The Artist Chef met Ms. D! She's real. I got an impression of who she is. And it doesn't matter. The likes of Dina Bonnevie are only human. She's a good actress anyway.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Udang saus mayonaisse
Bahannya : 500gr udang, sagu, putih telur, wijen, kaldu bubuk, merica, garam secukupnya.
Bahan saus : mayonnaise, susu kental manis secukupnya dan air jeruk lemon / jeruk nipis (disini gue pake jeruk nipis)
Cara membuatnya : cuci udang, gue buang ekornya dan punggungnya dibersihin -balur udang dengan kaldu bubuk, merica, dan garam secukupnya diamkan selama 10 menit - celupkan udang ke putih telur lalu tepung sagu, sampai udang habis - goreng udang sampai berwarna kecoklatan n matang
Cara membuat bahan saus : campur mayonnaise, susu kental manis dan air jeruk nipis, aduk rata
Penyajiannya : aduk udang yg telah digoreng, campur dengan bahan saus dan taburi dgn wijen yg sudah disangrai
Cara membuat bahan saus : campur mayonnaise, susu kental manis dan air jeruk nipis, aduk rata
Penyajiannya : aduk udang yg telah digoreng, campur dengan bahan saus dan taburi dgn wijen yg sudah disangrai
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sandwich Ayam Nanking Keju
PR VII Ayam Nanking
30 agustus 2008, sabtu,
Tiap hari bingung mikirin menu, yah uda deh bkin aja ayam nanking yg dijadiin PR ini buat menu malam ini. Bahannya ayam dada n udang.. Pertama dibumbuin dulu tuh ayam, trus taroh di kulkas...sorenya baru digoreng. Trus bikin saosnya. Ternyata enak juga saosnya...hehehe...
2 buah daging dada ayam tanpa tulang tanpa kulit
200 g udang kupas, Cincang halus
1 sdt garam
¼ sdt merica bubuk
50 g tepung kanji
2 bt telur
50 g tepung terigu
3 sdm air minyak untuk menggoreng
Saus :
2 siung bawang putih, memarkan
3 sdm minyak goreng, untuk menumis
200 cc kaldu 1 sdm kecap asin
2 sdm kecap manis
3 sdm saus inggris / saos okonomiyaki
1 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt garam
1 sdt tepung kanji, larutkan dengan 1 sdm air
cara membuat
1. dada ayam di iris tipis melebar, taburi sedikit garam dan merica, sisihkan
2. Udang cincang + bawang putih+garam+merica+tepung sagu+1 butir telur aduk rata.
3. udang oleskan pada lembaran daging ayam. bekukan selama 1 jam.
4. aduk jadi satu, tepung terigu+1 butir telur+garam+merica dan sedikit air
5. celup tiap potong daging pada adonan tepung, goreng sampai kuning.
6. potong2 daging yang sudah di goreng, sajikan bersama sausnya.
Saus Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih harum, masukkan kaldu, semua bumbu Aduk hingga rata dan mendidih. masukkan larutan kanji, untuk mengentalkan saus.
Met nyoba deh.....yummyyyy
Tiap hari bingung mikirin menu, yah uda deh bkin aja ayam nanking yg dijadiin PR ini buat menu malam ini. Bahannya ayam dada n udang.. Pertama dibumbuin dulu tuh ayam, trus taroh di kulkas...sorenya baru digoreng. Trus bikin saosnya. Ternyata enak juga saosnya...hehehe...
2 buah daging dada ayam tanpa tulang tanpa kulit
200 g udang kupas, Cincang halus
1 sdt garam
¼ sdt merica bubuk
50 g tepung kanji
2 bt telur
50 g tepung terigu
3 sdm air minyak untuk menggoreng
Saus :
2 siung bawang putih, memarkan
3 sdm minyak goreng, untuk menumis
200 cc kaldu 1 sdm kecap asin
2 sdm kecap manis
3 sdm saus inggris / saos okonomiyaki
1 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt garam
1 sdt tepung kanji, larutkan dengan 1 sdm air
cara membuat
1. dada ayam di iris tipis melebar, taburi sedikit garam dan merica, sisihkan
2. Udang cincang + bawang putih+garam+merica+tepung sagu+1 butir telur aduk rata.
3. udang oleskan pada lembaran daging ayam. bekukan selama 1 jam.
