Thursday, October 1, 2009

dearesttttt friends.

well. i've got a million things to do, but suddenly, u guys, changed my mind. entahlah kan. nak bce blog org lain pun tak tersempat - sempat. kalo sempat bace, x sempat comment. bertmbh - tmbh S-U-C-K-S sbb internet selalu tidak memuaskan hati. wondering, internet org lain yg slow tu,is't as slow as mine? btw. 2morrow class? would b from 9am-9pm. guess so. but, except adela jgk rest utk solat jumaat. kan. hurm.

well. suddenly. i felt like. ok. obviously most of the time, otak sy ni mesti org ingt and dah lali, as otak yg slalu pk bkn2 kan? but u just dont know how hard i tried to think +++ all the time. i did, and i push myself so hard.

utk mrka - mrka yg bergelar kawan.

u might think i'm soo happy. u might think i've changed. u might think that i've totally get over u. well, i'm not. when i said 'ALWAYS', then i really mean = all the time. always care, always love, always miss, always need. no matter how far we're, how hard is life to u or me. but, somehow i guess u didn't see that. i guess u didn't really need me anymore. and yar i know, u're way stronger than me. see, i've told u billions time that i believe in u. btw. i'm sorry if i hurt u and, sorry again, told ya, i'm nowhere near perfect, EVEN when i tried so hard to be better. T_T

somehow aku rase cam aku soranggg je nak jage hati ko. ko kan cam x pernah jage hati aku. entahlah kan. mmg manusie x pernah puas ek? penat la. asyik jage hati org. penat sgt. org bkn jage hati aku sgt. yg jage leklok mmg aku hargai sgt3... yg tak reti nak jage ble aku da jage hati die org mcm kristal, mcm berlian, nape eh. aku penat la salah skit x blh. itu salah ni salah. serba x kene. tahhh camneee la aku leh sentiase puaskan hati ko kan? sdeyh ble pk... aku da try jage hati ko seblh mungkin, tp rupenye ko x happy2 jgk. sdeyh. ko je tak taw. sbb aku seda. ape kekurangan pon, sume dtg dr aku.

ko. ko mmg kesygan ramai. ko mmg perfect, like almost. tp, entah. ramai jgk org kutok ko blakang2 tp aku x kesah n kwn je dgn ko. ble aku try fhmi ko, kwn dgn ko leklok, mesti ade je ko buat aku trase jgk kan. hurm. bnde trase tuh might be simple tp, nak buat camne. still aku rase ko pentingkan diri sendiri sgt3 and then ko buat muke seposen. OMG. aku taw muke tu kelebihan ko. kelebihan ko jgk ramai org syg ko. yess mmg aku jauh langit n bumi dgn ko. tp x pela. nak x nak ko ttp kwn aku.

ko dkt d mate. tp makin jauh d hati. kan? asal... ko yg buang aku. aku ingt lg aku slalu nangis sbb ko dlu. tp... x kesahlah. aku pun da x bape rapat dgn ko. ko pun, aku kire dah 100% happy dgn kwn baek ko tuh. tp, kdng aku sdiri leh nmpk. ko x happy mane pon. ko yg pilih die tnpa skit pon ko kesah perasaan aku. x pela. skrng jd kwn biase pun ok what. aku da redha. and, aku still harap, ape aku korbankan berbaloi utk ko.

and ko, sorryla if ko rase aku da x bape rapat dgn ko. tp aku still teringt kate - kate ko tuh. x kesat tp berkesan dkt hati ni. kalo ko rase aku lain kan... sebenarnye. aku pun nak ckp ko pun dah lain. sbb ape? sbb seorg lelaki jgk. and motifnye, kalo seorg BF blh pengaruh pompuan, blh bygkan lg x bertapa besar jgk pengaruh seorg suami. and, kalo ko rase aku dah lain kan sebenarnye tu tandenye aku dah lepaskan, atas kehendak ko...

sudahlah. sick and tired hearing all these ppl talk about.
what's the deal this havoc life and when it's gonna fade out?
the thing we got to realize. and those things we should change.

ble kwn dgn sume org kan. including mrka yg x disukai ramai.
sy berkwn selagi sy blh berkwn. kdg rase dah muak dgr org lain perli
"tu kan best friend ko"

mudah je lah jwpn sy.
"sape yg baik kwn dgn aku. aku kwn.
sape yg iklas n jujur pun, aku kwn."

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