene bgn awal...]

saya, si sahabat

this might be a very long post. but. this is it.
i have to tell u. da truth behind everything.
listen to me. this is da real situation. of what.
exactly happened to me. and what do i feel!

1st of all. sy nak betulkan semua yg awk fikir ttg sy. kenapa?
awk boleh terpk sampai mcm ni skali? hey. benci sgt ke awk dkt sy?
baeklah. sy bace blog awk. mmg sy trase sgt3! awk ckp jgn sdeyh.
maaf sy sdeyh. sy kecewa. sy benci DIRI SENDIRI.
dan tlg. sy menulis post ini setelah sy tenang. dan bersedia.
tlg. kalau awk bace. tlg! sy merayu! bace dgn tenang!
dgn pkran yg x serabut. dan juge fahami diri sy yg mmg kejam ni.
awk pun taw kan mcm mane sy pnye perasaan, bile sy mengalah.
tlg. sy mengalah dgn awk. tlg. bace tnpa rase sy benci awk.
sbb hakikatnye. sy syg awk. syg sgt3!!! pergi la tanye org lain.
x de sape pon xtaw bertape sy syg dkt awk. awk. x nmpk. kan?

maaf. jujur sy meminta maaf. kalau sy mmg menyesakkan dada awk. sy risau. awk asma. d sana, sejuk. awk. jage diri elok2. jage diri sendiri. sy taw awk x berharap dgn sesiapa d sane. plz, ingt org yg tersyg. kalau ingt sy menyesakkan awk. bencilah sy habis-habisan. sape kate awk x punya ramai kwn? ramai. mungkin x semuanya fhm awk. tp. sy taw. ttp ada yg syg awk. sy taw die syg awk. sy pon syg awk. tp. awk da x syg sy. tu,apa sy rasa dan nmpk. sy x pernah ungkit apa2. sy lepaskan semua yg terjadi di antara kita. bila sy ungkit? awk xtaw sy jgk seorg yg jealous? tp. sy taw. awk ttp ada utk sy. n sy jg ada utk awk. sy jeles dgn seorg sahabat itu. yg tiba2.
mcm menggedik. ya. dan juga seorg lagi. yg seolah2 mengumpan awk. tp sy biar! sbb sy da x bwk apa2 makna utk awk lg. awk. lepaskan sy. ya. mmg bnda ni patot dah di 'let go'. babe. cant u c i'm trying so hard? cant u just see it? all OTHER ppl can see how hard i'm trying to let u go. do u think it's as easy as A,B,C? gosh. u know it rite. kalo i da syg org. sy akan syg sampai bile2? ingt 1st love sy tuh? mcm mane sy seksa nak lupe? ape tah lg awk? BFF? ingt senang2? sy xtaw la kalau awk senang2 lupe sy.
mungkin sy jahat sgt. sbb tu, awk lupekan sy terus.
yes i'm fine without u! i have to push myself to be fine without u.
or else. i might b dying rite now! yesss! i've to tell myself.
"life goes on. life goes on. life goes on". its hard!!! plz! its hard!
kenapa sy gune english? ini lagi 1 bnde. hey. sy x marah pon awk.
ok fine. awk pon ckp sy akan ckp english if sy marah.
tp sy jgk akan ckp english d dlm sesetgh situasi. awk pon taw kan?
gosh. habis tuh semua yg sy tulis dlm english tuh. sy marah la?
babe...plz. tlg jgn slh fhm mcm nih skali mcm mane u benci i pon.

