yesterday, i had a meeting for Directing, which we decided to make a 2nd plan.
and, yeah, the meeting was full of blast and hilarious things. hahahahaha.
i laughed a lot. and, we had a break with kit kat. thanks 2 adilah masham for that.
and so, we did some reccee, and went to a few high-class restaurants.
and, i went to saloma bistro @ jln ampang 4 the 1st time. whoaaa. cantik! seriously.
then we met mr.manager, and... it was 2pm, perut pun dah berdondang syg.
sarah + feeqa blk terus. so, the rest of us went to KLCC. huu~ rnduuu KLCC!
haha. lame lah x kuar / jln. ape tah lg tgk movie or gi KLCC yg dkt gile dgn umah ni.
then, solat, and semua gi mkn. thee. kenyang perut skeee hati. haha.
pastuuu. gi watson, and body shop je. dla beli set japanese blossom die yg da abis.
and sy, tgk lg la set LOVE etc body shop yg sy skeeeeeee sgt tuh. ingt nak beli!
ingt nak beli 1 set - lotion, shower gel, lotion yg SELALU nye around RM150++.
sekali an... sekali an. tgk2 mmg harga limited edition. and perfume tu EDP. bkn EDT.
normally, perfume body shop biasa :
30ml = RM 48
50ml = RM 79
but. yg love etc nih kan kan kan...
30ml = RM 85
50ml = RM115
whoaaaa. lotion die pun 30ml = RM 55. hukkkk. sy duk pk. n pk pk. mahalnye~ mahalnye~ mahalnye~ tp...
sukenye~ sukenye~ sukenye~ blk, limited edition. hurm. dahlah sampai termimpi - mimpi...
last - last sy beli jgkkk yg 50ml!!! haha. then buat muke 10sen.
habis dahhhh duit saving bulan nih. xpela. yg penting. akhirnye. dapat jgk.
duit sdiri. yerrr. hidup ni perlukan pengorbanan. so, bekorban je la. =P
lotion n shower gel? nnt kot. yg penting perfume. berbotol2 pun xpe!
and. ade bebape notes utk bebape org... if only lah kalian tahu~
babe. i miss u so much. sdeyhlah u jauh. entah. kalo x dlu senang je. pape trus call. entahlah. sorry sbb i bkn kwn yg baik. tak blh slalu ade utk u. tp ingtlah. i syg u. n slalu doa u kuatkan semangat. sbb i taw sgt u lg kuat dr ape yg u sangka. take care babe.
bintang hati. i miss u too. i miss the good part of u. i hate the coward + selfish side of u ={{
kambink. awk buat sy nangis lg semlm. nape eh awk? ape lg salah sy dgn awk? awk taw kan its over bkn sbb 3rd person. bkn sbb sy nak. tp sy TERPAKSE. blh tlg beza x? awk xnak reply msg sy, sy x kesah. awk nak pulangkan semua bnda, sy tahan lg even sy terkilan. awk jmpe sy kasi hadiah bday pun, langsung sikit pun awk x pndg sy, xckp dgn sy. bila sy tnya kenapa, awk tepis tgn sy. camtu skali kan? sy wish awk goodnite hari - hari. tp awk ckp semlm jgn wish dah. sy tnya lg ape slh sy? awk ckp, pk sendiri n ni semua sbb sy... awk. sy sdeyh. sdeyh sgt.
kacak. get well soon. class bnyk, exam nak dkt, final project bertimbun. moga awk cpt sehat. n, sorry jgk sbb sy bkn kwn yg baek. sbb diri n hati sy sdiri pon x terjage lg. sorry k. n sorry jgk if kdng sy cpt rimas. sy mmg camnih. erm. moga awk happy n bhgie je mcm slalu. take care~
and... to mr.tenggiling. u, sorry la if i kuat jeles. sbb idk. mmg dlu i x kesah, i open. tp skrng maybe sbb i serik kot? tammo org tpu i. tammo terluka lg pe sume. jd bnde kecik pon jd camtu. u... kdg i reply msg u lmbt kan. bkn sbb i majuk. seriously tak. tp i malas nak reply. sorry tu mmg perangai buruk i. i mls nak main sms sgt. mcm mule2 u kenal i dlu. mane de i reply sgt msg kan? sbb i mmg bkn kaki sms. n maybe jgk i malas, sbb i tgh heartless n numb... u. if u rimas n rase i complicated sgt, seriously, i xnk kasi u harapan pape, get over me if u want. take care.
and 2 awk. ye awk yg dlu gune nickname durrani. haha. tatawla awk bace blog kte lg tak. just. awk je yg taw duit raye kte bape exactly. so dgn perfume ni habis dah duit raye kte. hahahaha. and, jgn tension2 sgt dgn exam tuh. bnde dah lepas. nnt free bgtaw kte gi minum hazelnut coffee lg ok? thee. take care. =]]
and... till then.
hari ni kelas sampai 10pm '-__-
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