4. aduk jadi satu, tepung terigu+1 butir telur+garam+merica dan sedikit air
5. celup tiap potong daging pada adonan tepung, goreng sampai kuning.
6. potong2 daging yang sudah di goreng, sajikan bersama sausnya.
Saus Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih harum, masukkan kaldu, semua bumbu Aduk hingga rata dan mendidih. masukkan larutan kanji, untuk mengentalkan saus.
Met nyoba deh.....yummyyyy
What a treat ...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Nº 0
Con cariño y amooooooooooooooor....
Y más grandeeeeeee, para que la veas con detalle... ;P
Y sep, tengo más... pero yo no le hago fotos a mis estanterías XDDDDD
Y más grandeeeeeee, para que la veas con detalle... ;P
Y sep, tengo más... pero yo no le hago fotos a mis estanterías XDDDDD
Brinjals... 4 big ones
Onions .... 2
Green chilli .... 1-2
Tomato .... 1 big or 2 small
Ginger-garlic paste ... 1tbsp.
Coriander powder ..... 1tsp.
Cumin Powder ..........1tsp
Turmeric powder ...... 1/2 tsp
Garam masala ......... 1 tsp.
Red chilli powder .... 1/2 tsp.
Coriander leaves
3. Fry the onions till brown. Add the tomato, green chilli and the ginger-garlic paste.cook for a few minutes adding a little water.
4. Now add the brinjal pulp and coriander, cumin and turmeric powders.Add the salt and mix well.Simmer it for 1-2 minutes.
5. In a frying pan heat a tbsp.of ghee or oil,remove from the gas and add the garam masala and the red chilli powder.Mix it with the Baigan bhartha immediately.
Garnish with coriander leaves.
Kimchi Chi Gae
My favourite food has to be a nice kimchi chi gae I love a some really old kimchi in there. Gives it such a nice sour taste .
- 1 cup kimchi, 16 oz pork belly (or any part with fat), thin sliced (uncooked bacon can be used as a substitute)
- 2 green onions, slice in a bias
- 1/2 pack dooboo (tofu)
- 2 kochu (hot green chili), chopped
- 2 tbsp kochujang (Korean chili paste)
- 1 tbsp kochukaru (Korean pepper powder)
- 2 tbsp minced garlic, 1 tsp soy sauce
- 3 cups water, salt, pepper
Pea Guacamole
Pea Guacamole
Frozen or fresh peas,
Chopped Onions,
Yellow bell pepper,
Dash of hot sauce,
Lime Juice,
Coriander Powder,
Cumin Powder
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The place is fabulous. It has a positive ambiance. Its interior is very neat and very stylish. People will have a feeling of being at your home when you are inside the Big Mama’s. I met Beau, Bede’s brother. Like Bede, Beau is also nice and cool person. They were both very accommodating when I was there. I also met Tita Bonnie, the mother of Bede and Beau. I was really mesmerized by the warm welcome they showed me. They prepared for me one of the best sellers in their resto, the Peppered Chicken with Tomato Rice, Thai Bagoong Rice and Orange Tuna Pasta plus Dimsum. I can say without exaggeration that the dishes were all fantastic and superb. I wanted to ask for more and eat more.
She also told me that their menu continuously evolves as she makes ways to find and experiment different recipes. She doesn’t want their food to be commercialized. She wants to make other people happy and satisfied especially the families who dine with them by serving them real tasty and quality food at its best.
We both believe in home-style cooking where everything goes around. We both love to experiment on different dishes. We never follow the recipes of others. We want to make our own. And we both believe cooking is not just cooking to let others eat and taste your food. We both believe that cooking is a special way of showing others that you care for them and love them. Cooking is not just an art for us. It is a passion.