terima kasih sbb taw sy mmg syg awk.
n thanks jgk sbb masih ckp awk syg sy jgk.
era kita dah habis? ya. itu yg awk nak! sy ikot jgk ckp awk kali ni. y?
sbb sy dah terlalu sedeyh! itu yg awk nak jgk n 1 je pk. ok,i let u go.
as long as u happy. tu yg i pk!
awk2...awk x nmpk sy enjoy cite bride wars tuh?
awk x nampak air mate sy bertakung time ending cite tuh???
time anne hathway dah serang kwn die tuh,
and mereka same2 jatuh dgn gaun.
and anne hathway da x larat dgn semua pergaduhan tuh. and.
mereka say sorry to each other n how they love each other.
awk taw x. sy rase sdeyh part tuh. sbb ape? sbb sy syg awkkk!!!
sy sebak sbb cite tuh. mmg seswai utk kte tgk. its about best fren!
sy suke cite tuh! tanye nora. die nak tgk cite tuh n sy suruh die tgk.
sy pesan. part friendship die sebak. sbb ape? sbb sy hayati!
sape ajar sy friendship itu? awak! sy tgk cerita tu dgn rela hati.
bkn dgn paksaan. awk pon taw sy mmg jenis x kesah. bukan?
bile mase sy benci awk? awk pon taw kan sy x ske nak benci2 org!
awk kenal kan semua2 org yg baling taik dkt sy? sy kawan jgk kan?
sy mungkin x suka sesetgh mereka sbb buat sy begitu.
tp sy x pernah benci kan?
sy mmg x ske nak benci org! apetah lg awk?
sy syg awk! walaupon skrng nih awk da benci sy! oh yeah. obviously~
awk. xyah minta maaf dgn sy...awk x pernah buat slh dgn sy.
awk. menjage sy dgn baek. terlalu baek. mungkin sbb tuh. sy still.
syg awk. even. sy nmpk...awk. da btol2 lepaskan sy. ya.
4give but never 4get. awk taw kan itu prinsip sy kpd.
mereka yg baling taikkk dkt sy. awk mcm tataw ramai sgt
yg baling taikkk dkt sy. tp sy biar. lupakan kte jd kwn? x mungkin.
sy mungkin pelupa. tp. x mudah utk. sengaja melupakan kenangan sy.
awk pon taw kan. sy mmg mcm tuh. sy x pernah provoc awk.
sy x mention ape2 pon ttg awk. ape tah lg ketegangan, kesedihan
dan kekecewaan yg berlaku ini d blog!
tp hari ini. sy terpakse. sy juga. berhak menjelaskan kebenaran.
"sumpah!" itu mmg ayat sy. yg mungkin baru sy gune. tp sy gemar.
dan itu sebagai penekanan. seperti "sungguh" jgk. awk kurang gemar?
maaf. serius maaf... sy terlalu baik? atau awk yg terlalu baik?
sy jahat. sy sedar tu da lame. and awk buat sy lebih sedar ttg itu...
pandangan awk. mmg penting bg sy. tak perlulah ckp "siapalah sy"
mungkin sy yg patut ckp. siapalah sy dlm hidup awk skrng. kan?

sy sedar awk nak blk sbb sy. sy pun happy sgt awk nak blk.
sape x happy. org yg tersyg nak blk mlysia? berjmpa smula.
setelah lame berpisah. sy sgt happy. sampai sy risau. takot2.
sy x dpt spend bnyk mase dgn awk. kerane kebetolan. time tuh.
sy demam lame. 2 minggu. minggu tu jgklah sy bnyk final project.
ade beberapa hari, sampai malam sy d kolej. betol kegusaran sy.
sy mmg x dpt spend bnyk mase dgn awk...maaf. jadual sy begitu.
kebetolan ia sewkt awk pulang. ya. sy keluar dgn kwn lain jgk.
tp semuanya samada last minute sgt3, atau dah lama di rancang.
sy syg mama dan abah awk. mereka layan sy mcm anak sendiri.
sy segan sbb sejak awk d oversea, sy x berkesempatan melwt mrka.
awk pon taw. sy da ckp bnyk kali dkt awk. sy nak g umah awk.
tp sy x sempat2. frankly speaking. dgn mama pon sy boleh bergaduh.
slh fhm sbb die rase sy x bnyk luangkan masa dgn die.
ape tah lg mama n abah awk. sy syg mereka.
betol. sy hormat mereka. sbb itu. sy pun risau.
bila awk ckp abah x beberapa sehat. sy risau. benar.
sy x pernah terpk. parents sy d kl, maka sy lupekan mereka.
awk taw kan sy d kolej mcm mane.
time sy bz, mmg bz. sy pun ade ckp kan. sy segan nak g umah awk.
sbb awk x de. & kebtlan mmg sy x berkesmptan lg... awk sedih? sy lagi sedih. sangat sedih. tanyelah mereka d sekeliling sy. tanye nora. akid. mcm mane sedyh nye sy. pergilah tanye kalau awk x percaye. akid. die taw sdiri. mungkin terlalu jelas ketegangan ini. nora. kebetolan. sy sgt sdeyh. sgt3. sampai kambink pun sy g ngadu. pdhal. awk pon seda. sy x pernah berharap die akan hadir sewkt sy down. tp. akibat terlalu sdeyh. die pon jd tmpt sy mengadu. rase kehilangan. sumpah sy down! sy bnyk berubah? sangat banyak sampai x terkata? begitu skali. sy rase kalau sy berubah. mungkin ke arah yg lebih baik. lebih berdikari. tp awk. tunjuk dkt sy. sy makin jahat. ttg farewell b4 awk pulang ke oversea. mmg kebetolan jgk sy pnye hp dlm bilik ketika itu. tanye mama. abah. kambink. ye. sy x pernah lupe awk call sy sekerap yg boleh! sy happy sgt! sape x happy bile org yg kte syg ssh payah call dr jauh? sy pon ske sgt borak dgn awk. awk pon taw itu. awk taw kan.
awk gelakkk je. sy happy sgt! pernah kan sy ckp sy ske dgr awk gelak. terima kasih...sbb awk ssh payah call sy. serius. sy terharu... sy pernah tanye awk kan. mama n abah call awk mcm mane. ade ape2 kad yg murah ke? sbb ape? sbb sy nak call awk jgk! maaf...sbb sy x pernah dpt call awk. russia. sy taw jauh.
sbb tu. sy sgt hargai bile awk call...thanks babe...

