it was 19th oct 2009, i arrived setiawngsa safely at almost 11pm from sarawak.
i took my bath, charged my hp(s), and watched TV.
and then suddenly, my hp rang, and PAP - black out.
ta daaa. kak sally + kema + ayie were singing 'happy birthday' and...
here's my 20th bday cake - mr cheeze choc. i love it bby!
awww. terharuuu. last dpt bday cake time f5, from my D12 =]
kma. 'dak tomey' tu awk la. bkn kte woo.
from mama - a set of white gold bracelet + necklace + ring
sampai2 je srwk, trus rush gi open day abah. and then...
blk mandi, solat, trus mama rushing ajak keluar.
rupanya mama belikan bday present trus. uhuuu~
mma pernah ckp nak belikan rantai, skali mama kasi bnyk kowt.
rase bersalah plak. hurmmm... tp skeee sgt mama. thanks.
aqilah appreciate teramat sgt. and ma, u shouldn't pay wish cash.
ape pun thanks maa. mmg aqilah pakai utk mama je =]
from abah - cream / gold '?' handbag. happy 'guess'ing =P
abah bought me this handbag the next day in srwk. it was on18th oct.
he was so sleepy by that time, that he slept in the car right after he gave this.
ahah... mama and i, were cont buying all the stuff at the mall. and. taw x?
1 fact - body shop dkt srwk / sabah is wayyyy cheaper than dkt semenanjung.
so. mmg borong jgklah ape yg perlu. uhuu~ abahhh. thanksss!!!
i just love it soooo much. ta raaa. sayang sampai x berani pakai '-__-
from teh - cik sotonggg comelll!!! XDD
sy ade bnykkk sgt teddy bear. bnyk sgt3. tp x dela sgt. dlm 25++ kot. x ingt.
then yg mmg sy nakkk sgt sbb x de lg - sotong + patrick + kura2 + ladybird.
then dpt sotong comel ni mcm, waaaaaa. sukeeeenye!!! hee. ni pon.
smbil type tgh peluk die. die pon tgh tgk gmbr die sdiri ade dlm blog ni. haha.
awww teh. thank u so muchhh. skeeee. kawaiii~
from mama ngah - '2 letters' purple handbag =P
gleee syg handbag ni n skee tataw nak ckp. haha. gi mane2 pon cam nak bwk je. wahaha.
tp, tkot kang slalu bwk putus ke ape koyak ke ssh jgk. adehhh. erm3...
mama ngah. skee la. mmg skee sgt. trimeee kasihhh. jgn kate aqilah.
kema. kak sally. teh. mama. semuaaa ske tgk handbag ni taw. t hee. thanksss!!!
bday cards - kma + kak sally + ayie + abah + mama.
left ; kma + kak sally + mama + ayie. ahah... thanks bbies.
middle ; from abah. comeelll gleee elephant tu abah! XD
right ; mama. u're always b the most precious person in the world =]
kad mama + abah tuh, siap ade lagu2 lg. haha.
btw. sy kan sentimental skittt. maka. mmg CARDS adalah bnda plg sy skeee
kalau dpt time bday. rase cam, idk. special + precious. thanksss again!
from - sofia + pooja + jesse
seriously cam x sangka korang kasi hadiah taw? waaaa. terharu amat sgt. so sweet.
hee. and thanks guys sbb masakkan bubur kacang hijau tu n ajak dinner.
i had a great time with u guys last thursday. bnyk gelak. lupa jap sume keletihan.
n thanks 4 all the cute lil stuff. owhh... trust me. that i'm so bz, that,
sy x sempat2 pon re-pack hadiah tuh lg. yer,still terbungkus camtu lg. uhuu~
thanks again sweetiesss. really3 appreciated ur kindness. =]
from adilah masham - stripey bag
it was 20th oct, and i've got a replacement class [directing] from 12pm - 6pm.
then i had meeting til 8pm. she gave it to me bout a few mins after i walked into the class.
and kebetulan je baju hari tu cam matching je dgn handbag tuh. t hee.
purple + white + blue + green. i like. thanks masham!!!
from - die x kasi bgtaw die sape. wahaha.
isi dalam die sgtlaaaa best. best best best.
ske ske ske. exclusive. impressive. and, 1 in a million. haha.
btw. million thank uuu. u know i love it so much =]
TU JE hadiah. hee. tamat kesah hadiah.
nak cite ttg semalam. yer. semalam.
jumaat malam sabtu!
since i was really, really, really exhausted with all the class, assignment, meeting, final project and so on, i've been waiting for the whole week utk... utk weekend ini! uhuu. sbb nak berehat sgt3, kalau blh xnak kuar rumah langsung. yer larh, mane taknye, hari2 duduk dkt kolej dr pagi sampai mlm. aiyooo... serious ckp bnyk leteyh ok. tp. mmg x dpt jgkla nak rehat sepenunya since sdare mara dtg, mestilah spend time masa dgn die org jgk kan. hee... but, last night, habis meeting and sampai rumah dlm almost 8pm. balik je, terusss mandi. and, taraaa.
watson's body scrub + st.ives apricot scrub + lifebuoy shower gel + bodyshop seaweed deep cleansing facial wash + elken elysyle shampoo & conditioner [iqah pnye product!!! XD]
tp utk semalam! yess! sy mulakan dgn...
scrub badan sepenuh hati. haha... sental3. pastuh, tambah shampoo.
bilas scrub, then baru bilas shampoo. then conditioner... pastuh. scrub muka!
sambil tu bilas plak conditoner... gosok gigi! pastu baru bilas scrub muka.
lalalala. dah segar dahhh ble kuar dr toilet.
johnson's baby lotion + johnson's baby powder + bodyshop seaweed clarifying toner + bodyshop seaweed night moist + bodyshop seaweed ionic clay mask + nivea deodorant double effect
pastuuu. sy pakaii yg 1st skali deodarant dlu. then lotion from neck to toe, bedak dkt tmpt2 yg cepat dpt ruam ble peluh cam leher, then sental muka pakai mask dluuu... jd cam 'the mask' dah. hahahah. dah lepas 15-20 min pakai mask, bilas and pakai toner + nighr moist. haaa...
da rase bertambah3 segar. whuuuuuuuuuu~
biore pore pack + Lila Vital Cosway eye mask
utk menghilangkannn blackhead + eyebag, makanya merajinkan diri memakai dua bnda nih. 1 dkt hidung, 1 bawah mata. dgn harapan magic akan terjd. tp... kalau jarang2 rajin camni x de guna jgk woo. huuu... best pakai eye mask tuh. sejukkk je. pore pack tuh, sakit woo ble nak tarik. wahahah. seksa jiwa raga. tp syokkk ble tgk blackhead yg berjaya dikeluarkan. *wink wink*
berjayalah sy MEMUASKAN diri sendiri!
dgn MEMANJAKAN diri sendiri! ahah...
ptg td pon baru tman kema gi saloon. die nak buat rambut die fashion ape tah.
skrng die tgh gi ade party majalah EH! - 10th anniversary.
maka. td. sy pun, cuci la rambut je sbb last week baru treatment.
whoaaa. cuz i worth it ;P
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