Here's a recipe from my Grandma's closet.
She always made this sweet along with the Gurdani every Diwali. Unlike these days our mothers and grand mothers made every thing at home during festive days. And hard as I try, I can't match her skills in this recipe. It's not as simple as it looks, as the whole trick is about timing and once you know that, (which comes only by experience), you are a master!
Sending this recipe to Bookmarked Recipes-Every Tuesday Event hosted by Aipi (US Masala) and Priya (Mharo Rajasthan Recipes)
Maida (Refined Flour): 500 gms
Dalda (Vanaspati, the hardened one): 500 ml
Sugar: 750gms, made into 1-thread consistency syrup in about 2 cups water
1. Let the syrup cool completely.
2. Heat the vanaspati and add maida into it. Keep stirring briskly for about 20 minutes on sim (in between, increase flame for a few minutes twice), until the consistency becomes thin, and the aroma changes. The colour will also change from white to brownish-cream. (not brown)
Initially, this is how it looks when we add maida to the hot oil.
We keep stirring it.
Keep stirring it. It becomes thinner & of flowing consistency.
Now you remove it from fire to let it cool.
3. Remove from fire and let it cool until luke-warm.
4. Now, add the sugar syrup through a seive to the cooled maida (off the flame), then stir briskly until you can feel the pressure of the thickening of the maida paste.
(Warning: Your arms are going to hurt here. :)) All the bessst!)
We add the sugar syrup & mix it.. (off the flame).
We mix it for a long long time until the mixture thickens & we can see it hardening.
5. As soon as you can feel it becoming really thick, as shown in the photo, transfer onto a greased plate, and shake the plate hard on the platform to even it out. (do not use ladle to smoothen it.This is to retain the gloss)
6. Let it set.
Cut into cubes and... have a blast this Diwali!!
Note: This sweet is made in traditional Sindhi homes. Unfortunatey, the trend is dwindling away because of the ready availability of sweets in the market. But the joy of making and sharing home-made sweets with friends and relative during festivals can not be matched with anything.
Here's wishing all the Food Mazaa readers & fans a Prosperous & Happy Diwali!!
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