Bede, Thanks for inspiring me to wear my big smile again. And for always telling me that life is beautiful and full of possibilities amidst pain and sufferings. ☺
Along N. Paterno St. San Juan, Metro Manila
Opens Tuesday to Sunday –11am to 9pm
Mie Daging ala meixiang
28 agustus 2008, kamis siang
Pulang kursus mobil, dijemput husband, langsung ke spmket deh...beli macem2, biasa deh belanja makanan..hehehe... Siangnya kepingin banget makan mie ala indo punya...jadi nyempetin bikin deh...bumbunya diracik sendiri....hehe
Bahannya cuman mie, daging giling babi [terserah sesuai keinginan]bwg bombai, minyak wijen, kecap asin, bumbu garam lada, sayur [gw pake toge n sayur ijo direbus].
Cara bikin dagingnya - bwg bombai diiris tipis2 tumis mpe wangi, masukkan daging giling - tumis mpe matang...tambahkan saos osyter, n kecap manis, garam lada secukupnya
Mienya tinggal direbus aja, sajikan di piring bersama daging n sayur, tambahkan minyak wijen, kecap asin, bumbu garam lada.
Hasilnya lumayan lah.... mei juga makan stengah porsi, husband bilang enak...hehehe. Akhirnya bisa bikin juga mie ala indo..puas deh makannya...
Pulang kursus mobil, dijemput husband, langsung ke spmket deh...beli macem2, biasa deh belanja makanan..hehehe... Siangnya kepingin banget makan mie ala indo punya...jadi nyempetin bikin deh...bumbunya diracik sendiri....hehe
Cara bikin dagingnya - bwg bombai diiris tipis2 tumis mpe wangi, masukkan daging giling - tumis mpe matang...tambahkan saos osyter, n kecap manis, garam lada secukupnya
Mienya tinggal direbus aja, sajikan di piring bersama daging n sayur, tambahkan minyak wijen, kecap asin, bumbu garam lada.
Hasilnya lumayan lah.... mei juga makan stengah porsi, husband bilang enak...hehehe. Akhirnya bisa bikin juga mie ala indo..puas deh makannya...
Food Writer’s Diary job service
August 28
Chef Tom Block, who has been catering since March, is looking for a full-time job. He was chef de cuisine at Falai when he left in March, having been promoted from line cook to sous chef and then to chef de cuisine over the course of three years.
Before that he was garde-manger and then tournant at Aquavit. He’s done stages at Nobu in Tokyo and, here in New York, at Washington Park and P*ong.
Oh, he also studied cooking in Bangkok.
Write a comment below or e-mail me at if you’d like to talk to him.
Chef Tom Block, who has been catering since March, is looking for a full-time job. He was chef de cuisine at Falai when he left in March, having been promoted from line cook to sous chef and then to chef de cuisine over the course of three years.
Before that he was garde-manger and then tournant at Aquavit. He’s done stages at Nobu in Tokyo and, here in New York, at Washington Park and P*ong.
Oh, he also studied cooking in Bangkok.
Write a comment below or e-mail me at if you’d like to talk to him.
Trying to be antisocial
August 28
On Tuesday night, as I was finishing up work to go to the carnivorefest that is Josh Ozersky’s annual birthday party, I got a call from a friend who was standing at the host’s station of Thor, where they were under the impression that we were to be dining on Wednesday. I checked my calendar, and they were right and my friend was wrong, so I imagine he wandered off to Katz's or someplace for a quick bite before heading to his neighborhood bar on the Upper East Side.
I went to Josh’s party. I think tomorrow is his last day at Grub Street. He’s going to work for Citysearch, which very reliable sources tell me “made [him] an offer [he] couldn't refuse.” I hope it wasn’t a horse’s head in his bed.
At any rate, Josh used the full force of his influence to get cool chefs to cook delicious meat, and convinced all of the usual suspects to show up (except for Eater’s Ben Leventhal, who was on vacation).
So that was fine, and I certainly wish Josh many happy returns of the day, but, I mean, I see all those people all the time, at all the parties, and I don’t have to get sand in my shoes at Water Taxi Beach, where Josh holds his shindig, to do it. Seamus Mullen’s terrific lamb burgers notwithstanding, I just wasn’t in the mood.