hari ni. sy da explain semuanya. n jwb semuanya. kenapa?
keadaan memaksa. sy pon tahan semua ini! sy x mau mcm ni.
sy xmau kedinginan ini terus-menerus. sy cuba lupakan semua.
sy x cakap langsong ttg kesakitan ini di
blog! sbb...
sy x nak perkara ini dibesar-besarkan. dan. sy cuba utk.
betol2 let go of it. kalau itu yg awk nak. sy cuba jgk.
utk membetolkan keadaan. tp makin lama sy makin terluka.
sbb apa? sbb awk lepaskan sy. tp awk jgk ckp. kte kwn.
sy gembira sbb sekurang-kurangnya awk masih sudi berkwn.
tp. awk taw x mcm mane perasaan sy...bile sy...

- dpt taw awk lepaskan sy hanya melalui blog?
- tgk awk terus delete sy dari top friend friendster awk?
- sy sorang sj awk delete dr topfriend myspace awk?
- gmbr sy da x de dkt blog n fs awk.

awk taw x mcm mane perasaan sy tgk sume tuh?
sepantas kilat awk buang sy mcm tu. seolah-olah.
kta dah x berkwn pon. sdeyhnye sy masih diam.
sbb sy x nak burukkan keadaan lg. di blog! sy bukak cite lain.
sy x cite ttg kisah sedih ni sbb sy x nak jd lg teruk jgk!
sy seboleh-blhnye nak slmtkan keadaan semula.
buat seperti biasa, sbb sy syg awk. dan nak.
semuanya dlm keadaan baik. tp benar. sy terase.
melihat semua itu. seolah - olah. sy saje yg cuba utk.
seblhnya-blhnya x nak org taw ketegangan ini!
sy syg sgt persahabatan ini! sgt syg!!!! lebih dr cinta.

baiklah. sy fhm. awk x ade ape2 silap dgn sy. jgn risau.
sy yg terlalu bnyk silap dgn awk sampai begini skali awk dgn sy.
sy jgk x slalu dpt reply comment,sms, on time. sy pun.
kalau d rumah. hp sy merate. awk pun taw. kalo d kolej. sy silent.
tp awk pon taw...selmbt mane pon, sy akan reply semuanya.
drpd comment org yg sy x kenal, sms, dan ape tah lg sms awk.
awk taw kan kalo sy lmbt reply, sy benar2 x sengaje.
kenape... skrng awk blh berpk mcm2 yg x elok.
sedangkan...dgn semua kesedihan ini. sy masih cuba.
utk berpk yg elok2 shja! sbb. sy masih nak slmtkan keadaan ini!
awk. mane ade sy tulis mcm2 d blog sy ttg awk.
kalo ade, mmg semua yg indah sj sy cite. sy kalo blh.
x nak bukak pon ttg masalah dlm friendship kte nih.
tp hari ni sy tegaskan lg. sy terpaksa. awk dah ckp ape yg awk pk.
biar sy jelaskan jgk. ape yg sy rase. sy terlalu kecewa dgn sume ni.
mane ade org boycott awk. sy x pernah terniat pon mcm tu.
sy x pernah terniat nak buat org boycott awk. dgn hasil tulisan sy.
ttg hidup sy. d blog ini. sayang... biar sy dibaling taikkk oleh org.
tp sy x kan baling taikkk d muke org lain. ini kan terhadap awk???
awk??? org yg syg amat sgt syg? tidakkk. teruskanlah.
berprasangka buruk terhadap sy. tp sy tetap syg awk.
sbb sy taw...semuanya hanya salah fhm yg sy x mampu betulkan lg.

hati awk baik. lembut... sbb tu awk cpt sensitif dgn org yg awk syg.
awk pon taw. sy pon mcm tu. x perlu ckp hati awk hitam.
hati awk baeik. sy x tpu... sy nak tnya awk. BFF itu apa maksodnya?
awk taw kan. dan lg satu. sy mmg nak tegaskan lagi.
salahkah sy punya ramai kwn? sdngkan awk taw.
ramai jgk yg benci sy? yg x kenal sy pun benci sy. biarlah~
ramai kwn pon. semuanya berbeza. punyai keunikan tersendiri.
awk lain. mereka lain. jgn samakan. tlg fhm itu. sy x punya kekasih.
tp sy punya awk. keluarga. kwn2... maka. fhmilah. kalian sj yg sy ada.
awk pernah tgk kan mcm mane sdeyhnye sy bile sy putus cinta?
bertapa sy rase bersalah n menangis bila ade slh fhm dgn fmly?
dan juga....mcm mana sy sgt menghargai kawan? sahabat? teman?
awk taw kan sume tuh. kenapa...awk masih berpk mcm ni. syg awk sgt3. sy x pernah nak buat awk rase bersalah.
awk yakin hidup sy bahgia tnpa awk sebagai BFF? salah.
sy yakin hidup awk yg bahgia tnpa sy sebagai BFF awk.
kita masih kawan...itu harapan sy yg awk katakan.
tp. sy benar2 jujur katakan. sy rasa dan nampak.
dr apa yg awk dah lakukan dan katakan. bertapa.
marahnya. letihnya. bencinya. awk dgn sy... maafkan sy.
buat julung-julung kalinya. maafkan sy...dgn serendah hati.
sy meminta maaf pd awk. atas semua kelemahan sy.
atas segala yg berlaku. bencilah sy. tp ingt.
sy akan ttp syg awk. itu. hakikat.

mungkin. bnyk lg yg perlu sy jelaskan dan tegaskan.
sy benar2 nak awk tahu perkara sebenar dan apa yg sy rase.
ia jauh sekali seperti yg awk pkkan. tp...
sy pon dah x tahu mcm mane. bagaimane. dan lupe.
utk menjelaskan beberapa perkara lg.
i just cant find the words. and. numb seketika.
lagi satu. tlg x pernah. dan tak akan benci awk.
sy ttp syg awk. x pernah kurang. and. sy sentiase.
doakan awk dr jauh. agar awk terus kuat. sy taw.
d negara org. seorang diri seb pelajar. mmg bnyk cabarannya.
dan lagi satu...entah kali ke berapa sy nyatakan.
maaf...di atas segalanya. benar - benar segalanya.
sbb jika sy senaraikan satu2. terlalu bnyk kesalahan.
kekurangan dan kelemahan sy dlm pershbtan ini.
maafkan sy...buat julung kalinya. dan sy masih berharap.
kita masih berkawan. pdhal sy dah nmpk. awk, mahukan sebaliknya.

awk da taw kan...
sy sedar sy bukan hamba Allah yg solehah
sy sedar sy jgk bkn anak yg baik...
sy dah lame sedar sy bkn student yg cemerlang.
dan sy sdar sy bkn pecinta yg sejati.
tp...awk jgk da buat sy seda.
sy jgk bkn sahabat yg berguna...

maaf. sy bukan setakat jauh dr sempurna.
sy mmg langsung. x sempurna.
maaf sbb sy kecewakan awk...
sy x bermaksud begitu...
terima kasih jgk...utk segalai kebaikan awk.
dan sy taw, bukan senang nak jmpe sahabat sejati.
mcm awk... sy. x kan lupe awk. =]

saya syg awk.
awk pon taw siapa awk.
x perlu sy nyatakan.
take care. 1437.