So I didn’t bother to find a replacement date for dinner at Thor and instead went solo, allowing me to be somewhat antisocial and focus on the food of the restaurant’s new chef, Jesi Solomon, whose food you might have eaten at The Stanton Social, not far from Thor, where he was a sous chef.
Jesi’s half Turkish and is originally from Tucson, which he told me when explaining the main dish I ordered, which was spiced rack of lamb on avocado purée with a feta chile relleno, garnished with fresh cilantro.
I also had white bean purée with olive oil and Parmesan, which came out with the bread, and a salad of fried artichoke with Parmesan and toasted coriander vinaigrette.
Coriander, the seed, not the leaf which we Americans usually call cilantro, is enjoying quite the little wave of popularity here in Gotham. Cilantro is, too, but that’s nothing new.
While I was eating my salad, publicist Chris Langley, looking trim and well-tanned from time in Nantucket and Cape Cod — sauntered over to hang out. Jesi sent out a couple of types of flatbread — one with smoked tomato and whipped feta and another with pulled pork — and Chris and I spoke of New England and other things. A friendly-sounding commotion at the bar motivated him to move up front and the server brought out some smoked cheese with figs and balsamic vinegar.
Then I had the lamb and was told by Jesi to have the peanut butter sundae with salted chocolate and caramelized banana.
I ended up having that at the table of Food & Beverage Magazine editor Francine Cohen and her husband Jake, who had asked me to join them. We discussed the state of modern Judaism and other things.
So the attempts at being antisocial didn’t work, but I enjoyed myself anyway.
On Tuesday night, as I was finishing up work to go to the carnivorefest that is Josh Ozersky’s annual birthday party, I got a call from a friend who was standing at the host’s station of Thor, where they were under the impression that we were to be dining on Wednesday. I checked my calendar, and they were right and my friend was wrong, so I imagine he wandered off to Katz's or someplace for a quick bite before heading to his neighborhood bar on the Upper East Side.
I went to Josh’s party. I think tomorrow is his last day at Grub Street. He’s going to work for Citysearch, which very reliable sources tell me “made [him] an offer [he] couldn't refuse.” I hope it wasn’t a horse’s head in his bed.
At any rate, Josh used the full force of his influence to get cool chefs to cook delicious meat, and convinced all of the usual suspects to show up (except for Eater’s Ben Leventhal, who was on vacation).
So that was fine, and I certainly wish Josh many happy returns of the day, but, I mean, I see all those people all the time, at all the parties, and I don’t have to get sand in my shoes at Water Taxi Beach, where Josh holds his shindig, to do it. Seamus Mullen’s terrific lamb burgers notwithstanding, I just wasn’t in the mood.
So I didn’t bother to find a replacement date for dinner at Thor and instead went solo, allowing me to be somewhat antisocial and focus on the food of the restaurant’s new chef, Jesi Solomon, whose food you might have eaten at The Stanton Social, not far from Thor, where he was a sous chef.
Jesi’s half Turkish and is originally from Tucson, which he told me when explaining the main dish I ordered, which was spiced rack of lamb on avocado purée with a feta chile relleno, garnished with fresh cilantro.
I also had white bean purée with olive oil and Parmesan, which came out with the bread, and a salad of fried artichoke with Parmesan and toasted coriander vinaigrette.
Coriander, the seed, not the leaf which we Americans usually call cilantro, is enjoying quite the little wave of popularity here in Gotham. Cilantro is, too, but that’s nothing new.
While I was eating my salad, publicist Chris Langley, looking trim and well-tanned from time in Nantucket and Cape Cod — sauntered over to hang out. Jesi sent out a couple of types of flatbread — one with smoked tomato and whipped feta and another with pulled pork — and Chris and I spoke of New England and other things. A friendly-sounding commotion at the bar motivated him to move up front and the server brought out some smoked cheese with figs and balsamic vinegar.
Then I had the lamb and was told by Jesi to have the peanut butter sundae with salted chocolate and caramelized banana.
I ended up having that at the table of Food & Beverage Magazine editor Francine Cohen and her husband Jake, who had asked me to join them. We discussed the state of modern Judaism and other things.
So the attempts at being antisocial didn’t work, but I enjoyed myself anyway.
Something that made me smile
I was sent this picture last week. It made me smile so I thought I'd share it on here as I am sure there are a few people out there who will appreciate it too.
It's from Married to the Sea.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pancake with ice ceam n chocolate topping
Cakwe UdaNG mAyonaiss3
Hari minggu tgl 24 Agustus, gue bikin Cakwe Udang Mayonaisse
Bahan : 3 buah Cakwe siap pakai,belah dua, lalu potong menjadi 3 bagian150 gr Ayam giling50 gr Udang cincang1 buah MAGGI® Kaldu Blok rasa ayam2 sdm MAGGI® Seasoning25 gr Wortel, cincang halus50 gr Buncis, iris halus50 gr Mayonnaise25 gr Wijen, sangrai untuk taburan.
Bahan : 3 buah Cakwe siap pakai,belah dua, lalu potong menjadi 3 bagian150 gr Ayam giling50 gr Udang cincang1 buah MAGGI® Kaldu Blok rasa ayam2 sdm MAGGI® Seasoning25 gr Wortel, cincang halus50 gr Buncis, iris halus50 gr Mayonnaise25 gr Wijen, sangrai untuk taburan.
Cara membuat :
Campur ayam giling, udang cincang, MAGGI® Kaldu Ayam dan MAGGI® Seasoning, aduk rata. Tambahkan wortel dan buncis (sebelumnya di rebus dulu), aduk rata. Masukan kedalam cakwe hingga rapih.
Susun cakwe diatas loyang lalu panggang hingga matang ± 15 menit dengan suhu 160ºC.
Semprotkan mayonnaise diatasnya dan taburi dengan wijen. Sajikan.
Campur ayam giling, udang cincang, MAGGI® Kaldu Ayam dan MAGGI® Seasoning, aduk rata. Tambahkan wortel dan buncis (sebelumnya di rebus dulu), aduk rata. Masukan kedalam cakwe hingga rapih.
Susun cakwe diatas loyang lalu panggang hingga matang ± 15 menit dengan suhu 160ºC.
Semprotkan mayonnaise diatasnya dan taburi dengan wijen. Sajikan.
Another Irish bar attached to a Hotel. It really felt like home to me . It had the look right down only there was no one in the bar who spoke english . Again it had an good selection of Irish Drinks .
Bushmills was first granted their license to distill 400 years ago this year (2008) and so have released the limited-edition "1608" to mark the anniversary. Distilled with crystal malt—a special malted barley called "crystal" because of its bead-like appearance. Regardless of whether its crystal or diamond cut, this whisky still delivers the exceptional smoothness and sweet toffee-like notes you expect from Bushmills. Creamy and mouthfilling with lots of raspberry and currant fruit, this is a great Irish whisky for the collector. A blend of three different types of whiskey—malt whiskey, grain whiskey, and a third component which is said to be a malt whiskey produced from crystal malt. Brewers and homebrewers will know crystal malt well, being a slightly caramelized version of malted barley. Its rich texture suggests a decent malt content for a blend. Layers of sweetness (honeyed vanilla, rummy molasses, toasted marshmallow) are balanced by toasted nuts, dried fruit, and dark chocolate. Very dynamic and with plenty of grit. Smartly bottled at 46% ABV. Advanced Malt Advocate Magazine rating: 90 Points
Little Irish Bar owned by and American. It was nice but did look like some one had thrown up an irish souvenir shop in there. But the whiskey was great.
Here we had Some of my usual Jameson, Paddy, Powers.
I drank my usual Jameson then the owner gave us a Free Bushmills 1608 and a Green Spot .
Green Spot is a pure pot still Irish whiskey, produced specifically for Mitchell & Son of Dublin, by Irish Distillers at the Midleton Distillery,Cork, Ireland. It is the one of the only remaining bonded Irish whiskeys, and is currently the only brand specifically produced for and sold by an independent wine merchant in Ireland. More here
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